All checks were successful
Rust/sat-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
- Add new shared subcrate satrs-shared to split off some shared components not expected to change very often. - Renmame `satrs-core` to `satrs`. It is expected that sat-rs will remain the primary crate, so the core information is superfluous, and core also implies stability, which will not be the case for some time.
360 lines
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360 lines
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//! Generic TCP TMTC servers with different TMTC format flavours.
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::time::Duration;
use socket2::{Domain, Socket, Type};
use std::io::Read;
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream};
use std::thread;
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesTc, TmPacketSource};
use thiserror::Error;
// Re-export the TMTC in COBS server.
pub use crate::hal::std::tcp_cobs_server::{CobsTcParser, CobsTmSender, TcpTmtcInCobsServer};
pub use crate::hal::std::tcp_spacepackets_server::{
SpacepacketsTcParser, SpacepacketsTmSender, TcpSpacepacketsServer,
/// Configuration struct for the generic TCP TMTC server
/// ## Parameters
/// * `addr` - Address of the TCP server.
/// * `inner_loop_delay` - If a client connects for a longer period, but no TC is received or
/// no TM needs to be sent, the TCP server will delay for the specified amount of time
/// to reduce CPU load.
/// * `tm_buffer_size` - Size of the TM buffer used to read TM from the [TmPacketSource] and
/// encoding of that data. This buffer should at large enough to hold the maximum expected
/// TM size read from the packet source.
/// * `tc_buffer_size` - Size of the TC buffer used to read encoded telecommands sent from
/// the client. It is recommended to make this buffer larger to allow reading multiple
/// consecutive packets as well, for example by using common buffer sizes like 4096 or 8192
/// byte. The buffer should at the very least be large enough to hold the maximum expected
/// telecommand size.
/// * `reuse_addr` - Can be used to set the `SO_REUSEADDR` option on the raw socket. This is
/// especially useful if the address and port are static for the server. Set to false by
/// default.
/// * `reuse_port` - Can be used to set the `SO_REUSEPORT` option on the raw socket. This is
/// especially useful if the address and port are static for the server. Set to false by
/// default.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ServerConfig {
pub addr: SocketAddr,
pub inner_loop_delay: Duration,
pub tm_buffer_size: usize,
pub tc_buffer_size: usize,
pub reuse_addr: bool,
pub reuse_port: bool,
impl ServerConfig {
pub fn new(
addr: SocketAddr,
inner_loop_delay: Duration,
tm_buffer_size: usize,
tc_buffer_size: usize,
) -> Self {
Self {
reuse_addr: false,
reuse_port: false,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError> {
#[error("TM retrieval error: {0}")]
#[error("TC retrieval error: {0}")]
#[error("io error: {0}")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// Result of one connection attempt. Contains the client address if a connection was established,
/// in addition to the number of telecommands and telemetry packets exchanged.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ConnectionResult {
pub addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
pub num_received_tcs: u32,
pub num_sent_tms: u32,
/// Generic parser abstraction for an object which can parse for telecommands given a raw
/// bytestream received from a TCP socket and send them to a generic [ReceivesTc] telecommand
/// receiver. This allows different encoding schemes for telecommands.
pub trait TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError> {
fn handle_tc_parsing(
&mut self,
tc_buffer: &mut [u8],
tc_receiver: &mut (impl ReceivesTc<Error = TcError> + ?Sized),
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
current_write_idx: usize,
next_write_idx: &mut usize,
) -> Result<(), TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>>;
/// Generic sender abstraction for an object which can pull telemetry from a given TM source
/// using a [TmPacketSource] and then send them back to a client using a given [TcpStream].
/// The concrete implementation can also perform any encoding steps which are necessary before
/// sending back the data to a client.
pub trait TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError> {
fn handle_tm_sending(
&mut self,
tm_buffer: &mut [u8],
tm_source: &mut (impl TmPacketSource<Error = TmError> + ?Sized),
conn_result: &mut ConnectionResult,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
) -> Result<bool, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>>;
/// TCP TMTC server implementation for exchange of generic TMTC packets in a generic way which
/// stays agnostic to the encoding scheme and format used for both telecommands and telemetry.
/// This server implements a generic TMTC handling logic and allows modifying its behaviour
/// through the following 4 core abstractions:
/// 1. [TcpTcParser] to parse for telecommands from the raw bytestream received from a client.
/// 2. Parsed telecommands will be sent to the [ReceivesTc] telecommand receiver.
/// 3. [TcpTmSender] to send telemetry pulled from a TM source back to the client.
/// 4. [TmPacketSource] as a generic TM source used by the [TcpTmSender].
/// It is possible to specify custom abstractions to build a dedicated TCP TMTC server without
/// having to re-implement common logic.
