2022-10-05 11:15:16 +02:00
2022-10-04 11:33:26 +02:00
2022-10-05 11:15:16 +02:00

Threads and Tasks

This workshop is split into 4 subtasks which are done in the main.cpp of this project.

Background Information

A satellite is a complex system which usually has a lot of tasks which need to be done simulatenously by a dedicated On-Board Computer (OBC). This can include for example:

  • TMTC handling. This includes Telecommand (TC) reception and execution, and the (autonomous) generation of Telemetry (TM)
  • Control Operations, for example execution of the Attitue Control System (ACS) loop
  • Handling of connected physical devices like sensors or payloads

Usually, these systems oftentimes have soft and even hard real-time requirements where longer delays are not allowed and the system has an upper bound for response times.

This basically means that any software which does multiple non-trivial tasks needs a (real-time) operating system to perform multiple tasks consecutively, with deterministisc guarantees that these tasks are performed within a certain temporal bound.

Some common operating system in the Space domain able to do this:

  • FreeRTOS for smaller MCUs (e.g. SOURCE CubeSat project)
  • Embedded Linux (EIVE CubeSat project)
  • RTEMS (FLP satellite project)

All these operating system use threads or tasks as the basic worker unit which is executing code. This chapter first introduces threads as they are exposed by the C++ standard library. After that, the code is transitioned to use the abstraction provided by the framework.

1. Scheduling a basic task using the C++ std::thread API

The goal of this task is to set up a basic thread which prints the following string every second: "Hello World".

2. Changing to the concept of executable objects

The goal of this task is to convert the code from task 1 so the std::thread API receives an executable object to move to a more object oriented task approach.

The printout of the thread should remain the same. The executable objects should be named MyExecutableObject. It contains one function called periodicOperation which performs the printout, and a static function which takes the MyExecutableObject itself by reference and executes it in a permanent loop.

The executable object should be passed into the std::thread directly. There are two ways to do this.



  1. Create a class called MyExecutableObject with a public block.
  2. Add a static function called executeTask which expects itself (MyExecutableObject& self) as a parameter with an empty implementation
  3. Add a regular method called performOperation which performs the printout
  4. Implement executeTask. This function uses the passed object and performs the scheduling specific part by calling self.performOperation in a permanent loop with a delay between calls. You can hardcode the delay to 1000ms for the first implementation.
  5. Change your std::thread calls in the main. You can pass the new executeTask function as the executable unit. The second argument should be an instance of the executable object itself. You might need the std::reference_wrapper to pass it as a reference. You can also use the approach used in thre thread ctor example (t5) and pass a regular member function and a pointer of the class
  6. Add a constructor to MyExecutableObject which expects a millisecond delay as an uint32_t and cache it as a member variable. Then use this member variable in the executeTask implementation to make the task frequency configurable via the constructor (ctor) parameter.

With the conversion to executable object, we have reached a useful goal in object-oriented programming (OOP) in general: The application logic inside performOperation is now decoupled from the scheduling logic inside executeTask. This is also called seperation of concerns.

3. Making the executable objects generic

Threads generally expect a function which is then directly executed. Sometimes, the execution of threads needs to be deferred. For example, this can be useful if the execution of tasks should only start after a certain condition.

Also, it might become useful to model any task in form of a class. An instantiation of that class would then be an executable object. Another point is that even though we have seperated the scheduling specific part from the application logic, they are still part of the same class. It would be nice to have two separate classes for this.

C++ as an OOP language provides abstraction in form of interfaces, which can be used to have different types of generic executable objects. Interfaces usually do not have a lot of source code on their own. They describe a design contract a class should have which implements the interface. In general, the FSFW relies heavily on subclassing and inheritance to provide adaptions point to users.

We are going to refactor our MyExecutableObject by introducing an interface for any executable object. We are then going to add a generic class which expects an object fulfilling this design contract and then executes that object.

Interfaces in C++ are implemented using abstract classes which only contains pure virtual functions.


  1. Create an interface called MyExecutableObjectIF. You can create this like a regular class. As opposed to Java the differences between interfaces and classes are only by convention.

  2. In general, it is recommended to add a virtual destructor to an interface. It looks like this:

    virtual ~<Class>() = default;
  3. Add a abstract virtual function performOperation. Abstract virtual functions look like this in general

    virtual <functionName>(...) = 0;
  4. Implement you custom interface for MyExecutableObject by re-using the exsiting performOperation function. In general, when implementing an interface or overriding a virtual function, it is recommended to add the override keyword to the function delaration. We do not have seperation between source and header files for our class yet, so you can add the override keyword after the function arguments and before the implementation block. The compiler will throw a compile error if a function is declared override but no base object function was actually overriden. This can prevent subtle bugs. Please note that MyExecutableObject is actually now forced to implement the performOperation function because that function is pure. The compiler makes sure we fulfill the design contract specified by the interface

  5. Add a new class called MyPeriodicTask. Our executed object and the task abstraction are now explicitely decoupled by using composition. Composition means that we have a "has-a" relationship instead of a "is-a" relationship. In general, composition is preferable to inheritance for flexible software designs. The new MyPeriodicTask class should have a ctor which expects a MyExecutableObjectIF by reference and the task frequency in milliseconds as an uint32_t. It caches both the executbale object and the task frequency as private member variables.

