test script #294

muellerr merged 2 commits from bestest-script into main 2024-04-17 16:19:25 +02:00
15 changed files with 115 additions and 69 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c8292f4ee1 - Show all commits

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@ -10,9 +10,22 @@ list yields a list of all related PRs for each release.
# [unreleased]
# [v6.2.0] 2024-04-10
## Added
- Added version set for STR
- Added version set for STR.
- Command for relative timeshift.
- Health commands for payload components.
## Fixed
- EPS power commands working again.
- GNSS commands working again.
## Changed
- Fixed PLOC commanding
# [v6.1.1] 2024-03-06

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@details Template configuration file. Copy this folder to the TMTC commander root and adapt
it to your needs.
import enum
from tmtccmd import CcsdsTmtcBackend

View File

@ -75,9 +75,12 @@ Event ID (dec); Event ID (hex); Name; Severity; Description; File Path
7902;0x1ede;BIT_LOCK;INFO;A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7903;0x1edf;BIT_LOCK_LOST;INFO;A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7905;0x1ee1;FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED;LOW;The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
8900;0x22c4;CLOCK_SET;INFO;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8901;0x22c5;CLOCK_DUMP;INFO;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8902;0x22c6;CLOCK_SET_FAILURE;LOW;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8900;0x22c4;CLOCK_SET;INFO;Clock has been set. P1: old timeval seconds. P2: new timeval seconds.;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8901;0x22c5;CLOCK_DUMP_LEGACY;INFO;Clock dump event. P1: timeval seconds P2: timeval milliseconds.;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8902;0x22c6;CLOCK_SET_FAILURE;LOW;Clock could not be set. P1: Returncode.;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8903;0x22c7;CLOCK_DUMP;INFO;Clock dump event. P1: timeval seconds P2: timeval microseconds.;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8904;0x22c8;CLOCK_DUMP_BEFORE_SETTING_TIME;INFO;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
8905;0x22c9;CLOCK_DUMP_AFTER_SETTING_TIME;INFO;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
9100;0x238c;TC_DELETION_FAILED;MEDIUM;Deletion of a TC from the map failed. P1: First 32 bit of request ID, P2. Last 32 bit of Request ID;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service11TelecommandScheduling.h
9700;0x25e4;TEST;INFO;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service17Test.h
10600;0x2968;CHANGE_OF_SETUP_PARAMETER;LOW;No description;fsfw/src/fsfw_hal/devicehandlers/MgmLIS3MDLHandler.h
@ -233,8 +236,9 @@ Event ID (dec); Event ID (hex); Name; Severity; Description; File Path
12902;0x3266;POWER_STATE_MACHINE_TIMEOUT;MEDIUM;No description;mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h
12903;0x3267;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h
13000;0x32c8;CHILDREN_LOST_MODE;MEDIUM;No description;mission/system/tcs/TcsBoardAssembly.h
13100;0x332c;GPS_FIX_CHANGE;INFO;Fix has changed. P1: Old fix. P2: New fix 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix;mission/acs/archive/GPSDefinitions.h
13101;0x332d;CANT_GET_FIX;LOW;Could not get fix in maximum allowed time. P1: Maximum allowed time to get a fix after the GPS was switched on.;mission/acs/archive/GPSDefinitions.h
13100;0x332c;GPS_FIX_CHANGE;INFO;Fix has changed. P1: New fix. P2: Missed fix changes 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix;linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
13101;0x332d;CANT_GET_FIX;MEDIUM;Could not get fix in maximum allowed time. Trying to reset both GNSS devices. P1: Maximum allowed time to get a fix after the GPS was switched on.;linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
13102;0x332e;RESET_FAIL;HIGH;Failed to reset an GNNS Device. P1: Board-Side.;linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
13200;0x3390;P60_BOOT_COUNT;INFO;P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count;mission/power/P60DockHandler.h
13201;0x3391;BATT_MODE;INFO;Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode;mission/power/P60DockHandler.h
13202;0x3392;BATT_MODE_CHANGED;MEDIUM;Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode;mission/power/P60DockHandler.h

