Merge pull request 'Add ACK and NAK PDU abstractions' (#41) from add-ack-nak-pdus into main
All checks were successful
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good

Reviewed-on: #41
This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2023-12-01 15:33:35 +01:00
commit 80b80f6777
10 changed files with 1324 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -47,3 +47,15 @@ deserializing them with an appropriate `serde` provider like
You can check the [documentation]( of individual modules for various
usage examples.
# Coverage
Coverage was generated using [`grcov`]( If you have not done so
already, install the `llvm-tools-preview`:
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
After that, you can simply run `` to test the project with coverage. You can optionally
supply the `--open` flag to open the coverage report in your webbrowser.

28 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import argparse
import webbrowser
def generate_cov_report(open_report: bool):
os.environ["RUSTFLAGS"] = "-Cinstrument-coverage"
os.environ["LLVM_PROFILE_FILE"] = "target/coverage/%p-%m.profraw"
os.system("cargo test")
"grcov . -s . --binary-path ./target/debug/ -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing "
"-o ./target/debug/coverage/"
if open_report:
coverage_report_path = os.path.abspath("./target/debug/coverage/index.html")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate coverage report and optionally open it in a browser")
parser.add_argument("--open", action="store_true", help="Open the coverage report in a browser")
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -48,6 +48,24 @@ pub enum CrcFlag {
WithCrc = 1,
impl From<bool> for CrcFlag {
fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
if value {
return CrcFlag::WithCrc;
impl From<CrcFlag> for bool {
fn from(value: CrcFlag) -> Self {
if value == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
return true;
/// Always 0 and ignored for File Directive PDUs (CCSDS 727.0-B-5 P.75)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
@ -119,6 +137,22 @@ pub enum LargeFileFlag {
Large = 1,
/// Transaction status for the ACK PDU field according to chapter 5.2.4 of the CFDP standard.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum TransactionStatus {
/// Transaction is not currently active and the CFDP implementation does not retain a
/// transaction history.
Undefined = 0b00,
Active = 0b01,
/// Transaction was active in the past and was terminated.
Terminated = 0b10,
/// The CFDP implementation does retain a tranaction history, and the transaction is not and
/// never was active at this entity.
Unrecognized = 0b11,
/// Checksum types according to the
/// [SANA Checksum Types registry](
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)]

src/cfdp/pdu/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
use crate::{
cfdp::{ConditionCode, CrcFlag, Direction, TransactionStatus},
use super::{
add_pdu_crc, generic_length_checks_pdu_deserialization, CfdpPdu, FileDirectiveType, PduError,
PduHeader, WritablePduPacket,
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// ACK PDU abstraction.
/// For more information, refer to CFDP chapter 5.2.4.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct AckPdu {
pdu_header: PduHeader,
directive_code_of_acked_pdu: FileDirectiveType,
condition_code: ConditionCode,
transaction_status: TransactionStatus,
impl AckPdu {
pub fn new(
mut pdu_header: PduHeader,
directive_code_of_acked_pdu: FileDirectiveType,
condition_code: ConditionCode,
transaction_status: TransactionStatus,
) -> Result<Self, PduError> {
if directive_code_of_acked_pdu == FileDirectiveType::EofPdu {
pdu_header.pdu_conf.direction = Direction::TowardsSender;
} else if directive_code_of_acked_pdu == FileDirectiveType::FinishedPdu {
pdu_header.pdu_conf.direction = Direction::TowardsReceiver;
} else {
return Err(PduError::InvalidDirectiveType {
found: directive_code_of_acked_pdu as u8,
expected: None,
// Force correct direction flag.
let mut ack_pdu = Self {
ack_pdu.pdu_header.pdu_datafield_len = ack_pdu.calc_pdu_datafield_len() as u16;
pub fn new_for_eof_pdu(
pdu_header: PduHeader,
condition_code: ConditionCode,
transaction_status: TransactionStatus,
) -> Self {
// Unwrap okay here, [new] can only fail on invalid directive codes.
pub fn new_for_finished_pdu(
pdu_header: PduHeader,
condition_code: ConditionCode,
transaction_status: TransactionStatus,
) -> Self {
// Unwrap okay here, [new] can only fail on invalid directive codes.
