352 lines
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352 lines
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#include <fsfw/timemanager/Countdown.h>
#include <atomic>
#include "OBSWConfig.h"
#include "PdecConfig.h"
#include "eive/definitions.h"
#include "fsfw/action/ActionHelper.h"
#include "fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h"
#include "fsfw/objectmanager/SystemObject.h"
#include "fsfw/parameters/ParameterHelper.h"
#include "fsfw/parameters/ReceivesParameterMessagesIF.h"
#include "fsfw/returnvalues/returnvalue.h"
#include "fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h"
#include "fsfw/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h"
#include "fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h"
#include "fsfw_hal/common/gpio/gpioDefinitions.h"
#include "fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h"
struct UioNames {
const char* configMemory;
const char* ramMemory;
const char* registers;
const char* irq;
* @brief This class controls the PDEC IP Core implemented in the programmable logic of the
* Zynq-7020. All registers and memories of the PDEC IP Core are accessed via UIO
* drivers.
* @details The PDEC IP Core is responsible for processing data received in form of CLTUs from the
* S-Band transceiver. This comprises the BCH decoding of the CLTUs and reconstruction of
* telecommand transfer frames. Finally the PDEC stores the TC segment transported with
* the TC transfer frame in a register. As soon as a new TC has been received a new
* frame acceptance report (FAR) will be generated. If the FAR confirms the validity of
* a received TC segment, the data can be read out from the associated register.
* Currently, the ground software only supports transmissions of CLTUs containing one
* space packet.
* Link to datasheet of PDEC IP Core: https://eive-cloud.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/index.php/
* apps/files/?dir=/EIVE_IRS/Arbeitsdaten/08_Used%20Components/CCSDS_IP_Cores&fileid=1108967
* @author J. Meier
class PdecHandler : public SystemObject,
public ExecutableObjectIF,
public HasActionsIF,
public ReceivesParameterMessagesIF {
static constexpr dur_millis_t IRQ_TIMEOUT_MS = 500;
enum class Modes { POLLED, IRQ };
* @brief Constructor
* @param objectId Object ID of PDEC handler system object
* @param tcDestinationId Object ID of object responsible for processing TCs.
* @param gpioComIF Pointer to GPIO interace responsible for driving GPIOs.
* @param pdecReset GPIO ID of GPIO connected to the reset signal of the PDEC.
* @param uioConfigMemory String of uio device file same mapped to the PDEC memory space
* @param uioregsiters String of uio device file same mapped to the PDEC register space
PdecHandler(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t tcDestinationId, LinuxLibgpioIF* gpioComIF,
gpioId_t pdecReset, UioNames names);
virtual ~PdecHandler();
ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t operationCode = 0);
ReturnValue_t initialize() override;
MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const;
ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy,
const uint8_t* data, size_t size) override;
ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint8_t uniqueIdentifier,
ParameterWrapper* parameterWrapper, const ParameterWrapper* newValues,
uint16_t startAtIndex) override;
static constexpr Modes OP_MODE = Modes::IRQ;
static const uint32_t QUEUE_SIZE = config::CCSDS_HANDLER_QUEUE_SIZE;
#ifdef TE0720_1CFA
static const int CONFIG_MEMORY_MAP_SIZE = 0x400;
static const int RAM_MAP_SIZE = 0x4000;
static const int REGISTER_MAP_SIZE = 0x10000;
static const int CONFIG_MEMORY_MAP_SIZE = 0x400;
static const int RAM_MAP_SIZE = 0x4000;
static const int REGISTER_MAP_SIZE = 0x4000;
#endif /* BOARD_TE0720 == 1 */
static const size_t MAX_TC_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1017;
static const uint8_t MAP_ID_MASK = 0x3F;
#ifdef TE0720_1CFA
static const uint32_t PHYSICAL_RAM_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x32000000;
static const uint32_t PHYSICAL_RAM_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x26000000;
// Expected value stored in FAR register after reset
static const uint32_t FAR_RESET = 0x7FE0;
static const uint32_t TC_SEGMENT_LEN = 1017;
static const uint32_t NO_RF_MASK = 0x8000;
static const uint32_t NO_BITLOCK_MASK = 0x4000;
static const uint32_t MAX_INIT_TRIES = 20;
class ParameterId {
// ID of the parameter to update the positive window of AD frames
static const uint8_t POSITIVE_WINDOW = 0;
// ID of the parameter to update the negative window of AD frames
static const uint8_t NEGATIVE_WINDOW = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t MAX_ALLOWED_IRQS_PER_WINDOW = 800;
enum class IReason_t : uint8_t {
enum class State : uint8_t { INIT, PDEC_RESET, RUNNING, WAIT_FOR_RECOVERY };
static uint32_t CURRENT_FAR;
Countdown genericCheckCd = Countdown(IRQ_TIMEOUT_MS);
object_id_t tcDestinationId;
int irqFd = 0;
AcceptsTelecommandsIF* tcDestination = nullptr;
LinuxLibgpioIF* gpioComIF = nullptr;
uint32_t interruptCounter = 0;
Countdown interruptWindowCd = Countdown(1000);
* Reset signal is required to hold PDEC in reset state until the configuration has been
* written to the appropriate memory space.
