2023-06-23 16:05:38 +02:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "fsfw/timemanager/Clock.h"
uint8_t extractSuffix(const std::string& pathStr) {
std::string numberStr;
// Find the position of the dot at the end of the file path
size_t dotPos = pathStr.find_last_of('.');
if (dotPos != std::string::npos && dotPos < pathStr.length() - 1) {
// Extract the substring after the dot
numberStr = pathStr.substr(dotPos + 1);
int number = std::stoi(numberStr);
if (number < 0 or number > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
return 0;
return static_cast<uint8_t>(number);
TEST_CASE("Stamp in Filename", "[Stamp In Filename]") {
Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod;
std::string baseName = "verif";
std::string pathStr = "verif_2022-05-25T16:55:23Z.bin";
unsigned int underscorePos = pathStr.find_last_of('_');
std::string stampStr = pathStr.substr(underscorePos + 1);
float seconds = 0.0;
char* prefix = nullptr;
int count =
"%4" SCNu32 "-%2" SCNu32 "-%2" SCNu32 "T%2" SCNu32 ":%2" SCNu32 ":%2" SCNu32 "Z",
&tod.year, &tod.month, &tod.day, &tod.hour, &tod.minute, &tod.second);
CHECK(count == 6);
TEST_CASE("Suffix Extraction") {
std::string pathStr = "/mnt/sd0/tm/hk/hk-some-stamp.bin.0";
CHECK(extractSuffix(pathStr) == 0);
pathStr = "/mnt/sd0/tm/hk/hk-some-stamp.bin.2";
CHECK(extractSuffix(pathStr) == 2);