Higher ACS Modes STR Only #818

meggert merged 38 commits from higher-acs-modes-only-str into dev-7.5.0 2023-12-06 17:15:52 +01:00
3 changed files with 120 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit a45e96b772 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include "AttitudeEstimation.h"
AttitudeEstimation::AttitudeEstimation(AcsParameters *acsParameters_) {
acsParameters = acsParameters_;
AttitudeEstimation::~AttitudeEstimation() {}
void AttitudeEstimation::Quest(const double susB[3], const bool susBvalid, const double susI[3],
meggert marked this conversation as resolved

some subroutines might be a good idea, a lot of if else if else blocks in this function..

some subroutines might be a good idea, a lot of if else if else blocks in this function..
const bool susIvalid, const double mgmB[3], const bool mgmBvalid,
const double mgmI[3], const bool mgmIvalid, double qBI[4]) {
if (susBvalid and susIvalid and mgmBvalid and mgmIvalid) {
// Normalize Data
double normMgmB[3] = {0, 0, 0}, normMgmI[3] = {0, 0, 0}, normSusB[3] = {0, 0, 0},
meggert marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

maybe this block can be put into a subfunction?

maybe this block can be put into a subfunction?
normSusI[3] = {0, 0, 0};
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(mgmB, normMgmB, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(mgmI, normMgmI, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(susB, normSusB, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(susI, normSusI, 3);
// Create Helper Vectors
double normHelperB[3] = {0, 0, 0}, normHelperI[3] = {0, 0, 0}, helperCross[3] = {0, 0, 0},
helperSum[3] = {0, 0, 0};
VectorOperations<double>::cross(normSusB, normMgmB, normHelperB);
VectorOperations<double>::cross(normSusI, normMgmI, normHelperI);
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(normHelperB, normHelperB, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::normalize(normHelperI, normHelperI, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::cross(normHelperB, normHelperI, helperCross);
VectorOperations<double>::add(normHelperB, normHelperI, helperSum, 3);
// Sensor Weights
double kSus = 0, kMgm = 0;
kSus = std::pow(acsParameters->kalmanFilterParameters.sensorNoiseSS, -2);
kMgm = std::pow(acsParameters->kalmanFilterParameters.sensorNoiseMAG, -2);
// Weighted Vectors
double weightedSusB[3] = {0, 0, 0}, weightedMgmB[3] = {0, 0, 0}, kSusVec[3] = {0, 0, 0},
kMgmVec[3] = {0, 0, 0}, kSumVec[3] = {0, 0, 0};
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(normSusB, kSus, weightedSusB, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(normMgmB, kMgm, weightedMgmB, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::cross(weightedSusB, normSusI, kSusVec);
VectorOperations<double>::cross(weightedMgmB, normMgmI, kMgmVec);
VectorOperations<double>::add(kSusVec, kMgmVec, kSumVec, 3);
// Some weird Angles
double alpha = (1 + VectorOperations<double>::dot(normHelperB, normHelperI)) *
(VectorOperations<double>::dot(weightedSusB, normSusI) +
VectorOperations<double>::dot(weightedMgmB, normMgmI)) +
VectorOperations<double>::dot(helperCross, kSumVec);
double beta = VectorOperations<double>::dot(helperSum, kSumVec);
double gamma = std::sqrt(std::pow(alpha, 2) + std::pow(beta, 2));
// I don't even know what this is supposed to be
double constPlus =
meggert marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

imagine me

imagine me
1. / (2 * std::sqrt(gamma * (gamma + alpha) *
(1 + VectorOperations<double>::dot(normHelperB, normHelperI))));
double constMinus =
1. / (2 * std::sqrt(gamma * (gamma - alpha) *
(1 + VectorOperations<double>::dot(normHelperB, normHelperI))));
// Calculate Quaternion
double qRotVecTot[3] = {0, 0, 0}, qRotVecPt0[3] = {0, 0, 0}, qRotVecPt1[3] = {0, 0, 0};
if (alpha >= 0) {
// Scalar Part
qBI[3] = (gamma + alpha) * (1 + VectorOperations<double>::dot(normHelperB, normHelperI));
// Rotational Vector Part
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(helperCross, gamma + alpha, qRotVecPt0, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::add(normHelperB, normHelperI, qRotVecPt1, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(qRotVecPt1, beta, qRotVecPt1, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::add(qRotVecPt0, qRotVecPt1, qRotVecTot, 3);
std::memcpy(qBI, qRotVecTot, sizeof(qRotVecTot));
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(qBI, constPlus, qBI, 3);
QuaternionOperations::normalize(qBI, qBI);
} else {
// Scalar Part
qBI[3] = (beta) * (1 + VectorOperations<double>::dot(normHelperB, normHelperI));
// Rotational Vector Part
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(helperCross, beta, qRotVecPt0, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::add(normHelperB, normHelperI, qRotVecPt1, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(qRotVecPt1, gamma - alpha, qRotVecPt1, 3);
VectorOperations<double>::add(qRotVecPt0, qRotVecPt1, qRotVecTot, 3);
std::memcpy(qBI, qRotVecTot, sizeof(qRotVecTot));
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(qBI, constMinus, qBI, 3);
QuaternionOperations::normalize(qBI, qBI);
} else {
// ToDo: fill dataset and set to invalid

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/QuaternionOperations.h>
#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/VectorOperations.h>
#include <mission/controller/acs/AcsParameters.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
class AttitudeEstimation {
AttitudeEstimation(AcsParameters *acsParameters_);
virtual ~AttitudeEstimation();
void Quest(const double susB[3], const bool susBvalid, const double susI[3], const bool susIvalid,
const double mgmB[3], const bool mgmBvalid, const double mgmI[3], const bool mgmIvalid,
double qBI[4]);
AcsParameters *acsParameters;
void Triad(double susB[3], double susI[3], double mgmB[3], double mgmI[3]);

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ target_sources(
PRIVATE AcsParameters.cpp