314 lines
12 KiB
314 lines
12 KiB
from .AOpticalComponent import AOpticalComponent
from ..IRadiant import IRadiant
from ..SpectralQty import SpectralQty
from ..Entry import Entry
from ...lib.logger import logger
from ...lib.cache import cache
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody
from astropy.table import QTable
from typing import Union
import re
import requests as req
import numpy as np
class Atmosphere(AOpticalComponent):
A class to model the atmosphere including the atmosphere's spectral transmittance and emission.
# defining the ATRAN-endpoint
ATRAN = "https://atran.arc.nasa.gov"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize a new atmosphere model
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the atmosphere from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
transmittance : str
Path to the file containing the spectral transmittance-coefficients of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
atran : str
Path to the ATRAN output file containing the spectral transmittance-coefficients of the atmosphere.
altitude : u.Quantity
The observatory altitude in feet.
wl_min : u.Quantity
The minimal wavelength to consider in micrometer.
wl_max : u.Quantity
The maximal wavelength to consider in micrometer.
latitude : u.Quantity
The observatory's latitude in degrees.
water_vapor : u.Quantity
The water vapor overburden in microns (0 if unknown).
n_layers : int
The number of considered atmopsheric layers.
zenith_angle : u.Quantity
The zenith angle of the observation in degrees (0 is towards the zenith).
resolution : int
The resolution for smoothing (0 for no smoothing).
emission : str
Path to the file containing the spectral radiance of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
temp : u.Quantity
The atmospheric temperature for the atmosphere's black body radiation.
args = dict()
if "atran" in kwargs:
data = self.__parse_ATRAN(kwargs["atran"])
args = self._fromATRAN(parent=kwargs["parent"], atran=data)
elif "altitude" in kwargs:
logger.info("Requesting ATRAN transmission profile.")
data = self.__call_ATRAN(**{x: kwargs[x] for x in kwargs.keys() if x not in ["parent", "temp"]})
args = self._fromATRAN(parent=kwargs["parent"], atran=data)
elif "transmittance" in kwargs:
args = self._fromFiles(**{x: kwargs[x] for x in kwargs.keys() if x not in ["emission", "temp"]})
logger.error("Wrong parameters for class Atmosphere.")
if "temp" in kwargs:
# Create black body
bb = self.__gb_factory(kwargs["temp"])
# Calculate emission
args["emission"] = SpectralQty(args["transmittance"].wl, bb(args["transmittance"].wl)) * (
-1 * args["transmittance"] + 1)
elif "emission" in kwargs:
args["emission"] = SpectralQty.fromFile(kwargs["emission"], wl_unit_default=u.nm,
qty_unit_default=u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * u.sr))
args["emission"] = 0
super().__init__(parent=args["parent"], transreflectivity=args["transmittance"], noise=args["emission"])
def _fromFiles(self, parent: IRadiant, transmittance: str):
Initialize a new atmosphere model from two files
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the atmosphere from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
transmittance : str
Path to the file containing the spectral transmittance-coefficients of the atmosphere.
The format of the file will be guessed by `astropy.io.ascii.read()`.
args : dict
The arguments for the class instantiation.
# Read the transmittance
transmittance = SpectralQty.fromFile(transmittance, wl_unit_default=u.nm,
return {"parent": parent, "transmittance": transmittance}
def _fromATRAN(self, parent: IRadiant, atran: QTable):
Initialize a new atmosphere model from an ATRAN output file
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the atmosphere from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
atran : QTable
QTable containing the atmospheric transmission coefficients.
args : dict
The arguments for the class instantiation.
# Create spectral quantity
transmittance = SpectralQty(atran["col2"].quantity, atran["col3"].quantity)
return {"parent": parent, "transmittance": transmittance}
@u.quantity_input(altitude="length", latitude="angle", water_vapor="length", zenith_angle="angle", wl_min="length",
def __call_ATRAN(self, altitude: u.Quantity, wl_min: u.Quantity, wl_max: u.Quantity,
latitude: u.Quantity = 39 * u.degree, water_vapor: u.Quantity = 0 * u.um, n_layers: int = 2,
zenith_angle: u.Quantity = 0 * u.degree, resolution: int = 0):
Call the online version of ATRAN provided by SOFIA
altitude : u.Quantity
The observatory altitude in feet.
wl_min : u.Quantity
The minimal wavelength to consider in micrometer.
