tmtc improvements #62

muellerr merged 14 commits from meier/ploc into develop 2022-05-02 12:36:33 +02:00
7 changed files with 780 additions and 789 deletions

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2808;0x0af8;INVALID_DEVICE_COMMAND;LOW;Indicates a SW bug in child class.;fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h
7900;0x1edc;RF_AVAILABLE;INFO;A RF available signal was detected. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7901;0x1edd;RF_LOST;INFO;A previously found RF available signal was lost. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7902;0x1ede;BIT_LOCK;INFO;A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7903;0x1edf;BIT_LOCK_LOST;INFO;A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
7905;0x1ee1;FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED;LOW;The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC;fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h
11300;0x2c24;SWITCH_CMD_SENT;INFO;Indicates that a FSFW object requested setting a switch P1: 1 if on was requested, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h
11301;0x2c25;SWITCH_HAS_CHANGED;INFO;Indicated that a swithc state has changed P1: New switch state, 1 for on, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h
11601;0x2d51;MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC crc failure in telemetry packet;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11602;0x2d52;ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive acknowledgment failure report P1: Command Id which leads the acknowledgment failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11603;0x2d53;EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive execution failure report P1: Command Id which leads the execution failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11604;0x2d54;MPSOC_HANDLER_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC reply has invalid crc;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11605;0x2d55;MPSOC_HANDLER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Packet sequence count in received space packet does not match expected count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11606;0x2d56;MPSOC_SHUTDOWN_FAILED;HIGH;Supervisor fails to shutdown MPSoC. Requires to power off the PLOC and thus also to shutdown the supervisor.;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11701;0x2db5;SELF_TEST_I2C_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns I2C failure P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11702;0x2db6;SELF_TEST_SPI_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns SPI failure. This concerns the MTM connectivity. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11703;0x2db7;SELF_TEST_ADC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure in measurement of current and temperature. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11704;0x2db8;SELF_TEST_PWM_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns PWM failure which concerns the coil actuation. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11705;0x2db9;SELF_TEST_TC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns TC failure (system failure) P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11706;0x2dba;SELF_TEST_MTM_RANGE_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure that MTM values were outside of the expected range. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11707;0x2dbb;SELF_TEST_COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure indicating that the coil current was outside of the expected range P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11708;0x2dbc;INVALID_ERROR_BYTE;LOW;Received invalid error byte. This indicates an error of the communication link between IMTQ and OBC.;mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h
11801;0x2e19;ERROR_STATE;HIGH;Reaction wheel signals an error state;mission/devices/RwHandler.h
11901;0x2e7d;BOOTING_FIRMWARE_FAILED;LOW;Failed to boot firmware;linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h
11902;0x2e7e;BOOTING_BOOTLOADER_FAILED;LOW;Failed to boot star tracker into bootloader mode;linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h
12001;0x2ee1;SUPV_MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC supervisor crc failure in telemetry packet;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12002;0x2ee2;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC supervisor received acknowledgment failure report;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12003;0x2ee3;SUPV_EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC received execution failure report;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12004;0x2ee4;SUPV_CRC_FAILURE_EVENT;LOW;PLOC supervisor reply has invalid crc;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12005;0x2ee5;SUPV_HELPER_EXECUTING;LOW;Supervisor helper currently executing a command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12300;0x300c;SEND_MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Failed to send mram dump command to supervisor handler P1: Return value of commandAction function P2: Start address of MRAM to dump with this command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h
12301;0x300d;MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Received completion failure report form PLOC supervisor handler P1: MRAM start address of failing dump command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h
12302;0x300e;MRAM_DUMP_FINISHED;LOW;MRAM dump finished successfully;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h
12402;0x3072;INVALID_FAR;HIGH;Read invalid FAR from PDEC after startup;linux/obc/PdecHandler.h
12403;0x3073;CARRIER_LOCK;INFO;Carrier lock detected;linux/obc/PdecHandler.h
12404;0x3074;BIT_LOCK_PDEC;INFO;Bit lock detected (data valid);linux/obc/PdecHandler.h
12500;0x30d4;IMAGE_UPLOAD_FAILED;LOW;Image upload failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12501;0x30d5;IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED;LOW;Image download failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12502;0x30d6;IMAGE_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Uploading image to star tracker was successfulop;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12503;0x30d7;IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Image download was successful;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12504;0x30d8;FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Finished flash write procedure successfully;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12505;0x30d9;FLASH_READ_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Finished flash read procedure successfully;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12506;0x30da;FLASH_READ_FAILED;LOW;Flash read procedure failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12507;0x30db;FIRMWARE_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Firmware update was successful;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12508;0x30dc;FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FAILED;LOW;Firmware update failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12509;0x30dd;STR_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Failed to read communication interface reply data P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12510;0x30de;STR_HELPER_COM_ERROR;LOW;Unexpected stop of decoding sequence P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12511;0x30df;STR_HELPER_NO_REPLY;LOW;Star tracker did not send replies (maybe device is powered off) P1: Position of upload or download packet for which no reply was sent;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12512;0x30e0;STR_HELPER_DEC_ERROR;LOW;Error during decoding of received reply occurred P1: Return value of decoding function P2: Position of upload/download packet, or address of flash write/read request;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12513;0x30e1;POSITION_MISMATCH;LOW;Position mismatch P1: The expected position and thus the position for which the image upload/download failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12514;0x30e2;STR_HELPER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS;LOW;Specified file does not exist P1: Internal state of str helper;linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h
