507 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import numpy as np
import math
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy import interpolate
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
from scipy.integrate import odeint, solve_ivp
import as ccrs
from datetime import datetime
start =
begin_time =
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
from models.sun import sun_angles_analytical, tau
# from models.sun import sun_angles_astropy
from models.drag import drag, Cd_model
from models.transformation import visible_cells, transform, radii
from input.user_input import *
from input.natural_constants import *
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as unit
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
# from models.thermal import
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import pandas as pd
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
data = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\marcel\PycharmProjects\MasterThesis\Mappe1.xls', sheet_name='Tabelle3') # Tabelle3
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
comp_time = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Time']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_height = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Height']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_lat = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Latitude']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_lon = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Longitude']).to_numpy().squeeze()
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
print("Initialisiere Simulation...")
print("STARTORT: Längengrad %.4f, Breitengrad: %.4f" % (start_lon, start_lat))
print("STARTZEIT: " + str(start_utc) + " (UTC)")
#print("SIMULATION INITIALISIERT. Simulierte Flugdauer %.2f Stunden (oder %.2f Tage)" % (
#t_end / 3600, t_end / (3600 * 24)))
#print("GESCHÄTZE SIMULATIONSDAUER: %.2f Minuten" % (t_end / (3600 * 10)))
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
level_data = Dataset("", "r", format="NETCDF4")
single_data = Dataset("", "r", format="NETCDF4")
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ERAtime = level_data.variables['time'][:] # time
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ERAlat = level_data.variables['latitude'][:] # latitude (multi-level)
ERAlon = level_data.variables['longitude'][:] # longitude (multi-level)
ERAlats = single_data.variables['latitude'][:] # latitude (single level)
ERAlons = single_data.variables['longitude'][:] # longitude (single level)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ERAz = level_data.variables['z'][:] / g # geopotential to geopotential height
ERApress = level_data.variables['level'][:] # pressure level
ERAtemp = level_data.variables['t'][:] # air temperature in K
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ERAtcc = single_data.variables['tcc'][:] # total cloud cover [0 to 1]
ERAal = single_data.variables['fal'][:] # forecast albedo [0 to 1]
# ERAst = single_data.variables['skt'][:] # skin (ground) temperature in K
ERAcbh = single_data.variables['cbh'][:] # cloud base height in m
ERAlcc = single_data.variables['lcc'][:] # low cloud cover
ERAmcc = single_data.variables['mcc'][:] # medium cloud cover
ERAhcc = single_data.variables['hcc'][:] # high cloud cover
ERAssr = single_data.variables['ssr'][:] # surface net solar radiation
ERAstrn = single_data.variables['str'][:] # surface net thermal radiation
ERAstrd = single_data.variables['strd'][:] # surface thermal radiation downwards
ERAssrd = single_data.variables['ssrd'][:] # surface solar radiation downwards
ERAtsr = single_data.variables['tsr'][:] # top net solar radiation
ERAttr = single_data.variables['ttr'][:] # top net thermal radiation
ERAsst = single_data.variables['sst'][:] # sea surface temperature
ERAtisr = single_data.variables['tisr'][:] # TOA incident solar radiation
ERAstrdc = single_data.variables['strdc'][:] # surface thermal radiation downward clear-sky
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
vw_x = level_data.variables['u'][:] # v_x
vw_y = level_data.variables['v'][:] # v_y
vw_z = level_data.variables['w'][:] # v_z
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
lon_era2d, lat_era2d = np.meshgrid(ERAlon, ERAlat)
lon_era2ds, lat_era2ds = np.meshgrid(ERAlons, ERAlats)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
xs, ys, zs = transform(lon_era2d.flatten(), lat_era2d.flatten())
xs2, ys2, zs2 = transform(lon_era2ds.flatten(), lat_era2ds.flatten())
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tree = cKDTree(np.column_stack((xs, ys, zs)))
