Create a generators repository and make it public #316

opened 2020-12-16 12:08:07 +01:00 by muellerr · 3 comments

A lot of the FLP code and FSFW appears to rely on auto-generation (debug output, mode tables, maybe whole MIB in future?). I think it would be a good idea if the generators folder is transformed into a submodule. Then new generators like mode table generators can be added there. The only problem is that this submodule would contain mission specific code. Another more complicated way would be to package generic parts of the generators into a separate repository so mission specific parts can be properly decoupled. This would then be a mini-generators Python framework to generate mission specific configuration files.

I have already done this for the TMTC commander. It might be a good idea here too.
Problem is that I currently update the generatoes implementation (which I have not used and tested in a long time, I need to update and test it again) in the SOURCE folder directly. Instead of copying the files manually to update the generators, which is extremely error prone, I'd like to do a git pull to update the generators.

A lot of the FLP code and FSFW appears to rely on auto-generation (debug output, mode tables, maybe whole MIB in future?). I think it would be a good idea if the generators folder is transformed into a submodule. Then new generators like mode table generators can be added there. The only problem is that this submodule would contain mission specific code. Another more complicated way would be to package generic parts of the generators into a separate repository so mission specific parts can be properly decoupled. This would then be a mini-generators Python framework to generate mission specific configuration files. I have already done this for the TMTC commander. It might be a good idea here too. Problem is that I currently update the generatoes implementation (which I have not used and tested in a long time, I need to update and test it again) in the SOURCE folder directly. Instead of copying the files manually to update the generators, which is extremely error prone, I'd like to do a `git pull` to update the generators.
muellerr added the
label 2020-12-16 12:08:07 +01:00
muellerr changed title from Make generators a submodule and public to Create a generators repostitory and make it public 2020-12-16 12:10:29 +01:00
muellerr changed title from Create a generators repostitory and make it public to Create a generators repository and make it public 2020-12-16 12:13:05 +01:00
New public generators core :

Can be found here now:

I think a translation file for returnvalues would be nice as well, this already exists for events.

Can be found here now: I think a translation file for returnvalues would be nice as well, this already exists for events.
And now it's here
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