503 lines
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#include <fsfw/datapool/PoolReadGuard.h>
#include <linux/acs/StrComHandler.h>
#include <mission/acs/str/ArcsecJsonParamBase.h>
#include <mission/acs/str/strHelpers.h>
#include <mission/acs/str/strJsonCommands.h>
#include <thread>
#include "OBSWConfig.h"
#include "devices/powerSwitcherList.h"
#include "fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h"
#include "fsfw/src/fsfw/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h"
#include "fsfw/timemanager/Countdown.h"
extern "C" {
#include <wire/common/SLIP.h>
* @brief This is the device handler for the star tracker from arcsec.
* @details Datasheet: https://eive-cloud.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/EIVE_IRS/
* Arbeitsdaten/08_Used%20Components/ArcSec_KULeuven_Startracker/
* Sagitta%201.0%20Datapack&fileid=659181
* @author J. Meier
class StarTrackerHandler : public DeviceHandlerBase {
* @brief Constructor
* @param objectId
* @param comIF
* @param comCookie
* @param gpioComIF Pointer to gpio communication interface
* @param enablePin GPIO connected to the enable pin of the reaction wheels. Must be pulled
* to high to enable the device.
StarTrackerHandler(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t comIF, CookieIF* comCookie,
const char* jsonFileStr, StrComHandler* strHelper,
power::Switch_t powerSwitch);
virtual ~StarTrackerHandler();
ReturnValue_t initialize() override;
* @brief Overwrite this function from DHB to handle commands executed by the str image
* loader task.
ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy,
const uint8_t* data, size_t size) override;
void performOperationHook() override;
Submode_t getInitialSubmode() override;
void doStartUp() override;
void doShutDown() override;
ReturnValue_t buildNormalDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) override;
ReturnValue_t buildTransitionDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) override;
void fillCommandAndReplyMap() override;
ReturnValue_t buildCommandFromCommand(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, const uint8_t* commandData,
size_t commandDataLen) override;
ReturnValue_t isModeCombinationValid(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode) override;
ReturnValue_t scanForReply(const uint8_t* start, size_t remainingSize, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId,
size_t* foundLen) override;
ReturnValue_t interpretDeviceReply(DeviceCommandId_t id, const uint8_t* packet) override;
void setNormalDatapoolEntriesInvalid() override;
uint32_t getTransitionDelayMs(Mode_t modeFrom, Mode_t modeTo) override;
ReturnValue_t initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool& localDataPoolMap,
LocalDataPoolManager& poolManager) override;
* @brief Overwritten here to always read all available data from theSerialComIF.
virtual size_t getNextReplyLength(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand) override;
virtual ReturnValue_t doSendReadHook() override;
ReturnValue_t getSwitches(const uint8_t** switches, uint8_t* numberOfSwitches) override;
virtual void doTransition(Mode_t modeFrom, Submode_t subModeFrom) override;
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::STR_HANDLER;
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status in temperature reply signals error
static const ReturnValue_t TEMPERATURE_REQ_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA0);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Ping command failed
static const ReturnValue_t PING_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA1);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status in version reply signals error
static const ReturnValue_t VERSION_REQ_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA2);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status in interface reply signals error
static const ReturnValue_t INTERFACE_REQ_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA3);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status in power reply signals error
static const ReturnValue_t POWER_REQ_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA4);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status of reply to parameter set command signals error
static const ReturnValue_t SET_PARAM_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA5);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status of reply to action command signals error
static const ReturnValue_t ACTION_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA6);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received invalid path string. Exceeds allowed length
static const ReturnValue_t FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA7);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Name of file received with command is too long
static const ReturnValue_t FILENAME_TOO_LONG = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA8);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received version reply with invalid program ID
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_PROGRAM = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA9);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Status field reply signals error
static const ReturnValue_t REPLY_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAA);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received command which is too short (some data is missing for proper
//! execution)
static const ReturnValue_t COMMAND_TOO_SHORT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAB);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received command with invalid length (too few or too many parameters)
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_LENGTH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAC);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Region mismatch between send and received data
