Robin Mueller e2ad37e3e6
All checks were successful
fsfw/fsfw/pipeline/pr-development This commit looks good
more ref replacements
2022-07-25 11:26:45 +02:00

118 lines
4.2 KiB

#include <array>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "fsfw/globalfunctions/CRC.h"
#include "fsfw/tmtcpacket/pus/tc.h"
#include "mocks/SimpleSerializable.h"
TEST_CASE("PUS TC Creator", "[pus-tc-creator]") {
auto packetId = PacketId(ccsds::PacketType::TC, true, 0x02);
auto spParams =
SpacePacketParams(packetId, PacketSeqCtrl(ccsds::SequenceFlags::UNSEGMENTED, 0x34), 0x00);
auto pusParams = PusTcParams(17, 1);
PusTcCreator creator(spParams, pusParams);
std::array<uint8_t, 32> buf{};
uint8_t* dataPtr = buf.data();
size_t serLen = 0;
SECTION("State") {
REQUIRE(creator.getService() == 17);
REQUIRE(creator.getSubService() == 1);
REQUIRE(creator.getApid() == 0x02);
REQUIRE(creator.getPusVersion() == 2);
REQUIRE(creator.getAcknowledgeFlags() == 0b1111);
REQUIRE(creator.getSourceId() == 0x00);
REQUIRE(creator.getPacketSeqCtrlRaw() == 0xc034);
// bytes CCSDS header, 5 bytes secondary header, 2 bytes CRC, 3 bytes app data
REQUIRE(creator.getFullPacketLen() == 13);
// The data length field is the full packet length minus the primary header minus 1
REQUIRE(creator.getPacketDataLen() == 6);
auto& paramsLocal = creator.getSpParams();
REQUIRE(paramsLocal.packetId == packetId);
SECTION("Serialized") {
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, buf.size()) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
REQUIRE(serLen == 13);
REQUIRE(buf[0] == 0x18);
REQUIRE(buf[1] == 0x02);
// Unsegmented, first 2 bits 11
REQUIRE(buf[2] == 0xc0);
// Packet Sequence count only occupies lower byte of packet sequence control
REQUIRE(buf[3] == 0x34);
// Data length packed big endian
REQUIRE(buf[4] == 0x00);
REQUIRE(buf[5] == 0x06);
// PUS Version C (2)
REQUIRE(((buf[6] >> 4) & 0b1111) == 2);
// All Ack Fields is default
REQUIRE((buf[6] & 0b1111) == 0b1111);
// Service and subservice
REQUIRE(buf[7] == 17);
REQUIRE(buf[8] == 1);
// Source ID is 0
REQUIRE(((buf[9] << 8) | buf[10]) == 0);
// CRC16 check
REQUIRE(CRC::crc16ccitt(buf.data(), serLen) == 0);
REQUIRE(buf[11] == 0xee);
REQUIRE(buf[12] == 0x63);
SECTION("Custom Source ID") {
auto& params = creator.getPusParams();
params.sourceId = 0x5ff;
REQUIRE(creator.getSourceId() == 0x5ff);
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, buf.size()) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
REQUIRE(((buf[9] << 8) | buf[10]) == 0x5ff);
SECTION("Test with Application Data Raw") {
auto& params = creator.getPusParams();
std::array<uint8_t, 3> data{1, 2, 3};
params.dataWrapper.setRawData({data.data(), data.size()});
// To get correct size information, the SP length field needs to be updated automatically
REQUIRE(creator.getSerializedSize() == 13);
REQUIRE(creator.getSerializedSize() == 16);
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, buf.size()) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
REQUIRE(serLen == 16);
REQUIRE(buf[11] == 1);
REQUIRE(buf[12] == 2);
REQUIRE(buf[13] == 3);
SECTION("Test with Application Data Serializable") {
auto& params = creator.getPusParams();
auto simpleSer = SimpleSerializable();
REQUIRE(creator.getSerializedSize() == 16);
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, buf.size()) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
REQUIRE(serLen == 16);
REQUIRE(buf[11] == 1);
REQUIRE(buf[12] == 2);
REQUIRE(buf[13] == 3);
SECTION("Deserialization Fails") {
size_t deserLen = buf.size();
const uint8_t* roPtr = buf.data();
REQUIRE(creator.deSerialize(&roPtr, &deserLen, SerializeIF::Endianness::NETWORK) ==
SECTION("Serialize with invalid buffer length") {
size_t reqSize = creator.getSerializedSize();
for (size_t maxSize = 0; maxSize < reqSize; maxSize++) {
dataPtr = buf.data();
serLen = 0;
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, maxSize) == SerializeIF::BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
SECTION("Invalid PUS Version") {
auto& params = creator.getPusParams();
params.pusVersion = 0;
REQUIRE(creator.serialize(&dataPtr, &serLen, buf.size()) == PusIF::INVALID_PUS_VERSION);