2021-09-22 16:54:55 +02:00

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#include "fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h"
#include "fsfw/serviceinterface/serviceInterfaceDefintions.h"
#include "fsfw/objectmanager/SystemObject.h"
#include "fsfw/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h"
#include "fsfw/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include "fsfw/parameters/ParameterHelper.h"
* @brief This class handles the data exchange with the CCSDS IP cores implemented in the
* programmable logic of the Q7S.
* @author J. Meier
class CCSDSHandler: public SystemObject,
public ExecutableObjectIF,
public AcceptsTelemetryIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF,
public ReceivesParameterMessagesIF {
static const uint32_t LINK_UP_DELAY_MS = 2000; //!< The maximum time it takes to reconfigure the CCSDS Board.
static const uint32_t MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 1024;
static const Submode_t SUBMODE_ACTIVE = 1; //!< Submode where the TM part of the board is on.
static const Submode_t SUBMODE_PASSIVE = 0; //!< Submode where the TM part of the board is off.
static const Event CCSDS_BOARD_RESET_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(0, SEVERITY::LOW); //!> Resetting the communication channel failed. Severity LOW, par1: returnCode, par2: 0
static const Event CCSDS_BOARD_SWITCHED = MAKE_EVENT(1, SEVERITY::INFO); //!> Switched active CCSDS-Board. Par1: objectId of now active board, Par2: objectId of now passive board.
static const ActionId_t SET_DATA_RATE_RATIO = 1;
static const float SENDS_PER_SECOND = 2.5;
static const uint32_t MINIMUM_BYTES_PER_SECOND =
/ (VCGeneration::DEFAULT_IDLE_INTERVAL / 1000)) + 1; //!< +1 to be on the safe side.
static const uint32_t DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SECOND = 1300;
HealthDevice tmPartHealth; //!< A helper device to dedicatetly set the telemetry part to not healthy.
* Main Constructor of the class.
* Initializes all attributes with default values. Sets the frame buffer to zero.
* Creates all TM Virtual Channels (with \c new). Initialization of communication partners
* is done in the #initialize routine.
* @param setObjectId Object identifier of the class.
* @param setSwitchId1 Switch id of the first switch of the board.
* @param setSwitchId2 Switch id of the second switch of the board.
* @param set_channel RMAP channel identifier. This is forwarded to the #boardHandler class.
* @param set_scid Configured SpaceCraft Identifier. Is forwarded to #boardHandler and #dataLinkLayer class.
CCSDSHandler(object_id_t setObjectId, uint8_t setSwitchId1,
uint8_t setSwitchId2, object_id_t setChannel, uint16_t setSCID,
BoardHandler::DataPoolIds setPool);
* The destructor deletes all TM Virtual Channels.
* Main executing method of the CCSDS Board handling.
* The method coordinates reading and writing of buffers and registers on the CCSDS Board
* as well as checking communication states and looking for frames. The state machine is
* executed here as well. To ensure a smooth communication without much delay, the last read
* and write calls are checked in the beginning and new requests as well as the state machine
* are issued in the end.
* @return Always returns #RETURN_OK.
ReturnValue_t performOperation(void);
ReturnValue_t handleMemoryLoad(uint32_t address, const uint8_t* data,
uint32_t size, uint8_t** dataPointer);
ReturnValue_t handleMemoryDump(uint32_t address, uint32_t size,
uint8_t** dataPointer, uint8_t* dumpTarget);
* Initialization routine of the class.
* It initializes connections to the power unit and to the Telemetry store which is set for
* every TM Virtual Channel.
* @return
ReturnValue_t initialize();
MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const;
* @brief Function to add a virtual channel
* @param virtualChannelId ID of the virtual channel to add
* @param virtualChannel Pointer to virtual channel object
* @return RETURN_OK if successful, otherwise RETURN_FAILED
void addVirtualChannel(VcId_t virtualChannelId, VirtualChannel* virtualChannel);
Mode_t getMode() const;
Submode_t getSubmode() const;
void setParentQueue(MessageQueueId_t parentQueueId);
MessageQueueId_t getReportReceptionQueue(uint8_t virtualChannel = 0);
ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint8_t uniqueIdentifier,
ParameterWrapper *parameterWrapper, const ParameterWrapper *newValues,
uint16_t startAtIndex);
MessageQueue commandQueue; //!< Queue to receive control commands.
VCGeneration* virtualChannels[BoardHandler::USED_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS_PER_BOARD];//!< An array of VCGeneration classes which each manage on TM Virtual Channel.
uint32_t rateLimitOverload[BoardHandler::USED_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS_PER_BOARD];//!< Used to smooth data rate in case large packets are sent.
* This method reads the command queue and initializes a state transition if a command of this type was found.
void readCommandQueue(void);
* This method flushes all pending messages in the TM queue by calling the \c flush method of
* all #virtualChannels.
* This is necessary to avoid doubled TM packets if the TM sender issues its messages to both the
* nominal and redundant CCSDS Board.
void flushTmChannels();
* This is a helper method to print the current content of the frame buffers.
void printFrameBuffer(void);
* This is an important method which triggers searching for and handling found frames.
* It first calls the boardHandler method to find a frame in the received data. If a
* well-formed frame was found it calls the #dataLinkLayer class to process the frame
void searchFrame();
* Calls the packet processing routine of each TM Virtual Channel.
* This triggers reception of incoming packets from the OBSW and forwarding to the CCSDS Board.
* There are different sending strategies for forwarding the packets to the board.
* @return Returns #RETURN_OK or the status of the failed virtual channel method.
ReturnValue_t packetProcessing(void);
* With this method the successful forwarding of Telemetry to the TM Virtual Channels is checked.
* The method calls the check routine of each virtual channel.
* @return Returns #RETURN_OK or the status of the failed virtual channel method.
ReturnValue_t packetProcessingCheck(void);
ReturnValue_t checkModeCommand(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode,
uint32_t *msToReachTheMode);
void startTransition(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode);
void getMode(Mode_t *mode, Submode_t *submode);
void setToExternalControl();
void announceMode(bool recursive);
using VcId_t = uint8_t;
using VirtualChannelMap = std::unordered_map<VcId_t, VcInterfaceIF*>;
using VirtualChannelMapIter = VirtualChannelMap::iterator;
VirtualChannelMap virtualChannelMap;
void handleTelemetry();
void handleTelecommands();
#endif /* CCSDSHANDLER_H_ */