12600;0x3138;MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_FAILED;LOW;Flash write fails;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12601;0x3139;MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Flash write successful;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12603;0x313b;MPSOC_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12604;0x313c;MPSOC_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12605;0x313d;MPSOC_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgment report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12606;0x313e;MPSOC_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12607;0x313f;MPSOC_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12608;0x3140;MPSOC_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received execution failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12609;0x3141;MPSOC_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12610;0x3142;MPSOC_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12611;0x3143;MPSOC_HELPER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Received sequence count does not match expected sequence count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12700;0x319c;TRANSITION_BACK_TO_OFF;MEDIUM;Could not transition properly and went back to ALL OFF;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12701;0x319d;NEG_V_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12702;0x319e;U_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12703;0x319f;I_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12704;0x31a0;U_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12705;0x31a1;I_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12706;0x31a2;U_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12707;0x31a3;I_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12708;0x31a4;U_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12709;0x31a5;I_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12710;0x31a6;U_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12711;0x31a7;I_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h
12803;0x3203;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission/system/AcsBoardAssembly.h
12903;0x3267;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission/system/SusAssembly.h
13100;0x332c;GPS_FIX_CHANGE;INFO;Fix has changed. P1: Old fix. P2: New fix 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/GPSDefinitions.h
13200;0x3390;P60_BOOT_COUNT;INFO;P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13201;0x3391;BATT_MODE;INFO;Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13202;0x3392;BATT_MODE_CHANGED;MEDIUM;Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13600;0x3520;SUPV_UPDATE_FAILED;LOW;update failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13601;0x3521;SUPV_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;update successful;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13602;0x3522;TERMINATED_UPDATE_PROCEDURE;LOW;Terminated update procedure by command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13603;0x3523;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Requesting event buffer was successful;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13604;0x3524;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_FAILED;LOW;Requesting event buffer failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13605;0x3525;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_TERMINATED;LOW;Terminated event buffer request by command P1: Number of packets read before process was terminated;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13607;0x3527;SUPV_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13608;0x3528;SUPV_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13609;0x3529;SUPV_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgement report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13610;0x352a;SUPV_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Supervisor did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13611;0x352b;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Supervisor received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13612;0x352c;SUPV_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Supervisor received execution failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13613;0x352d;SUPV_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13614;0x352e;SUPV_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor helper expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13615;0x352f;ACK_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive acknowledgment report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the acknowledgment report failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
13616;0x3530;EXE_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive execution report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the execution report failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h
2808;0x0af8;INVALID_DEVICE_COMMAND;LOW;Indicates a SW bug in child class.;fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
7900;0x1edc;RF_AVAILABLE;INFO;A RF available signal was detected. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0;fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
7901;0x1edd;RF_LOST;INFO;A previously found RF available signal was lost. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0;fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
7902;0x1ede;BIT_LOCK;INFO;A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
7903;0x1edf;BIT_LOCK_LOST;INFO;A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0;fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
7905;0x1ee1;FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED;LOW;The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC;fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
11300;0x2c24;SWITCH_CMD_SENT;INFO;Indicates that a FSFW object requested setting a switch P1: 1 if on was requested, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission\devices\devicedefinitions\powerDefinitions.h
11301;0x2c25;SWITCH_HAS_CHANGED;INFO;Indicated that a swithc state has changed P1: New switch state, 1 for on, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission\devices\devicedefinitions\powerDefinitions.h