pub fn pdu_header(&self) -> &PduHeader {
pub fn directive_code_of_acked_pdu(&self) -> FileDirectiveType {
pub fn condition_code(&self) -> ConditionCode {
pub fn transaction_status(&self) -> TransactionStatus {
fn calc_pdu_datafield_len(&self) -> usize {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
return 5;
pub fn from_bytes(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<AckPdu, PduError> {
let (pdu_header, mut current_idx) = PduHeader::from_bytes(buf)?;
let full_len_without_crc = pdu_header.verify_length_and_checksum(buf)?;
generic_length_checks_pdu_deserialization(buf, current_idx + 3, full_len_without_crc)?;
let directive_type = FileDirectiveType::try_from(buf[current_idx]).map_err(|_| {
PduError::InvalidDirectiveType {
found: buf[current_idx],
expected: Some(FileDirectiveType::AckPdu),
if directive_type != FileDirectiveType::AckPdu {
return Err(PduError::WrongDirectiveType {
found: directive_type,
expected: FileDirectiveType::AckPdu,
current_idx += 1;
let acked_directive_type =
FileDirectiveType::try_from(buf[current_idx] >> 4).map_err(|_| {
PduError::InvalidDirectiveType {
found: buf[current_idx],
expected: None,
if acked_directive_type != FileDirectiveType::EofPdu
&& acked_directive_type != FileDirectiveType::FinishedPdu
return Err(PduError::InvalidDirectiveType {
found: acked_directive_type as u8,
expected: None,
current_idx += 1;
let condition_code = ConditionCode::try_from((buf[current_idx] >> 4) & 0b1111)
.map_err(|_| PduError::InvalidConditionCode((buf[current_idx] >> 4) & 0b1111))?;
let transaction_status = TransactionStatus::try_from(buf[current_idx] & 0b11).unwrap();
impl CfdpPdu for AckPdu {
fn pdu_header(&self) -> &PduHeader {
fn file_directive_type(&self) -> Option<FileDirectiveType> {
impl WritablePduPacket for AckPdu {
fn write_to_bytes(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PduError> {
let expected_len = self.len_written();
if buf.len() < expected_len {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall {
found: buf.len(),
expected: expected_len,
let mut current_idx = self.pdu_header.write_to_bytes(buf)?;
buf[current_idx] = FileDirectiveType::AckPdu as u8;
current_idx += 1;
buf[current_idx] = (self.directive_code_of_acked_pdu as u8) << 4;
if self.directive_code_of_acked_pdu == FileDirectiveType::FinishedPdu {
// This is the directive subtype code. It needs to be set to 0b0001 if the ACK PDU
// acknowledges a Finished PDU, and to 0b0000 otherwise.
buf[current_idx] |= 0b0001;
current_idx += 1;
buf[current_idx] = ((self.condition_code as u8) << 4) | (self.transaction_status as u8);
current_idx += 1;
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
fn len_written(&self) -> usize {
self.pdu_header.header_len() + self.calc_pdu_datafield_len()
mod tests {
use crate::cfdp::{
pdu::tests::{common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM, TEST_SRC_ID},
LargeFileFlag, PduType, TransmissionMode,
use super::*;
fn test_basic() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let ack_pdu = AckPdu::new(
.expect("creating ACK PDU failed");
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.condition_code(), ConditionCode::NoError);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.transaction_status(), TransactionStatus::Active);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.crc_flag(), CrcFlag::NoCrc);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.file_flag(), LargeFileFlag::Normal);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.pdu_type(), PduType::FileDirective);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.transmission_mode(), TransmissionMode::Acknowledged);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.direction(), Direction::TowardsReceiver);
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.source_id(), TEST_SRC_ID.into());
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.dest_id(), TEST_DEST_ID.into());
assert_eq!(ack_pdu.transaction_seq_num(), TEST_SEQ_NUM.into());
fn generic_serialization_test(
condition_code: ConditionCode,
transaction_status: TransactionStatus,
) {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let ack_pdu = AckPdu::new_for_finished_pdu(pdu_header, condition_code, transaction_status);
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let res = ack_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf);
let written = res.unwrap();
assert_eq!(written, ack_pdu.len_written());
verify_raw_header(ack_pdu.pdu_header(), &buf);
assert_eq!(buf[7], FileDirectiveType::AckPdu as u8);
assert_eq!((buf[8] >> 4) & 0b1111, FileDirectiveType::FinishedPdu as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[8] & 0b1111, 0b0001);
assert_eq!(buf[9] >> 4 & 0b1111, condition_code as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[9] & 0b11, transaction_status as u8);
assert_eq!(written, 10);
fn test_serialization_no_error() {
generic_serialization_test(ConditionCode::NoError, TransactionStatus::Active);
fn test_serialization_fs_error() {
generic_serialization_test(ConditionCode::FileSizeError, TransactionStatus::Terminated);
fn test_deserialization() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let ack_pdu = AckPdu::new_for_finished_pdu(
let ack_vec = ack_pdu.to_vec().unwrap();
let ack_deserialized =
AckPdu::from_bytes(&ack_vec).expect("ACK PDU deserialization failed");
assert_eq!(ack_deserialized, ack_pdu);
fn test_with_crc() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::WithCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let ack_pdu = AckPdu::new_for_finished_pdu(
let ack_vec = ack_pdu.to_vec().unwrap();
assert_eq!(ack_vec.len(), ack_pdu.len_written());
assert_eq!(ack_vec.len(), 12);
let ack_deserialized =
AckPdu::from_bytes(&ack_vec).expect("ACK PDU deserialization failed");
assert_eq!(ack_deserialized, ack_pdu);

View File

@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ impl EofPdu {
if let Some(fault_location) = self.fault_location {
len += fault_location.len_full();
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
len += 2;
@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for EofPdu {
if let Some(fault_location) = self.fault_location {
current_idx += fault_location.write_to_be_bytes(buf)?;