static const ReturnValue_t REGION_MISMATCH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAD);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Address mismatch between send and received data
static const ReturnValue_t ADDRESS_MISMATCH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAE);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Length field mismatch between send and received data
static const ReturnValue_t lENGTH_MISMATCH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAF);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Specified file does not exist
static const ReturnValue_t FILE_NOT_EXISTS = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB0);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Download blob pixel command has invalid type field
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_TYPE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB1);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received FPGA action command with invalid ID
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_ID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB2);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received reply is too short
static const ReturnValue_t REPLY_TOO_SHORT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB3);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received reply with invalid CRC
static const ReturnValue_t CRC_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB4);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Star tracker handler currently executing a command and using the
//! communication interface
static const ReturnValue_t STR_HELPER_EXECUTING = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB5);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Star tracker is already in firmware mode
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Star tracker must be in firmware mode to run this command
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Star tracker must be in bootloader mode to run this command
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Failed to boot firmware
static const Event BOOTING_FIRMWARE_FAILED_EVENT = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW);
//! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Failed to boot star tracker into bootloader mode
static const Event BOOTING_BOOTLOADER_FAILED_EVENT = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::LOW);
static const size_t MAX_PATH_SIZE = 50;
static const size_t MAX_FILE_NAME = 30;
static const uint8_t STATUS_OFFSET = 2;
static const uint8_t PARAMS_OFFSET = 2;
static const uint8_t TICKS_OFFSET = 3;
static const uint8_t TIME_OFFSET = 7;
static const uint8_t PARAMETER_ID_OFFSET = 1;
static const uint8_t ACTION_ID_OFFSET = 1;
static const uint8_t ACTION_DATA_OFFSET = 3;
// Ping request will reply ping with this ID (data field)
static const uint32_t PING_ID = 0x55;
static const uint32_t BOOT_REGION_ID = 1;
static const MutexIF::TimeoutType TIMEOUT_TYPE = MutexIF::TimeoutType::WAITING;
static const uint32_t MUTEX_TIMEOUT = 20;
static const uint32_t BOOT_TIMEOUT = 1000;
static const uint32_t DEFAULT_TRANSITION_DELAY = 15000;
struct FlashReadCmd {
// Minimum length of a read command (region, length and filename)
static const size_t MIN_LENGTH = 7;
struct ChecksumCmd {
static const uint8_t ADDRESS_OFFSET = 1;
static const uint8_t LENGTH_OFFSET = 5;
// Length of checksum command
static const size_t LENGTH = 9;
uint8_t rememberRegion = 0;
uint32_t rememberAddress = 0;
uint32_t rememberLength = 0;
ChecksumCmd checksumCmd;
MessageQueueIF* eventQueue = nullptr;
startracker::TemperatureSet temperatureSet;
startracker::VersionSet versionSet;
startracker::PowerSet powerSet;
startracker::InterfaceSet interfaceSet;
startracker::TimeSet timeSet;
startracker::SolutionSet solutionSet;
startracker::HistogramSet histogramSet;
startracker::ChecksumSet checksumSet;
startracker::CameraSet cameraSet;
startracker::LimitsSet limitsSet;
startracker::LogLevelSet loglevelSet;
startracker::MountingSet mountingSet;
startracker::ImageProcessorSet imageProcessorSet;
startracker::CentroidingSet centroidingSet;
startracker::LisaSet lisaSet;
startracker::MatchingSet matchingSet;
startracker::TrackingSet trackingSet;
startracker::ValidationSet validationSet;
startracker::AlgoSet algoSet;
startracker::SubscriptionSet subscriptionSet;
startracker::LogSubscriptionSet logSubscriptionSet;
startracker::DebugCameraSet debugCameraSet;
// Pointer to object responsible for uploading and downloading images to/from the star tracker
StrComHandler* strHelper = nullptr;
uint8_t commandBuffer[startracker::MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
// Countdown to insert delay for star tracker to switch from bootloader to firmware program
// Loading firmware requires some time and the command will not trigger a reply when executed
Countdown bootCountdown;
struct JsonConfigs {
Tracking tracking;
LogLevel logLevel;
LogSubscription logSubscription;
DebugCamera debugCamera;
Algo algo;
Validation validation;
Matching matching;
Lisa lisa;
Centroiding centroiding;
Camera camera;
ImageProcessor imageProcessor;
Mounting mounting;
Limits limits;
Subscription subscription;
JsonConfigs jcfgs;
Countdown jcfgCountdown = Countdown(250);
bool commandExecuted = false;
std::thread jsonCfgTask;
static void setUpJsonCfgs(JsonConfigs& cfgs, const char* paramJsonFile);
std::string paramJsonFile;
NormalState normalState = NormalState::TEMPERATURE_REQUEST;
enum class StartupState {
StartupState startupState = StartupState::IDLE;
enum class InternalState {
enum class FwBootState {
FwBootState bootState = FwBootState::NONE;
InternalState internalState = InternalState::IDLE;
bool reinitNextSetParam = false;
bool strHelperHandlingSpecialRequest = false;
const power::Switch_t powerSwitch = power::NO_SWITCH;
* @brief Handles internal state
void handleInternalState();
* @brief Checks mode for commands requiring MODE_ON of MODE_NORMAL for execution.