11601;0x2d51;MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC crc failure in telemetry packet;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11602;0x2d52;ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive acknowledgment failure report P1: Command Id which leads the acknowledgment failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11603;0x2d53;EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive execution failure report P1: Command Id which leads the execution failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11604;0x2d54;MPSOC_HANDLER_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC reply has invalid crc;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11605;0x2d55;MPSOC_HANDLER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Packet sequence count in received space packet does not match expected count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11606;0x2d56;MPSOC_SHUTDOWN_FAILED;HIGH;Supervisor fails to shutdown MPSoC. Requires to power off the PLOC and thus also to shutdown the supervisor.;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11701;0x2db5;SELF_TEST_I2C_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns I2C failure P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11702;0x2db6;SELF_TEST_SPI_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns SPI failure. This concerns the MTM connectivity. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11703;0x2db7;SELF_TEST_ADC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure in measurement of current and temperature. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11704;0x2db8;SELF_TEST_PWM_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns PWM failure which concerns the coil actuation. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11705;0x2db9;SELF_TEST_TC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns TC failure (system failure) P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11706;0x2dba;SELF_TEST_MTM_RANGE_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure that MTM values were outside of the expected range. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11707;0x2dbb;SELF_TEST_COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure indicating that the coil current was outside of the expected range P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11708;0x2dbc;INVALID_ERROR_BYTE;LOW;Received invalid error byte. This indicates an error of the communication link between IMTQ and OBC.;mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
11801;0x2e19;ERROR_STATE;HIGH;Reaction wheel signals an error state;mission\devices\RwHandler.h
11901;0x2e7d;BOOTING_FIRMWARE_FAILED;LOW;Failed to boot firmware;linux\devices\startracker\StarTrackerHandler.h
11902;0x2e7e;BOOTING_BOOTLOADER_FAILED;LOW;Failed to boot star tracker into bootloader mode;linux\devices\startracker\StarTrackerHandler.h
12001;0x2ee1;SUPV_MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC supervisor crc failure in telemetry packet;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12002;0x2ee2;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC supervisor received acknowledgment failure report;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12003;0x2ee3;SUPV_EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC received execution failure report;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12004;0x2ee4;SUPV_CRC_FAILURE_EVENT;LOW;PLOC supervisor reply has invalid crc;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12005;0x2ee5;SUPV_MPSOC_SHUWDOWN_BUILD_FAILED;LOW;Failed to build the command to shutdown the MPSoC;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12300;0x300c;SEND_MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Failed to send mram dump command to supervisor handler P1: Return value of commandAction function P2: Start address of MRAM to dump with this command;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
12301;0x300d;MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Received completion failure report form PLOC supervisor handler P1: MRAM start address of failing dump command;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
12302;0x300e;MRAM_DUMP_FINISHED;LOW;MRAM dump finished successfully;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
12402;0x3072;INVALID_FAR;HIGH;Read invalid FAR from PDEC after startup;linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
12403;0x3073;CARRIER_LOCK;INFO;Carrier lock detected;linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
12404;0x3074;BIT_LOCK_PDEC;INFO;Bit lock detected (data valid);linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
12500;0x30d4;IMAGE_UPLOAD_FAILED;LOW;Image upload failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12501;0x30d5;IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED;LOW;Image download failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12502;0x30d6;IMAGE_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Uploading image to star tracker was successfulop;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12503;0x30d7;IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Image download was successful;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12504;0x30d8;FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Finished flash write procedure successfully;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12505;0x30d9;FLASH_READ_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Finished flash read procedure successfully;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12506;0x30da;FLASH_READ_FAILED;LOW;Flash read procedure failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12507;0x30db;FIRMWARE_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Firmware update was successful;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12508;0x30dc;FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FAILED;LOW;Firmware update failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12509;0x30dd;STR_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Failed to read communication interface reply data P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12510;0x30de;STR_HELPER_COM_ERROR;LOW;Unexpected stop of decoding sequence P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12511;0x30df;STR_HELPER_NO_REPLY;LOW;Star tracker did not send replies (maybe device is powered off) P1: Position of upload or download packet for which no reply was sent;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12512;0x30e0;STR_HELPER_DEC_ERROR;LOW;Error during decoding of received reply occurred P1: Return value of decoding function P2: Position of upload/download packet, or address of flash write/read request;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12513;0x30e1;POSITION_MISMATCH;LOW;Position mismatch P1: The expected position and thus the position for which the image upload/download failed;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12514;0x30e2;STR_HELPER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS;LOW;Specified file does not exist P1: Internal state of str helper;linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
12600;0x3138;MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_FAILED;LOW;Flash write fails;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12601;0x3139;MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Flash write successful;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12603;0x313b;MPSOC_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12604;0x313c;MPSOC_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12605;0x313d;MPSOC_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgment report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12606;0x313e;MPSOC_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12607;0x313f;MPSOC_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12608;0x3140;MPSOC_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received execution failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12609;0x3141;MPSOC_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12610;0x3142;MPSOC_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12611;0x3143;MPSOC_HELPER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Received sequence count does not match expected sequence count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12700;0x319c;TRANSITION_BACK_TO_OFF;MEDIUM;Could not transition properly and went back to ALL OFF;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12701;0x319d;NEG_V_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12702;0x319e;U_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12703;0x319f;I_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12704;0x31a0;U_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12705;0x31a1;I_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12706;0x31a2;U_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12707;0x31a3;I_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12708;0x31a4;U_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12709;0x31a5;I_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12710;0x31a6;U_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12711;0x31a7;I_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;MEDIUM;P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value;mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