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
@ -160,9 +163,11 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for EofPdu {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::cfdp::pdu::tests::{common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header};
use crate::cfdp::pdu::tests::{
common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM, TEST_SRC_ID,
use crate::cfdp::pdu::{FileDirectiveType, PduHeader};
use crate::cfdp::{ConditionCode, CrcFlag, LargeFileFlag};
use crate::cfdp::{ConditionCode, CrcFlag, LargeFileFlag, PduType, TransmissionMode};
fn test_basic() {
@ -173,6 +178,19 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.file_checksum(), 0x01020304);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.file_size(), 12);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.condition_code(), ConditionCode::NoError);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.crc_flag(), CrcFlag::NoCrc);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.file_flag(), LargeFileFlag::Normal);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.pdu_type(), PduType::FileDirective);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.transmission_mode(), TransmissionMode::Acknowledged);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.direction(), Direction::TowardsReceiver);
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.source_id(), TEST_SRC_ID.into());
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.dest_id(), TEST_DEST_ID.into());
assert_eq!(eof_pdu.transaction_seq_num(), TEST_SEQ_NUM.into());
@ -215,8 +233,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
eof_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
let eof_read_back = EofPdu::from_bytes(&buf);
if eof_read_back.is_err() {
let e = eof_read_back.unwrap_err();
if let Err(e) = eof_read_back {
panic!("deserialization failed with: {e}")
let eof_read_back = eof_read_back.unwrap();
@ -233,4 +250,24 @@ mod tests {
let pdu_vec = eof_pdu.to_vec().unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf[0..written], pdu_vec);
fn test_with_crc() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::WithCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let eof_pdu = EofPdu::new_no_error(pdu_header, 0x01020304, 12);
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let written = eof_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(written, eof_pdu.len_written());
let eof_from_raw = EofPdu::from_bytes(&buf).expect("creating EOF PDU failed");
assert_eq!(eof_from_raw, eof_pdu);
buf[written - 1] -= 1;
let crc: u16 = ((buf[written - 2] as u16) << 8) as u16 | buf[written - 1] as u16;
let error = EofPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap_err();
if let PduError::ChecksumError(e) = error {
assert_eq!(e, crc);
} else {
panic!("expected crc error");

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ impl<'seg_meta, 'file_data> FileDataPdu<'seg_meta, 'file_data> {
len += self.segment_metadata.as_ref().unwrap().written_len()
len += self.file_data.len();
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
len += 2;
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for FileDataPdu<'_, '_> {
buf[current_idx..current_idx + self.file_data.len()].copy_from_slice(self.file_data);
current_idx += self.file_data.len();
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
@ -239,17 +239,14 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for FileDataPdu<'_, '_> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::cfdp::pdu::tests::{TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM, TEST_SRC_ID};
use crate::cfdp::pdu::{CommonPduConfig, PduHeader};
use crate::cfdp::{SegmentMetadataFlag, SegmentationControl};
use crate::util::UbfU8;
const SRC_ID: UbfU8 = UbfU8::new(1);
const DEST_ID: UbfU8 = UbfU8::new(2);
const SEQ_NUM: UbfU8 = UbfU8::new(3);
use crate::cfdp::{Direction, SegmentMetadataFlag, SegmentationControl, TransmissionMode};
fn test_basic() {
let common_conf = CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(SRC_ID, DEST_ID, SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data_default(common_conf, 0);
let file_data: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let fd_pdu = FileDataPdu::new_no_seg_metadata(pdu_header, 10, &file_data);
@ -260,11 +257,22 @@ mod tests {
fd_pdu.pdu_header.header_len() + core::mem::size_of::<u32>() + 4
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.crc_flag(), CrcFlag::NoCrc);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.file_flag(), LargeFileFlag::Normal);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.pdu_type(), PduType::FileData);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.file_directive_type(), None);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.transmission_mode(), TransmissionMode::Acknowledged);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.direction(), Direction::TowardsReceiver);
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.source_id(), TEST_SRC_ID.into());
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.dest_id(), TEST_DEST_ID.into());
assert_eq!(fd_pdu.transaction_seq_num(), TEST_SEQ_NUM.into());
fn test_serialization() {
let common_conf = CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(SRC_ID, DEST_ID, SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data_default(common_conf, 0);
let file_data: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let fd_pdu = FileDataPdu::new_no_seg_metadata(pdu_header, 10, &file_data);
@ -295,7 +303,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_write_to_vec() {
let common_conf = CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(SRC_ID, DEST_ID, SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data_default(common_conf, 0);
let file_data: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let fd_pdu = FileDataPdu::new_no_seg_metadata(pdu_header, 10, &file_data);
@ -307,7 +316,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_deserialization() {
let common_conf = CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(SRC_ID, DEST_ID, SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data_default(common_conf, 0);
