First PUS handler abstractions with request mapping
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
prepare example release v0.1.0
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
of course, something is missing..
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head Build started...
MIB docs update
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
#118 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 18:11:55 +01:00 satrs-mib-v0.1.2
Corrections for docs and links
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
prepare sat-rs release
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
#116 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 17:12:18 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
changelog for the MIB
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head Build queued...
#115 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 16:42:02 +01:00 satrs-mib v0.1.0
prepare MIB release v0.1.0
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#114 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 16:40:07 +01:00 satrs-mib v0.1.0
satrs-shared v0.1.1
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
#112 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 16:18:39 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
restructure the crate
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#111 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 15:56:27 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
released version
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
prepare MIB release
Some checks failed
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
#109 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 13:21:35 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
satrs-core v0.1.0-alpha.3
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#108 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 13:13:13 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
Add Static Pool Spillover feature
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#107 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 12:21:01 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
bump core dependencies
Some checks failed
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main There was a failure building this commit
#106 by muellerr was closed 2024-02-12 13:25:51 +01:00 2 conflicting files
Pool docs improvements
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#105 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-12 11:30:48 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
Refactor and improve pool abstraction
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#104 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-10 15:39:39 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
Graph for static pools
All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
#103 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-10 12:54:30 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0
come on.. show it
Some checks are pending
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/head Build started...
#102 by muellerr was merged 2024-02-09 00:44:36 +01:00 satrs v0.1.0