first spring of camera impl done, testing up next

This commit is contained in:
lkoester 2024-04-16 15:44:40 +02:00
parent efe686becf
commit 649e903c0a
3 changed files with 305 additions and 12 deletions

Cargo.lock generated

@ -542,6 +542,8 @@ dependencies = [
@ -742,6 +744,17 @@ dependencies = [
"syn 2.0.58",
name = "serde_json"
version = "1.0.116"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "3e17db7126d17feb94eb3fad46bf1a96b034e8aacbc2e775fe81505f8b0b2813"
dependencies = [
name = "serialport"
version = "4.3.0"

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ thiserror = "1"
derive-new = "0.6"
num_enum = "0.7"
serialport = "4"
serde = "1"
serde_json = "1"
version = "0.2.0-rc.0"

@ -1,18 +1,303 @@
/// Device handler implementation for the IMS-100 Imager used on the OPS-SAT mission.
/// from the [OPSSAT Experimenter Wiki](
/// OPS-SAT has a BST IMS-100 Imager onboard for image acquisition. These RGGB images are 2048x1944px in size.
/// There are two ways of taking pictures, with the NMF or by using the camera API directly.
/// As the NMF method is already explained in the NMF documentation we will focus on triggering the camera API.
/// The camera is located on the -Z face of OPS-SAT
/// Mapping between camera and satellite frames:
/// cam body
/// +x -z
/// +y -x
/// +z +y
/// If you look onto Flatsat as in your picture coordinate system for camera it is
/// Z Z pointing inside Flatsat
/// x---> X
/// |
/// |
/// v Y
/// see also
use crate::interface::serial::SerialInterface;
use crate::requests::CompositeRequest;
use derive_new::new;
use log::debug;
use ops_sat_rs::TimeStampHelper;
use satrs::action::ActionRequest;
use satrs::action::{ActionRequest, ActionRequestVariant};
use satrs::hk::HkRequest;
use satrs::pus::EcssTmSenderCore;
use satrs::request::{GenericMessage, MessageMetadata, UniqueApidTargetId};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::io::Error;
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError;
use chrono::Duration;
pub enum CameraActionIds {
DefaultSingle = 1,
BalancedSingle = 2,
DefaultSingleFlatSat = 3,
BalancedSingleFlatSat = 4,
CustomParameters = 5,
impl TryFrom<u32> for CameraActionIds {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
value if value == CameraActionIds::DefaultSingle as u32 => {
value if value == CameraActionIds::BalancedSingle as u32 => {
value if value == CameraActionIds::DefaultSingleFlatSat as u32 => {
value if value == CameraActionIds::BalancedSingleFlatSat as u32 => {
value if value == CameraActionIds::CustomParameters as u32 => {
_ => Err(()),
// TODO what happens if limits are exceded
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, new)]
pub struct CameraPictureParameters {
pub R: u8,
pub G: u8,
pub B: u8,
pub N: u8, // number of images, max: 26
pub P: bool, // .png flag, true converts raw extracted image from camera to a png
pub E: u32, // exposure time in ms, max: 1580, default: 2, FlatSat: 200
pub W: u32, // wait time between pictures in ms, max: 40000
impl CameraPictureParameters {
pub fn default_single() -> Self {
Self {
R: 8,
G: 8,
B: 8,
N: 1,
P: true,
E: 2,
W: 1000,
pub fn balanced_single() -> Self {
Self {
R: 13,
G: 7,
B: 8,
N: 1,
P: true,
E: 2,
W: 1000,
pub fn default_single_flatsat() -> Self {
Self {
R: 8,
G: 8,
B: 8,
N: 1,
P: true,
E: 200,
W: 1000,
pub fn balanced_single_flatsat() -> Self {
Self {
R: 13,
G: 7,
B: 8,
N: 1,
P: true,
E: 200,
W: 1000,
pub struct IMS100BatchHandler<TmSender: EcssTmSenderCore> {
id: UniqueApidTargetId,
// mode_interface: MpscModeLeafInterface,
composite_request_receiver: mpsc::Receiver<GenericMessage<CompositeRequest>>,
// hk_reply_sender: mpsc::Sender<GenericMessage<HkReply>>,
tm_sender: TmSender,
stamp_helper: TimeStampHelper,
impl<TmSender: EcssTmSenderCore>
pub fn periodic_operation(&mut self) {
// Handle requests.
// self.handle_mode_requests();
pub fn handle_composite_requests(&mut self) {
loop {
match self.composite_request_receiver.try_recv() {
Ok(ref msg) => match &msg.message {
CompositeRequest::Hk(hk_request) => {
self.handle_hk_request(&msg.requestor_info, hk_request);
CompositeRequest::Action(action_request) => {
self.handle_action_request(&msg.requestor_info, action_request);
Err(_) => {}
pub fn handle_hk_request(&mut self, _requestor_info: &MessageMetadata, _hk_request: &HkRequest) {
// TODO add hk to opssat
pub fn handle_action_request(
&mut self,
_requestor_info: &MessageMetadata,
action_request: &ActionRequest,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let param = match CameraActionIds::try_from(action_request.action_id).unwrap() {
CameraActionIds::DefaultSingle => CameraPictureParameters::default_single(),
CameraActionIds::BalancedSingle => CameraPictureParameters::balanced_single(),
CameraActionIds::DefaultSingleFlatSat => {
CameraActionIds::BalancedSingleFlatSat => {
CameraActionIds::CustomParameters => match &action_request.variant {
ActionRequestVariant::NoData => return Err(Error::other("No Data sent!")),
ActionRequestVariant::StoreData(_) => {
// let param = serde_json::from_slice()
// TODO implement non dynamic version
return Err(Error::other(
"Static parameter transfer not implemented yet!",
ActionRequestVariant::VecData(data) => {
let param: serde_json::Result<CameraPictureParameters>=
match param {
Ok(param) => {
Err(_) => {
return Err(Error::other("Unable to deserialize parameters"));
_ => return Err(Error::other("Invalid Action Request Variant!")),
pub fn take_picture(&mut self, param: CameraPictureParameters) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut cmd = Command::new("ims100_testapp");
if param.P {
let output = cmd.output()?;
debug!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
pub fn take_picture_from_str(
&mut self,
R: &str,
G: &str,
B: &str,
N: &str,
P: &str,
E: &str,
W: &str,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut cmd = Command::new("ims100_testapp");
let output = cmd.output()?;
debug!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
mod tests {
fn test_crc() {
const SERIAL_PORT_ATTRIBUTE: &str = "";
const SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT: &str = "/dev/ttyACM0";
const BLOCK_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE: &str = "";
@ -104,11 +389,4 @@ impl<ComInterface: SerialInterface, TmSender: EcssTmSenderCore>
pub fn take_picture(&mut self) {}
mod tests {
fn test_crc() {