wl_max : u.Quantity
The maximal wavelength to consider in micrometer.
latitude : u.Quantity
The observatory's latitude in degrees.
water_vapor : u.Quantity
The water vapor overburden in microns (0 if unknown).
n_layers : int
The number of considered atmopsheric layers.
zenith_angle : u.Quantity
The zenith angle of the observation in degrees (0 is towards the zenith).
resolution : int
The resolution for smoothing (0 for no smoothing).
data : QTable
The ATRAN computation results
# Select closest latitude from ATRAN options
latitude_ = min(np.array([9, 30, 39, 43, 59]) * u.degree, key=lambda x: abs(x - latitude.to(u.degree)))
# Select closest number of layers from ATRAN options
n_layers_ = min([2, 3, 4, 5], key=lambda x: abs(x - n_layers))
# Assemble the data payload
data = {'Altitude': altitude.to(u.imperial.ft).value,
'Obslat': '%d deg' % latitude_.value,
'WVapor': water_vapor.to(u.um).value,
'NLayers': n_layers_,
'ZenithAngle': zenith_angle.to(u.degree).value,
'WaveMin': wl_min.to(u.um).value,
'WaveMax': wl_max.to(u.um).value,
'Resolution': resolution}
# Send data to ATRAN via POST request
res = req.post(url=self.ATRAN + "/cgi-bin/atran/atran.cgi", data=data)
# Check if request was successful
if not res.ok:
logger.error("Error: Request returned status code " + str(res.status_code))
# Extract the content of the reply
content = res.text
# Check if any ATRAN error occured
match = re.search('<CENTER><H2>ERROR!!</H2></CENTER><CENTER>(.*)</CENTER>', content)
if match:
logger.error("Error: " + match.group(1))
# Extract link to ATRAN result file
match = re.search('href="(/atran_calc/atran.(?:plt|smo).\\d*.dat)"', content)
# Check if link was found
if not match:
logger.error("Error: Link to data file not found.")
# Request the ATRAN result via GET request
res = req.get(self.ATRAN + match.group(1))
# Check if request was successful
if not res.ok:
logger.error("Error: Request returned status code " + str(res.status_code))
# Extract the content of the reply
data = res.text
# Check if result is empty
if data == "":
logger.error("Error: Request returned empty response.")
return self.__parse_ATRAN(data)
def __parse_ATRAN(table: str):
Parse an ATRAN result file and convert it to an astropy table
table : str
Path to the file or content of the file.
data : astropy.Table
The parsed table object.
# Read the file
data = ascii.read(table, format=None)
# Set units
data["col2"].unit = u.um
data["col3"].unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled
return data
@u.quantity_input(temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius])
def __gb_factory(temp: u.Quantity, em: Union[int, float] = 1):
Factory for a grey body lambda-function.
temp : Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius
The temperature fo the grey body.
em : Union[int, float]
Emissivity of the the grey body
bb : Callable
The lambda function for the grey body.
bb = BlackBody(temperature=temp, scale=em * u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * u.sr))
return lambda wl: bb(wl)
def __repr__(self):
return "Atmosphere Object"
def check_config(conf: Entry) -> Union[None, str]:
Check the configuration for this class
conf : Entry
The configuration entry to be checked.
mes : Union[None, str]
The error message of the check. This will be None if the check was successful.
if hasattr(conf, "transmittance"):
mes = conf.check_file("transmittance")
if mes is not None:
return mes
elif hasattr(conf, "atran"):
mes = conf.check_file("atran")
if mes is not None:
return mes
mes = conf.check_quantity("altitude", u.imperial.ft)
if mes is not None:
return mes
mes = conf.check_quantity("wl_min", u.um)
if mes is not None:
return mes
mes = conf.check_quantity("wl_max", u.um)
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "latitude"):
mes = conf.check_quantity("latitude", u.degree)
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "water_vapor"):
mes = conf.check_quantity("water_vapor", u.um)
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "n_layers"):
mes = conf.check_float("n_layers")
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "zenith_angle"):
mes = conf.check_quantity("zenith_angle", u.degree)
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "resolution"):
mes = conf.check_float("resolution")
if mes is not None:
return mes
if hasattr(conf, "emission"):
mes = conf.check_file("emission")
if mes is not None:
return mes
elif hasattr(conf, "temp"):
mes = conf.check_quantity("temp", u.K)
if mes is not None:
return mes