12803;0x3203;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission\system\AcsBoardAssembly.h
12903;0x3267;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission\system\SusAssembly.h
13100;0x332c;GPS_FIX_CHANGE;INFO;Fix has changed. P1: Old fix. P2: New fix 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix;mission\devices\devicedefinitions\GPSDefinitions.h
13200;0x3390;P60_BOOT_COUNT;INFO;P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count;mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
13201;0x3391;BATT_MODE;INFO;Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode;mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
13202;0x3392;BATT_MODE_CHANGED;MEDIUM;Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode;mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
13600;0x3520;SUPV_UPDATE_FAILED;LOW;update failed;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13601;0x3521;SUPV_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;update successful;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13602;0x3522;TERMINATED_UPDATE_PROCEDURE;LOW;Terminated update procedure by command;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13603;0x3523;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL;LOW;Requesting event buffer was successful;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13604;0x3524;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_FAILED;LOW;Requesting event buffer failed;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13605;0x3525;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_TERMINATED;LOW;Terminated event buffer request by command P1: Number of packets read before process was terminated;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13607;0x3527;SUPV_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13608;0x3528;SUPV_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13609;0x3529;SUPV_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgement report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13610;0x352a;SUPV_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Supervisor did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13611;0x352b;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Supervisor received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13612;0x352c;SUPV_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Execution report failure P1:;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13613;0x352d;SUPV_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13614;0x352e;SUPV_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor helper expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13615;0x352f;ACK_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive acknowledgment report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the acknowledgment report failed;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13616;0x3530;EXE_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive execution report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the execution report failed;linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
13701;0x3585;REBOOT_SW;MEDIUM; Software reboot occurred. Can also be a systemd reboot. P1: Current Chip, P2: Current Copy;bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h
13702;0x3586;REBOOT_MECHANISM_TRIGGERED;MEDIUM;The reboot mechanism was triggered. P1: First 16 bits: Last Chip, Last 16 bits: Last Copy, P2: Each byte is the respective reboot count for the slots;bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h

1 2200 0x0898 STORE_SEND_WRITE_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
2 2201 0x0899 STORE_WRITE_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
3 2202 0x089a STORE_SEND_READ_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
4 2203 0x089b STORE_READ_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
5 2204 0x089c UNEXPECTED_MSG LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
6 2205 0x089d STORING_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
7 2206 0x089e TM_DUMP_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
8 2207 0x089f STORE_INIT_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
9 2208 0x08a0 STORE_INIT_EMPTY INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
10 2209 0x08a1 STORE_CONTENT_CORRUPTED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
11 2210 0x08a2 STORE_INITIALIZE INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
12 2211 0x08a3 INIT_DONE INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
13 2212 0x08a4 DUMP_FINISHED INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
14 2213 0x08a5 DELETION_FINISHED INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
15 2214 0x08a6 DELETION_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
16 2215 0x08a7 AUTO_CATALOGS_SENDING_FAILED INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\tmstorage\TmStoreBackendIF.h
17 2600 0x0a28 GET_DATA_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\storagemanager\StorageManagerIF.h
18 2601 0x0a29 STORE_DATA_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\storagemanager\StorageManagerIF.h
19 2800 0x0af0 DEVICE_BUILDING_COMMAND_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
20 2801 0x0af1 DEVICE_SENDING_COMMAND_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
21 2802 0x0af2 DEVICE_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
22 2803 0x0af3 DEVICE_READING_REPLY_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
23 2804 0x0af4 DEVICE_INTERPRETING_REPLY_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
24 2805 0x0af5 DEVICE_MISSED_REPLY LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
25 2806 0x0af6 DEVICE_UNKNOWN_REPLY LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
26 2807 0x0af7 DEVICE_UNREQUESTED_REPLY LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
27 2808 0x0af8 INVALID_DEVICE_COMMAND LOW Indicates a SW bug in child class. fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
28 2809 0x0af9 MONITORING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
29 2810 0x0afa MONITORING_AMBIGUOUS HIGH fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
30 2811 0x0afb DEVICE_WANTS_HARD_REBOOT HIGH fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\devicehandlers\DeviceHandlerIF.h
31 4201 0x1069 FUSE_CURRENT_HIGH LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/power/Fuse.h fsfw\src\fsfw\power\Fuse.h
32 4202 0x106a FUSE_WENT_OFF LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/power/Fuse.h fsfw\src\fsfw\power\Fuse.h
33 4204 0x106c POWER_ABOVE_HIGH_LIMIT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/power/Fuse.h fsfw\src\fsfw\power\Fuse.h
34 4205 0x106d POWER_BELOW_LOW_LIMIT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/power/Fuse.h fsfw\src\fsfw\power\Fuse.h
35 4300 0x10cc SWITCH_WENT_OFF LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\power\PowerSwitchIF.h
36 5000 0x1388 HEATER_ON INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/Heater.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\Heater.h
37 5001 0x1389 HEATER_OFF INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/Heater.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\Heater.h
