Default configuration file for use with pip
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
###### Requirements without Version Specifiers ######`
###### Requirements with Version Specifiers ######`
argon2-cffi >= 20.1.0
astropy >= 4.1
attrs >= 20.2.0
backcall >= 0.2.0
backports.functools-lru-cache >= 1.6.1
basemap == 1.2.1
bleach >= 3.2.1
bokeh >= 2.3.0
branca >= 0.4.2
brotlipy == 0.7.0
Cartopy >= 0.18.0
cartopy-offlinedata >= 0.2.3
cdsapi >= 0.2.7
certifi == 2021.5.30
cffi >= 1.14.3
cfgrib >=
cftime >= 1.2.1
chardet >= 3.0.4
click == 7.1.2
cloudpickle >= 1.6.0
colorama >= 0.4.4
coverage >= 5.5
cryptography >= 3.2.1
cycler == 0.10.0
cytoolz == 0.11.0
dask >= 2021.3.0
decorator == 4.4.2
defusedxml == 0.6.0
distributed >= 2021.3.0
entrypoints >= 0.3
et-xmlfile == 1.0.1
folium >= 0.0.0
fsspec >= 0.8.7
HeapDict == 1.0.1
idna >= 2.10
importlib-metadata >= 2.0.0
ipykernel >= 5.3.4
ipython >= 7.19.0
ipython-genutils == 0.2.0
jdcal == 1.4.1
jedi >= 0.17.2
Jinja2 == 2.11.2
joblib >= 1.0.1
jsonschema >= 3.2.0
jupyter-client >= 6.1.7
jupyter-core >= 4.6.3
kiwisolver >= 1.3.1
locket == 0.2.0
Magics >= 1.5.2
MarkupSafe >= 1.1.1
matplotlib >= 3.3.2
metview == 1.5.1
mistune >= 0.8.4
msgpack >= 1.0.2
nbconvert == 5.6.0
nbformat >= 5.0.8
netCDF4 == 1.5.3
notebook >= 6.1.4
numpy >= 1.19.4
olefile >= 0.46
openpyxl >= 3.0.7
OWSLib >= 0.20.0
packaging >= 20.4
pandas >= 1.1.4
pandocfilters == 1.4.2
parso >= 0.7.1
partd == 1.1.0
patsy == 0.5.1
pickleshare >= 0.7.5
Pillow >= 8.0.1
pip >= 21.1.2
prometheus-client >= 0.8.0
prompt-toolkit >= 3.0.8
psutil >= 5.8.0
pycparser >= 2.20
pyepsg == 0.4.0
pyfiglet == 0.8.post1
Pygments >= 2.7.2
pygrib >= 2.0.5
pykdtree >= 1.3.1
pyOpenSSL == 19.1.0
pyparsing == 2.4.7
pyproj == 2.4.2.post1
pyrsistent >= 0.17.3
pyshp >= 2.1.2
PySocks >= 1.7.1
python-dateutil == 2.8.1
pytz >= 2020.4
pywin32 == 227
pywinpty >= 0.5.7
PyYAML == 5.3.1
pyzmq == 19.0.2
requests >= 2.24.0
scikit-learn >= 0.24.1
scipy >= 1.5.3
seaborn >= 0.11.1
Send2Trash == 1.5.0
setuptools >= 49.6.0.post20201009
Shapely == 1.7.1
simplejson >= 3.17.2
sip == 4.19.13
six >= 1.15.0
sortedcontainers >= 2.3.0
statsmodels >= 0.12.2
tblib == 1.6.0
terminado >= 0.9.1
testpath == 0.4.4
threadpoolctl >= 2.1.0
toolz >= 0.11.1
tornado >= 6.1
tqdm >= 4.51.0
traitlets >= 5.0.5
typing-extensions >=
urllib3 >= 1.25.11
wcwidth >= 0.2.5
webencodings == 0.5.1
wheel >= 0.35.1
win-inet-pton >= 1.1.0
wincertstore == 0.2
xarray >= 0.16.1
xlrd >= 2.0.1
zict == 2.0.0
zipp >= 3.4.0
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