let file_data: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let fd_pdu = FileDataPdu::new_no_seg_metadata(pdu_header, 10, &file_data);
@ -319,13 +329,33 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(fd_pdu_read_back, fd_pdu);
fn test_with_crc() {
let mut common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
common_conf.crc_flag = true.into();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data_default(common_conf, 0);
let file_data: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let fd_pdu = FileDataPdu::new_no_seg_metadata(pdu_header, 10, &file_data);
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let written = fd_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(written, fd_pdu.len_written());
let finished_pdu_from_raw = FileDataPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(finished_pdu_from_raw, fd_pdu);
buf[written - 1] -= 1;
let crc: u16 = ((buf[written - 2] as u16) << 8) | buf[written - 1] as u16;
let error = FileDataPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap_err();
if let PduError::ChecksumError(e) = error {
assert_eq!(e, crc);
} else {
panic!("expected crc error");
fn test_with_seg_metadata_serialization() {
let src_id = UbfU8::new(1);
let dest_id = UbfU8::new(2);
let transaction_seq_num = UbfU8::new(3);
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(src_id, dest_id, transaction_seq_num).unwrap();
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data(
@ -386,11 +416,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_with_seg_metadata_deserialization() {
let src_id = UbfU8::new(1);
let dest_id = UbfU8::new(2);
let transaction_seq_num = UbfU8::new(3);
let common_conf =
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(src_id, dest_id, transaction_seq_num).unwrap();
CommonPduConfig::new_with_byte_fields(TEST_SRC_ID, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM).unwrap();
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_for_file_data(

View File

@ -120,14 +120,17 @@ impl<'fs_responses> FinishedPdu<'fs_responses> {
fn calc_pdu_datafield_len(&self) -> usize {
let mut base_len = 2;
let mut datafield_len = 2;
if let Some(fs_responses) = self.fs_responses {
base_len += fs_responses.len();
datafield_len += fs_responses.len();
if let Some(fault_location) = self.fault_location {
base_len += fault_location.len_full();
datafield_len += fault_location.len_full();
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
datafield_len += 2;
/// Generates [Self] from a raw bytestream.
@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for FinishedPdu<'_> {
if let Some(fault_location) = self.fault_location {
current_idx += fault_location.write_to_be_bytes(&mut buf[current_idx..])?;
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
@ -260,9 +263,11 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for FinishedPdu<'_> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::cfdp::pdu::tests::{common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header};
use crate::cfdp::pdu::tests::{
common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM, TEST_SRC_ID,
use crate::cfdp::pdu::{FileDirectiveType, PduHeader};
use crate::cfdp::{ConditionCode, CrcFlag, Direction, LargeFileFlag};
use crate::cfdp::{ConditionCode, CrcFlag, Direction, LargeFileFlag, TransmissionMode};
fn generic_finished_pdu(
crc_flag: CrcFlag,
@ -292,6 +297,22 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.filestore_responses(), None);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.fault_location(), None);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.pdu_header().pdu_datafield_len, 2);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.crc_flag(), CrcFlag::NoCrc);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.file_flag(), LargeFileFlag::Normal);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.pdu_type(), PduType::FileDirective);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.direction(), Direction::TowardsSender);
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.source_id(), TEST_SRC_ID.into());
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.dest_id(), TEST_DEST_ID.into());
assert_eq!(finished_pdu.transaction_seq_num(), TEST_SEQ_NUM.into());
fn generic_serialization_test_no_error(delivery_code: DeliveryCode, file_status: FileStatus) {
@ -371,4 +392,27 @@ mod tests {
let read_back = read_back.unwrap();
assert_eq!(finished_pdu, read_back);
fn test_with_crc() {
let finished_pdu = generic_finished_pdu(
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let written = finished_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(written, finished_pdu.len_written());
let finished_pdu_from_raw = FinishedPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(finished_pdu_from_raw, finished_pdu);
buf[written - 1] -= 1;
let crc: u16 = ((buf[written - 2] as u16) << 8) as u16 | buf[written - 1] as u16;
let error = FinishedPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap_err();
if let PduError::ChecksumError(e) = error {
assert_eq!(e, crc);
} else {
panic!("expected crc error");

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ impl<'src_name, 'dest_name, 'opts> MetadataPdu<'src_name, 'dest_name, 'opts> {
if let Some(opts) = self.options {
len += opts.len();
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
len += 2;
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ impl WritablePduPacket for MetadataPdu<'_, '_, '_> {
buf[current_idx..current_idx + opts.len()].copy_from_slice(opts);
current_idx += opts.len();
if self.pdu_header.pdu_conf.crc_flag == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ pub mod tests {
+ dest_filename.len_full()
+ 2
assert_eq!(written, metadata_pdu.len_written());
let pdu_read_back = MetadataPdu::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pdu_read_back, metadata_pdu);

View File

@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
pub mod ack;
pub mod eof;
pub mod file_data;
pub mod finished;
pub mod metadata;
pub mod nak;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
@ -41,15 +43,20 @@ pub enum PduError {
src_id_len: usize,
dest_id_len: usize,
/// Wrong directive type, for example when parsing the directive field for a file directive
/// PDU.