38 5002 0x138a HEATER_TIMEOUT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/Heater.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\Heater.h
39 5003 0x138b HEATER_STAYED_ON LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/Heater.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\Heater.h
40 5004 0x138c HEATER_STAYED_OFF LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/Heater.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\Heater.h
41 5200 0x1450 TEMP_SENSOR_HIGH LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/AbstractTemperatureSensor.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\AbstractTemperatureSensor.h
42 5201 0x1451 TEMP_SENSOR_LOW LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/AbstractTemperatureSensor.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\AbstractTemperatureSensor.h
43 5202 0x1452 TEMP_SENSOR_GRADIENT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/AbstractTemperatureSensor.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\AbstractTemperatureSensor.h
44 5901 0x170d COMPONENT_TEMP_LOW LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\ThermalComponentIF.h
45 5902 0x170e COMPONENT_TEMP_HIGH LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\ThermalComponentIF.h
46 5903 0x170f COMPONENT_TEMP_OOL_LOW LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\ThermalComponentIF.h
47 5904 0x1710 COMPONENT_TEMP_OOL_HIGH LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\ThermalComponentIF.h
48 5905 0x1711 TEMP_NOT_IN_OP_RANGE LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\thermal\ThermalComponentIF.h
49 7101 0x1bbd FDIR_CHANGED_STATE INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/FailureIsolationBase.h fsfw\src\fsfw\fdir\FailureIsolationBase.h
50 7102 0x1bbe FDIR_STARTS_RECOVERY MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/FailureIsolationBase.h fsfw\src\fsfw\fdir\FailureIsolationBase.h
51 7103 0x1bbf FDIR_TURNS_OFF_DEVICE MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/FailureIsolationBase.h fsfw\src\fsfw\fdir\FailureIsolationBase.h
52 7201 0x1c21 MONITOR_CHANGED_STATE LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\monitoring\MonitoringIF.h
53 7202 0x1c22 VALUE_BELOW_LOW_LIMIT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\monitoring\MonitoringIF.h
54 7203 0x1c23 VALUE_ABOVE_HIGH_LIMIT LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\monitoring\MonitoringIF.h
55 7204 0x1c24 VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\monitoring\MonitoringIF.h
56 7400 0x1ce8 CHANGING_MODE INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
57 7401 0x1ce9 MODE_INFO INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
58 7402 0x1cea FALLBACK_FAILED HIGH fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
59 7403 0x1ceb MODE_TRANSITION_FAILED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
60 7404 0x1cec CANT_KEEP_MODE HIGH fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
61 7405 0x1ced OBJECT_IN_INVALID_MODE LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
62 7406 0x1cee FORCING_MODE MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
63 7407 0x1cef MODE_CMD_REJECTED LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\modes\HasModesIF.h
64 7506 0x1d52 HEALTH_INFO INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
65 7507 0x1d53 CHILD_CHANGED_HEALTH INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
66 7508 0x1d54 CHILD_PROBLEMS LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
67 7509 0x1d55 OVERWRITING_HEALTH LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
68 7510 0x1d56 TRYING_RECOVERY MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
69 7511 0x1d57 RECOVERY_STEP MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
70 7512 0x1d58 RECOVERY_DONE MEDIUM fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h fsfw\src\fsfw\health\HasHealthIF.h
71 7900 0x1edc RF_AVAILABLE INFO A RF available signal was detected. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
72 7901 0x1edd RF_LOST INFO A previously found RF available signal was lost. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
73 7902 0x1ede BIT_LOCK INFO A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
74 7903 0x1edf BIT_LOCK_LOST INFO A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0 fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
75 7905 0x1ee1 FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED LOW The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/DataLinkLayer.h fsfw\src\fsfw\datalinklayer\DataLinkLayer.h
76 8900 0x22c4 CLOCK_SET INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h fsfw\src\fsfw\pus\Service9TimeManagement.h
77 8901 0x22c5 CLOCK_SET_FAILURE LOW fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service9TimeManagement.h fsfw\src\fsfw\pus\Service9TimeManagement.h
78 9700 0x25e4 TEST INFO fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service17Test.h fsfw\src\fsfw\pus\Service17Test.h
79 10600 0x2968 CHANGE_OF_SETUP_PARAMETER LOW fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/devicehandlers/MgmLIS3MDLHandler.h fsfw\hal\src\fsfw_hal\devicehandlers\MgmLIS3MDLHandler.h
80 11300 0x2c24 SWITCH_CMD_SENT INFO Indicates that a FSFW object requested setting a switch P1: 1 if on was requested, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h mission\devices\devicedefinitions\powerDefinitions.h
81 11301 0x2c25 SWITCH_HAS_CHANGED INFO Indicated that a swithc state has changed P1: New switch state, 1 for on, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h mission\devices\devicedefinitions\powerDefinitions.h
82 11302 0x2c26 SWITCHING_Q7S_DENIED MEDIUM mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h mission\devices\devicedefinitions\powerDefinitions.h
83 11400 0x2c88 GPIO_PULL_HIGH_FAILED LOW mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h mission\devices\HeaterHandler.h
84 11401 0x2c89 GPIO_PULL_LOW_FAILED LOW mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h mission\devices\HeaterHandler.h
85 11402 0x2c8a SWITCH_ALREADY_ON LOW mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h mission\devices\HeaterHandler.h
86 11403 0x2c8b SWITCH_ALREADY_OFF LOW mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h mission\devices\HeaterHandler.h
87 11404 0x2c8c MAIN_SWITCH_TIMEOUT LOW mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h mission\devices\HeaterHandler.h
88 11500 0x2cec MAIN_SWITCH_ON_TIMEOUT LOW mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h mission\devices\SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h
89 11501 0x2ced MAIN_SWITCH_OFF_TIMEOUT LOW mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h mission\devices\SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h
90 11502 0x2cee DEPLOYMENT_FAILED HIGH mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h mission\devices\SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h
91 11503 0x2cef DEPL_SA1_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED HIGH mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h mission\devices\SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h
92 11504 0x2cf0 DEPL_SA2_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED HIGH mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h mission\devices\SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h
93 11601 0x2d51 MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE LOW PLOC crc failure in telemetry packet linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
94 11602 0x2d52 ACK_FAILURE LOW PLOC receive acknowledgment failure report P1: Command Id which leads the acknowledgment failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
