mapToPixelMask implemented
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
from .IPSF import IPSF
from ...lib.helpers import error, rasterizeCircle
from ..sensor.PixelMask import PixelMask
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import re
from logging import warning
from typing import Union
from scipy.optimize import bisect
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
class Zemax(IPSF):
@ -65,6 +66,10 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
self.__center_point[0] = self.__psf.shape[0] - self.__center_point[0]
self.__center_point[1] -= 1
self.__center_point_os = None
self.__psf_os = None
self.__psf_osf = None
# @u.quantity_input(jitter_sigma=u.arcsec)
def calcReducedObservationAngle(self, contained_energy: Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity],
jitter_sigma: u.Quantity = None, obstruction: float = 0.0) -> u.Quantity:
@ -94,7 +99,45 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
elif type(contained_energy) in [int, float]:
contained_energy = contained_energy / 100 * u.dimensionless_unscaled
# Calculate the osf for the PSF based on the current resolution of the PSF
center_point, psf, psf_osf = self.calcPSF(jitter_sigma)
# Calculate the maximum possible radius for the circle containing the photometric aperture
r_max = max(np.sqrt(center_point[0] ** 2 + center_point[1] ** 2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0]) ** 2 + center_point[1] ** 2),
np.sqrt(center_point[0] ** 2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1]) ** 2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0]) ** 2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1]) ** 2))
# Calculate the total contained energy of the PSF
total = np.sum(psf)
# Iterate the optimal radius for the contained energy
r = bisect(lambda r_c: contained_energy.value - np.sum(
psf * rasterizeCircle(np.zeros((psf.shape[0], psf.shape[0])), r_c, center_point[0],
center_point[1])) / total, 0, r_max, xtol=1e-1) * 2
# Calculate the reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
reduced_observation_angle = r / psf_osf * self.__grid_delta[0] / (
self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture) * self.__d_aperture / self.__wl
return reduced_observation_angle * u.dimensionless_unscaled
def calcPSF(self, jitter_sigma: u.Quantity = None):
Calculate the PSF from the Zemax-file. This includes oversampling the PSF and convolving with the
jitter_sigma : Quantity
Sigma of the telescope's jitter in arcsec
center_point : ndarray
The indices of the PSF's center point on the grid.
psf : ndarray
The PSF.
psf_osf : float
The oversampling factor of the returned PSF.
# Calculate the psf for the PSF based on the current resolution of the PSF
psf_osf = np.ceil(max(self.__grid_delta) / (2 * self.__pixel_size / self.__osf)).value * 2
if psf_osf == 1.0:
# No oversampling is necessary
@ -102,8 +145,12 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
center_point = self.__center_point
# Oversampling is necessary, oversample the PSF and calculate the new center point.
psf = zoom(self.__psf, zoom=psf_osf, order=1)
f = interp2d(x=np.arange(self.__psf.shape[1]) - self.__center_point[1],
y=np.arange(self.__psf.shape[0]) - self.__center_point[0], z=self.__psf,
kind='cubic', copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
center_point = [(x + 0.5) * psf_osf - 0.5 for x in self.__center_point]
psf = f((np.arange(self.__psf.shape[1] * psf_osf) - center_point[1]) / psf_osf,
(np.arange(self.__psf.shape[0] * psf_osf) - center_point[0]) / psf_osf)
if jitter_sigma is not None:
# Convert angular jitter to jitter on focal plane
jitter_sigma_um = ( * self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture / u.rad).to(
@ -133,35 +180,60 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
kernel, mode="same")
# Calculate new center point
center_point = [x + int((jitter_grid_length - 1) / 2) for x in center_point]
# Calculate the maximum possible radius for the circle containing the photometric aperture
r_max = max(np.sqrt(center_point[0]**2 + center_point[1]**2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0])**2 + center_point[1]**2),
np.sqrt(center_point[0]**2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1])**2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0])**2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1])**2))
# Calculate the total contained energy of the PSF
total = np.sum(psf)
# Iterate the optimal radius for the contained energy
r = bisect(lambda r_c: contained_energy.value - np.sum(
psf * rasterizeCircle(np.zeros((psf.shape[0], psf.shape[0])), r_c, center_point[0],
center_point[1])) / total, 0, r_max, xtol=1e-1)
# Calculate the reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
reduced_observation_angle = r / psf_osf * self.__grid_delta[0] / (
self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture) * self.__d_aperture / self.__wl
return reduced_observation_angle * u.dimensionless_unscaled
# Save the values as object attribute
self.__center_point_os = center_point
self.__psf_os = psf
self.__psf_osf = psf_osf
return center_point, psf, psf_osf
def mapToGrid(self, grid: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
def mapToPixelMask(self, mask: PixelMask, jitter_sigma: u.Quantity = None) -> PixelMask:
Map the integrated PSF values to a sensor grid.
grid : ndarray
The grid to map the values to. The values will only be mapped onto entries with the value 1.
mask : PixelMask
The pixel mask to map the values to. The values will only be mapped onto entries with the value 1.
jitter_sigma : Quantity
Sigma of the telescope's jitter in arcsec
grid : ndarray
The grid with the mapped values.
mask : PixelMask
The pixel mask with the integrated PSF values mapped onto each pixel.
# Calculate the indices of all non-zero elements of the mask
y_ind, x_ind = np.nonzero(mask)
# Extract a rectangle containing all non-zero values of the mask
mask_red = mask[y_ind.min():(y_ind.max() + 1), x_ind.min():(x_ind.max() + 1)]
# Calculate the new PSF-center indices of the reduced mask
psf_center_ind = [mask.psf_center_ind[0] - y_ind.min(), mask.psf_center_ind[1] - x_ind.min()]
# Oversample the reduced mask
mask_red_os = self.rebin(mask_red, self.__osf).view(PixelMask)
# Calculate the new PSF-center indices of the reduced mask
psf_center_ind = [x * self.__osf for x in psf_center_ind]
# Get PSF values or calculate them if not available
if self.__psf_os is not None and self.__center_point_os is not None and self.__psf_osf is not None:
center_point = self.__center_point_os
psf = self.__psf_os
psf_osf = self.__psf_osf
center_point, psf, psf_osf = self.calcPSF(jitter_sigma)
# Calculate the coordinates of each PSF value in microns
x = (np.arange(psf.shape[1]) - center_point[1]) * self.__grid_delta[1].to( / psf_osf
y = (np.arange(psf.shape[0]) - center_point[0]) * self.__grid_delta[0].to( / psf_osf
# Initialize a two-dimensional cubic interpolation function for the PSF
psf_interp = interp2d(x=x, y=y, z=psf, kind='cubic', copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
# Calculate the values of the PSF for all elements of the reduced mask
res = psf_interp((np.arange(mask_red_os.shape[1]) - psf_center_ind[1]) *,
(np.arange(mask_red_os.shape[0]) - psf_center_ind[0]) *
# Bin the oversampled reduced mask to the original resolution and multiply with the reduced mask to select only
# the relevant values
res = mask_red * self.rebin(res, 1 / self.__osf)
# Integrate the reduced mask and divide by the indefinite integral to get relative intensities
res = res * ** 2 / (
psf.sum() * (self.__grid_delta[0].to( / psf_osf) ** 2)
# reintegrate the reduced mask into the complete mask
mask[y_ind.min():(y_ind.max() + 1), x_ind.min():(x_ind.max() + 1)] = res
return mask
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