
33 lines
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2018-07-13 15:56:37 +02:00
//entry point into "bsp"
2018-07-13 18:28:26 +02:00
//TODO This can be done mission dependent and some low level calls before vTaskStartScheduler might be important
//void init(void);
//#include <FreeRTOS.h>
//#include <FreeRTOSConfig.h>
//#include "task.h"
//void initTask(void *parameters) {
// init();
//int main(void) {
// if ( pdPASS
// != xTaskCreate(initTask, "init", 512, NULL,
// configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1, NULL)) {
// //print_uart0("Could not create task1\r\n");
// }
// vTaskStartScheduler();
// //Scheduler should never return
// //print_uart0("This is bad\n");
// for (;;)
// ;
// return 0;