95 11603 0x2d53 EXE_FAILURE LOW PLOC receive execution failure report P1: Command Id which leads the execution failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
96 11604 0x2d54 MPSOC_HANDLER_CRC_FAILURE LOW PLOC reply has invalid crc linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
97 11605 0x2d55 MPSOC_HANDLER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH LOW Packet sequence count in received space packet does not match expected count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
98 11606 0x2d56 MPSOC_SHUTDOWN_FAILED HIGH Supervisor fails to shutdown MPSoC. Requires to power off the PLOC and thus also to shutdown the supervisor. linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHandler.h
99 11701 0x2db5 SELF_TEST_I2C_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns I2C failure P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
100 11702 0x2db6 SELF_TEST_SPI_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns SPI failure. This concerns the MTM connectivity. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
101 11703 0x2db7 SELF_TEST_ADC_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns failure in measurement of current and temperature. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
102 11704 0x2db8 SELF_TEST_PWM_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns PWM failure which concerns the coil actuation. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
103 11705 0x2db9 SELF_TEST_TC_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns TC failure (system failure) P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
104 11706 0x2dba SELF_TEST_MTM_RANGE_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns failure that MTM values were outside of the expected range. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
105 11707 0x2dbb SELF_TEST_COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE LOW Get self test result returns failure indicating that the coil current was outside of the expected range P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
106 11708 0x2dbc INVALID_ERROR_BYTE LOW Received invalid error byte. This indicates an error of the communication link between IMTQ and OBC. mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h mission\devices\IMTQHandler.h
107 11801 0x2e19 ERROR_STATE HIGH Reaction wheel signals an error state mission/devices/RwHandler.h mission\devices\RwHandler.h
108 11901 0x2e7d BOOTING_FIRMWARE_FAILED LOW Failed to boot firmware linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h linux\devices\startracker\StarTrackerHandler.h
109 11902 0x2e7e BOOTING_BOOTLOADER_FAILED LOW Failed to boot star tracker into bootloader mode linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h linux\devices\startracker\StarTrackerHandler.h
110 12001 0x2ee1 SUPV_MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE LOW PLOC supervisor crc failure in telemetry packet linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
111 12002 0x2ee2 SUPV_ACK_FAILURE LOW PLOC supervisor received acknowledgment failure report linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
112 12003 0x2ee3 SUPV_EXE_FAILURE LOW PLOC received execution failure report linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
113 12004 0x2ee4 SUPV_CRC_FAILURE_EVENT LOW PLOC supervisor reply has invalid crc linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
114 12005 0x2ee5 SUPV_HELPER_EXECUTING SUPV_MPSOC_SHUWDOWN_BUILD_FAILED LOW Supervisor helper currently executing a command Failed to build the command to shutdown the MPSoC linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupervisorHandler.h
115 12100 0x2f44 SANITIZATION_FAILED LOW bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h bsp_q7s\memory\SdCardManager.h
116 12101 0x2f45 MOUNTED_SD_CARD INFO bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h bsp_q7s\memory\SdCardManager.h
117 12300 0x300c SEND_MRAM_DUMP_FAILED LOW Failed to send mram dump command to supervisor handler P1: Return value of commandAction function P2: Start address of MRAM to dump with this command linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
118 12301 0x300d MRAM_DUMP_FAILED LOW Received completion failure report form PLOC supervisor handler P1: MRAM start address of failing dump command linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
119 12302 0x300e MRAM_DUMP_FINISHED LOW MRAM dump finished successfully linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMemoryDumper.h
120 12401 0x3071 INVALID_TC_FRAME HIGH linux/obc/PdecHandler.h linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
121 12402 0x3072 INVALID_FAR HIGH Read invalid FAR from PDEC after startup linux/obc/PdecHandler.h linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
122 12403 0x3073 CARRIER_LOCK INFO Carrier lock detected linux/obc/PdecHandler.h linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
123 12404 0x3074 BIT_LOCK_PDEC INFO Bit lock detected (data valid) linux/obc/PdecHandler.h linux\obc\PdecHandler.h
124 12500 0x30d4 IMAGE_UPLOAD_FAILED LOW Image upload failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
125 12501 0x30d5 IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED LOW Image download failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
126 12502 0x30d6 IMAGE_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL LOW Uploading image to star tracker was successfulop linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
127 12503 0x30d7 IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL LOW Image download was successful linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
128 12504 0x30d8 FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL LOW Finished flash write procedure successfully linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
129 12505 0x30d9 FLASH_READ_SUCCESSFUL LOW Finished flash read procedure successfully linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
130 12506 0x30da FLASH_READ_FAILED LOW Flash read procedure failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
131 12507 0x30db FIRMWARE_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL LOW Firmware update was successful linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
132 12508 0x30dc FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FAILED LOW Firmware update failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
133 12509 0x30dd STR_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED LOW Failed to read communication interface reply data P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
134 12510 0x30de STR_HELPER_COM_ERROR LOW Unexpected stop of decoding sequence P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
135 12511 0x30df STR_HELPER_NO_REPLY LOW Star tracker did not send replies (maybe device is powered off) P1: Position of upload or download packet for which no reply was sent linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
136 12512 0x30e0 STR_HELPER_DEC_ERROR LOW Error during decoding of received reply occurred P1: Return value of decoding function P2: Position of upload/download packet, or address of flash write/read request linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
137 12513 0x30e1 POSITION_MISMATCH LOW Position mismatch P1: The expected position and thus the position for which the image upload/download failed linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
138 12514 0x30e2 STR_HELPER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS LOW Specified file does not exist P1: Internal state of str helper linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
139 12515 0x30e3 STR_HELPER_SENDING_PACKET_FAILED LOW linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
140 12516 0x30e4 STR_HELPER_REQUESTING_MSG_FAILED LOW linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h linux\devices\startracker\StrHelper.h
