
131 lines
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#include "../../objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h"
#include "../../tasks/FixedSlotSequence.h"
#include "../../tasks/FixedTimeslotTaskIF.h"
#include "../../tasks/Typedef.h"
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
class ExecutableObjectIF;
* @brief This class represents a task for periodic activities with multiple
* steps and strict timeslot requirements for these steps.
* @details
* @ingroup task_handling
class FixedTimeslotTask: public FixedTimeslotTaskIF {
* @brief Standard constructor of the class.
* @details
* The class is initialized without allocated objects. These need to be
* added with #addComponent.
* @param priority
* @param stack_size
* @param setPeriod
* @param setDeadlineMissedFunc
* The function pointer to the deadline missed function that shall be
* assigned.
FixedTimeslotTask(const char *name, TaskPriority setPriority,
TaskStackSize setStack, TaskPeriod setPeriod,
void (*setDeadlineMissedFunc)());
* @brief Currently, the executed object's lifetime is not coupled with
* the task object's lifetime, so the destructor is empty.
virtual ~FixedTimeslotTask(void);
* @brief The method to start the task.
* @details The method starts the task with the respective system call.
* Entry point is the taskEntryPoint method described below.
* The address of the task object is passed as an argument
* to the system call.
ReturnValue_t startTask(void);
* Add timeslot to the polling sequence table.
* @param componentId
* @param slotTimeMs
* @param executionStep
* @return
ReturnValue_t addSlot(object_id_t componentId,
uint32_t slotTimeMs, int8_t executionStep);
ReturnValue_t checkSequence() const override;
uint32_t getPeriodMs() const;
ReturnValue_t sleepFor(uint32_t ms);
using chron_ms = std::chrono::milliseconds;
bool started;
//!< Typedef for the List of objects.
typedef std::vector<ExecutableObjectIF*> ObjectList;
std::thread mainThread;
std::atomic<bool> terminateThread { false };
//! Polling sequence table which contains the object to execute
//! and information like the timeslots and the passed execution step.
FixedSlotSequence pollingSeqTable;
std::condition_variable initCondition;
std::mutex initMutex;
std::string taskName;
* @brief The period of the task.
* @details
* The period determines the frequency of the task's execution.
* It is expressed in clock ticks.
TaskPeriod period;
* @brief The pointer to the deadline-missed function.
* @details
* This pointer stores the function that is executed if the task's deadline
* is missed. So, each may react individually on a timing failure.
* The pointer may be NULL, then nothing happens on missing the deadline.
* The deadline is equal to the next execution of the periodic task.
void (*deadlineMissedFunc)(void);
* @brief This is the function executed in the new task's context.
* @details
* It converts the argument back to the thread object type and copies the
* class instance to the task context.
* The taskFunctionality method is called afterwards.
* @param A pointer to the task object itself is passed as argument.
void taskEntryPoint(void* argument);
* @brief The function containing the actual functionality of the task.
* @details
* The method sets and starts the task's period, then enters a loop that is
* repeated as long as the isRunning attribute is true. Within the loop,
* all performOperation methods of the added objects are called. Afterwards
* the checkAndRestartPeriod system call blocks the task until the next
* period. On missing the deadline, the deadlineMissedFunction is executed.
void taskFunctionality(void);
bool delayForInterval(chron_ms * previousWakeTimeMs,
const chron_ms interval);