I am not sure this is required..
All checks were successful
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good
All checks were successful
Rust/spacepackets/pipeline/head This commit looks good
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ use zerocopy::AsBytes;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use alloc_mod::*;
// #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
// pub use alloc_mod::*;
since = "0.7.0",
@ -734,206 +734,208 @@ impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTcCreator<'_> {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub mod alloc_mod {
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::ecss::tc::{
zc, GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTcSecondaryHeader, ACK_ALL,
use crate::ecss::PusVersion;
use crate::ecss::{
ccsds_impl, sp_header_impls, PusError, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket, CCSDS_HEADER_LEN,
use crate::SequenceFlags;
use crate::{
ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, PacketType, SizeMissmatch, SpHeader, CRC_CCITT_FALSE,
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::mem::size_of;
use delegate::delegate;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
/// This is the owned variant of [super::PusTcCreator] where the application data is copied to
/// an internal field and is then an owned field of the creator.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct PusTcCreatorOwned {
sp_header: SpHeader,
pub sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
pub app_data: Vec<u8>,
impl PusTcCreatorOwned {
/// Generates a new struct instance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sp_header` - Space packet header information. The correct packet type will be set
/// automatically
/// * `sec_header` - Information contained in the data field header, including the service
/// and subservice type
/// * `app_data` - Custom application data
/// * `set_ccsds_len` - Can be used to automatically update the CCSDS space packet data length
/// field. If this is not set to true, [Self::update_ccsds_data_len] can be called to set
/// the correct value to this field manually
pub fn new(
sp_header: &mut SpHeader,
sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
app_data: Option<&[u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Self {
let app_data = app_data.map_or(Vec::new(), Vec::from);
let mut pus_tc = Self {
sp_header: *sp_header,
if set_ccsds_len {
/// Simplified version of the [Self::new] function which allows to only specify service
/// and subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header.
pub fn new_simple(
sph: &mut SpHeader,
service: u8,
subservice: u8,
app_data: Option<&[u8]>,
set_ccsds_len: bool,
) -> Self {
PusTcSecondaryHeader::new(service, subservice, ACK_ALL, 0),
pub fn sp_header(&self) -> &SpHeader {
pub fn set_ack_field(&mut self, ack: u8) -> bool {
if ack > 0b1111 {
return false;
self.sec_header.ack = ack & 0b1111;
pub fn set_source_id(&mut self, source_id: u16) {
self.sec_header.source_id = source_id;
/// Calculate the CCSDS space packet data length field and sets it
/// This is called automatically if the `set_ccsds_len` argument in the [Self::new] call was
/// used.
/// If this was not done or the application data is set or changed after construction,
/// this function needs to be called to ensure that the data length field of the CCSDS header
/// is set correctly.
pub fn update_ccsds_data_len(&mut self) {
self.sp_header.data_len =
self.len_packed() as u16 - size_of::<crate::zc::SpHeader>() as u16 - 1;
/// This function can be called to calculate the CRC16 of the packet before it was
/// serialized.
pub fn calc_own_crc16(&self) -> u16 {
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
length += self.app_data.len();
/// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
let mut curr_idx = 0;
let tc_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader>();
let total_size = self.len_packed();
if total_size > slice.len() {
return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
found: slice.len(),
expected: total_size,
curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
.write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + tc_header_len])
curr_idx += tc_header_len;
if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(&self.app_data);
curr_idx += self.app_data.len();
let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
curr_idx += 2;
impl CcsdsPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
impl PusPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if self.app_data.is_empty() {
return None;
fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTcCreatorOwned {
delegate!(to self.sec_header {
fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
fn service(&self) -> u8;
fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
fn source_id(&self) -> u16;
fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8;
// TODO: Do we really need an owned variant of the PUS TC creator? I think the regular creator
// is perfectly fine..
// #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
// pub mod alloc_mod {
// #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// use crate::ecss::tc::{
// zc, GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTcSecondaryHeader, ACK_ALL,
// };
// use crate::ecss::PusVersion;
// use crate::ecss::{
// ccsds_impl, sp_header_impls, PusError, PusPacket, SerializablePusPacket, CCSDS_HEADER_LEN,
// };
// use crate::SequenceFlags;
// use crate::{
// ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, PacketType, SizeMissmatch, SpHeader, CRC_CCITT_FALSE,
// };
// use alloc::vec::Vec;
// use core::mem::size_of;
// use delegate::delegate;
// use zerocopy::AsBytes;
// /// This is the owned variant of [super::PusTcCreator] where the application data is copied to
// /// an internal field and is then an owned field of the creator.
// #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
// pub struct PusTcCreatorOwned {
// sp_header: SpHeader,
// pub sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
// pub app_data: Vec<u8>,
// }
// impl PusTcCreatorOwned {
// /// Generates a new struct instance.