tree2 = cKDTree(np.column_stack((xs2, ys2, zs2)))
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
# t_pre = int(t_epoch)
# t_post = t_pre + 1
# t1 = np.searchsorted(ERAtime, t_pre, side='left')
# t2 = t1 + 1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
def ERA5Data(lon, lat, h, t, deltaT_ERA):
t_epoch = deltaT_ERA + t/3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
t_pre = int(t_epoch)
# t_post = t_pre + 1
t_pre_ind = t_pre - ERAtime[0]
t_post_ind = t_pre_ind + 1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
xt, yt, zt = transform(lon, lat) # current coordinates
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
d1, inds1 = tree.query(np.column_stack((xt, yt, zt)), k=4) # longitude, latitude
d2, inds2 = tree2.query(np.column_stack((xt, yt, zt)), k=visible_cells(h)) # longitude, latitude
w1 = 1.0 / d1[0] # ** 2
w2 = 1.0 / d2[0] ** 2
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
lat_ind1 = np.unravel_index(inds1[0], lon_era2d.shape)[0]
lon_ind1 = np.unravel_index(inds1[0], lon_era2d.shape)[1]
lat_ind2 = np.unravel_index(inds2[0], lon_era2ds.shape)[0]
lon_ind2 = np.unravel_index(inds2[0], lon_era2ds.shape)[1]
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
interp4d_temp_pre =, ERAtemp[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_temp_post =, ERAtemp[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_temp = (interp4d_temp_post - interp4d_temp_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_temp_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
interp4d_height_pre =, ERAz[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_height_post =, ERAz[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_height = (interp4d_height_post - interp4d_height_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_height_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
interp4d_vw_x_pre =, vw_x[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_x_post =, vw_x[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_x = (interp4d_vw_x_post - interp4d_vw_x_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_x_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
interp4d_vw_y_pre =, vw_y[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_y_post =, vw_y[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_y = (interp4d_vw_y_post - interp4d_vw_y_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_y_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
interp4d_vw_z_pre =, vw_z[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_z_post =, vw_z[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_z = (interp4d_vw_z_post - interp4d_vw_z_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_z_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
albedo_pre =, ERAal[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
albedo_post =, ERAal[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
al = (albedo_post - albedo_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + albedo_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tcc_pre =, ERAtcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tcc_post =, ERAtcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tcc = (tcc_post - tcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tcc_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
cbh_pre =, ERAcbh[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
cbh_post =, ERAcbh[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
cbh = (cbh_post - cbh_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + cbh_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
lcc_pre =, ERAlcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
lcc_post =, ERAlcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
lcc = (lcc_post - lcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + lcc_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
mcc_pre =, ERAmcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
mcc_post =, ERAmcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
mcc = (mcc_post - mcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + mcc_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
hcc_pre =, ERAhcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
hcc_post =, ERAhcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
hcc = (hcc_post - hcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + hcc_pre
