
772 lines
25 KiB

//! CCSDS Time Code Formats according to [CCSDS 301.0-B-4](
use crate::ByteConversionError;
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub};
use core::time::Duration;
use core::u8;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use num_traits::float::FloatCore;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::{SystemTime, SystemTimeError};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use std_mod::*;
pub mod ascii;
pub mod cds;
pub mod cuc;
pub const DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX: i32 = -4383;
pub const SECONDS_PER_DAY: u32 = 86400;
pub const MS_PER_DAY: u32 = SECONDS_PER_DAY * 1000;
pub const NANOS_PER_SECOND: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum CcsdsTimeCode {
CucCcsdsEpoch = 0b001,
CucAgencyEpoch = 0b010,
Cds = 0b100,
Ccs = 0b101,
AgencyDefined = 0b110,
impl TryFrom<u8> for CcsdsTimeCode {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
x if x == CcsdsTimeCode::CucCcsdsEpoch as u8 => Ok(CcsdsTimeCode::CucCcsdsEpoch),
x if x == CcsdsTimeCode::CucAgencyEpoch as u8 => Ok(CcsdsTimeCode::CucAgencyEpoch),
x if x == CcsdsTimeCode::Cds as u8 => Ok(CcsdsTimeCode::Cds),
x if x == CcsdsTimeCode::Ccs as u8 => Ok(CcsdsTimeCode::Ccs),
x if x == CcsdsTimeCode::AgencyDefined as u8 => Ok(CcsdsTimeCode::AgencyDefined),
_ => Err(()),
/// Retrieve the CCSDS time code from the p-field. If no valid time code identifier is found, the
/// value of the raw time code identification field is returned.
pub fn ccsds_time_code_from_p_field(pfield: u8) -> Result<CcsdsTimeCode, u8> {
let raw_bits = (pfield >> 4) & 0b111;
CcsdsTimeCode::try_from(raw_bits).map_err(|_| raw_bits)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError(UnixTime);
impl Display for DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "date before ccsds epoch: {:?}", self.0)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error for DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError {}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum TimestampError {
InvalidTimeCode { expected: CcsdsTimeCode, found: u8 },
impl Display for TimestampError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
TimestampError::InvalidTimeCode { expected, found } => {
"invalid raw time code value {found} for time code {expected:?}"
TimestampError::Cds(e) => {
write!(f, "cds error: {e}")
TimestampError::Cuc(e) => {
write!(f, "cuc error: {e}")
TimestampError::ByteConversion(e) => {
write!(f, "time stamp: {e}")
TimestampError::CustomEpochNotSupported => {
write!(f, "custom epochs are not supported")
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Error for TimestampError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
TimestampError::ByteConversion(e) => Some(e),
TimestampError::Cds(e) => Some(e),
TimestampError::Cuc(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl From<cds::CdsError> for TimestampError {
fn from(e: cds::CdsError) -> Self {
impl From<cuc::CucError> for TimestampError {
fn from(e: cuc::CucError) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod std_mod {
use crate::time::TimestampError;
use std::time::SystemTimeError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum StdTimestampError {
#[error("system time error: {0:?}")]
SystemTime(#[from] SystemTimeError),
#[error("timestamp error: {0}")]
Timestamp(#[from] TimestampError),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn seconds_since_epoch() -> f64 {
.expect("System time generation failed")
/// Convert UNIX days to CCSDS days
/// - CCSDS epoch: 1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
/// - UNIX Epoch: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
pub const fn unix_to_ccsds_days(unix_days: i64) -> i64 {
unix_days - DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as i64
/// Convert CCSDS days to UNIX days
/// - CCSDS epoch: 1958-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
/// - UNIX Epoch: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
pub const fn ccsds_to_unix_days(ccsds_days: i64) -> i64 {
ccsds_days + DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as i64
/// Similar to [unix_to_ccsds_days] but converts the epoch instead, which is the number of elpased
/// seconds since the CCSDS and UNIX epoch times.
pub const fn unix_epoch_to_ccsds_epoch(unix_epoch: i64) -> i64 {
unix_epoch - (DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as i64 * SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64)
pub const fn ccsds_epoch_to_unix_epoch(ccsds_epoch: i64) -> i64 {
ccsds_epoch + (DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as i64 * SECONDS_PER_DAY as i64)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn ms_of_day_using_sysclock() -> u32 {
pub fn ms_of_day(seconds_since_epoch: f64) -> u32 {
let fraction_ms = seconds_since_epoch - seconds_since_epoch.floor();
let ms_of_day: u32 = (((seconds_since_epoch.floor() as u32 % SECONDS_PER_DAY) * 1000) as f64
+ fraction_ms)
.floor() as u32;
pub trait TimeWriter {
fn len_written(&self) -> usize;
/// Generic function to convert write a timestamp into a raw buffer.
