added first tests
Some checks failed
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
Some checks failed
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
# [unreleased]
## Added
- CDS timestamp: Added constructor function to create the time provider
from `chrono::DateTime<Utc>` and a generic UNIX timestamp (`i64` seconds
and subsecond milliseconds).
## Fixed
- CDS timestamp: The conversion function from the current time were buggy
when specifying picoseconds precision, which could lead to overflow
multiplications and incorrect precision fields.
# [v0.4.0] 10.01.2023
## Fixed
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ impl ConversionFromUnix {
fn new(unix_seconds: i64, subsec_millis: u32) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let (unix_days, secs_of_day) = calc_unix_days_and_secs_of_day(unix_seconds);
let ccsds_days = unix_to_ccsds_days(unix_days);
if ccsds_days < 0 {
if ccsds_days == 0 && (secs_of_day > 0 || subsec_millis > 0) || ccsds_days < 0 {
let millis = if unix_seconds < 0 {
unix_seconds * 1000 - subsec_millis as i64
} else {
@ -222,37 +222,36 @@ impl CdsConverter for ConversionFromDatetime {
fn calc_unix_days_and_secs_of_day(unix_seconds: i64) -> (i64, u32) {
let mut secs_of_day = unix_seconds % SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64;
let unix_days = if secs_of_day > 0 {
(unix_seconds - secs_of_day) / SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64
} else {
(unix_seconds + secs_of_day) / SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64
let mut unix_days = (unix_seconds - secs_of_day) / SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64;
// Imagine the CCSDS epoch time minus 5 seconds: We now have the last day in the year
// 1969 (-1 unix days) shortly before midnight (SECONDS_PER_DAY - 5).
if secs_of_day < 0 {
secs_of_day = -secs_of_day
unix_days -= 1;
secs_of_day = SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64 + secs_of_day
(unix_days, secs_of_day as u32)
impl ConversionFromDatetime {
fn new(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
fn new(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, None)
fn new_with_submillis_us_prec(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
fn new_with_submillis_us_prec(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, Some(SubmillisPrecision::Microseconds(0)))
fn new_with_submillis_ps_prec(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
fn new_with_submillis_ps_prec(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::new_generic(dt, Some(SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(0)))
fn new_generic(
dt: DateTime<Utc>,
dt: &DateTime<Utc>,
mut prec: Option<SubmillisPrecision>,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
// The CDS timestamp does not support timestamps before the CCSDS epoch.
if dt.year() < 1958 {
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(dt));
return Err(TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(*dt));
// The contained values in the conversion should be all positive now
let unix_conversion =
@ -265,8 +264,8 @@ impl ConversionFromDatetime {
SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(_) => {
prec = Some(SubmillisPrecision::Microseconds(
(dt.timestamp_subsec_nanos() * 1000) as u16,
prec = Some(SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(
(dt.timestamp_subsec_nanos() * 1000),
_ => (),
@ -314,8 +313,8 @@ impl ConversionFromNow {
SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(_) => {
prec = Some(SubmillisPrecision::Microseconds(
(now.subsec_nanos() * 1000) as u16,
prec = Some(SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(
(now.subsec_nanos() * 1000),
_ => (),
@ -507,31 +506,31 @@ impl<ProvidesDaysLen: ProvidesDaysLength> TimeProvider<ProvidesDaysLen> {
pub fn from_dt_generic(
dt: DateTime<Utc>,
fn from_dt_generic(
dt: &DateTime<Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromDatetime::new(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
pub fn from_dt_generic_us_prec(
dt: DateTime<Utc>,
fn from_dt_generic_us_prec(
dt: &DateTime<Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromDatetime::new_with_submillis_us_prec(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
pub fn from_dt_generic_ps_prec(
dt: DateTime<Utc>,
fn from_dt_generic_ps_prec(
dt: &DateTime<Utc>,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
let conv_from_dt = ConversionFromDatetime::new_with_submillis_ps_prec(dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(days_len, conv_from_dt)
pub fn from_unix_generic(
fn from_unix_generic(
unix_seconds: i64,
subsec_millis: u32,
days_len: LengthOfDaySegment,
@ -654,7 +653,7 @@ impl TimeProvider<DaysLen24Bits> {
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::CdsError] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or
/// the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
pub fn from_unix_seconds_u24_days(
pub fn from_unix_secs_with_u24_days(
unix_seconds: i64,
subsec_millis: u32,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
@ -668,17 +667,17 @@ impl TimeProvider<DaysLen24Bits> {
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::CdsError] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or
/// the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
/// Like [Self::from_dt_with_u24_days] but with microsecond sub-millisecond precision.
