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#include "LimitViolationReporter.h"
#include "MonitoringIF.h"
#include "MonitoringMessageContent.h"
#include "MonitorReporter.h"
#include "../datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h"
#include "../datapoolglob/PIDReader.h"
* @brief Base class for monitoring of parameters.
* @details
* Can be used anywhere, specializations need to implement checkSample and
* should override sendTransitionEvent.
* Manages state handling, enabling and disabling of events/reports and
* forwarding of transition reports via MonitorReporter.
* In addition, it provides default implementations for fetching the
* parameter sample from the data pool and a simple confirmation counter.
template<typename T>
class MonitorBase: public MonitorReporter<T> {
MonitorBase(object_id_t reporterId, uint8_t monitorId,
uint32_t parameterId, uint16_t confirmationLimit) :
MonitorReporter<T>(reporterId, monitorId, parameterId,
confirmationLimit) {
virtual ~MonitorBase() {
virtual ReturnValue_t check() {
// 1. Fetch sample of type T, return validity.
T sample = 0;
ReturnValue_t validity = fetchSample(&sample);
// 2. If returning from fetch != OK, parameter is invalid.
// Report (if oldState is != invalidity).
if (validity != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
this->monitorStateIs(validity, sample, 0);
//3. Otherwise, check sample.
} else {
this->oldState = doCheck(sample);
return this->oldState;
virtual ReturnValue_t doCheck(T sample) {
T crossedLimit = 0.0;
ReturnValue_t currentState = checkSample(sample, &crossedLimit);
return this->monitorStateIs(currentState,sample, crossedLimit);
// Abstract or default.
virtual ReturnValue_t checkSample(T sample, T* crossedLimit) = 0;
virtual ReturnValue_t fetchSample(T* sample) {
GlobDataSet mySet;
PIDReader<T> parameter(this->parameterId, &mySet);
if (!parameter.isValid()) {
return MonitoringIF::INVALID;
*sample = parameter.value;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;