WrongDirectiveType {
found: FileDirectiveType,
expected: FileDirectiveType,
/// The directive type field contained a value not in the range of permitted values.
/// The directive type field contained a value not in the range of permitted values. This can
/// also happen if an invalid value is passed to the ACK PDU constructor.
InvalidDirectiveType {
found: u8,
expected: Option<FileDirectiveType>,
/// Invalid condition code. Contains the raw detected value.
/// Invalid checksum type which is not part of the checksums listed in the
@ -70,9 +77,15 @@ impl Display for PduError {
PduError::InvalidEntityLen(raw_id) => {
"Invalid PDU entity ID length {raw_id}, only [1, 2, 4, 8] are allowed"
"invalid PDU entity ID length {raw_id}, only [1, 2, 4, 8] are allowed"
PduError::InvalidSegmentRequestFormat => {
write!(f, "invalid segment request format for NAK PDU")
PduError::InvalidStartOrEndOfScopeValue => {
write!(f, "invalid start or end of scope for NAK PDU")
PduError::InvalidTransactionSeqNumLen(raw_id) => {

src/cfdp/pdu/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
use crate::{
cfdp::{CrcFlag, Direction, LargeFileFlag},
use core::{marker::PhantomData, mem::size_of};
use super::{
add_pdu_crc, generic_length_checks_pdu_deserialization, CfdpPdu, FileDirectiveType, PduError,
PduHeader, WritablePduPacket,
/// Helper type to encapsulate both normal file size segment requests and large file size segment
/// requests.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum SegmentRequests<'a> {
U32Pairs(&'a [(u32, u32)]),
U64Pairs(&'a [(u64, u64)]),
impl SegmentRequests<'_> {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(pairs) => pairs.is_empty(),
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(pairs) => pairs.is_empty(),
/// NAK PDU abstraction specialized in the creation of NAK PDUs.
/// It exposes a specialized API which simplifies to generate these NAK PDUs with the
/// format according to CFDP chapter 5.2.6.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NakPduCreator<'seg_reqs> {
pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u64,
end_of_scope: u64,
segment_requests: Option<SegmentRequests<'seg_reqs>>,
impl<'seg_reqs> NakPduCreator<'seg_reqs> {
/// Please note that the start of scope and the end of scope need to be smaller or equal
/// to [u32::MAX] if the large file flag of the passed PDU configuration is
/// [LargeFileFlag::Normal].
/// ## Errrors
pub fn new_no_segment_requests(
pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u64,
end_of_scope: u64,
) -> Result<NakPduCreator<'seg_reqs>, PduError> {
Self::new_generic(pdu_header, start_of_scope, end_of_scope, None)
/// Default constructor for normal file sizes.
pub fn new(
pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u32,
end_of_scope: u32,
segment_requests: &'seg_reqs [(u32, u32)],
) -> Result<NakPduCreator, PduError> {
let mut passed_segment_requests = None;
if !segment_requests.is_empty() {
passed_segment_requests = Some(SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(segment_requests));
pub fn new_large_file_size(
pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u64,
end_of_scope: u64,
segment_requests: &'seg_reqs [(u64, u64)],
) -> Result<NakPduCreator, PduError> {
let mut passed_segment_requests = None;
if !segment_requests.is_empty() {
passed_segment_requests = Some(SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(segment_requests));
fn new_generic(
mut pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u64,
end_of_scope: u64,
segment_requests: Option<SegmentRequests<'seg_reqs>>,
) -> Result<NakPduCreator, PduError> {
// Force correct direction flag.
pdu_header.pdu_conf.direction = Direction::TowardsSender;
if let Some(ref segment_requests) = segment_requests {
match segment_requests {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(_) => {
if start_of_scope > u32::MAX as u64 || end_of_scope > u32::MAX as u64 {
return Err(PduError::InvalidStartOrEndOfScopeValue);
pdu_header.pdu_conf.file_flag = LargeFileFlag::Normal;
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(_) => {
pdu_header.pdu_conf.file_flag = LargeFileFlag::Large;
let mut nak_pdu = Self {
nak_pdu.pdu_header.pdu_datafield_len = nak_pdu.calc_pdu_datafield_len() as u16;
pub fn start_of_scope(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn end_of_scope(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn segment_requests(&self) -> Option<&SegmentRequests> {
pub fn num_segment_reqs(&self) -> usize {
match &self.segment_requests {
Some(seg_reqs) => match seg_reqs {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(pairs) => pairs.len(),
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(pairs) => pairs.len(),
None => 0,
pub fn pdu_header(&self) -> &PduHeader {
fn calc_pdu_datafield_len(&self) -> usize {
let mut datafield_len = 1;
if self.file_flag() == LargeFileFlag::Normal {
datafield_len += 8;
datafield_len += self.num_segment_reqs() * 8;
} else {
datafield_len += 16;
datafield_len += self.num_segment_reqs() * 16;
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
datafield_len += 2;
impl CfdpPdu for NakPduCreator<'_> {
fn pdu_header(&self) -> &PduHeader {
fn file_directive_type(&self) -> Option<FileDirectiveType> {
impl WritablePduPacket for NakPduCreator<'_> {
fn write_to_bytes(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PduError> {
let expected_len = self.len_written();
if buf.len() < expected_len {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall {
found: buf.len(),
expected: expected_len,
let mut current_idx = self.pdu_header.write_to_bytes(buf)?;
buf[current_idx] = FileDirectiveType::NakPdu as u8;
current_idx += 1;
let mut write_start_end_of_scope_normal = || {
let start_of_scope = u32::try_from(self.start_of_scope).unwrap();
let end_of_scope = u32::try_from(self.end_of_scope).unwrap();
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].copy_from_slice(&start_of_scope.to_be_bytes());
current_idx += 4;
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].copy_from_slice(&end_of_scope.to_be_bytes());
current_idx += 4;
if let Some(ref seg_reqs) = self.segment_requests {
match seg_reqs {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(pairs) => {
// Unwrap is okay here, the API should prevent invalid values which would trigger a
// panic here.
