meier/plocSupervisor #11

muellerr merged 10 commits from meier/plocSupervisor into develop 2021-08-02 12:59:04 +02:00
2 changed files with 16 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 1b1f26ac3a - Show all commits

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@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class EiveHookObject(TmTcHookBase):
"29": ("PLOC Supervisor: Select NVM", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"30": ("PLOC Supervisor: Run auto EM tests", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"31": ("PLOC Supervisor: MRAM Wipe", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"32": ("PLOC Supervisor: MRAM Dump", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
service_ploc_supv_tuple = ("PLOC Supervisor", op_code_dict_srv_ploc_supv)
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ class EiveHookObject(TmTcHookBase):
from tmtccmd.config.com_if import create_communication_interface_default
return create_communication_interface_default(
com_if_key=com_if_key, tmtc_printer=tmtc_printer,
json_cfg_path=self.get_json_config_file_path(), space_packet_id=0x0865
meierj marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

the space_packet_id is necessary for TCP to work

the space_packet_id is necessary for TCP to work
def perform_mode_operation(self, tmtc_backend: TmTcHandler, mode: int):

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@ -227,6 +227,11 @@ def pack_ploc_supv_test_into(object_id: bytearray, tc_queue: TcQueueT, op_code:
command = pack_mram_wipe_cmd(object_id)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=46, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "32":
tc_queue.appendleft((QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Dump MRAM"))
command = pack_mram_dump_cmd(object_id)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=47, app_data=command)
return tc_queue
@ -450,4 +455,13 @@ def pack_mram_wipe_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
command = object_id + struct.pack('!I', SupvActionIds.WIPE_MRAM)
command = command + struct.pack('!I', start)
command = command + struct.pack('!I', stop)
return command
def pack_mram_dump_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
start = int(input("Start address: 0x"), 16)
stop = int(input("Stop address: 0x"), 16)
command = bytearray()
command = object_id + struct.pack('!I', SupvActionIds.DUMP_MRAM)
command = command + struct.pack('!I', start)
command = command + struct.pack('!I', stop)
return command