added doc to dle encoder

This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2020-08-26 17:42:13 +02:00
parent 9465c8f2b2
commit 2748a8b93b
2 changed files with 203 additions and 120 deletions

@ -1,95 +1,124 @@
#include "DleEncoder.h"
DleEncoder::DleEncoder() {
DleEncoder::~DleEncoder() {
ReturnValue_t DleEncoder::decode(const uint8_t *sourceStream,
uint32_t sourceStreamLen, uint32_t *readLen, uint8_t *destStream,
uint32_t maxDestStreamlen, uint32_t *decodedLen) {
uint32_t encodedIndex = 0, decodedIndex = 0;
uint8_t nextByte;
if (*sourceStream != STX) {
while ((encodedIndex < sourceStreamLen) && (decodedIndex < maxDestStreamlen)
&& (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != ETX)
&& (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != STX)) {
if (sourceStream[encodedIndex] == DLE) {
nextByte = sourceStream[encodedIndex + 1];
if (nextByte == 0x10) {
destStream[decodedIndex] = nextByte;
} else {
if ((nextByte == 0x42) || (nextByte == 0x43)
|| (nextByte == 0x4D)) {
destStream[decodedIndex] = nextByte - 0x40;
} else {
} else {
destStream[decodedIndex] = sourceStream[encodedIndex];
if (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != ETX) {
} else {
*readLen = ++encodedIndex;
*decodedLen = decodedIndex;
return RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t DleEncoder::encode(const uint8_t* sourceStream,
uint32_t sourceLen, uint8_t* destStream, uint32_t maxDestLen,
uint32_t* encodedLen, bool addStxEtx) {
if (maxDestLen < 2) {
uint32_t encodedIndex = 0, sourceIndex = 0;
uint8_t nextByte;
if (addStxEtx) {
destStream[0] = STX;
while ((encodedIndex < maxDestLen) && (sourceIndex < sourceLen)) {
nextByte = sourceStream[sourceIndex];
if ((nextByte == STX) || (nextByte == ETX) || (nextByte == 0x0D)) {
if (encodedIndex + 1 >= maxDestLen) {
} else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE;
destStream[encodedIndex] = nextByte + 0x40;
} else if (nextByte == DLE) {
if (encodedIndex + 1 >= maxDestLen) {
} else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE;
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE;
} else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = nextByte;
if ((sourceIndex == sourceLen) && (encodedIndex < maxDestLen)) {
if (addStxEtx) {
destStream[encodedIndex] = ETX;
*encodedLen = encodedIndex;
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
#include "../globalfunctions/DleEncoder.h"
DleEncoder::DleEncoder() {}
DleEncoder::~DleEncoder() {}
ReturnValue_t DleEncoder::encode(const uint8_t* sourceStream,
size_t sourceLen, uint8_t* destStream, size_t maxDestLen,
size_t* encodedLen, bool addStxEtx) {
if (maxDestLen < 2) {
size_t encodedIndex = 0, sourceIndex = 0;
uint8_t nextByte;
if (addStxEtx) {
destStream[0] = STX_CHAR;
while (encodedIndex < maxDestLen and sourceIndex < sourceLen)
nextByte = sourceStream[sourceIndex];
// STX, ETX and CR characters in the stream need to be escaped with DLE
if (nextByte == STX_CHAR or nextByte == ETX_CHAR or nextByte == CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
if (encodedIndex + 1 >= maxDestLen) {
else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE_CHAR;
/* Escaped byte will be actual byte + 0x40. This prevents
* STX, ETX, and carriage return characters from appearing
* in the encoded data stream at all, so when polling an
* encoded stream, the transmission can be stopped at ETX.
* 0x40 was chosen at random with special requirements:
* - Prevent going from one control char to another
* - Prevent overflow for common characters */
destStream[encodedIndex] = nextByte + 0x40;
// DLE characters are simply escaped with DLE.
else if (nextByte == DLE_CHAR) {
if (encodedIndex + 1 >= maxDestLen) {
else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE_CHAR;
destStream[encodedIndex] = DLE_CHAR;
else {
destStream[encodedIndex] = nextByte;
if (sourceIndex == sourceLen and encodedIndex < maxDestLen) {
if (addStxEtx) {
destStream[encodedIndex] = ETX_CHAR;
*encodedLen = encodedIndex;
return RETURN_OK;
else {
ReturnValue_t DleEncoder::decode(const uint8_t *sourceStream,
size_t sourceStreamLen, size_t *readLen, uint8_t *destStream,
size_t maxDestStreamlen, size_t *decodedLen) {
size_t encodedIndex = 0, decodedIndex = 0;
uint8_t nextByte;
if (*sourceStream != STX_CHAR) {
while ((encodedIndex < sourceStreamLen) && (decodedIndex < maxDestStreamlen)
&& (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != ETX_CHAR)
&& (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != STX_CHAR)) {
if (sourceStream[encodedIndex] == DLE_CHAR) {
nextByte = sourceStream[encodedIndex + 1];
// The next byte is a DLE character that was escaped by another
// DLE character, so we can write it to the destination stream.
if (nextByte == DLE_CHAR) {
destStream[decodedIndex] = nextByte;
else {
/* The next byte is a STX, DTX or 0x0D character which
* was escaped by a DLE character. The actual byte was
* also encoded by adding + 0x40 to preven having control chars,
* in the stream at all, so we convert it back. */
if (nextByte == 0x42 or nextByte == 0x43 or nextByte == 0x4D) {
destStream[decodedIndex] = nextByte - 0x40;
else {
else {
destStream[decodedIndex] = sourceStream[encodedIndex];
if (sourceStream[encodedIndex] != ETX_CHAR) {
*readLen = ++encodedIndex;
else {
*readLen = ++encodedIndex;
*decodedLen = decodedIndex;
return RETURN_OK;