1 Event ID (dec) Event ID (hex) Name Severity Description File Path
75 7902 0x1ede BIT_LOCK INFO A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
76 7903 0x1edf BIT_LOCK_LOST INFO A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
77 7905 0x1ee1 FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED LOW The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
78 8900 0x22c4 CLOCK_SET INFO Clock has been set. P1: old timeval seconds. P2: new timeval seconds. fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
79 8901 0x22c5 CLOCK_DUMP_LEGACY INFO Clock dump event. P1: timeval seconds P2: timeval milliseconds. fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
80 8902 0x22c6 CLOCK_SET_FAILURE LOW Clock could not be set. P1: Returncode. fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
81 8903 0x22c7 CLOCK_DUMP INFO Clock dump event. P1: timeval seconds P2: timeval microseconds. fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
82 8904 0x22c8 CLOCK_DUMP_BEFORE_SETTING_TIME INFO No description fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
83 8905 0x22c9 CLOCK_DUMP_AFTER_SETTING_TIME INFO No description fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h
84 8903 9100 0x22c7 0x238c CLOCK_DUMP TC_DELETION_FAILED INFO MEDIUM Clock dump event. P1: timeval seconds P2: timeval microseconds. Deletion of a TC from the map failed. P1: First 32 bit of request ID, P2. Last 32 bit of Request ID fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service11TelecommandScheduling.h
85 8904 9700 0x22c8 0x25e4 CLOCK_DUMP_BEFORE_SETTING_TIME TEST INFO No description fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service17Test.h
86 8905 10600 0x22c9 0x2968 CLOCK_DUMP_AFTER_SETTING_TIME CHANGE_OF_SETUP_PARAMETER INFO LOW No description fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h fsfw/src/fsfw_hal/devicehandlers/MgmLIS3MDLHandler.h
236 12804 12902 0x3204 0x3266 DIRECT_TRANSITION_TO_DUAL_OTHER_GPS_FAULTY POWER_STATE_MACHINE_TIMEOUT MEDIUM This is triggered when the assembly would have normally switched the board side, but the GPS device of the other side was marked faulty. P1: Current submode. No description mission/system/acs/AcsBoardAssembly.h mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h
237 12900 12903 0x3264 0x3267 TRANSITION_OTHER_SIDE_FAILED SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED HIGH LOW No description Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h
238 12901 13000 0x3265 0x32c8 NOT_ENOUGH_DEVICES_DUAL_MODE CHILDREN_LOST_MODE HIGH MEDIUM No description mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h mission/system/tcs/TcsBoardAssembly.h
239 12902 13100 0x3266 0x332c POWER_STATE_MACHINE_TIMEOUT GPS_FIX_CHANGE MEDIUM INFO No description Fix has changed. P1: New fix. P2: Missed fix changes 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
240 12903 13101 0x3267 0x332d SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED CANT_GET_FIX LOW MEDIUM Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination Could not get fix in maximum allowed time. Trying to reset both GNSS devices. P1: Maximum allowed time to get a fix after the GPS was switched on. mission/system/acs/SusAssembly.h linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
241 13102 0x332e RESET_FAIL HIGH Failed to reset an GNNS Device. P1: Board-Side. linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h
242 13000 13200 0x32c8 0x3390 CHILDREN_LOST_MODE P60_BOOT_COUNT MEDIUM INFO No description P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count mission/system/tcs/TcsBoardAssembly.h mission/power/P60DockHandler.h
243 13100 13201 0x332c 0x3391 GPS_FIX_CHANGE BATT_MODE INFO Fix has changed. P1: New fix. P2: Missed fix changes 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h mission/power/P60DockHandler.h
244 13101 13202 0x332d 0x3392 CANT_GET_FIX BATT_MODE_CHANGED MEDIUM Could not get fix in maximum allowed time. Trying to reset both GNSS devices. P1: Maximum allowed time to get a fix after the GPS was switched on. Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode linux/acs/GPSDefinitions.h mission/power/P60DockHandler.h

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@details Template configuration file. Copy this folder to the TMTC commander root and adapt
it to your needs.
import logging
import os.path
from typing import Dict

