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from esbo_etc.classes.optical_component.AOpticalComponent import AOpticalComponent
from esbo_etc.classes.IRadiant import IRadiant
from esbo_etc.classes.SpectralQty import SpectralQty
from abc import abstractmethod
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody
from typing import Union, Callable
from ..Entry import Entry
class AHotOpticalComponent(AOpticalComponent):
Abstract super class for an optical component with thermal emission
@u.quantity_input(wl_bins='length', temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius], obstruction_temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius])
def __init__(self, parent: IRadiant, emissivity: Union[SpectralQty, int, float, str], temp: u.Quantity,
obstruction: float = 0, obstructor_temp: u.Quantity = 0 * u.K, obstructor_emissivity: float = 1):
Initialize a new optical component with thermal emission
parent : IRadiant
The parent element of the optical component from which the electromagnetic radiation is received.
emissivity : Union[SpectralQty, int, float, str]
The spectral emissivity coefficient for the optical surface.
temp: Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius
Temperature of the optical component
obstruction : float
The additional obstruction factor of the optical component. 0 means the component is not obstructed, 1
denotes a completely obstructed component with therefore no incoming flux. It is important to note, that
the obstruction factor reflects the obstruction of the optical component additionally to the obstruction
factors of the prior elements in the beam.
obstructor_temp : Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius
Temperature of the obstructing component.
obstructor_emissivity : float
Emissivity of the obstructing component.
# Initialize super class
super().__init__(parent, obstruction=obstruction, obstructor_temp=obstructor_temp,
if temp > 0 * u.K:
# Create noise from black body model
if isinstance(emissivity, SpectralQty):
bb = self.__gb_factory(temp)
self.__noise = SpectralQty(emissivity.wl, bb(emissivity.wl)) * emissivity
elif isinstance(emissivity, str):
em = float(emissivity)
bb = self.__gb_factory(temp, em)
self.__noise = bb
except ValueError:
em = SpectralQty.fromFile(emissivity, u.nm, u.dimensionless_unscaled)
bb = self.__gb_factory(temp)
self.__noise = SpectralQty(em.wl, bb(em.wl)) * em
bb = self.__gb_factory(temp, emissivity)
self.__noise = bb
self.__noise = 0
def _ownNoise(self) -> Union[SpectralQty, Callable[[u.Quantity], u.Quantity], int, float]:
Calculate the noise created by the optical component
noise : Union[SpectralQty, Callable[[u.Quantity], u.Quantity], int, float]
The noise created by the optical component
return self.__noise
@u.quantity_input(temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius])
def __gb_factory(temp: u.Quantity, em: Union[int, float] = 1):
Factory for a grey body lambda-function.
temp : Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius
The temperature fo the grey body.
em : Union[int, float]
Emissivity of the the grey body
bb : Callable
The lambda function for the grey body.
bb = BlackBody(temperature=temp, scale=em * u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * u.sr))
return lambda wl: bb(wl)
def check_config(conf: Entry) -> Union[None, str]:
Check the configuration for this class
conf : Entry
The configuration entry to be checked.
mes : Union[None, str]
The error message of the check. This will be None if the check was successful.