for (next_start_offset, next_end_offset) in *pairs {
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4]
current_idx += 4;
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4]
current_idx += 4;
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(pairs) => {
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8]
current_idx += 8;
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8]
current_idx += 8;
for (next_start_offset, next_end_offset) in *pairs {
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8]
current_idx += 8;
buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8]
current_idx += 8;
} else {
if self.crc_flag() == CrcFlag::WithCrc {
current_idx = add_pdu_crc(buf, current_idx);
fn len_written(&self) -> usize {
self.pdu_header.header_len() + self.calc_pdu_datafield_len()
/// Special iterator type for the NAK PDU which allows to iterate over both normal and large file
/// segment requests.
pub struct SegmentRequestIter<'a, T> {
seq_req_raw: &'a [u8],
current_idx: usize,
phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<T>,
pub trait SegReqFromBytes {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self;
impl SegReqFromBytes for u32 {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> u32 {
impl SegReqFromBytes for u64 {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> u64 {
impl<'a, T> Iterator for SegmentRequestIter<'a, T>
T: SegReqFromBytes,
type Item = (T, T);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let value = self.next_at_offset(self.current_idx);
self.current_idx += 2 * size_of::<T>();
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<SegmentRequests<'a>> for SegmentRequestIter<'b, u32> {
fn eq(&self, other: &SegmentRequests) -> bool {
match other {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(pairs) => self.compare_pairs(pairs),
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(pairs) => {
if pairs.is_empty() && self.seq_req_raw.is_empty() {
return true;
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<SegmentRequests<'a>> for SegmentRequestIter<'b, u64> {
fn eq(&self, other: &SegmentRequests) -> bool {
match other {
SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(pairs) => {
if pairs.is_empty() && self.seq_req_raw.is_empty() {
return true;
SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(pairs) => self.compare_pairs(pairs),
impl<'a, T> SegmentRequestIter<'a, T>
T: SegReqFromBytes + PartialEq,
fn compare_pairs(&self, pairs: &[(T, T)]) -> bool {
if pairs.is_empty() && self.seq_req_raw.is_empty() {
return true;
let size = size_of::<T>();
if pairs.len() * 2 * size != self.seq_req_raw.len() {
return false;
for (i, pair) in pairs.iter().enumerate() {
let next_val = self.next_at_offset(i * 2 * size).unwrap();
if next_val != *pair {
return false;
impl<T: SegReqFromBytes> SegmentRequestIter<'_, T> {
fn next_at_offset(&self, mut offset: usize) -> Option<(T, T)> {
if offset + size_of::<T>() * 2 > self.seq_req_raw.len() {
return None;
let start_offset = T::from_bytes(&self.seq_req_raw[offset..offset + size_of::<T>()]);
offset += size_of::<T>();
let end_offset = T::from_bytes(&self.seq_req_raw[offset..offset + size_of::<T>()]);
Some((start_offset, end_offset))
/// NAK PDU abstraction specialized in the reading NAK PDUs from a raw bytestream.
/// This is a zero-copy class where the segment requests can be read using a special iterator
/// API without the need to copy them.
/// The NAK format is expected to be conforming to CFDP chapter 5.2.6.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NakPduReader<'seg_reqs> {
pdu_header: PduHeader,
start_of_scope: u64,
end_of_scope: u64,
seg_reqs_raw: &'seg_reqs [u8],
impl CfdpPdu for NakPduReader<'_> {
fn pdu_header(&self) -> &PduHeader {
fn file_directive_type(&self) -> Option<FileDirectiveType> {
impl<'seg_reqs> NakPduReader<'seg_reqs> {
pub fn new(buf: &'seg_reqs [u8]) -> Result<NakPduReader, PduError> {
pub fn from_bytes(buf: &'seg_reqs [u8]) -> Result<NakPduReader, PduError> {
let (pdu_header, mut current_idx) = PduHeader::from_bytes(buf)?;
let full_len_without_crc = pdu_header.verify_length_and_checksum(buf)?;
// Minimum length of 9: 1 byte directive field and start and end of scope for normal file
// size.
