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import xml.etree.ElementTree as eT
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import os
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
from ..lib.helpers import readCSV
from ..lib.logger import logger
from .Entry import Entry
from ..classes import target as tg
from ..classes import optical_component as oc
from ..classes import sensor as sensor
import difflib
import os.path
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
from typing import Union
class Configuration(object):
A Class to parse the XML configuration file.
Adapted from ExoSim (https://github.com/ExoSim/ExoSimPublic)
conf : Entry
Parsed configuration file as Entry-tree
conf = None
def __init__(self, file="esbo-etc_defaults.xml"):
Parse a XML configuration file.
file : str
configuration file to parse
# Check if configuration file exists
if not os.path.exists(file):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration file '" + file + "' doesn't exist.")
# Read configuration file
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.info("Reading configuration from file '" + file + "'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
self.conf = self.__parser(eT.parse(file).getroot())
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
def __parser(self, parent: eT.Element):
Parse a XML element tree to an Entry-tree
parent : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
The parent XML tree to be parsed
obj : Entry
The parsed XML tree
# Initialize empty Entry object
obj = Entry()
for child in parent:
# recursively parse children of child element
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
parsed_child = self.__parser(child)
# parse attributes of child element
# Add or append the parsed child to the prepared Entry object
if hasattr(obj, child.tag):
if isinstance(getattr(obj, child.tag), list):
getattr(obj, child.tag).append(parsed_child)
setattr(obj, child.tag, [getattr(obj, child.tag), parsed_child])
setattr(obj, child.tag, parsed_child)
return obj
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
def __calc_metaoptions(self):
Calculate additional attributes e.g. the wavelength grid
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
def __calc_metaoption_wl_delta(self):
Calculate the wavelength grid used for the calculations.
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "wl_delta"):
wl_delta = self.conf.common.wl_delta()
2020-06-30 10:25:47 +02:00
wl_delta = (self.conf.common.wl_min() + self.conf.common.wl_max()) / (2 * self.conf.common.res())
setattr(self.conf.common, 'wl_delta', Entry(val=wl_delta))
setattr(self.conf.common, 'wl_bins',
self.conf.common.wl_max().to(u.nm).value, wl_delta.to(u.nm).value),
self.conf.common.wl_max().to(u.nm).value) << u.nm))
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
def __check_config(self):
Check and fix the parsed configuration file.
# Check common
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf, "common"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: Missing required container 'common'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.common, "wl_min"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: common: Missing required container 'wl_min'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.conf.common.wl_min.check_quantity("val", u.m)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> wl_min: " + mes)
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.common, "wl_max"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: common: Missing required container 'wl_max'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.conf.common.wl_max.check_quantity("val", u.m)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> wl_max: " + mes)
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "wl_delta"):
mes = self.conf.common.wl_delta.check_quantity("val", u.m)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> wl_delta: " + mes)
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
elif hasattr(self.conf.common, "res"):
mes = self.conf.common.res.check_quantity("val", u.dimensionless_unscaled)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> res: " + mes)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
"Configuration check: common: Expected one of the containers 'wl_delta' or 'res' but got none.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.common, "d_aperture"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: common: Missing required container 'd_aperture'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.conf.common.d_aperture.check_quantity("val", u.m)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> d_aperture: " + mes)
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "psf"):
if hasattr(self.conf.common.psf, "val"):
if self.conf.common.psf().lower() != "airy":
mes = self.conf.common.psf.check_file("val")
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> psf: " + mes)
setattr(self.conf.common.psf, "val", "Airy")
if hasattr(self.conf.common.psf, "osf"):
mes = self.conf.common.psf.check_float("osf")
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> psf: " + mes)
setattr(self.conf.common.psf, "osf", 10 * u.dimensionless_unscaled)
setattr(self.conf.common, "psf", Entry(val="Airy", osf=10 * u.dimensionless_unscaled))
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "jitter_sigma"):
mes = self.conf.common.jitter_sigma.check_quantity("val", u.arcsec)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> jitter_sigma: " + mes)
2020-05-18 10:56:45 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "output_path"):
if hasattr(self.conf.common.output, "val"):
mes = self.conf.common.output.check_path("path")
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> output: " + mes)
setattr(self.conf.common.output, "val", ".")
