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namespace q7s {
static constexpr char SPI_DEFAULT_DEV[] = "/dev/spi_main";
static constexpr uint32_t SPI_MAIN_BUS_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 50;
static constexpr char SPI_RW_DEV[] = "/dev/spi_rw";
//! I2C bus using an I2C IP core in the programmable logic (PL)
static constexpr char I2C_PL_EIVE[] = "/dev/i2c_pl";
//! I2C bus using the I2C peripheral of the ARM processing system (PS)
static constexpr char I2C_PS_EIVE[] = "/dev/i2c_ps";
static constexpr char UART_GNSS_DEV[] = "/dev/gps0";
static constexpr char UART_PLOC_MPSOC_DEV[] = "/dev/ul_plmpsoc";
static constexpr char UART_PLOC_SUPERVSIOR_DEV[] = "/dev/ploc_supv";
static constexpr char UART_SYRLINKS_DEV[] = "/dev/ul_syrlinks";
static constexpr char UART_STAR_TRACKER_DEV[] = "/dev/ul_str";
static constexpr char UART_SCEX_DEV[] = "/dev/scex";
static constexpr char UIO_PDEC_REGISTERS[] = "/dev/uio_pdec_regs";
static constexpr char UIO_PTME[] = "/dev/uio_ptme";
static constexpr char UIO_PDEC_CONFIG_MEMORY[] = "/dev/uio_pdec_cfg_mem";
static constexpr char UIO_PDEC_RAM[] = "/dev/uio_pdec_ram";
static constexpr char UIO_PDEC_IRQ[] = "/dev/uio_pdec_irq";
static constexpr int MAP_ID_PTME_CONFIG = 3;
namespace uiomapids {
// Live TM
static const int PTME_VC0 = 0;
// OK/NOK/MISC Store
static const int PTME_VC1 = 1;
// HK store
static const int PTME_VC2 = 2;
static const int PTME_VC3 = 3;
static const int PTME_CONFIG = 4;
} // namespace uiomapids
namespace gpioNames {
static constexpr char GYRO_0_ADIS_CS[] = "gyro_0_adis_chip_select";
static constexpr char GYRO_1_L3G_CS[] = "gyro_1_l3g_chip_select";
static constexpr char GYRO_2_ADIS_CS[] = "gyro_2_adis_chip_select";
static constexpr char GYRO_3_L3G_CS[] = "gyro_3_l3g_chip_select";
static constexpr char MGM_0_CS[] = "mgm_0_lis3_chip_select";
static constexpr char MGM_1_CS[] = "mgm_1_rm3100_chip_select";
static constexpr char MGM_2_CS[] = "mgm_2_lis3_chip_select";
static constexpr char MGM_3_CS[] = "mgm_3_rm3100_chip_select";
static constexpr char RESET_GNSS_0[] = "reset_gnss_0";
static constexpr char RESET_GNSS_1[] = "reset_gnss_1";
static constexpr char GNSS_0_ENABLE[] = "enable_gnss_0";
static constexpr char GNSS_1_ENABLE[] = "enable_gnss_1";
static constexpr char GYRO_0_ENABLE[] = "enable_gyro_0";
static constexpr char GYRO_2_ENABLE[] = "enable_gyro_2";
static constexpr char GNSS_SELECT[] = "gnss_mux_select";
static constexpr char GNSS_MUX_SELECT[] = "gnss_mux_select";
static constexpr char HEATER_0[] = "heater0";
static constexpr char HEATER_1[] = "heater1";
static constexpr char HEATER_2[] = "heater2";
static constexpr char HEATER_3[] = "heater3";
static constexpr char HEATER_4[] = "heater4";
static constexpr char HEATER_5[] = "heater5";
static constexpr char HEATER_6[] = "heater6";
static constexpr char HEATER_7[] = "heater7";
static constexpr char SA_DPL_PIN_0[] = "sa_dpl_0";
static constexpr char SA_DPL_PIN_1[] = "sa_dpl_1";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_0_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_0";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_1_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_1";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_2_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_2";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_3_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_3";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_4_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_4";
static constexpr char SPI_MUX_BIT_5_PIN[] = "spi_mux_bit_5";
static constexpr char EN_RW_CS[] = "en_rw_cs";
static constexpr char EN_RW_1[] = "enable_rw_1";
static constexpr char EN_RW_2[] = "enable_rw_2";
static constexpr char EN_RW_3[] = "enable_rw_3";
static constexpr char EN_RW_4[] = "enable_rw_4";
static constexpr char RAD_SENSOR_CHIP_SELECT[] = "rad_sensor_chip_select";
static constexpr char ENABLE_RADFET[] = "enable_radfet";
static constexpr char PAPB_BUSY_SIGNAL_VC0[] = "papb_busy_signal_vc0";
static constexpr char PAPB_EMPTY_SIGNAL_VC0[] = "papb_empty_signal_vc0";
static constexpr char PAPB_BUSY_SIGNAL_VC1[] = "papb_busy_signal_vc1";
static constexpr char PAPB_EMPTY_SIGNAL_VC1[] = "papb_empty_signal_vc1";
static constexpr char PAPB_BUSY_SIGNAL_VC2[] = "papb_busy_signal_vc2";
static constexpr char PAPB_EMPTY_SIGNAL_VC2[] = "papb_empty_signal_vc2";
static constexpr char PAPB_BUSY_SIGNAL_VC3[] = "papb_busy_signal_vc3";
static constexpr char PAPB_EMPTY_SIGNAL_VC3[] = "papb_empty_signal_vc3";
static constexpr char PTME_RESETN[] = "ptme_resetn";
static constexpr char RS485_EN_TX_CLOCK[] = "tx_clock_enable_ltc2872";
static constexpr char RS485_EN_TX_DATA[] = "tx_data_enable_ltc2872";
static constexpr char RS485_EN_RX_CLOCK[] = "rx_clock_enable_ltc2872";
static constexpr char RS485_EN_RX_DATA[] = "rx_data_enable_ltc2872";
static constexpr char PDEC_RESET[] = "pdec_reset";
static constexpr char SYRLINKS_FAULT[] = "syrlinks_fault";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_VBAT0[] = "enable_plpcdu_vbat0";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_VBAT1[] = "enable_plpcdu_vbat1";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_DRO[] = "enable_plpcdu_dro";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_X8[] = "enable_plpcdu_x8";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_TX[] = "enable_plpcdu_tx";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_HPA[] = "enable_plpcdu_hpa";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ENABLE_MPA[] = "enable_plpcdu_mpa";
static constexpr char PL_PCDU_ADC_CS[] = "plpcdu_adc_chip_select";
static constexpr char ENABLE_SUPV_UART[] = "enable_supv_uart";
static constexpr char ENABLE_MPSOC_UART[] = "enable_mpsoc_uart";
} // namespace gpioNames
} // namespace q7s