// ///
// /// # Arguments
// ///
// /// * `sp_header` - Space packet header information. The correct packet type will be set
// /// automatically
// /// * `sec_header` - Information contained in the data field header, including the service
// /// and subservice type
// /// * `app_data` - Custom application data
// /// * `set_ccsds_len` - Can be used to automatically update the CCSDS space packet data length
// /// field. If this is not set to true, [Self::update_ccsds_data_len] can be called to set
// /// the correct value to this field manually
// pub fn new(
// sp_header: &mut SpHeader,
// sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader,
// app_data: Option<&[u8]>,
// set_ccsds_len: bool,
// ) -> Self {
// sp_header.set_packet_type(PacketType::Tc);
// sp_header.set_sec_header_flag();
// let app_data = app_data.map_or(Vec::new(), Vec::from);
// let mut pus_tc = Self {
// sp_header: *sp_header,
// app_data,
// sec_header,
// };
// if set_ccsds_len {
// pus_tc.update_ccsds_data_len();
// }
// pus_tc
// }
// /// Simplified version of the [Self::new] function which allows to only specify service
// /// and subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header.
// pub fn new_simple(
// sph: &mut SpHeader,
// service: u8,
// subservice: u8,
// app_data: Option<&[u8]>,
// set_ccsds_len: bool,
// ) -> Self {
// Self::new(
// sph,
// PusTcSecondaryHeader::new(service, subservice, ACK_ALL, 0),
// app_data,
// set_ccsds_len,
// )
// }
// pub fn sp_header(&self) -> &SpHeader {
// &self.sp_header
// }
// pub fn set_ack_field(&mut self, ack: u8) -> bool {
// if ack > 0b1111 {
// return false;
// }
// self.sec_header.ack = ack & 0b1111;
// true
// }
// pub fn set_source_id(&mut self, source_id: u16) {
// self.sec_header.source_id = source_id;
// }
// sp_header_impls!();
// /// Calculate the CCSDS space packet data length field and sets it
// /// This is called automatically if the `set_ccsds_len` argument in the [Self::new] call was
// /// used.
// /// If this was not done or the application data is set or changed after construction,
// /// this function needs to be called to ensure that the data length field of the CCSDS header
// /// is set correctly.
// pub fn update_ccsds_data_len(&mut self) {
// self.sp_header.data_len =
// self.len_packed() as u16 - size_of::<crate::zc::SpHeader>() as u16 - 1;
// }
// /// This function can be called to calculate the CRC16 of the packet before it was
// /// serialized.
// pub fn calc_own_crc16(&self) -> u16 {
// let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
// let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header);
// digest.update(sph_zc.as_bytes());
// let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
// digest.update(pus_tc_header.as_bytes());
// if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
// digest.update(&self.app_data);
// }
// digest.finalize()
// }
// }
// impl SerializablePusPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
// fn len_packed(&self) -> usize {
// let mut length = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA;
// if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
// length += self.app_data.len();
// }
// length
// }
// /// Write the raw PUS byte representation to a provided buffer.
// fn write_to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, PusError> {
// let mut curr_idx = 0;
// let tc_header_len = size_of::<zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader>();
// let total_size = self.len_packed();
// if total_size > slice.len() {
// return Err(ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch {
// found: slice.len(),
// expected: total_size,
// })
// .into());
// }
// self.sp_header.write_to_be_bytes(slice)?;
// curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN;
// let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap();
// sec_header
// .write_to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + tc_header_len])
// .ok_or(ByteConversionError::ZeroCopyToError)?;
// curr_idx += tc_header_len;
// if !self.app_data.is_empty() {
// slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + self.app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(&self.app_data);
// curr_idx += self.app_data.len();
// }
// let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest();
// digest.update(&slice[0..curr_idx]);
// slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(&digest.finalize().to_be_bytes());
// curr_idx += 2;
// Ok(curr_idx)
// }
// }
// impl CcsdsPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
// ccsds_impl!();
// }
// impl PusPacket for PusTcCreatorOwned {
// delegate!(to self.sec_header {
// fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
// fn service(&self) -> u8;
// fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
// });
// fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
// if self.app_data.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// Some(self.app_data.as_slice())
// }
// fn crc16(&self) -> Option<u16> {
// Some(self.calc_own_crc16())
// }
// }
// impl GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader for PusTcCreatorOwned {
// delegate!(to self.sec_header {
// fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion;
// fn service(&self) -> u8;
// fn subservice(&self) -> u8;
// fn source_id(&self) -> u16;
// fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8;
// });
// }
// }
/// This class can be used to read a PUS TC telecommand from raw memory.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user