if hasattr(self.conf.common.output, "format"):
mes = self.conf.common.output.check_selection("format", ["csv", "CSV", "fits", "FITS"])
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> output: " + mes)
setattr(self.conf.common.output, "format", "CSV")
2020-05-18 10:56:45 +02:00
setattr(self.conf.common, "output_path", Entry(val=".", format="csv"))
2020-05-15 14:59:07 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "exposure_time"):
mes = self.conf.common.exposure_time.check_quantity("val", u.s)
if mes is not None:
mes = self.conf.common.exposure_time.check_file("val")
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> exposure_time: " + mes)
self.conf.common.exposure_time.val = readCSV(self.conf.common.exposure_time.val, [u.s],
2020-05-16 15:52:27 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "snr"):
2020-05-15 14:59:07 +02:00
mes = self.conf.common.snr.check_quantity("val", u.dimensionless_unscaled)
if mes is not None:
mes = self.conf.common.snr.check_file("val")
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common -> snr: " + mes)
self.conf.common.snr.val = readCSV(self.conf.common.snr.val, [u.dimensionless_unscaled],
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "exposure_time") and \
self.conf.common.snr.val.size != self.conf.common.exposure_time.val.size:
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
"Configuration check: common -> snr: Length of exposure time (%d) not matching the length of "
"the SNR (%d)" % (self.conf.common.exposure_time.val.size, self.conf.common.snr.val.size))
2020-05-16 15:52:27 +02:00
if not (hasattr(self.conf.common, "exposure_time") or hasattr(self.conf.common, "snr")):
2020-06-09 15:31:43 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: common: Expected at least one of the containers 'exposure_time' or " +
"'snr' but got none.")
# Check astroscene
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf, "astroscene"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: Missing required container 'astroscene'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.astroscene, "target"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene: Missing required container 'target'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.astroscene.target, "type"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene -> target: Missing required parameter 'type'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if self.conf.astroscene.target.type not in dir(tg):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene -> target: Target type '" + self.conf.astroscene.target.type +
"' does not exist. Did you mean '" +
dir(tg), 1)[0] + "'?")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = getattr(tg, self.conf.astroscene.target.type).check_config(self.conf.astroscene.target)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene -> target: " + mes)
2020-05-16 15:52:27 +02:00
if hasattr(self.conf.common, "exposure_time") and hasattr(self.conf.common, "snr"):
if self.conf.astroscene.target.type.lower() != "blackbodytarget":
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene -> target: Sensitivity calculation only possible for " +
"a target of the type 'BlackBodyTarget'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.__check_optical_components(self.conf.astroscene)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: astroscene -> " + mes)
# Check common_optics
if hasattr(self.conf, "common_optics") and isinstance(self.conf.common_optics, Entry):
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.__check_optical_components(self.conf.common_optics)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: common_optics -> " + mes)
# Check instrument
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf, "instrument"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: Missing required container 'instrument'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
mes = self.__check_optical_components(self.conf.instrument)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: instrument -> " + mes)
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.instrument, "sensor"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: instrument: Missing required container 'sensor'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if not hasattr(self.conf.instrument.sensor, "type"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: instrument -> sensor: Missing required parameter 'type'.")
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
if self.conf.instrument.sensor.type not in dir(sensor):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
logger.error("Configuration check: instrument -> sensor: Sensor type '" + self.conf.instrument.sensor.type +
"' does not exist. Did you mean '" +
dir(sensor), 1)[0] + "'?")
2020-05-15 11:15:18 +02:00
mes = getattr(sensor, self.conf.instrument.sensor.type).check_config(self.conf.instrument.sensor, self.conf)
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
mes is not None and logger.error("Configuration check: instrument -> sensor -> " + mes)
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
2020-05-20 09:12:41 +02:00
def __check_optical_components(conf: Union[Entry, list]) -> Union[None, str]:
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
Check list of optical components in the parsed configuration.
conf : Union[Entry, list]
The configuration entry or the list of configuration entries of the optical components to be checked.
mes : Union[None, str]
The error message of the check. This will be None if the check was successful.
if hasattr(conf, "optical_component"):
2020-05-29 09:36:02 +02:00
for component in (
conf.optical_component if type(conf.optical_component) == list else [conf.optical_component]):
if hasattr(component, "type"):
if component.type not in dir(oc):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return "optical_component: optical component type '" + component.type + \
"' does not exist. Did you mean '" + \
difflib.get_close_matches(component.type, dir(tg), 1)[0] + "'?"
mes = getattr(oc, component.type).check_config(component)
if mes is not None:
return "optical_component -> " + component.type + ": " + mes
2020-05-08 16:45:55 +02:00
return "optical_component: Missing required parameter 'type'."