141 12600 0x3138 MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_FAILED LOW Flash write fails linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
142 12601 0x3139 MPSOC_FLASH_WRITE_SUCCESSFUL LOW Flash write successful linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
143 12602 0x313a MPSOC_SENDING_COMMAND_FAILED LOW linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
144 12603 0x313b MPSOC_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED LOW Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
145 12604 0x313c MPSOC_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED LOW Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
146 12605 0x313d MPSOC_MISSING_ACK LOW Did not receive acknowledgment report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
147 12606 0x313e MPSOC_MISSING_EXE LOW Did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
148 12607 0x313f MPSOC_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT LOW Received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
149 12608 0x3140 MPSOC_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT LOW Received execution failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
150 12609 0x3141 MPSOC_ACK_INVALID_APID LOW Expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
151 12610 0x3142 MPSOC_EXE_INVALID_APID LOW Expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
152 12611 0x3143 MPSOC_HELPER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH LOW Received sequence count does not match expected sequence count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocMPSoCHelper.h
153 12700 0x319c TRANSITION_BACK_TO_OFF MEDIUM Could not transition properly and went back to ALL OFF mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
154 12701 0x319d NEG_V_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
155 12702 0x319e U_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
156 12703 0x319f I_DRO_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
157 12704 0x31a0 U_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
158 12705 0x31a1 I_X8_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
159 12706 0x31a2 U_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
160 12707 0x31a3 I_TX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
161 12708 0x31a4 U_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
162 12709 0x31a5 I_MPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
163 12710 0x31a6 U_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
164 12711 0x31a7 I_HPA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS MEDIUM P1: 0 -> too low, 1 -> too high P2: Float value mission/devices/PayloadPcduHandler.h mission\devices\PayloadPcduHandler.h
165 12800 0x3200 TRANSITION_OTHER_SIDE_FAILED HIGH mission/system/AcsBoardAssembly.h mission\system\AcsBoardAssembly.h
166 12801 0x3201 NOT_ENOUGH_DEVICES_DUAL_MODE HIGH mission/system/AcsBoardAssembly.h mission\system\AcsBoardAssembly.h
167 12802 0x3202 POWER_STATE_MACHINE_TIMEOUT MEDIUM mission/system/AcsBoardAssembly.h mission\system\AcsBoardAssembly.h
168 12803 0x3203 SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED LOW Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination mission/system/AcsBoardAssembly.h mission\system\AcsBoardAssembly.h
169 12900 0x3264 TRANSITION_OTHER_SIDE_FAILED HIGH mission/system/SusAssembly.h mission\system\SusAssembly.h
170 12901 0x3265 NOT_ENOUGH_DEVICES_DUAL_MODE HIGH mission/system/SusAssembly.h mission\system\SusAssembly.h
171 12902 0x3266 POWER_STATE_MACHINE_TIMEOUT MEDIUM mission/system/SusAssembly.h mission\system\SusAssembly.h
172 12903 0x3267 SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED LOW Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination mission/system/SusAssembly.h mission\system\SusAssembly.h
173 13000 0x32c8 CHILDREN_LOST_MODE MEDIUM mission/system/TcsBoardAssembly.h mission\system\TcsBoardAssembly.h
174 13100 0x332c GPS_FIX_CHANGE INFO Fix has changed. P1: Old fix. P2: New fix 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix mission/devices/devicedefinitions/GPSDefinitions.h mission\devices\devicedefinitions\GPSDefinitions.h
175 13200 0x3390 P60_BOOT_COUNT INFO P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
176 13201 0x3391 BATT_MODE INFO Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
177 13202 0x3392 BATT_MODE_CHANGED MEDIUM Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h mission\devices\P60DockHandler.h
178 13600 0x3520 SUPV_UPDATE_FAILED LOW update failed linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
179 13601 0x3521 SUPV_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL LOW update successful linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
180 13602 0x3522 TERMINATED_UPDATE_PROCEDURE LOW Terminated update procedure by command linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
181 13603 0x3523 SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL LOW Requesting event buffer was successful linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
182 13604 0x3524 SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_FAILED LOW Requesting event buffer failed linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
183 13605 0x3525 SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_TERMINATED LOW Terminated event buffer request by command P1: Number of packets read before process was terminated linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
184 13606 0x3526 SUPV_SENDING_COMMAND_FAILED LOW linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
185 13607 0x3527 SUPV_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED LOW Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
186 13608 0x3528 SUPV_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED LOW Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
187 13609 0x3529 SUPV_MISSING_ACK LOW Did not receive acknowledgement report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
188 13610 0x352a SUPV_MISSING_EXE LOW Supervisor did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
189 13611 0x352b SUPV_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT LOW Supervisor received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
190 13612 0x352c SUPV_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT LOW Supervisor received execution failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor Execution report failure P1: linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
191 13613 0x352d SUPV_ACK_INVALID_APID LOW Supervisor expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
192 13614 0x352e SUPV_EXE_INVALID_APID LOW Supervisor helper expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
193 13615 0x352f ACK_RECEPTION_FAILURE LOW Failed to receive acknowledgment report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the acknowledgment report failed linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
194 13616 0x3530 EXE_RECEPTION_FAILURE LOW Failed to receive execution report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the execution report failed linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvHelper.h linux\devices\ploc\PlocSupvHelper.h
195 13700 0x3584 ALLOC_FAILURE MEDIUM bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h
196 13701 0x3585 REBOOT_SW MEDIUM Software reboot occurred. Can also be a systemd reboot. P1: Current Chip, P2: Current Copy bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h
197 13702 0x3586 REBOOT_MECHANISM_TRIGGERED MEDIUM The reboot mechanism was triggered. P1: First 16 bits: Last Chip, Last 16 bits: Last Copy, P2: Each byte is the respective reboot count for the slots bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h
198 13703 0x3587 REBOOT_HW MEDIUM bsp_q7s\core\CoreController.h