@ -1,25 +1,79 @@
#include "../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
class DleEncoder: public HasReturnvaluesIF {
virtual ~DleEncoder();
static const uint8_t STX = 0x02;
static const uint8_t ETX = 0x03;
static const uint8_t DLE = 0x10;
static ReturnValue_t decode(const uint8_t *sourceStream,
uint32_t sourceStreamLen, uint32_t *readLen, uint8_t *destStream,
uint32_t maxDestStreamlen, uint32_t *decodedLen);
static ReturnValue_t encode(const uint8_t *sourceStream, uint32_t sourceLen,
uint8_t *destStream, uint32_t maxDestLen, uint32_t *encodedLen,
bool addStxEtx = true);
#endif /* DLEENCODER_H_ */
#include "../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include <cstddef>
* @brief This DLE Encoder (Data Link Encoder) can be used to encode and
* decode arbitrary data with ASCII control characters
* @details
* List of control codes:
* This encoder can be used to achieve a basic transport layer when using
* char based transmission systems.
* The passed source strean is converted into a encoded stream by adding
* a STX marker at the start of the stream and an ETX marker at the end of
* the stream. Any STX, ETX, DLE and CR occurences in the source stream are
* escaped by a DLE character. The encoder also replaces escaped control chars
* by another char, so STX, ETX and CR should not appear anywhere in the actual
* encoded data stream.
* When using a strictly char based reception of packets enoded with DLE,
* STX can be used to notify a reader that actual data will start to arrive
* while ETX can be used to notify the reader that the data has ended.
class DleEncoder: public HasReturnvaluesIF {
virtual ~DleEncoder();
static constexpr uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DLE_ENCODER;
static constexpr ReturnValue_t STREAM_TOO_SHORT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x01);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DECODING_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x02);
//! Start Of Text character. First character is encoded stream
static constexpr uint8_t STX_CHAR = 0x02;
//! End Of Text character. Last character in encoded stream
static constexpr uint8_t ETX_CHAR = 0x03;
//! Data Link Escape character. Used to escape STX, ETX and DLE occurences
//! in the source stream.
static constexpr uint8_t DLE_CHAR = 0x10;
static constexpr uint8_t CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D;
* Encodes the give data stream by preceding it with the STX marker
* and ending it with an ETX marker. STX, ETX and DLE characters inside
* the stream are escaped by DLE characters and also replaced by adding
* 0x40 (which is reverted in the decoing process).
* @param sourceStream
* @param sourceLen
* @param destStream
* @param maxDestLen
* @param encodedLen
* @param addStxEtx
* Adding STX and ETX can be omitted, if they are added manually.
* @return
static ReturnValue_t encode(const uint8_t *sourceStream, size_t sourceLen,
uint8_t *destStream, size_t maxDestLen, size_t *encodedLen,
bool addStxEtx = true);
* Converts an encoded stream back.
* @param sourceStream
* @param sourceStreamLen
* @param readLen
* @param destStream
* @param maxDestStreamlen
* @param decodedLen
* @return
static ReturnValue_t decode(const uint8_t *sourceStream,
size_t sourceStreamLen, size_t *readLen, uint8_t *destStream,
size_t maxDestStreamlen, size_t *decodedLen);