
73 lines
2.7 KiB

#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/arrayprinter.h>
#include <array>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "CatchDefinitions.h"
#include "SerialLinkedListAdapterPacket.h"
TEST_CASE("Serial Linked Packet", "[SerLinkPacket]") {
// perform set-up here
uint32_t header = 42;
std::array<uint8_t, 3> testArray{1, 2, 3};
uint32_t tail = 96;
size_t packetMaxSize = 256;
std::vector<uint8_t> packet(packetMaxSize);
size_t packetLen = 0;
SECTION("Test Deserialization with Serial Buffer Adapter.") {
// This is a serialization of a packet, made "manually".
// We generate a packet which store data big-endian by swapping some
// values. (like coming from ground).
header = EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(header);
std::memcpy(packet.data(), &header, sizeof(header));
packetLen += sizeof(header);
std::copy(testArray.data(), testArray.data() + testArray.size(), packet.data() + packetLen);
packetLen += testArray.size();
tail = EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(tail);
std::memcpy(packet.data() + packetLen, &tail, sizeof(tail));
packetLen += sizeof(tail);
// arrayprinter::print(packet, packetLen, OutputType::DEC);
// This is the buffer which will be filled when testClass.deSerialize
// is called.
std::array<uint8_t, 3> bufferAdaptee = {};
TestPacket testClass(packet.data(), packetLen, bufferAdaptee.data(), bufferAdaptee.size());
const uint8_t* readOnlyPointer = packet.data();
// Deserialize big endian packet by setting bigEndian to true.
ReturnValue_t result =
testClass.deSerialize(&readOnlyPointer, &packetLen, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG);
REQUIRE(result == returnvalue::OK);
CHECK(testClass.getHeader() == 42);
// Equivalent check.
// CHECK(testClass.getBuffer()[0] == 1);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[0] == 1);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[1] == 2);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[2] == 3);
CHECK(testClass.getTail() == 96);
SECTION("Test Serialization") {
// Same process as performed in setup, this time using the class
// instead of doing it manually.
TestPacket testClass(header, tail, testArray.data(), testArray.size());
size_t serializedSize = 0;
uint8_t* packetPointer = packet.data();
// serialize for ground: bigEndian = true.
ReturnValue_t result = testClass.serialize(&packetPointer, &serializedSize, packetMaxSize,
REQUIRE(result == returnvalue::OK);
// Result should be big endian now.
CHECK(packet[3] == 42);
CHECK(packet[4] == 1);
CHECK(packet[5] == 2);
CHECK(packet[6] == 3);
CHECK(packet[10] == 96);
// perform tear-down here