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_us_prec(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_us_prec(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_us_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
/// Like [Self::from_dt_with_u24_days] but with picoseconds sub-millisecond precision.
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_ps_prec(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u24_days_ps_prec(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_ps_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits)
@ -733,7 +732,14 @@ impl TimeProvider<DaysLen16Bits> {
Self::generic_new(LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits, ccsds_days, ms_of_day).unwrap()
pub fn from_unix_seconds_with_u16_days(
/// Create a provider from a generic UNIX timestamp (seconds since 01-01-1970 00:00:00).
/// ## Errors
/// This function will return [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or
/// [TimestampError::CdsError] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or
/// the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (24 bits).
pub fn from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(
unix_seconds: i64,
subsec_millis: u32,
) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
@ -745,17 +751,17 @@ impl TimeProvider<DaysLen16Bits> {
/// This function will return a [TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch] or a
/// [TimestampError::CdsError] if the time is before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00) or
/// the CCSDS days value exceeds the allowed bit width (16 bits).
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
/// Like [Self::from_dt_with_u16_days] but with microsecond sub-millisecond precision.
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_us_precision(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_us_precision(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_us_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
/// Like [Self::from_dt_with_u16_days] but with picoseconds sub-millisecond precision.
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_ps_precision(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
pub fn from_dt_with_u16_days_ps_precision(dt: &DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, TimestampError> {
Self::from_dt_generic_ps_prec(dt, LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits)
@ -892,7 +898,7 @@ impl TryFrom<DateTime<Utc>> for TimeProvider<DaysLen16Bits> {
type Error = TimestampError;
fn try_from(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let conversion = ConversionFromDatetime::new(dt)?;
let conversion = ConversionFromDatetime::new(&dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(LengthOfDaySegment::Short16Bits, conversion)
@ -901,7 +907,7 @@ impl TryFrom<DateTime<Utc>> for TimeProvider<DaysLen24Bits> {
type Error = TimestampError;
fn try_from(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let conversion = ConversionFromDatetime::new(dt)?;
let conversion = ConversionFromDatetime::new(&dt)?;
Self::generic_from_conversion(LengthOfDaySegment::Long24Bits, conversion)
@ -1000,7 +1006,7 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::time::TimestampError::{ByteConversionError, InvalidTimeCode};
use crate::ByteConversionError::{FromSliceTooSmall, ToSliceTooSmall};
use chrono::{Datelike, Timelike};
use chrono::{Datelike, NaiveDate, Timelike};
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use postcard::{from_bytes, to_allocvec};
use std::format;
@ -1317,6 +1323,157 @@ mod tests {
fn test_creation_from_dt() {
let subsec_millis = 250;
let naivedatetime_utc = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 01, 14)
.and_hms_milli_opt(16, 49, 30, subsec_millis)
let datetime_utc = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedatetime_utc, Utc);
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_dt_with_u16_days(&datetime_utc).unwrap();
// Leap years need to be accounted for as well.
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, 23754);
assert_eq!(time_provider.ms_of_day, 30 * 1000 + 49 * 60 * 1000 + 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + subsec_millis);
assert_eq!(time_provider.date_time().unwrap(), datetime_utc);
let time_provider_2: TimeProvider<DaysLen16Bits> = datetime_utc.try_into().expect("conversion failed");
// Test the TryInto trait impl
assert_eq!(time_provider, time_provider_2);
fn test_creation_from_dt_us_prec() {
// 250 ms + 500 us
let subsec_millis = 250;
let subsec_micros = subsec_millis * 1000 + 500;
let naivedatetime_utc = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 01, 14)
.and_hms_micro_opt(16, 49, 30, subsec_micros)
let datetime_utc = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedatetime_utc, Utc);
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_dt_with_u16_days_us_precision(&datetime_utc).unwrap();
// Leap years need to be accounted for as well.