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ssr_pre =, ERAssr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssr_post =, ERAssr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssr = ((ssr_post - ssr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ssr_pre)/3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strn_pre =, ERAstrn[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strn_post =, ERAstrn[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strn = ((strn_post - strn_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strn_pre)/3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strd_pre =, ERAstrd[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strd_post =, ERAstrd[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strd = ((strd_post - strd_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strd_pre)/3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strdc_pre =, ERAstrdc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strdc_post =, ERAstrdc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strdc = ((strdc_post - strdc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strdc_pre) / 3600
ssrd_pre =, ERAssrd[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssrd_post =, ERAssrd[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssrd = ((ssrd_post - ssrd_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ssrd_pre)/3600
tsr_pre =, ERAtsr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tsr_post =, ERAtsr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tsr = ((tsr_post - tsr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tsr_pre)/3600
tisr_pre =, ERAtisr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tisr_post =, ERAtisr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tisr = ((tisr_post - tisr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tisr_pre)/3600
ttr_pre =, ERAttr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ttr_post =, ERAttr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ttr = ((ttr_post - ttr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ttr_pre)/3600
pressure_hPa = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400,
450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000])
pressure = 100 * pressure_hPa
temp_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_temp)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
press_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, pressure)
vw_x_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_x)
vw_y_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_y)
vw_z_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_z)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if h > interp4d_height[0]:
p_air = press_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
T_air = temp_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
u = vw_x_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
v = vw_y_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
w = -1 / g * vw_z_interp1d(interp4d_height[0]) * R_air * T_air / p_air
elif h < interp4d_height[-1]:
p_air = press_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
T_air = temp_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
u = vw_x_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
v = vw_y_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
w = -1 / g * vw_z_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1]) * R_air * T_air / p_air
p_air = press_interp1d(h)
T_air = temp_interp1d(h)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
u = vw_x_interp1d(h)
v = vw_y_interp1d(h)
w = -1 / g * vw_z_interp1d(h) * R_air * T_air / p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
rho_air = p_air / (R_air * T_air)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
return p_air, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, ssrd, tsr, ttr, al, tisr, strdc
# p_air, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, ssrd, tsr, ttr, al, tisr
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
deltaT_ERA = (Time(start_utc).jd - Time('1900-01-01 00:00:00.0').jd) * 24.000000
p_air0, T_air0, rho_air0, u0, v0, w0, cbh0, tcc0, lcc0, mcc0, hcc0, ssr0, strn0, strd0, ssrd0, tsr0, ttr0, al0, tisr0, strdc0 = ERA5Data(start_lon, start_lat, start_height, 0, deltaT_ERA)
y0 = [start_lon, start_lat, start_height, 0, 0, 0, T_air0, T_air0, m_gas_init, 0]
## y = [longitude [deg], latitude [deg], height [m], v_x (lon) [m/s], v_y [m/s], v_z [m/s], T_gas [K], T_film [K], m_gas_init [kg], c2_init [-]]
valving = False
def model(t, y, m_pl, m_film, m_bal, c_virt):
utc = Time(start_utc) + t * unit.second
lon = y[0] # 1
lat = y[1] # 2
h = y[2] # 3
v_x = y[3] # 4
v_y = y[4] # 5
v_z = y[5] # 6
T_gas = y[6] # 7
T_film = y[7] # 8
m_gas = y[8] # 9
c2 = y[9] # 10
r_lon, r_lat = radii(lat, h)
