Robin Mueller 29167736db
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Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build started...
Integration of the mini simulator into the sat-rs example
2024-06-03 15:18:23 +02:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

import struct
from spacepackets.ecss import PusTc
from tmtccmd.pus.s200_fsfw_mode import Mode, Subservice
from tmtccmd.tmtc import DefaultPusQueueHelper
def create_set_mode_cmd(apid: int, unique_id: int, mode: int, submode: int) -> PusTc:
app_data = bytearray()
app_data.extend(struct.pack("!I", unique_id))
app_data.extend(struct.pack("!I", mode))
app_data.extend(struct.pack("!H", submode))
return PusTc(
def handle_set_mode_cmd(
q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, target_str: str, mode_str: str, apid: int, unique_id: int
if mode_str == "off":
q.add_log_cmd(f"Sending Mode OFF to {target_str}")
q.add_pus_tc(create_set_mode_cmd(apid, unique_id, Mode.OFF, 0))
elif mode_str == "on":
q.add_log_cmd(f"Sending Mode ON to {target_str}")
q.add_pus_tc(create_set_mode_cmd(apid, unique_id, Mode.ON, 0))
elif mode_str == "normal":
q.add_log_cmd(f"Sending Mode NORMAL to {target_str}")
q.add_pus_tc(create_set_mode_cmd(apid, unique_id, Mode.NORMAL, 0))