128 lines
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128 lines
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from .AOpticalComponent import AOpticalComponent
from ..IRadiant import IRadiant
from ..SpectralQty import SpectralQty
from ..Entry import Entry
from ...lib.logger import logger
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody
from typing import Union
class Atmosphere(AOpticalComponent):
A class to model the atmosphere including the atmosphere's spectral transmittance and emission.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize a new atmosphere model
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the atmosphere from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
This element is usually of type Target or StrayLight.
transmittance : str
Path to the file containing the spectral transmittance-coefficients of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
emission : str
Path to the file containing the spectral radiance of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
args = dict()
if "temp" in kwargs:
args = self._fromATRAN(**kwargs)
elif "transmittance" in kwargs:
args = self._fromFiles(**kwargs)
logger.error("Wrong parameters for class Atmosphere.")
super().__init__(parent=args["parent"], transreflectivity=args["transmittance"], noise=args["emission"])
def _fromFiles(self, parent: IRadiant, transmittance: str, emission: str = None):
Initialize a new atmosphere model from two files
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the atmosphere from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
This element is usually of type Target or StrayLight.
transmittance : str
Path to the file containing the spectral transmittance-coefficients of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
emission : str
Path to the file containing the spectral radiance of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
# Read the transmittance
transmittance = SpectralQty.fromFile(transmittance, wl_unit_default=u.nm,
if emission is None:
emission = 0
emission = SpectralQty.fromFile(emission, wl_unit_default=u.nm,
qty_unit_default=u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * u.sr))
return {"parent": parent, "transmittance": transmittance, "emission": emission}
def _fromATRAN(self, parent: IRadiant, transmittance: str, temp: u.Quantity):
transmittance = "data_sofia/atmospheric_transmittance.dat"
# Read the file
data = ascii.read(transmittance, format=None)
# Set units
data["col2"].unit = u.um
data["col3"].unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled
# Create spectral quantity
transmittance = SpectralQty(data["col2"].quantity, data["col3"].quantity)
# Create black body
bb = self.__gb_factory(temp)
# Calculate emission
emission = SpectralQty(transmittance.wl, bb(transmittance.wl)) * transmittance
return {"parent": parent, "transmittance": transmittance, "emission": emission}
def check_config(conf: Entry) -> Union[None, str]:
Check the configuration for this class
conf : Entry
The configuration entry to be checked.
mes : Union[None, str]
The error message of the check. This will be None if the check was successful.
mes = conf.check_file("transmittance")
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "emission"):
mes = conf.check_file("emission")
if mes is not None:
return mes
@u.quantity_input(temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius])
def __gb_factory(temp: u.Quantity, em: Union[int, float] = 1):
Factory for a grey body lambda-function.
temp : Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius
The temperature fo the grey body.
em : Union[int, float]
Emissivity of the the grey body
bb : Callable
The lambda function for the grey body.
bb = BlackBody(temperature=temp, scale=em * u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * u.sr))
return lambda wl: bb(wl)