* @param actionId Action id of command to execute
ReturnValue_t checkMode(ActionId_t actionId);
* @brief This function initializes the serial link ip protocol struct slipInfo.
void slipInit();
ReturnValue_t scanForActionReply(uint8_t replyId, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId);
ReturnValue_t scanForSetParameterReply(uint8_t replyId, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId);
ReturnValue_t scanForGetParameterReply(uint8_t replyId, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId);
ReturnValue_t scanForTmReply(uint8_t replyId, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId);
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to ping the star tracker
void preparePingRequest();
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to request the time telemetry.
void prepareTimeRequest();
* @brief Handles all received event messages
void handleEvent(EventMessage* eventMessage);
* @brief Extracts information for flash-read-command from TC data and starts execution of
* flash-read-procedure
* @param commandData Pointer to received command data
* @param commandDataLen Size of received command data
* @return returnvalue::OK if start of execution was successful, otherwise error return value
ReturnValue_t executeFlashReadCommand(const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen);
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to boot image (works only when star tracker is
* in bootloader mode).
void prepareBootCommand();
* @brief Fills command buffer with command to get the checksum of a flash part
ReturnValue_t prepareChecksumCommand(const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen);
* @brief Fills the command buffer with the command to take an image.
void prepareTakeImageCommand(const uint8_t* commandData);
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to request the version telemetry packet
void prepareVersionRequest();
* @brief Fills the command buffer with data to request the interface telemetry packet.
void prepareInterfaceRequest();
* @brief Fills the command buffer with data to request the power telemetry packet.
void preparePowerRequest();
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to reboot star tracker.
void prepareSwitchToBootloaderCmd();
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to subscribe to a telemetry packet.
* @param tmId The ID of the telemetry packet to subscribe to
void prepareSubscriptionCommand(const uint8_t* tmId);
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to request solution telemtry packet (contains
* attitude information)
void prepareSolutionRequest();
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to request temperature from star tracker
void prepareTemperatureRequest();
* @brief Fills command buffer with data to request histogram
void prepareHistogramRequest();
* @brief Reads parameters from json file specified by string in commandData and
* prepares the command to apply the parameter set to the star tracker
* @param commandData Contains string with file name
* @param commandDataLen Length of command
* @param paramSet The object defining the command generation
* @return returnvalue::OK if successful, otherwise error return Value
ReturnValue_t prepareParamCommand(const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen,
ArcsecJsonParamBase& paramSet, bool reinitSet);
* @brief The following function will fill the command buffer with the command to request
* a parameter set.
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestCameraParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestLimitsParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestLogLevelParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestMountingParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestImageProcessorParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestCentroidingParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestLisaParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestMatchingParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestTrackingParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestValidationParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestAlgoParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestSubscriptionParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestLogSubscriptionParams();
ReturnValue_t prepareRequestDebugCameraParams();
* @brief Handles action replies with datasets.
ReturnValue_t handleActionReplySet(const uint8_t* rawFrame, LocalPoolDataSetBase& dataset,
size_t size);
* @brief Default function to handle action replies
ReturnValue_t handleActionReply(const uint8_t* rawFrame);
* @brief Handles reply to upload centroid command
ReturnValue_t handleUploadCentroidReply();
* @brief Handles reply to checksum command
ReturnValue_t handleChecksumReply(const uint8_t* rawFrame);
* @brief Handles all set parameter replies
ReturnValue_t handleSetParamReply(const uint8_t* rawFrame);
ReturnValue_t handlePingReply(const uint8_t* rawFrame);
ReturnValue_t handleParamRequest(const uint8_t* rawFrame, LocalPoolDataSetBase& dataset,
size_t size);
* @brief Checks the loaded program by means of the version set
ReturnValue_t checkProgram();
* @brief Handles the startup state machine
void handleStartup(uint8_t parameterId);
* @brief Handles telemtry replies and fills the appropriate dataset
* @param dataset Dataset where reply data will be written to
* @param size Size of the dataset
* @return returnvalue::OK if successful, otherwise error return value
ReturnValue_t handleTm(const uint8_t* rawFrame, LocalPoolDataSetBase& dataset, size_t size,
const char* context);
* @brief Checks if star tracker is in valid mode for executing the received command.
* @param actioId Id of received command
* @return returnvalue::OK if star tracker is in valid mode, otherwise error return value
ReturnValue_t checkCommand(ActionId_t actionId);
void doOnTransition(Submode_t subModeFrom);
void doNormalTransition(Mode_t modeFrom, Submode_t subModeFrom);
void bootFirmware(Mode_t toMode);
void bootBootloader();