Calculate reduced observation angle using a grid
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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
from .IPSF import IPSF
from ...lib.helpers import error, rasterizeCircle
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import re
from logging import warning
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.integrate import nquad
from scipy.optimize import bisect
from .IPSF import IPSF
from typing import Union
from ...lib.helpers import error
from scipy.optimize import bisect
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
class Zemax(IPSF):
@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
A class for modelling the PSF from a Zemax output file
@u.quantity_input(wl="length", d_aperture="length")
def __init__(self, file: str, f_number: float, wl: u.Quantity, d_aperture: u.Quantity):
@u.quantity_input(wl="length", d_aperture="length", pixel_size="length")
def __init__(self, file: str, f_number: float, wl: u.Quantity, d_aperture: u.Quantity, osf: float,
pixel_size: u.Quantity):
Initialize a new PSF from a Zemax file.
@ -30,11 +31,17 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
The central wavelength which is used for calculating the PSF
d_aperture : Quantity
The diameter of the telescope's aperture.
osf : float
The oversampling factor to be used for oversampling the PSF with regards to the pixel size.
pixel_size : Quantity
The size of a pixel as length-quantity.
# Store parameters
self.__f_number = f_number
self.__wl = wl
self.__d_aperture = d_aperture
self.__osf = osf
self.__pixel_size = pixel_size
# Read PSF from file
with open(file, encoding="utf16") as fp:
self.__psf = np.genfromtxt((x.replace(",", ".") for x in fp), delimiter='\t', skip_header=21)
@ -47,15 +54,20 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
warning("Not all PSF entries read.")
# Parse and calculate the grid width
grid_delta = [float(x.replace(",", ".")) for x in
re.findall("[0-9]+,*[0-9]*", list(filter(re.compile("Data area is ").match, head))[0])]
re.findall("[0-9]+,*[0-9]*", list(filter(re.compile("Data area is ").match, head))[0])]
unit = re.findall(".+(?=\\.$)", re.sub("Data area is [0-9]+,*[0-9]* by [0-9]+,*[0-9]* ", "",
list(filter(re.compile("Data area is ").match, head))[0]))[0]
# noinspection PyArgumentList
self.__grid_delta = np.array(grid_delta) / np.array(shape) << u.Unit(unit)
# Parse the center point of the PSF in the grid
self.__center_point = [int(x) for x in
re.findall("[0-9]+", list(filter(re.compile("Center point is: ").match, head))[0])]
self.__center_point[0] = self.__psf.shape[0] - self.__center_point[0]
self.__center_point[1] -= 1
def calcReducedObservationAngle(self, contained_energy: Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity]) -> u.Quantity:
# @u.quantity_input(jitter_sigma=u.arcsec)
def calcReducedObservationAngle(self, contained_energy: Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity],
jitter_sigma: u.Quantity = None) -> u.Quantity:
Calculate the reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap for the given contained energy.
@ -63,12 +75,15 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
contained_energy : Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity]
The percentage of energy to be contained within a circle with the diameter reduced observation angle.
jitter_sigma : Quantity
Sigma of the telescope's jitter in arcsec
reduced_observation_angle: Quantity
The reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap
# Parse the contained energy
if type(contained_energy) == str:
contained_energy = float(contained_energy) / 100.0 * u.dimensionless_unscaled
@ -76,29 +91,62 @@ class Zemax(IPSF):
error("Could not convert encircled energy to float.")
elif type(contained_energy) in [int, float]:
contained_energy = contained_energy * u.dimensionless_unscaled
# Create an linear interpolation function for the PSF and the corresponding grid coordinates
x_range = np.arange(-(self.__center_point[0] - 1), self.__psf.shape[0] - self.__center_point[0] + 1)
y_range = np.arange(-(self.__center_point[1] - 1), self.__psf.shape[1] - self.__center_point[1] + 1)
interp = RegularGridInterpolator((y_range, x_range), np.flip(self.__psf, axis=0))
# Calculate the maximum possible radius as the smallest distance from the center of the PSF to the borders of
# the grid.
r_max = min(self.__center_point[0] - 1, self.__center_point[1] - 1,
self.__psf.shape[0] - self.__center_point[0], self.__psf.shape[1] - self.__center_point[1])
# Calculate the overall integral of the PSF
total = np.sum(self.__psf)
