Robin Mueller a18706ec53
Make FSFW tests accessible from outside
1. Further reduces the amount of code the user needs to copy and paste
2. Makes FSFW tests more accessible. This can be used to simplify moving mission unit tests
   to the FSFW
3. A lot of include improvements
2021-08-16 10:49:07 +02:00

77 lines
2.5 KiB

#include "TestSerialLinkedPacket.h"
#include "fsfw_tests/unit/CatchDefinitions.h"
#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/arrayprinter.h>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <array>
TEST_CASE("Serial Linked Packet" , "[SerLinkPacket]") {
// perform set-up here
uint32_t header = 42;
std::array<uint8_t, 3> testArray {1,2,3};
uint32_t tail = 96;
size_t packetMaxSize = 256;
uint8_t packet [packetMaxSize] = {};
size_t packetLen = 0;
SECTION("Test Deserialization with Serial Buffer Adapter.") {
// This is a serialization of a packet, made "manually".
// We generate a packet which store data big-endian by swapping some
// values. (like coming from ground).
header = EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(header);
std::memcpy(packet, &header, sizeof(header));
packetLen += sizeof(header);
std::copy(testArray.data(), testArray.data() + testArray.size(),
packet + packetLen);
packetLen += testArray.size();
tail = EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(tail);
std::memcpy(packet + packetLen, &tail, sizeof(tail));
packetLen += sizeof(tail);
//arrayprinter::print(packet, packetLen, OutputType::DEC);
// This is the buffer which will be filled when testClass.deSerialize
// is called.
std::array<uint8_t, 3> bufferAdaptee = {};
TestPacket testClass(packet, packetLen, bufferAdaptee.data(),
const uint8_t* readOnlyPointer = packet;
// Deserialize big endian packet by setting bigEndian to true.
ReturnValue_t result = testClass.deSerialize(&readOnlyPointer,
&packetLen, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG);
REQUIRE(result == retval::CATCH_OK);
CHECK(testClass.getHeader() == 42);
// Equivalent check.
// CHECK(testClass.getBuffer()[0] == 1);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[0] == 1);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[1] == 2);
CHECK(bufferAdaptee[2] == 3);
CHECK(testClass.getTail() == 96);
SECTION("Test Serialization") {
// Same process as performed in setup, this time using the class
// instead of doing it manually.
TestPacket testClass(header, tail, testArray.data(), testArray.size());
size_t serializedSize = 0;
uint8_t* packetPointer = packet;
// serialize for ground: bigEndian = true.
ReturnValue_t result = testClass.serialize(&packetPointer,
&serializedSize, packetMaxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG);
REQUIRE(result == retval::CATCH_OK);
// Result should be big endian now.
CHECK(packet[3] == 42);
CHECK(packet[4] == 1);
CHECK(packet[5] == 2);
CHECK(packet[6] == 3);
CHECK(packet[10] == 96);
// perform tear-down here