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
from tmtccmd.config import TmtcDefinitionWrapper, OpCodeEntry, CoreServiceList
from tmtccmd.config.tmtc import (
from tmtccmd.config.globals import get_default_tmtc_defs
def get_eive_service_op_code_dict() -> TmtcDefinitionWrapper:
"""Call all registered TMTC definition providers. They were registered using
the :py:func:`tmtc_definitions_provider` decorator.
def_wrapper = get_default_tmtc_defs()
srv_5 = OpCodeEntry()
srv_5.add("0", "Event Test")
info="PUS Service 5 Event",
return def_wrapper

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"""Hook function which packs telecommands based on service and operation code string
import logging
from typing import List, cast
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ from eive_tmtc.tmtc.com.subsystem import build_com_subsystem_procedure
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.com.syrlinks_handler import pack_syrlinks_command
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.core import pack_core_commands
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.health import build_health_cmds
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.payload.subsystem import create_payload_subsystem_cmd
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.payload.ploc_mpsoc import pack_ploc_mpsoc_commands
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.payload.ploc_supervisor import pack_ploc_supv_commands
from eive_tmtc.tmtc.payload.plpcdu import pack_pl_pcdu_commands
@ -116,9 +118,9 @@ def handle_pus_procedure(
def handle_eps_procedure(queue_helper: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_path_list: List[str]):
obj_id_man = get_object_ids()
if len(cmd_path_list) == 1:
return pack_power_commands(queue_helper, cmd_path_list[0])
assert len(cmd_path_list) >= 2
assert len(cmd_path_list) >= 1
if cmd_path_list[0] == "power":
return pack_power_commands(queue_helper, cmd_path_list[1])
if cmd_path_list[0] == "pwr_ctrl":
return pack_power_ctrl_command(queue_helper, cmd_path_list[1])
if cmd_path_list[0] == "p60_dock":
@ -251,7 +253,8 @@ def handle_payload_procedure(
queue_helper: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_path_list: List[str]
obj_id_man = get_object_ids()
assert len(cmd_path_list) >= 2
if cmd_path_list[0] == "subsystem":
return create_payload_subsystem_cmd(queue_helper, cmd_path_list[1])
if cmd_path_list[0] == "ploc_mpsoc":
return pack_ploc_mpsoc_commands(queue_helper, cmd_path_list[1])
if cmd_path_list[0] == "ploc_supv":
@ -263,7 +266,6 @@ def handle_payload_procedure(
object_id=object_id, q=queue_helper, cmd_str=cmd_path_list[1]
if cmd_path_list[0] == "pl_pcdu":
assert len(cmd_path_list) >= 3
return pack_pl_pcdu_commands(q=queue_helper, cmd_str=cmd_path_list[1])
if cmd_path_list[0] == "scex":
return pack_scex_cmds(

View File

@ -122,12 +122,18 @@ def handle_event_packet( # noqa C901: Complexity okay here
new_time_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(new_time, datetime.timezone.utc)
pw.dlog(f"Old time (UTC): {old_time_dt}")
pw.dlog(f"New time (UTC): {new_time_dt}")
if info.name == "CLOCK_DUMP":
if info.name == "CLOCK_DUMP_LEGACY":
specific_handler = True
# param 1 is timeval seconds, param 2 is timeval subsecond milliseconds
time = event_def.param1 + event_def.param2 / 1000.0
time_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time, datetime.timezone.utc)
pw.dlog(f"Current time: {time_dt}")
if info.name == "CLOCK_DUMP":
specific_handler = True
# param 1 is timeval seconds, param 2 is timeval subsecond microseconds
time = event_def.param1 + event_def.param2 / 1000000.0
time_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time, datetime.timezone.utc)
pw.dlog(f"Current time: {time_dt}")
if info.name == "ACTIVE_SD_INFO":
sd_0_state = (event_def.param2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF
sd_1_state = event_def.param2 & 0xFFFF

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"""HK Handling for EIVE OBSW"""
import dataclasses
import logging
import base64 # noqa

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"""Core EIVE TM handler module
import logging
import sqlite3
import uuid

