
170 lines
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#include "OBSWConfig.h"
#include "mission/devices/max1227.h"
#include "mission/memory/NVMParameterBase.h"
#include <fsfw/datapoollocal/StaticLocalDataSet.h>
#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
namespace plpcdu {
using namespace max1227;
enum PlPcduAdcChannels : uint8_t {
U_BAT_DIV_6 = 0,
// According to schematic, will be 2.2158V for Vneg = +0V and 0.2446V for Vneg = -6V
// Full Forumula: V_neg = V_post - (R1 + R2) / R1 * (V_pos - V_out) with R1 being 27.4k
// and R2 being 49.9k. FB = Feedback
U_NEG_V_FB = 1,
I_HPA = 2,
U_HPA_DIV_6 = 3,
I_MPA = 4,
U_MPA_DIV_6 = 5,
I_TX = 6,
U_TX_DIV_6 = 7,
I_X8 = 8,
U_X8_DIV_6 = 9,
I_DRO = 10,
U_DRO_DIV_6 = 11,
enum PlPcduPoolIds : uint32_t { CHANNEL_VEC = 0, PROCESSED_VEC = 1, TEMP = 2 };
static constexpr size_t MAX_ADC_REPLY_SIZE = 64;
static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t READ_CMD = 0;
static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t SETUP_CMD = 1;
static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t READ_TEMP_EXT = 2;
static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t READ_WITH_TEMP_EXT = 3;
static constexpr Submode_t NORMAL_ADC_ONLY = 0;
static constexpr Submode_t NORMAL_ALL_ON = 1;
// 12 ADC values * 2 + trailing zero
static constexpr size_t ADC_REPLY_SIZE = 25;
// Conversion byte + 24 * zero
static constexpr size_t TEMP_REPLY_SIZE = 25;
static constexpr uint8_t SETUP_BYTE =
max1227::buildSetupByte(ClkSel::EXT_CONV_EXT_TIMED, RefSel::INT_REF_NO_WAKEUP, DiffSel::NONE_0);
static constexpr uint32_t ADC_SET_ID = READ_CMD;
static constexpr uint8_t CHANNELS_NUM = 12;
static constexpr uint8_t CHANNEL_N = CHANNELS_NUM - 1;
// Store temperature as well
static constexpr size_t DATASET_ENTRIES = CHANNELS_NUM + 1;
static constexpr uint8_t VOLTAGE_DIV = 6;
// 12-bit ADC: 2 to the power of 12 minus 1
static constexpr uint16_t MAX122X_BIT = 4095;
static constexpr float MAX122X_VREF = 2.5;
static constexpr float GAIN_INA169 = 100.0;
static constexpr float R_SHUNT_HPA = 0.008;
static constexpr float R_SHUNT_MPA = 0.015;
static constexpr float R_SHUNT_TX = 0.05;
static constexpr float R_SHUNT_X8 = 0.015;
static constexpr float R_SHUNT_DRO = 0.022;
static constexpr float V_POS = 3.3;
static constexpr float VOLTAGE_DIV_U_NEG = (49.9 + 27.4) / 27.4;
static constexpr float MAX122X_SCALE = MAX122X_VREF / MAX122X_BIT;
static constexpr float SCALE_VOLTAGE = MAX122X_SCALE * VOLTAGE_DIV;
static constexpr float SCALE_CURRENT_HPA = MAX122X_SCALE / (GAIN_INA169 * R_SHUNT_HPA);
static constexpr float SCALE_CURRENT_MPA = MAX122X_SCALE / (GAIN_INA169 * R_SHUNT_MPA);
static constexpr float SCALE_CURRENT_TX = MAX122X_SCALE / (GAIN_INA169 * R_SHUNT_TX);
static constexpr float SCALE_CURRENT_X8 = MAX122X_SCALE / (GAIN_INA169 * R_SHUNT_X8);
static constexpr float SCALE_CURRENT_DRO = MAX122X_SCALE / (GAIN_INA169 * R_SHUNT_DRO);
// TODO: Make these configurable parameters using a JSON file
// Upper bound of currents in milliamperes [mA]
static constexpr float NEG_V_LOWER_BOUND = -6.0;
static constexpr float NEG_V_UPPER_BOUND = -3.3;
static constexpr float DRO_U_LOWER_BOUND = 5.0;
static constexpr float DRO_U_UPPER_BOUND = 7.0;
static constexpr float DRO_I_UPPER_BOUND = 40.0;
static constexpr float X8_U_LOWER_BOUND = 2.6;
static constexpr float X8_U_UPPER_BOUND = 4.0;
static constexpr float X8_I_UPPER_BOUND = 100.0;
static constexpr float TX_U_LOWER_BOUND = 2.6;
static constexpr float TX_U_UPPER_BOUND = 4.0;
static constexpr float TX_I_UPPER_BOUND = 250.0;
static constexpr float MPA_U_LOWER_BOUND = 2.6;
static constexpr float MPA_U_UPPER_BOUND = 4.0;
static constexpr float MPA_I_UPPER_BOUND = 650.0;
static constexpr float HPA_U_LOWER_BOUND = 9.6;
static constexpr float HPA_U_UPPER_BOUND = 11.0;
static constexpr float HPA_I_UPPER_BOUND = 3000.0;
static constexpr float SSR_TO_DRO_WAIT_TIME = 5.0;
static constexpr float DRO_TO_X8_WAIT_TIME = 905.0;
static constexpr float X8_TO_TX_WAIT_TIME = 5.0;
static constexpr float TX_TO_MPA_WAIT_TIME = 5.0;
static constexpr float MPA_TO_HPA_WAIT_TIME = 5.0;
* The current of the processed values is calculated and stored as a milliamperes [mA].
* The voltages are stored as Volt values.
class PlPcduAdcSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<DATASET_ENTRIES> {
PlPcduAdcSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, ADC_SET_ID) {}
PlPcduAdcSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, ADC_SET_ID)) {}
lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 12> channels = lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 12>(sid.objectId, CHANNEL_VEC, this);
lp_vec_t<float, 12> processed = lp_vec_t<float, 12>(sid.objectId, PROCESSED_VEC, this);
lp_var_t<float> tempC = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, TEMP, this);
class PlPcduParameter : public SystemObject, public NVMParameterBase {
static constexpr char SSR_TO_DRO_WAIT_TIME_K[] = "ssrToDroWait";
static constexpr char DRO_TO_X8_WAIT_TIME_K[] = "droToX8Wait";
static constexpr char X8_TO_TX_WAIT_TIME_K[] = "X8ToTxWait";
static constexpr char TX_TO_MPA_WAIT_TIME_K[] = "txToMpaWait";
static constexpr char MPA_TO_HPA_WAIT_TIME_K[] = "mpaToHpaWait";
PlPcduParameter(object_id_t objectId)
: SystemObject(objectId), NVMParameterBase(""), mountPrefix("") {
// Initialize with default values
ReturnValue_t initialize(std::string mountPrefix) {
setFullName(mountPrefix + "/conf/plpcdu.json");
ReturnValue_t result = readJsonFile();
if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
// File does not exist. Create it. Keys and appropriate init values were
// specified in constructor
sif::info << "Creating PL PCDU JSON file at " << getFullName() << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
std::string mountPrefix;
} // namespace plpcdu