257 lines
9.6 KiB
257 lines
9.6 KiB
#include "CoreController.h"
#include "q7sConfig.h"
#include "fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h"
#include "../memory/scratchApi.h"
#include "../memory/SdCardManager.h"
#include <filesystem>
CoreController::CoreController(object_id_t objectId):
ExtendedControllerBase(objectId, objects::NO_OBJECT, 5) {
ReturnValue_t CoreController::handleCommandMessage(CommandMessage *message) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
void CoreController::performControlOperation() {
ReturnValue_t CoreController::initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool &localDataPoolMap,
LocalDataPoolManager &poolManager) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
LocalPoolDataSetBase* CoreController::getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) {
return nullptr;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::initialize() {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
try {
result = sdCardInit();
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: SD card init failed" << std::endl;
catch(const std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) {
sif::error << "CoreController::initialize: sdCardInit failed with exception " << e.what()
<< std::endl;
result = scratch::writeNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, 0);
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Setting up alloc failure "
"count failed" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::checkModeCommand(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode,
uint32_t *msToReachTheMode) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdCardInit() {
sif::info << "No SD card initialization will be performed" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
SdCardManager* sdcMan = SdCardManager::instance();
if(sdcMan == nullptr) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
// Create update status file
ReturnValue_t result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile();
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Updating SD card state file failed"
<< std::endl;
auto statusPair = SdCardManager::SdStatusPair(sd::SdStatus::OFF, sd::SdStatus::OFF);
result = sdcMan->getSdCardActiveStatus(statusPair);
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
sif::warning << "Getting SD card activity status failed" << std::endl;
return sdCardColdRedundantInit(sdcMan, statusPair);
sif::info << "Hot redundant SD card configuration" << std::endl;
setUpSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0, sdStatus.first, "0");
setUpSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1, sdStatus.second, "1");
// Update status file
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
#endif /* Q7S_SD_CARD_CONFIG != Q7S_SD_NONE */
ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdCardSetup(SdCardManager& sdcMan,
SdCardManager::SdStatusPair& statusPair,sd::SdCard sdCard, sd::SdStatus status,
std::string sdString) {
std::string mountString;
if(sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) {
mountString = SdCardManager::SD_0_MOUNT_POINT;
else {
mountString = SdCardManager::SD_1_MOUNT_POINT;
if(status == sd::SdStatus::OFF) {
sif::info << "Switching on and mounting SD card " << sdString << " at " <<
mountString << std::endl;
return sdcMan.switchOnSdCard(sdCard, true, &statusPair);
else if(status == sd::SdStatus::ON) {
sif::info << "Mounting SD card " << sdString << " at " << mountString << std::endl;
return sdcMan.mountSdCard(sdCard);
else {
if(std::filesystem::exists(mountString)) {
sif::info << "SD card " << sdString << " already on and mounted at " <<
mountString << std::endl;
return SdCardManager::ALREADY_MOUNTED;
sif::error << "SD card mounted but expected mount point " << mountString << " not found!"
<< std::endl;
return SdCardManager::MOUNT_ERROR;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy,
const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
switch(actionId) {
// TODO: Packet definition for clean deserialization
// 2 bytes for a and R flag, at least 5 bytes for minimum valid path /tmp with
// null termination, at least 7 bytes for minimum target file name /tmp/a with
// null termination.
if(size < 14) {
// We could also make -l optional, but I can't think of a reason why to not use -l..
// This flag specifies to run ls with -a
bool aFlag = data[0];
data += 1;
// This flag specifies to run ls with -R
bool RFlag = data[1];
data += 1;
size_t remainingSize = size - 2;
// One larger for null termination, which prevents undefined behaviour if the sent
// strings are not 0 terminated properly
std::vector<uint8_t> repoAndTargetFileBuffer(remainingSize + 1, 0);
std::memcpy(repoAndTargetFileBuffer.data(), data, remainingSize);
const char* currentCharPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(repoAndTargetFileBuffer.data());
// Full target file name
std::string repoName(currentCharPtr);
size_t repoLength = repoName.length();
// The other string needs to be at least one letter plus NULL termination to be valid at all
// The first string also needs to be NULL terminated, but the termination is not included
// in the string length, so this is subtracted from the remaining size as well
if(repoLength > remainingSize - 3) {
// The file length will not include the NULL termination, so we skip it
currentCharPtr += repoLength + 1;
std::string targetFileName(currentCharPtr);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "ls -l";
if(aFlag) {
oss << "a";
if(RFlag) {
oss << "R";
oss << " " << repoName << " > " << targetFileName;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
default: {
return HasActionsIF::INVALID_ACTION_ID;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdCardColdRedundantInit(SdCardManager* sdcMan,
SdCardManager::SdStatusPair& statusPair) {
sd::SdCard preferredSdCard = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
ReturnValue_t result = sdcMan->getPreferredSdCard(preferredSdCard);
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
if(result == scratch::KEY_NOT_FOUND) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::sdCardInit: "
"Preferred SD card not set. Setting to 0" << std::endl;
else {
sif::warning << "CoreController::sdCardInit: Could not get preferred SD card"
"information from the scratch buffer" << std::endl;
std::string preferredString;
sd::SdStatus preferredStatus = sd::SdStatus::OFF;
sd::SdStatus otherStatus = sd::SdStatus::OFF;
std::string otherString;
sd::SdCard otherSdc = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
if(preferredSdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) {
preferredStatus = statusPair.first;
preferredString = "0";
otherSdc = sd::SdCard::SLOT_1;
otherStatus = statusPair.second;
otherString = "1";
else {
preferredString = "1";
preferredStatus = statusPair.second;
otherStatus = statusPair.first;
otherSdc = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
otherString = "0";
sif::info << "Cold redundant SD card configuration, preferred SD card " <<
preferredString << std::endl;
result = sdCardSetup(*sdcMan, statusPair, preferredSdCard, preferredStatus, preferredString);
if(result != SdCardManager::ALREADY_MOUNTED and result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
sif::warning << "Setting up preferred card " << otherString <<
" in cold redundant mode failed" << std::endl;
// Try other SD card and mark set up operation as failed
sdCardSetup(*sdcMan, statusPair, preferredSdCard, preferredStatus, preferredString);
result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED and otherStatus != sd::SdStatus::OFF) {
sif::info << "Switching off secondary SD card " << otherString << std::endl;
// Switch off other SD card in cold redundant mode if setting up preferred one walked
// without issues
result = sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(otherSdc, otherStatus, &statusPair);
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK and result != SdCardManager::ALREADY_OFF) {
sif::warning << "Switching off secondary SD card " << otherString <<
" in cold redundant mode failed" << std::endl;
// Update status file
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t CoreController::incrementAllocationFailureCount() {
uint32_t count = 0;
ReturnValue_t result = scratch::readNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, count);
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return scratch::writeNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, count);