* Can also be used to reboot PDEC in case of erros.
gpioId_t pdecReset = gpio::NO_GPIO;
uint32_t tcAbortCounter = 0;
ActionHelper actionHelper;
StorageManagerIF* tcStore = nullptr;
MessageQueueIF* commandQueue = nullptr;
State state = State::INIT;
* Pointer pointing to base address of the PDEC memory space.
* This address is equivalent with the base address of the section named configuration area in
* the PDEC datasheet.
uint32_t* memoryBaseAddress = nullptr;
uint32_t* ramBaseAddress = nullptr;
// Pointer pointing to base address of register space
uint32_t* registerBaseAddress = nullptr;
uint8_t tcSegment[TC_SEGMENT_LEN];
// Used to check carrier and bit lock changes (default set to no rf and no bitlock)
uint32_t lastClcw = 0xC000;
bool carrierLock = false;
bool bitLock = false;
MessageQueueId_t commandedBy = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE;
bool ptmeResetWithReinitializationPending = false;
UioNames uioNames;
ParameterHelper paramHelper;
PdecConfig pdecConfig;
uint32_t initTries = 0;
// scuffed test counter.
uint8_t testCntr = 0;
* @brief Performs initialization stuff which must be performed in first
* loop of running task
* @return OK if successful, otherwise FAILED
ReturnValue_t firstLoop();
* @brief Reads and handles messages stored in the commandQueue
void readCommandQueue(void);
ReturnValue_t polledOperation();
ReturnValue_t irqOperation();
ReturnValue_t handleInitState();
void openIrqFile();
ReturnValue_t checkAndHandleIrqs(uint32_t& info);
uint32_t readFar();
* @brief This functions writes the configuration parameters to the configuration
* section of the PDEC.
void writePdecConfigDuringReset(PdecConfig& config);
* @brief Reading the FAR resets the set stat flag which signals a new TC. Without clearing
* this flag no new TC will be excepted. After start up the flag is set and needs
* to be reset.
* Stat flag 0 - new TC received
* Stat flag 1 - old TC (ready to receive next TC)
ReturnValue_t resetFarStatFlag();
* @brief Releases the PDEC from reset state. PDEC will start with loading the written
* configuration parameters.
ReturnValue_t releasePdec();
* @brief Will set PDEC in reset state. Use releasePdec() to release PDEC
* from reset state
* @return OK if successful, otherwise error return value
ReturnValue_t pdecToReset();
* @brief Reads the FAR register and checks if a new TC has been received.
bool newTcReceived();
* @brief Checks if carrier lock or bit lock has been detected and triggers appropriate
* event.
void doPeriodicWork();
void checkLocks();
void resetIrqLimiters();
* @brief Analyzes the FramAna field (frame analysis data) of a FAR report.
* @return True if frame valid, otherwise false.
bool checkFrameAna(uint32_t pdecFar);
* @brief This function handles the IReason field of the frame analysis report.
* @details In case frame as been declared illegal for multiple reasons, the reason with the
* lowest value will be shown.
void handleIReason(uint32_t pdecFar, ReturnValue_t parameter1);
* @brief Handles the reception of new TCs. Reads the pointer to the storage location of the
* new TC segment, extracts the PUS packet and forwards the data to the object
* responsible for processing the TC.
void handleNewTc();
* @brief Function reads the last received TC segment from the PDEC memory and copies
* the data to the tcSegement array.
* @param tcLength The length of the received TC.
ReturnValue_t readTc(uint32_t& tcLength);
* @brief Prints the tc segment data
void printTC(uint32_t tcLength);
* @brief This function calculates the entry for the configuration of the MAP ID routing.
* @param mapAddr The MAP ID to configure
* @param moduleId The destination module where all TCs with the map id mapAddr will be routed
* to.
* @details The PDEC has different modules where the TCs can be routed to. A lookup table is
* used which links the MAP ID field to the destination module. The entry for this
* lookup table is created by this function and must be stored in the configuration
* memory region of the PDEC. The entry has a specific format
uint8_t calcMapAddrEntry(uint8_t moduleId);
* brief Returns the 32-bit wide communication link control word (CLCW)
uint32_t getClcw();
* @brief Returns the PDEC monitor register content
uint32_t getPdecMon();
* @brief Reads and prints the CLCW. Can be useful for debugging.
void printClcw();
* @brief Prints monitor register information to debug console.
void printPdecMon();
void pdecResetNoInit();
ReturnValue_t postResetOperation();
void initializeReset();
void initFailedHandler(ReturnValue_t reason);
std::string getMonStatusString(uint32_t status);