/// Currently, this framework offers the following concrete implementations:
/// 1. [TcpTmtcInCobsServer] to exchange TMTC wrapped inside the COBS framing protocol.
pub struct TcpTmtcGenericServer<
TmSource: TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>,
TcReceiver: ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>,
TmSender: TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError>,
TcParser: TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError>,
> {
pub(crate) listener: TcpListener,
pub(crate) inner_loop_delay: Duration,
pub(crate) tm_source: TmSource,
pub(crate) tm_buffer: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) tc_receiver: TcReceiver,
pub(crate) tc_buffer: Vec<u8>,
tc_handler: TcParser,
tm_handler: TmSender,
TmError: 'static,
TcError: 'static,
TmSource: TmPacketSource<Error = TmError>,
TcReceiver: ReceivesTc<Error = TcError>,
TmSender: TcpTmSender<TmError, TcError>,
TcParser: TcpTcParser<TmError, TcError>,
> TcpTmtcGenericServer<TmError, TcError, TmSource, TcReceiver, TmSender, TcParser>
/// Create a new generic TMTC server instance.
/// ## Parameter
/// * `cfg` - Configuration of the server.
/// * `tc_parser` - Parser which extracts telecommands from the raw bytestream received from
/// the client.
/// * `tm_sender` - Sends back telemetry to the client using the specified TM source.
/// * `tm_source` - Generic TM source used by the server to pull telemetry packets which are
/// then sent back to the client.
/// * `tc_receiver` - Any received telecommand which was decoded successfully will be forwarded
/// to this TC receiver.
pub fn new(
cfg: ServerConfig,
tc_parser: TcParser,
tm_sender: TmSender,
tm_source: TmSource,
tc_receiver: TcReceiver,
) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
// Create a TCP listener bound to two addresses.
let socket = Socket::new(Domain::IPV4, Type::STREAM, None)?;
let addr = (cfg.addr).into();
Ok(Self {
tc_handler: tc_parser,
tm_handler: tm_sender,
listener: socket.into(),
inner_loop_delay: cfg.inner_loop_delay,
tm_buffer: vec![0; cfg.tm_buffer_size],
tc_buffer: vec![0; cfg.tc_buffer_size],
/// Retrieve the internal [TcpListener] class.
pub fn listener(&mut self) -> &mut TcpListener {
&mut self.listener
/// Can be used to retrieve the local assigned address of the TCP server. This is especially
/// useful if using the port number 0 for OS auto-assignment.
pub fn local_addr(&self) -> std::io::Result<SocketAddr> {
/// This call is used to handle the next connection to a client. Right now, it performs
/// the following steps:
/// 1. It calls the [std::net::TcpListener::accept] method internally using the blocking API
/// until a client connects.
/// 2. It reads all the telecommands from the client and parses all received data using the
/// user specified [TcpTcParser].
/// 3. After reading and parsing all telecommands, it sends back all telemetry using the
/// user specified [TcpTmSender].
/// The server will delay for a user-specified period if the client connects to the server
/// for prolonged periods and there is no traffic for the server. This is the case if the
/// client does not send any telecommands and no telemetry needs to be sent back to the client.
pub fn handle_next_connection(
&mut self,
) -> Result<ConnectionResult, TcpTmtcError<TmError, TcError>> {
let mut connection_result = ConnectionResult::default();
let mut current_write_idx;
let mut next_write_idx = 0;
let (mut stream, addr) = self.listener.accept()?;
connection_result.addr = Some(addr);
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
loop {
let read_result = self.tc_buffer[current_write_idx..]);
match read_result {
Ok(0) => {
// Connection closed by client. If any TC was read, parse for complete packets.
// After that, break the outer loop.
if current_write_idx > 0 {
&mut self.tc_buffer,
&mut self.tc_receiver,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
Ok(read_len) => {
current_write_idx += read_len;
// TC buffer is full, we must parse for complete packets now.
if current_write_idx == self.tc_buffer.capacity() {
&mut self.tc_buffer,
&mut self.tc_receiver,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
// As per [TcpStream::set_read_timeout] documentation, this should work for
// both UNIX and Windows.
std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock | std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => {
&mut self.tc_buffer,
&mut self.tc_receiver,
&mut connection_result,
&mut next_write_idx,
current_write_idx = next_write_idx;
if !self.tm_handler.handle_tm_sending(
&mut self.tm_buffer,
&mut self.tm_source,
&mut connection_result,
&mut stream,
)? {
// No TC read, no TM was sent, but the client has not disconnected.
// Perform an inner delay to avoid burning CPU time.
_ => {
return Err(TcpTmtcError::Io(e));
&mut self.tm_buffer,
&mut self.tm_source,
&mut connection_result,
&mut stream,
pub(crate) mod tests {
use std::sync::Mutex;
use alloc::{collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
use crate::tmtc::{ReceivesTcCore, TmPacketSourceCore};
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct SyncTcCacher {
pub(crate) tc_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl ReceivesTcCore for SyncTcCacher {
type Error = ();
fn pass_tc(&mut self, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut tc_queue = self.tc_queue.lock().expect("tc forwarder failed");
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct SyncTmSource {
tm_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<Vec<u8>>>>,
impl SyncTmSource {
pub(crate) fn add_tm(&mut self, tm: &[u8]) {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failec");
impl TmPacketSourceCore for SyncTmSource {
type Error = ();
fn retrieve_packet(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failed");
if !tm_queue.is_empty() {
let next_vec = tm_queue.front().unwrap();
if buffer.len() < next_vec.len() {
"provided buffer too small, must be at least {} bytes",
let next_vec = tm_queue.pop_front().unwrap();
return Ok(next_vec.len());