deltaT_ERA = (Time(start_utc).jd - Time('1900-01-01 00:00:00.0').jd) * 24.000000 # conversion to ERA5 time format
p_air, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, ssrd, tsr, ttr, al, tisr, strdc = ERA5Data(lon, lat, h, t, deltaT_ERA)
p_gas = p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
h_valve = 1.034 * V_design ** (1 / 3)
h_duct = 0.47 * h_valve
v_relx = u - v_x # relative wind velocity x-dir (balloon frame)
v_rely = v - v_y # relative wind velocity y-dir (balloon frame)
v_relz = w - v_z # relative wind velocity z-dir (balloon frame)
v_rel = np.sqrt(v_relx ** 2 + v_rely ** 2 + v_relz ** 2) # total relative wind velocity (balloon frame)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
alpha = np.arcsin(v_relz / v_rel) # "angle of attack": angle between longitudinal axis and rel. wind (in [rad])
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
rho_gas = p_gas / (R_gas * T_gas) # calculate gas density through *ideal* gas equation
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
dP_valve = g * (rho_air - rho_gas) * h_valve
dP_duct = g * (rho_air - rho_gas) * h_duct
V_b = m_gas / rho_gas # calculate balloon volume from current gas mass and gas density
if V_b > V_design:
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
c_duct = c_ducts
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
c_duct = 0
#if valving == True: # opening valve process
# if c2 == 0:
# c2 = 1.0
# c2dot = 0
# elif c_valve < c2 <= 1.0:
# c2dot = (c_valve - 1.0) / t_open
# else:
# c2dot = 0
# c2 = c_valve
#if valving == False: # closing valve process
# if c2 == 0:
# c2dot = 0
# elif c_valve <= c2 < 1.0:
# c2dot = (1.0 - c_valve) / t_close
# else:
# c2dot = 0
# c2 = 0
## m_gas/dt = -(A_valv * c2 * np.sqrt(2 * dP_valve * rho_gas)) # mass loss due to valving
m_gross = m_pl + m_film + m_bal
m_tot = m_pl + m_film + m_gas
m_virt = m_tot + c_virt * rho_air * V_b
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
d_b = 1.383 * V_b ** (1 / 3) # calculate diameter of balloon from its volume
L_goreB = 1.914 * V_b ** (1 / 3)
A_surf = 4.94 * V_b ** (2 / 3)
A_surf1 = 4.94 * V_design ** (2 / 3) * (1 - np.cos(np.pi * L_goreB / L_goreDesign))
A_eff = 0.65 * A_surf + 0.35 * A_surf1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
A_top = np.pi / 4 * d_b ** 2
AZ, ELV = sun_angles_analytical(lat, lon, utc)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
A_proj = A_top * (0.9125 + 0.0875 * np.cos(np.pi - 2 * np.deg2rad(ELV))) # projected area for sun radiation
A_drag = A_top * (0.9125 + 0.0875 * np.cos(np.pi - 2 * alpha)) # projected area for drag
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tau_atm, tau_atmIR = tau(ELV, h, p_air)
tau_atm0, tau_atmIR0 = tau(ELV, 0, p_0)
MA = (357.52911 + 0.98560028 * (utc.jd - 2451545)) % 360 # in degree, reference: see folder "literature"
TA = MA + 2 * e * np.sin(np.deg2rad(MA)) + 5 / 4 * e ** 2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * MA))
I_Sun = 1367.5 * ((1 + e * np.cos(np.deg2rad(TA))) / (1 - e ** 2)) ** 2
I_SunZ = I_Sun * tau_atm
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
I_Sun0 = I_Sun * tau_atm0
## q_sun = I_SunZ
## q_IRground = np.abs(str) #epsilon_ground * sigma * T_ground ** 4
## q_IREarth = q_IRground * tau_atmIR
tcc = 0
if tcc <= 0.01:
q_IRground = strd - strn
q_IREarth = q_IRground * tau_atmIR
q_sun = I_SunZ
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = (1 - ssr/ssrd) * I_Sun0 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV)) # ssrd - ssr
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
q_IRground_bc = (strd - strn) + (strd - strdc)
q_IREarth_bc = q_IRground_bc * tau_atmIR
q_sun_bc = I_SunZ * (1 - tcc)
q_Albedo_bc = (1 - ssr/ssrd) * (1 - tcc) * I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV))
q_IREarth_ac = np.abs(ttr) #q_IRground_bc * tau_atmIR * (1 - tcc)
q_sun_ac = I_SunZ
q_Albedo_ac = (tisr - tsr)/tisr * I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV))
if h <= cbh: # "below clouds"
q_IREarth = q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = q_Albedo_bc
elif h >= 12000: # "above clouds"
q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
elif h >= 6000:
if hcc >= 0.01:
q_IREarth = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
elif h >= 2000:
if mcc > 0.01 or hcc > 0.01:
q_IREarth = ((h - 2000)/4000 * mcc + lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = ((h - 2000)/4000 * mcc + lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = ((h - 2000)/4000 * mcc + lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