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, 23754);
assert_eq!(time_provider.ms_of_day, 30 * 1000 + 49 * 60 * 1000 + 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + subsec_millis);
match time_provider.submillis_precision.unwrap() {
SubmillisPrecision::Microseconds(us) => {
assert_eq!(us, 500);
_=> panic!("unexpected precision field")
assert_eq!(time_provider.date_time().unwrap(), datetime_utc);
fn test_creation_from_dt_ps_prec() {
// 250 ms + 500 us
let subsec_millis = 250;
let subsec_nanos = subsec_millis * 1000 * 1000 + 500 * 1000;
let naivedatetime_utc = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 01, 14)
.and_hms_nano_opt(16, 49, 30, subsec_nanos)
let datetime_utc = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedatetime_utc, Utc);
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_dt_with_u16_days_ps_precision(&datetime_utc).unwrap();
// Leap years need to be accounted for as well.
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, 23754);
assert_eq!(time_provider.ms_of_day, 30 * 1000 + 49 * 60 * 1000 + 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + subsec_millis);
match time_provider.submillis_precision.unwrap() {
SubmillisPrecision::Picoseconds(ps) => {
assert_eq!(ps, subsec_nanos * 1000);
_=> panic!("unexpected precision field")
assert_eq!(time_provider.date_time().unwrap(), datetime_utc);
fn test_creation_from_unix_stamp_0() {
let unix_secs = 0;
let subsec_millis = 0;
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(unix_secs, subsec_millis)
.expect("creating provider from unix stamp failed");
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, -DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as u16)
fn test_creation_from_unix_stamp_1() {
let subsec_millis = 250;
let naivedatetime_utc = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 01, 14)
.and_hms_milli_opt(16, 49, 30, subsec_millis)
let datetime_utc = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(naivedatetime_utc, Utc);
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(datetime_utc.timestamp(), subsec_millis)
.expect("creating provider from unix stamp failed");
// Leap years need to be accounted for as well.
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, 23754);
assert_eq!(time_provider.ms_of_day, 30 * 1000 + 49 * 60 * 1000 + 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + subsec_millis);
let dt_back = time_provider.date_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(datetime_utc, dt_back);
fn test_creation_0_ccsds_days() {
let unix_secs = DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as i64 * SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64;
let subsec_millis = 0;
let time_provider = TimeProvider::from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(unix_secs, subsec_millis)
.expect("creating provider from unix stamp failed");
assert_eq!(time_provider.ccsds_days, 0)
fn test_invalid_creation_from_unix_stamp_days_too_large() {
let invalid_unix_secs: i64 = (u16::MAX as i64 + 1) * SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64;
let subsec_millis = 0;
match TimeProvider::from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(invalid_unix_secs as i64, subsec_millis) {
Ok(_) => {
panic!("creation should not succeed")
Err(e) => {
if let TimestampError::CdsError(CdsError::InvalidCcsdsDays(days)) = e {
unix_to_ccsds_days(invalid_unix_secs / SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64)
} else {
panic!("unexpected error {}", e)
fn test_invalid_creation_from_unix_stamp_before_ccsds_epoch() {
// This is a unix stamp before the CCSDS epoch (01-01-1958 00:00:00), this should be
// precisely 31-12-1957 23:59:55
let unix_secs = DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX * SECONDS_PER_DAY as i32 - 5;
let subsec_millis = 0;
match TimeProvider::from_unix_secs_with_u16_days(unix_secs as i64, subsec_millis) {
Ok(_) => {
panic!("creation should not succeed")
Err(e) => {
if let TimestampError::DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch(dt) = e {
assert_eq!(dt.year(), 1957);
assert_eq!(dt.month(), 12);
assert_eq!(, 31);
assert_eq!(dt.hour(), 23);
assert_eq!(dt.minute(), 59);
assert_eq!(dt.second(), 55);
} else {
panic!("unexpected error {}", e)
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn test_serialization() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user