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@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ import enum
import logging
import struct
from eive_tmtc.config.definitions import CustomServiceList
from eive_tmtc.pus_tm.defs import PrintWrapper
from tmtccmd.config import CmdTreeNode, TmtcDefinitionWrapper, OpCodeEntry
from tmtccmd.config.tmtc import tmtc_definitions_provider
from tmtccmd.config import CmdTreeNode
from tmtccmd.pus.s200_fsfw_mode import create_mode_command, Mode
from tmtccmd.tmtc import DefaultPusQueueHelper
from tmtccmd.pus.tc.s3_fsfw_hk import (
@ -15,6 +13,7 @@ from tmtccmd.pus.tc.s3_fsfw_hk import (
from tmtccmd.pus.tc.s8_fsfw_action import create_action_cmd
from tmtccmd.fsfw.tmtc_printer import FsfwTmTcPrinter
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -24,6 +23,11 @@ class GpsInfo:
class GnssChip(enum.IntEnum):
A_SIDE = 0
B_SIDE = 1
class OpCode:
OFF = "off"
ON = "on"
@ -59,36 +63,25 @@ def create_gnss_node() -> CmdTreeNode:
info_strs = [getattr(Info, key) for key in dir(OpCode) if not key.startswith("__")]
combined_dict = dict(zip(op_code_strs, info_strs))
node = CmdTreeNode("gnss", "GNSS device", hide_children_for_print=True)
node = CmdTreeNode("gnss_devs", "GNSS Controller", hide_children_for_print=True)
for op_code, info in combined_dict.items():
node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(op_code, info))
return node
def add_gps_cmds(defs: TmtcDefinitionWrapper):
oce = OpCodeEntry()
oce.add(keys=OpCode.OFF, info=Info.OFF)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.ON, info=Info.ON)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.RESET_GNSS, info=Info.RESET_GNSS)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.REQ_CORE_HK, info=Info.REQ_CORE_HK)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.ENABLE_CORE_HK, info=Info.ENABLE_CORE_HK)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.DISABLE_CORE_HK, info=Info.DISABLE_CORE_HK)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.REQ_SKYVIEW_HK, info=Info.REQ_SKYVIEW_HK)
oce.add(keys=OpCode.ENABLE_SKYVIEW_HK, info=Info.ENABLE_SKYVIEW_HK)
info="GPS/GNSS Controller",
def pack_gps_command( # noqa: C901
object_id: bytes, q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str
): # noqa: C901:
if cmd_str == OpCode.RESET_GNSS:
# TODO: This needs to be re-implemented
for val in GnssChip:
print("{:<2}: {:<20}".format(val, val.name))
chip: str = ""
while chip not in ["0", "1"]:
chip = input("Please specify which chip to reset: ")
q.add_log_cmd(f"gps: {Info.DISABLE_CORE_HK}")
create_action_cmd(object_id=object_id, action_id=5, user_data=chip.encode())
_LOGGER.warning("Reset pin handling needs to be re-implemented")
if cmd_str == OpCode.ENABLE_CORE_HK:
interval = float(input("Please specify interval in floating point seconds: "))

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from eive_tmtc.config.object_ids import (
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DICT = {
0: "acs",
1: "tcs",
2: "com",
3: "payload",
@ -59,6 +62,11 @@ TCS_OBJ_DICT = {
0: ("Payload MPSoC", PLOC_MPSOC_ID),
1: ("Payload Supervisor", PLOC_SUPV_ID),
def get_obj_if_from_dict(lut: dict) -> bytes:
for k, v in lut.items():
@ -81,6 +89,8 @@ def prompt_object() -> bytes:
return get_obj_if_from_dict(ACS_OBJ_DICT)
elif subsystem == "tcs":
return get_obj_if_from_dict(TCS_OBJ_DICT)
elif subsystem == "payload":
return get_obj_if_from_dict(PAYLOAD_OBJ_DICT)
print(f"No object for subsystem {subsystem}")
return bytes()