q_IREarth = (h/2000 * lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = (h/2000 * lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = (h/2000 * lcc)/(hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
my_air = (1.458 * 10 ** -6 * T_air ** 1.5) / (T_air + 110.4)
k_air = 0.0241 * (T_air / 273.15) ** 0.9
k_gas = 0.144 * (T_gas / 273.15) ** 0.7
Pr_air = 0.804 - 3.25 * 10 ** (-4) * T_air
Pr_gas = 0.729 - 1.6 * 10 ** (-4) * T_gas
Gr_air = (rho_air ** 2 * g * np.abs(T_film - T_air) * d_b ** 3) / (T_air * my_air ** 2)
Nu_air = 2 + 0.45 * (Gr_air * Pr_air) ** 0.25
HC_free = Nu_air * k_air / d_b
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Re = np.abs(v_rel) * d_b * rho_air / my_air
Fr = np.abs(v_rel) / np.sqrt(g * d_b)
HC_forced = k_air / d_b * (2 + 0.41 * Re ** 0.55)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
HC_internal = 0.13 * k_gas * (
(rho_gas ** 2 * g * np.abs(T_film - T_gas) * Pr_gas) / (T_gas * my_air ** 2)) ** (
1 / 3)
HC_external = np.maximum(HC_free, HC_forced)
HalfConeAngle = np.arcsin(R_E / (R_E + h))
ViewFactor = (1 - np.cos(HalfConeAngle)) / 2
Q_Sun = alpha_VIS * A_proj * q_sun * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
Q_Albedo = alpha_VIS * A_surf * q_Albedo * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
Q_IREarth = alpha_IR * A_surf * q_IREarth * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_IRFilm = sigma * epsilon * alpha_IR * A_surf * T_film ** 4 * 1 / (1 - r_IR)
Q_IRout = sigma * epsilon * A_surf * T_film ** 4 * (1 * tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
Q_ConvExt = HC_external * A_eff * (T_air - T_film)
Q_ConvInt = HC_internal * A_eff * (T_film - T_gas)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
c_d = Cd_model(Fr, Re, A_top)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
D = drag(c_d, rho_air, A_drag, v_rel) # calculate drag force
if v_rel == 0:
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Drag_x, Dray_y, Drag_z = 0, 0, 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Drag_x, Drag_y, Drag_z = D * v_relx / v_rel, D * v_rely / v_rel, D * v_relz / v_rel
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
F = g * V_b * (rho_air - rho_gas) - g * m_gross + Drag_z # gross inflation - weight + drag
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
a_x, a_y, a_z = Drag_x / m_virt, Drag_y / m_virt, F / m_virt
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
eqn1 = np.rad2deg(y[3] / r_lon)
eqn2 = np.rad2deg(y[4] / r_lat)
eqn3 = y[5]
eqn4 = a_x
eqn5 = a_y
eqn6 = a_z
eqn7 = Q_ConvInt/(gamma * c_v * m_gas) - (gamma - 1)/gamma * (rho_air * g)/(rho_gas * R_gas) * y[5]
eqn8 = (Q_Sun + Q_Albedo + Q_IREarth + Q_IRFilm + Q_ConvExt - Q_ConvInt - Q_IRout) / (c_f * m_film)
eqn9 = -(A_ducts * c_duct * np.sqrt(2 * dP_duct * rho_gas)) # - (A_valve * c2 * np.sqrt(2 * dP_valve * rho_gas))
eqn10 = 0 #c2dot
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
return [eqn1, eqn2, eqn3, eqn4, eqn5, eqn6, eqn7, eqn8, eqn9, eqn10]
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
m_pl = 1728 + 172 + 500 # + 500 # mass of payload and flight chain in [kg]
m_bal = 0 # initial ballast mass in [kg]
m_film = 1897 # mass of balloon film in [kg]
FreeLift = 4 # [%]
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
t_max = 100000 #0
dt = 1.0
t = np.arange(2.0, t_max, dt)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
m_gas = ((m_pl + m_bal + m_film) * (FreeLift/100 + 1))/(R_gas/R_air - 1)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
def ending(t, y): return y[2]
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
sol = solve_ivp(fun=model, t_span=[2.0, t_max], y0=y0, t_eval=t, args=(m_pl, m_film, m_bal, c_virt), max_step=35.0) #, events=ending.terminal) # events=
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
res = sol.y[2, :]
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
end =
plt.plot(comp_time, comp_height, 'r--', label='PoGo Flight Test')
plt.plot(t, res)
plt.xlabel('time in s')
plt.ylabel('Balloon Altitude in m')
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
plt.xlim(0, t_max)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Mollweide())
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ax.set_extent([-120, 30, 60, 80], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
plt.plot(start_lon, start_lat, 'rx', transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
plt.plot(sol.y[0, :], sol.y[1, :], 'k--', transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
plt.plot(comp_lon, comp_lat, 'r-', transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
# plt.xticks()
# figname = "LatLon_%.2f_%.2f.png" % (Albedo, epsilon_ground)
# plt.savefig(os.path.join(rootdir, figname))