# Find the radius of the circle containing the given percentage of energy. Therefore, the interpolation
# function is numerically integrated within the radius. The Integration radius is optimized using bisection.
r = bisect(lambda r_c: contained_energy.value -
nquad(lambda x, y: interp(np.array([y, x])),
[lambda y: [-1 * np.sqrt(r_c ** 2 - y ** 2), np.sqrt(r_c ** 2 - y ** 2)],
[-r_c, r_c]], opts={"epsrel": 1e-1})[0] / total, 0, r_max, xtol=0.1)
except ValueError:
r = r_max
# Calculate the reduced observation angle for the radius of the circle. Therefore, first convert the radius in
# grid elements to plate size, then calculate the corresponding observation angle and reduce it.
reduced_observation_angle = r * self.__grid_delta[0] / (self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture) * \
self.__d_aperture / self.__wl
# Calculate the osf for the PSF based on the current resolution of the PSF
psf_osf = np.ceil(max(self.__grid_delta) / (2 * self.__pixel_size / self.__osf)).value * 2
if psf_osf == 1.0:
# No oversampling is necessary
psf = self.__psf
center_point = self.__center_point
# Oversampling is necessary, oversample the PSF and calculate the new center point.
psf = zoom(self.__psf, zoom=psf_osf, order=1)
center_point = [(x + 0.5) * psf_osf - 0.5 for x in self.__center_point]
if jitter_sigma is not None:
# Convert angular jitter to jitter on focal plane
jitter_sigma_um = ( * self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture / u.rad).to(
# Jitter is enabled. Calculate the corresponding gaussian bell and convolve it with the PSF
if min(self.__grid_delta) / psf_osf < 6 * jitter_sigma_um:
# 3-sigma interval of the gaussian bell is larger than the grid width
# Calculate the necessary grid length for the 3-sigma interval of the gaussian bell
jitter_grid_length = np.ceil(6 * jitter_sigma_um / (min(self.__grid_delta) / psf_osf)).value
# Make sure, the grid size is odd in order to have a defined kernel center
jitter_grid_length = int(jitter_grid_length if jitter_grid_length % 2 == 1 else jitter_grid_length + 1)
# Create a meshgrid containing the x and y coordinates of each point within the first quadrant of the
# gaussian kernel
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(range(-int((jitter_grid_length - 1) / 2), 1),
range(-int((jitter_grid_length - 1) / 2), 1))
# Calculate the gaussian kernel in the first quadrant
kernel = 1 / (2 * np.pi * jitter_sigma_um.value ** 2) * np.exp(
-((xv * min(self.__grid_delta.value) / psf_osf) ** 2 +
(yv * min(self.__grid_delta.value) / psf_osf) ** 2) / (2 * jitter_sigma_um.value ** 2))
# Mirror the kernel from the first quadrant to all other quadrants
kernel = np.concatenate((kernel, np.flip(kernel, axis=1)[:, 1:]), axis=1)
kernel = np.concatenate((kernel, np.flip(kernel, axis=0)[1:, :]), axis=0)
# Normalize kernel
kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
# Convolve PSF with gaussian kernel
psf = fftconvolve(np.pad(psf, int((jitter_grid_length - 1) / 2), mode="constant", constant_values=0),
kernel, mode="same")
# Calculate new center point
center_point = [x + int((jitter_grid_length - 1) / 2) for x in center_point]
# Calculate the maximum possible radius for the circle containing the photometric aperture
# r_max = min(center_point[0] - 1, center_point[1] - 1, psf.shape[0] - center_point[0],
# psf.shape[1] - center_point[1])
r_max = min(np.sqrt(center_point[0]**2 + center_point[1]**2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0])**2 + center_point[1]**2),
np.sqrt(center_point[0]**2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1])**2),
np.sqrt((psf.shape[0] - center_point[0])**2 + (psf.shape[1] - center_point[1])**2))
# Calculate the total contained energy of the PSF
total = np.sum(psf)
# Iterate the optimal radius for the contained energy
r = bisect(lambda r_c: contained_energy.value - np.sum(
psf * rasterizeCircle(psf.shape[0], r_c, center_point[0], center_point[1])) / total, 0, r_max, xtol=1e-1)
# Calculate the reduced observation angle in d_ap / lambda
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
reduced_observation_angle = r / psf_osf * self.__grid_delta[0] / (
self.__f_number * self.__d_aperture) * self.__d_aperture / self.__wl
return reduced_observation_angle * u.dimensionless_unscaled
def mapToGrid(self, grid: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
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