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -602,10 +602,6 @@ def add_ploc_supv_cmds(cmd_dict: ServiceOpCodeDictT):
{OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0},
"27": ("PLOC Supervisor: Copy ADC data to MRAM", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"28": (
"PLOC Supervisor: Enable/Disable NVM0/1/3",
{OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0},
"30": ("PLOC Supervisor: Run auto EM tests", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"31": ("PLOC Supervisor: MRAM Wipe", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"33": ("PLOC Supervisor: Print CPU stats", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
@ -625,7 +621,6 @@ def add_ploc_supv_cmds(cmd_dict: ServiceOpCodeDictT):
"PLOC Supervisor: Factory reset clear circular entries",
{OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0},
"41": ("PLOC Supervisor: CAN loopback test", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"42": ("PLOC Supervisor: Perform update", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"43": ("PLOC Supervisor: Terminate supervisor process", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"44": ("PLOC Supervisor: Start MPSoC quiet", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
@ -640,6 +635,7 @@ def add_ploc_supv_cmds(cmd_dict: ServiceOpCodeDictT):
"53": ("PLOC Supervisor: Logging set topic", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"54": ("PLOC Supervisor: Logging request counters", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"55": ("PLOC Supervisor: Request ADC Report", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
"56": ("PLOC Supervisor: Reset PL", {OpCodeDictKeys.TIMEOUT: 2.0}),
service_ploc_supv_tuple = ("PLOC Supervisor", op_code_dict_srv_ploc_supv)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ MANUAL_INPUT = "1"
update_file_dict = {
MANUAL_INPUT: ["manual input", ""],
"2": ["/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update.bin", "/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update.bin"],
"3": ["/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update-large.bin", "/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update-large.bin"],
"4": ["/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update-small.bin", "/mnt/sd0/ploc/supervisor/update-small.bin"],
event_buffer_path_dict = {
@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ class SupvActionIds:
class SupvHkIds:
@ -293,13 +296,6 @@ def pack_ploc_supv_commands(
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.COPY_ADC_DATA_TO_MRAM)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=44, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "28":
(QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Enalbe/Disable NVMs")
command = pack_enable_nvms_cmd(object_id)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=45, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "30":
tc_queue.appendleft((QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Run auto EM tests"))
command = pack_auto_em_tests_cmd(object_id)
@ -354,7 +350,7 @@ def pack_ploc_supv_commands(
(QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Factory reset clear mirror entries")
command = command = object_id + struct.pack(
command = object_id + struct.pack(
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=54, app_data=command)
@ -371,13 +367,6 @@ def pack_ploc_supv_commands(
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=55, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "41":
tc_queue.appendleft((QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: CAN loopback test"))
command = command = object_id + struct.pack(
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=56, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "42":
tc_queue.appendleft((QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Perform update"))
command = pack_update_command(object_id)
@ -464,6 +453,11 @@ def pack_ploc_supv_commands(
command = object_id + struct.pack('!I', SupvActionIds.REQUEST_ADC_REPORT)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=70, app_data=command)
elif op_code == "56":
tc_queue.appendleft((QueueCommands.PRINT, "PLOC Supervisor: Reset PL"))
command = object_id + struct.pack('!I', SupvActionIds.RESET_PL)
command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, ssc=71, app_data=command)
return tc_queue
@ -478,7 +472,6 @@ def pack_sel_boot_image_cmd(
@param bp1 Partition pin 1
@param bp2 Partition pin 2
command = bytearray()
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.SEL_MPSOC_BOOT_IMAGE)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", mem)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", bp0)
@ -497,7 +490,6 @@ def pack_update_available_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
image_size = 222
image_crc = 0x0
number_of_packets = 150
command = bytearray()
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.UPDATE_AVAILABLE)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", image_select)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", image_partition)
@ -631,7 +623,7 @@ def pack_set_adc_enabled_channels_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
@brief This function packs the command to enable or disable channels of the ADC.
@param object_id The object id of the PLOC supervisor handler.
ch = int(input("Specify ch:"))
ch = int(input("Specify ch: 0x"), 16)
command = bytearray()
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.SET_ADC_ENABLED_CHANNELS)
command = command + struct.pack("!H", ch)
@ -767,10 +759,9 @@ def get_debug_verbosity() -> int:
def pack_set_gpio_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
port = int(input("Specify port: "))
pin = int(input("Specify pin: "))
val = int(input("Specify val: "))
command = bytearray()
port = int(input("Specify port : 0x"), 16)
pin = int(input("Specify pin: 0x"), 16)
val = int(input("Specify val: 0x"), 16)
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.SET_GPIO)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", port)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", pin)
@ -779,9 +770,8 @@ def pack_set_gpio_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
def pack_read_gpio_cmd(object_id: bytearray) -> bytearray:
port = int(input("Specify port: "))
pin = int(input("Specify pin: "))
command = bytearray()
port = int(input("Specify port: 0x"), 16)
pin = int(input("Specify pin: 0x"), 16)
command = object_id + struct.pack("!I", SupvActionIds.READ_GPIO)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", port)
command = command + struct.pack("!B", pin)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def handle_action_reply(
tm_packet = Service8FsfwTm.unpack(raw_telemetry=raw_tm)
printer.handle_long_tm_print(packet_if=tm_packet, info_if=tm_packet)
object_id = obj_id_dict.get(tm_packet.source_object_id)
object_id = obj_id_dict.get(tm_packet.source_object_id_as_bytes)
custom_data = tm_packet.custom_data
action_id = tm_packet.action_id
generic_print_str = printer.generic_action_packet_tm_print(
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ def handle_action_reply(
if object_id == IMTQ_HANDLER_ID:
if object_id.as_bytes == IMTQ_HANDLER_ID:
return handle_imtq_replies(action_id, printer, custom_data)
elif object_id == PLOC_MPSOC_ID:
elif object_id.as_bytes == PLOC_MPSOC_ID:
return handle_ploc_replies(action_id, printer, custom_data)
elif object_id == PLOC_SUPV_ID:
elif object_id.as_bytes == PLOC_SUPV_ID:
return handle_supervisor_replies(action_id, printer, custom_data)
elif object_id == STAR_TRACKER_ID:
elif object_id.as_bytes == STAR_TRACKER_ID:
return handle_startracker_replies(action_id, printer, custom_data)

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5d6db96ffccab2fb64670875bab81fdd1ddd3816
Subproject commit 6431d3bc3547d008b95dd27fc146b2e2681a8257