generic_length_checks_pdu_deserialization(buf, 9, full_len_without_crc)?;
let directive_type = FileDirectiveType::try_from(buf[current_idx]).map_err(|_| {
PduError::InvalidDirectiveType {
found: buf[current_idx],
expected: Some(FileDirectiveType::NakPdu),
if directive_type != FileDirectiveType::NakPdu {
return Err(PduError::WrongDirectiveType {
found: directive_type,
expected: FileDirectiveType::AckPdu,
current_idx += 1;
let start_of_scope;
let end_of_scope;
if pdu_header.common_pdu_conf().file_flag == LargeFileFlag::Large {
if current_idx + 16 > buf.len() {
return Err(PduError::ByteConversionError(
ByteConversionError::FromSliceTooSmall {
found: buf.len(),
expected: current_idx + 16,
start_of_scope =
u64::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8].try_into().unwrap());
current_idx += 8;
end_of_scope =
u64::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 8].try_into().unwrap());
current_idx += 8;
} else {
start_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap()) as u64;
current_idx += 4;
end_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap()) as u64;
current_idx += 4;
Ok(Self {
seg_reqs_raw: &buf[current_idx..full_len_without_crc],
pub fn start_of_scope(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn end_of_scope(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn num_segment_reqs(&self) -> usize {
if self.seg_reqs_raw.is_empty() {
return 0;
if self.file_flag() == LargeFileFlag::Normal {
self.seg_reqs_raw.len() / 8
} else {
self.seg_reqs_raw.len() / 16
/// This function returns [None] if this NAK PDUs contains segment requests for a large file.
pub fn get_normal_segment_requests_iterator(&self) -> Option<SegmentRequestIter<'_, u32>> {
if self.file_flag() == LargeFileFlag::Large {
return None;
Some(SegmentRequestIter {
seq_req_raw: self.seg_reqs_raw,
current_idx: 0,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// This function returns [None] if this NAK PDUs contains segment requests for a normal file.
pub fn get_large_segment_requests_iterator(&self) -> Option<SegmentRequestIter<'_, u64>> {
if self.file_flag() == LargeFileFlag::Normal {
return None;
Some(SegmentRequestIter {
seq_req_raw: self.seg_reqs_raw,
current_idx: 0,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<NakPduCreator<'a>> for NakPduReader<'b> {
fn eq(&self, other: &NakPduCreator<'a>) -> bool {
if self.pdu_header() != other.pdu_header()
|| self.end_of_scope() != other.end_of_scope()
|| self.start_of_scope() != other.start_of_scope()
return false;
// Check if both segment requests are empty or None
match (self.seg_reqs_raw.is_empty(), other.segment_requests()) {
(true, None) => true,
(true, Some(seg_reqs)) => seg_reqs.is_empty(),
(false, None) => false,
_ => {
// Compare based on file_flag
if self.file_flag() == LargeFileFlag::Normal {
let normal_iter = self.get_normal_segment_requests_iterator().unwrap();
normal_iter == *other.segment_requests().unwrap()
} else {
let large_iter = self.get_large_segment_requests_iterator().unwrap();
large_iter == *other.segment_requests().unwrap()
mod tests {
use crate::cfdp::{
pdu::tests::{common_pdu_conf, verify_raw_header, TEST_DEST_ID, TEST_SEQ_NUM, TEST_SRC_ID},
PduType, TransmissionMode,
use super::*;
fn check_generic_fields(nak_pdu: &impl CfdpPdu) {
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.crc_flag(), CrcFlag::NoCrc);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.file_flag(), LargeFileFlag::Normal);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.pdu_type(), PduType::FileDirective);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.transmission_mode(), TransmissionMode::Acknowledged);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.direction(), Direction::TowardsSender);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.source_id(), TEST_SRC_ID.into());
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.dest_id(), TEST_DEST_ID.into());
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.transaction_seq_num(), TEST_SEQ_NUM.into());
fn test_seg_request_api() {
let seg_req = SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(&[]);
let seg_req = SegmentRequests::U64Pairs(&[]);
fn test_basic_creator() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 0, 0)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.start_of_scope(), 0);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.end_of_scope(), 0);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.segment_requests(), None);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.num_segment_reqs(), 0);
fn test_serialization_empty() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 100, 300)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.start_of_scope(), 100);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.end_of_scope(), 300);
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("writing NAK PDU to buffer failed");
verify_raw_header(nak_pdu.pdu_header(), &buf);
let mut current_idx = nak_pdu.pdu_header().header_len();
assert_eq!(current_idx + 9, nak_pdu.len_written());
assert_eq!(buf[current_idx], FileDirectiveType::NakPdu as u8);
current_idx += 1;
let start_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(start_of_scope, 100);
current_idx += 4;
let end_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(end_of_scope, 300);
current_idx += 4;
assert_eq!(current_idx, nak_pdu.len_written());
fn test_serialization_two_segments() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new(pdu_header, 100, 300, &[(0, 0), (32, 64)])