  6. Add a public start function which returns a std::thread and leave it empty for now.

  7. Add a private static executeTask method which expects MyPeriodicTask by reference. Its implementation is similar to the executeTask method of MyExecutableObject. Remove the executeTask implementation from MyExecutableObject.

  8. In the start method, use std::thread API with MyPeriodicTask::executeTask as the executed function. Pass the task itself by reference similarly to how it was done in task 2. Return the created thread directly, so callers can use the join method to block on thread completion.

We now have two separate classes where one class only contains application logic and the other one only contains scheduling logic. The MyPeriodicTask is also able to schedule arbitrary types which implement MyExecutableObjectIF. Finish this task by crating 3 different executable objects where each object does or prints our something different. Then pass all of those three different objects to a MyPeriodicTask and start all three periodic tasks which three different frequencies.

You now should have code which looks something like this:

int main() {
    MyExecutableObject0 myExecutableObject0;
    MyExecutableObject1 myExecutableObject1;
    MyExecutableObject2 myExecutableObject2;
    MyPeriodicTask task0(myExecutableObject0, 1000);
    MyPeriodicTask task1(myExecutableObject1, 2000);
    MyPeriodicTask task2(myExecutableObject2, 5000);
    auto thread0 = task0.start();
    auto thread1 = task1.start();
    auto thread2 = task2.start();
    return 0;

Where the three tasks do their tasks with different frequencies.

4. Using the framework abstractions

We now use framework components to perform the tasks shown above. The framework exposes an abstractions for executable tasks called ExecutableObjectIF.

It also offers a unform API to execute periodic tasks in form of the PeriodicTaskIF.

These tasks can then be created using the TaskFactory singleton.

An arbitrary number of executable objects can then be passed to a periodic task. These objects are then executed sequentially. This allows a granular design of executable tasks. For example, important tasks get an own dedicated thread while other low priority objects are scheduled consecutively in another thread.

In summary, task abstractions have the following advantages:

  • Task execution can be deferred until an explicit start method is called
  • Same uniform API across multiple operating systems


  1. Load the required interfaces:
    • #include "fsfw/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h"
    • #include "fsfw/tasks/PeriodicTaskIF.h
    • #include "fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h
  2. For your three custom objects, implement the executable object IF provided by the framework instead of your custom interface.
  3. In your main function, create an instance of the TaskFactory. TaskFactory is implemented as a singleton: The object will create itself when using TaskFactory::instance. All subsequent calls will return the same intance. There are other similar singletons to create other objects like mutexes or message queues.
  4. Create two periodic tasks using the TaskFactory::createPeriodicTask function. Some notes on the expected arguments:
    • Each task has a name. This is useful for debugging, especially because the framework abstractons can detect missed deadlines.
    • The task priority parameter is OS dependent. This parameter is currently ignored for the Linux OSAL so you can pass 0 here. On Windows, you can retrieve the priority by using tasks::makeWinPriority which can be loaded by including #include "fsfw/osal/windows/winTaskHelpers.h"
    • The stack space parameter is generally ignored or unimportant for host systems. You can simply pass PeriodicTaskIF::MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE here. This parameter becomes important on resource constrained OSes and systems, for example FreeRTOS.
    • The frequency is expected as floating point seconds
    • You can pass a function which will be called when a deadline is missed. This is the case when a tasks took longer than its designated slot frequency. This is useful to detect bugs in the software or generally detect when tasks require a large amount of time. You can also pass nullptr here if you do not want any function to be called.
  5. Add the first two of your custom exec objects to the first periodic task. Those tasks will be executed in the same thread consecutively. You can use the PeriodicTaskIF::addComponent method to do this.
  6. Add the third custom exec object to the second periodic task. The third object gets an own thread
  7. Start both periodic tasks and add a permanent loop at the end of the main method which puts the main thread into sleep.

You successfully scheduled some objects using the framework! The general concept of executble objects is used heavily throughout the framework. For example, each device handler or controller is an executable object, as the bases classes exposed by the framework implement ExecutableObjectIF.

There is also another type of periodic task handler called FixedTimeslotTask. Here, you can explicitely specify (multiple) execution slots with a specified relative time within the execution slot. This is useful for objects where there are multiple processing steps but the steps take different amount of times.

In examples or other OBSW implementations using the framework, you will often see the distinction between an ObjectFactory.cpp and an InitMission.cpp. In the first file, all global (executable) objects will be created. In the second file, all of these objects will be scheduled. Another chapter will introduce the Object Manager to show what exactly is happening here.