216 lines
7.3 KiB
216 lines
7.3 KiB
#! /usr/bin/python3.7
Part of the Mission Information Base Exporter for the SOURCE project by KSat.
Event exporter.
To use MySQLdb, run pip install mysqlclient or install in IDE.
On Windows, Build Tools installation might be necessary
import re
import os
import shutil
import pprint
from utility.mib_csv_writer import CsvWriter
generateCpp = True
generateCsv = True
copyCppFile = True
moveCsvFile = True
cppFilename = "translateEvents.cpp"
csvFilename = "MIB_Events.csv"
cppCopyDestination = "../../config/objects/"
csvMoveDestination = "../"
fileSeparator = ";"
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=0, width=250)
def main():
print("Parsing events: ")
listItems = parseOBSW()
def parseOBSW():
idSubsystemDefinitions = parseSubsystemDefinitionFile("../../config/tmtc/subsystemIdRanges.h")
tempList = parseSubsystemDefinitionFile("../../fsfw/events/fwSubsystemIdRanges.h")
# print ("Dictionary size is " + str(len(idInterfaceDefinitions)) )
# for entry in idSubsystemDefinitions:
# print(entry)
myHeaderList = getHeaderFileList("../../mission/")
myHeaderList = myHeaderList + getHeaderFileList("../../fsfw/")
myEventList = parseHeaderFiles(idSubsystemDefinitions, myHeaderList)
listItems = sorted(myEventList.items())
print("Found " + str(len(listItems)) + " entries:")
return listItems
def handleFileExport(listItems):
csvWriter = CsvWriter(csvFilename)
if generateCpp:
print("Generating translation cpp file.")
writeTranslationFile(cppFilename, listItems)
if generateCpp and copyCppFile:
dst = shutil.copy2("../events/translateEvents.cpp", "../../config/events/")
print("CPP file was copied to " + dst)
if generateCsv:
print("Generating text export.")
exportToFile(csvFilename, listItems)
if generateCsv and moveCsvFile:
# The output files are generated by putting the name of the output CPP file as first argument and the name of the
# csv or txt output as second argument in the Run Configuration.
# Config Parameters: translateEvents.cpp translateEvents.csv
def parseSubsystemDefinitionFile(filename):
file = open(filename, "r")
interfaces = dict()
for line in file.readlines():
match = re.search('([A-Z0-9_]*) = ([0-9]{1,2})', line)
if match:
interfaces.update({match.group(1): [match.group(2)]})
return interfaces
def returnNumberFromString(aString):
if aString.startswith('0x'):
return int(aString, 16)
elif aString.isdigit():
return int(aString)
print('Error: Illegal number representation: ' + aString)
return 0
def convert(name):
singleStrings = name.split('_')
newString = ''
for oneString in singleStrings:
oneString = oneString.lower()
oneString = oneString.capitalize()
newString = newString + oneString
return newString
def buildCheckedString(firstPart, secondPart):
myStr = firstPart + convert(secondPart)
if len(myStr) > 16:
print("Error: Entry: " + myStr + " too long. Will truncate.")
myStr = myStr[0:14]
# else:
# print( "Entry: " + myStr + " is all right.")
return myStr
def cleanUpDescription(description):
description = description.lstrip('//!<>')
description = description.lstrip()
if description == '':
description = ' '
return description
def parseHeaderFiles(interfaceList, fileList):
dictionnary = dict()
totalCount = 0
count = 0
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
currentId = 0
for fileName in fileList:
file = open(fileName, "r")
oldline = file.readline()
myId = 0
# print(file_name)
while True:
newline = file.readline()
if not newline:
break # EOF
if not oldline == '\n':
twolines = oldline + ' ' + newline.strip()
twolines = ''
match1 = re.search('SUBSYSTEM_ID[\s]*=[\s]*SUBSYSTEM_ID::([A-Z_0-9]*);', twolines)
if match1:
currentId = interfaceList[match1.group(1)][0]
# print( "Current ID: " + str(currentId) )
myId = returnNumberFromString(currentId)
match = re.search('(//)?[\t ]*static const Event[\s]*([A-Z_0-9]*)[\s]*=[\s]*MAKE_EVENT\(([0-9]{1,2}),'
'[\s]*SEVERITY::([A-Z]*)\);[\t ]*(//!<)?([^\n]*)', twolines)
if match:
if match.group(1):
oldline = newline
description = " "
if match.group(6):
description = cleanUpDescription(match.group(6))
stringToAdd = match.group(2)
fullId = (myId * 100) + returnNumberFromString(match.group(3))
severity = match.group(4)
if fullId in dictionnary:
print('duplicate Event ' + hex(fullId) + ' from ' + fileName + ' was already in ' +
dictionnary.update({fullId: (stringToAdd, severity, description, fileName)})
count = count + 1
oldline = newline
if count > 0:
print("File " + fileName + " contained " + str(count) + " events.")
totalCount += count
count = 0
print("Total events: " + str(totalCount))
return dictionnary
def getHeaderFileList(base):
# print("getHeaderFileList called with" + base)
baseList = os.listdir(base)
fileList = []
for entry in baseList:
# Remove all hidden files:
if os.path.isdir(base + entry) and (entry[0] != ".") and (entry[0] != "_"):
fileList = fileList + getHeaderFileList(base + entry + "/")
if re.match("[^.]*\.h", entry) and os.path.isfile(base + entry):
fileList.append(base + entry)
return fileList
def exportToFile(filename, listOfEntries):
print('Exporting to file: ' + filename)
file = open(filename, "w")
for entry in listOfEntries:
file.write(str(entry[0]) + fileSeparator + entry[1][0] + fileSeparator + entry[1][1]
+ fileSeparator + entry[1][2] + fileSeparator + entry[1][3] + '\n')
def writeTranslationFile(filename, listOfEntries):
outputfile = open(filename, "w")
definitions = ""
function = "const char * translateEvents(Event event){\n\tswitch((event&0xFFFF)){\n"
for entry in listOfEntries:
definitions += "const char *" + entry[1][0] + "_STRING = \"" + entry[1][0] + "\";\n"
function += "\t\tcase " + str(entry[0]) + ":\n\t\t\treturn " + entry[1][0] + "_STRING;\n"
function += '\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn "UNKNOWN_EVENT";\n'
outputfile.write("/* Auto-generated event translation file. Contains "
+ str(len(listOfEntries)) + " translations. */\n")
outputfile.write("#include \"translateEvents.h\"\n\n")
outputfile.write(definitions + "\n" + function + "\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":