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("writing NAK PDU to buffer failed");
verify_raw_header(nak_pdu.pdu_header(), &buf);
let mut current_idx = nak_pdu.pdu_header().header_len();
assert_eq!(current_idx + 9 + 16, nak_pdu.len_written());
assert_eq!(buf[current_idx], FileDirectiveType::NakPdu as u8);
current_idx += 1;
let start_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(start_of_scope, 100);
current_idx += 4;
let end_of_scope =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(end_of_scope, 300);
current_idx += 4;
let first_seg_start =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(first_seg_start, 0);
current_idx += 4;
let first_seg_end =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(first_seg_end, 0);
current_idx += 4;
let second_seg_start =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(second_seg_start, 32);
current_idx += 4;
let second_seg_end =
u32::from_be_bytes(buf[current_idx..current_idx + 4].try_into().unwrap());
assert_eq!(second_seg_end, 64);
current_idx += 4;
assert_eq!(current_idx, nak_pdu.len_written());
fn test_deserialization_empty() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 100, 300)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("writing NAK PDU to buffer failed");
let nak_pdu_deser = NakPduReader::from_bytes(&buf).expect("deserializing NAK PDU failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser, nak_pdu);
fn test_deserialization_large_segments() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Large);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu =
NakPduCreator::new_large_file_size(pdu_header, 100, 300, &[(50, 100), (200, 300)])
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let mut buf: [u8; 128] = [0; 128];
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("writing NAK PDU to buffer failed");
let nak_pdu_deser = NakPduReader::from_bytes(&buf).expect("deserializing NAK PDU failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser, nak_pdu);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.start_of_scope(), 100);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.end_of_scope(), 300);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.num_segment_reqs(), 2);
for (idx, large_segments) in nak_pdu_deser
if idx == 0 {
assert_eq!(large_segments.0, 50);
assert_eq!(large_segments.1, 100);
} else {
assert_eq!(large_segments.0, 200);
assert_eq!(large_segments.1, 300);
fn test_deserialization_normal_segments() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new(pdu_header, 100, 300, &[(50, 100), (200, 300)])
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let mut buf: [u8; 128] = [0; 128];
.write_to_bytes(&mut buf)
.expect("writing NAK PDU to buffer failed");
let nak_pdu_deser = NakPduReader::from_bytes(&buf).expect("deserializing NAK PDU failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser, nak_pdu);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.start_of_scope(), 100);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.end_of_scope(), 300);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser.num_segment_reqs(), 2);
for (idx, large_segments) in nak_pdu_deser
if idx == 0 {
assert_eq!(large_segments.0, 50);
assert_eq!(large_segments.1, 100);
} else {
assert_eq!(large_segments.0, 200);
assert_eq!(large_segments.1, 300);
fn test_empty_is_empty() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu_0 =
NakPduCreator::new(pdu_header, 100, 300, &[]).expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let nak_pdu_1 = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 100, 300)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_0, nak_pdu_1);
// Assert the segment request is mapped to None.
fn test_new_generic_invalid_input() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let u32_list = SegmentRequests::U32Pairs(&[(0, 50), (50, 100)]);
if let Err(PduError::InvalidStartOrEndOfScopeValue) = NakPduCreator::new_generic(
u32::MAX as u64 + 1,
u32::MAX as u64 + 2,
) {
} else {
panic!("API call did not fail");
fn test_target_buf_too_small() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::NoCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 100, 300)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.start_of_scope(), 100);
assert_eq!(nak_pdu.end_of_scope(), 300);
let mut buf: [u8; 5] = [0; 5];
let error = nak_pdu.write_to_bytes(&mut buf);
let e = error.unwrap_err();
match e {
PduError::ByteConversionError(conv_error) => match conv_error {
ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall { found, expected } => {
assert_eq!(expected, nak_pdu.len_written());
assert_eq!(found, 5);
_ => panic!("unexpected error {conv_error}"),
_ => panic!("unexpected error {e}"),
fn test_with_crc() {
let pdu_conf = common_pdu_conf(CrcFlag::WithCrc, LargeFileFlag::Normal);
let pdu_header = PduHeader::new_no_file_data(pdu_conf, 0);
let nak_pdu = NakPduCreator::new_no_segment_requests(pdu_header, 0, 0)
.expect("creating NAK PDU creator failed");
let mut nak_vec = nak_pdu.to_vec().expect("writing NAK to vector failed");
assert_eq!(nak_vec.len(), pdu_header.header_len() + 9 + 2);
assert_eq!(nak_vec.len(), nak_pdu.len_written());
let nak_pdu_deser = NakPduReader::new(&nak_vec).expect("reading NAK PDU failed");
assert_eq!(nak_pdu_deser, nak_pdu);
nak_vec[nak_pdu.len_written() - 1] -= 1;
let nak_pdu_deser = NakPduReader::new(&nak_vec);
if let Err(PduError::ChecksumError(raw)) = nak_pdu_deser {
u16::from_be_bytes(nak_vec[nak_pdu.len_written() - 2..].try_into().unwrap())