View File

@ -21,20 +21,27 @@ class ModeId(enum.IntEnum):
class OpCode(str, enum.Enum):
OFF = "off"
REPORT_ALL_MODES = "report_modes"
MPSOC_STREAM = "mode_mpsoc_stream"
CAM_STREAM = "mode_cam_stream"
EARTH_OBSV = "mode_eart_obsv"
class Info(str, enum.Enum):
OFF = "Off Command"
REPORT_ALL_MODES = "Report all modes"
MPSOC_STREAM = "MPSoC Stream Mode"
CAM_STREAM = "Camera Stream Mode"
EARTH_OBSV = "Earth Observation Mode"
HANDLER_LIST: Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]] = {
OpCode.OFF: (ModeId.OFF, Info.OFF),
def build_acs_subsystem_cmd(q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str):
info_prefix = "ACS Subsystem"
def create_payload_subsystem_cmd(q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str):
info_prefix = "Payload Subsystem"
if cmd_str == OpCode.REPORT_ALL_MODES:
q.add_log_cmd(f"{info_prefix}: {Info.REPORT_ALL_MODES}")
@ -45,19 +52,28 @@ def build_acs_subsystem_cmd(q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str):
mode_info_tup = HANDLER_LIST.get(cmd_str)
assert mode_info_tup is not None
if mode_info_tup is None:
info=f"{info_prefix}: {mode_info_tup[1]}",
def create_payload_subsystem_node() -> CmdTreeNode:
payload_node = CmdTreeNode("payload", "Payload Subsystem")
payload_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.OFF, Info.OFF))
payload_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.REPORT_ALL_MODES, Info.REPORT_ALL_MODES))
subsystem_node = CmdTreeNode("subsystem", "Subsystem Commands")
subsystem_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.OFF, Info.OFF))
subsystem_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.MPSOC_STREAM, Info.MPSOC_STREAM))
subsystem_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.EARTH_OBSV, Info.EARTH_OBSV))
subsystem_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(OpCode.CAM_STREAM, Info.CAM_STREAM))
return payload_node

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ CTN = CmdTreeNode
def create_heater_node() -> CmdTreeNode:
node = CmdTreeNode("heater", "Heater Device", hide_children_which_are_leaves=True)
node = CmdTreeNode("heaters", "Heater Device", hide_children_which_are_leaves=True)
node.add_child(CTN(OpCode.HEATER_CMD, Info.HEATER_CMD))
node.add_child(CTN(OpCode.HEATER_EXT_CTRL, Info.HEATER_EXT_CTRL))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import enum
import struct
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import datetime
from spacepackets.ecss import PusTelecommand, PusService
@ -8,28 +9,34 @@ from tmtccmd.tmtc import DefaultPusQueueHelper
from tmtccmd.config import CmdTreeNode
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Subservice(enum.IntEnum):
SET_TIME = 128
class CmdStr:
SET_CURRENT_TIME = "set_curr_time"
RELATIVE_TIMESHIFT = "relative_timeshift"
DUMP_TIME = "dump_time"
class Info:
SET_CURRENT_TIME = "Setting current time in ASCII format"
RELATIVE_TIMESHIFT = "Shift time with a relative offset"
DUMP_TIME = "Dump system time as event"
def pack_time_management_cmd(q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str):
if cmd_str == CmdStr.SET_CURRENT_TIME:
current_time = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z" + "\0"
current_time_ascii = current_time.encode("ascii")
f"Current time in ASCII format: {current_time_ascii}"
current_time = (
datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat() + "Z" + "\0"
current_time_ascii = current_time.encode("ascii")
_LOGGER.info(f"Current time in ASCII format: {current_time_ascii}")
@ -38,6 +45,17 @@ def pack_time_management_cmd(q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, cmd_str: str):
elif cmd_str == CmdStr.RELATIVE_TIMESHIFT:
nanos = int(input("Specify relative timeshift in nanoseconds: "))
nanos_packed = struct.pack("!q", nanos)
elif cmd_str == CmdStr.DUMP_TIME:
@ -51,4 +69,5 @@ def create_time_node() -> CmdTreeNode:
time_node = CmdTreeNode("time", "Time Management")
time_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(CmdStr.SET_CURRENT_TIME, "Set current time"))
time_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(CmdStr.DUMP_TIME, "Dumpy current time"))
time_node.add_child(CmdTreeNode(CmdStr.RELATIVE_TIMESHIFT, Info.RELATIVE_TIMESHIFT))
return time_node

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "eive-tmtc"
description = "TMTC Commander EIVE"
readme = "README.md"
version = "6.1.1"
version = "6.2.0"
requires-python = ">=3.10"
license = {text = "Apache-2.0"}
authors = [