/// Returns the number of written bytes on success.
fn write_to_bytes(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TimestampError>;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
fn to_vec(&self) -> Result<alloc::vec::Vec<u8>, TimestampError> {
let mut vec = alloc::vec![0; self.len_written()];
self.write_to_bytes(&mut vec)?;
pub trait TimeReader: Sized {
fn from_bytes(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, TimestampError>;
/// Trait for generic CCSDS time providers.
/// The UNIX helper methods and the helper method are not strictly necessary but extremely
/// practical because they are a very common and simple exchange format for time information.
/// Therefore, it was decided to keep them in this trait as well.
pub trait CcsdsTimeProvider {
fn len_as_bytes(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the pfield of the time provider. The pfield can have one or two bytes depending
/// on the extension bit (first bit). The time provider should returns a tuple where the first
/// entry denotes the length of the pfield and the second entry is the value of the pfield
/// in big endian format.
fn p_field(&self) -> (usize, [u8; 2]);
fn ccdsd_time_code(&self) -> CcsdsTimeCode;
fn unix_secs(&self) -> i64;
fn subsec_nanos(&self) -> u32;
fn subsec_millis(&self) -> u16 {
(self.subsec_nanos() / 1_000_000) as u16
fn unix_time(&self) -> UnixTime {
UnixTime::new(self.unix_secs(), self.subsec_nanos())
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
fn chrono_date_time(&self) -> chrono::LocalResult<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> {
chrono::Utc.timestamp_opt(self.unix_secs(), self.subsec_nanos())
#[cfg(feature = "timelib")]
fn timelib_date_time(&self) -> Result<time::OffsetDateTime, time::error::ComponentRange> {
+ time::Duration::nanoseconds(self.subsec_nanos().into()))
/// UNIX time: Elapsed non-leap seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 UTC.
/// This is a commonly used time format and can therefore also be used as a generic format to
/// convert other CCSDS time formats to and from. The subsecond precision is in nanoseconds
/// similarly to other common time formats and libraries.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct UnixTime {
secs: i64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
impl UnixTime {
/// The UNIX epoch time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 UTC.
pub const EPOCH: Self = Self {
secs: 0,
subsec_nanos: 0,
/// The minimum possible `UnixTime`.
pub const MIN: Self = Self {
secs: i64::MIN,
subsec_nanos: 0,
/// The maximum possible `UnixTime`.
pub const MAX: Self = Self {
secs: i64::MAX,
subsec_nanos: NANOS_PER_SECOND - 1,
/// Returns [None] if the subsecond nanosecond value is invalid (larger than fraction of a
/// second)
pub fn new_checked(unix_seconds: i64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if subsec_nanos >= NANOS_PER_SECOND {
return None;
Some(Self::new(unix_seconds, subsec_nanos))
/// Returns [None] if the subsecond millisecond value is invalid (larger than fraction of a
/// second)
pub fn new_subsec_millis_checked(unix_seconds: i64, subsec_millis: u16) -> Option<Self> {
if subsec_millis >= 1000 {
return None;
Self::new_checked(unix_seconds, subsec_millis as u32 * 1_000_000)
/// This function will panic if the subsecond value is larger than the fraction of a second.
/// Use [Self::new_checked] if you want to handle this case without a panic.
pub const fn new(unix_seconds: i64, subsecond_nanos: u32) -> Self {
if subsecond_nanos >= NANOS_PER_SECOND {
panic!("invalid subsecond nanos value");
Self {
secs: unix_seconds,
subsec_nanos: subsecond_nanos,
/// This function will panic if the subsecond value is larger than the fraction of a second.
/// Use [Self::new_subsec_millis_checked] if you want to handle this case without a panic.
pub const fn new_subsec_millis(unix_seconds: i64, subsecond_millis: u16) -> Self {
if subsecond_millis >= 1000 {
panic!("invalid subsecond millisecond value");
Self {
secs: unix_seconds,
subsec_nanos: subsecond_millis as u32 * 1_000_000,
pub fn new_only_secs(unix_seconds: i64) -> Self {
Self {
secs: unix_seconds,
subsec_nanos: 0,
pub fn subsec_millis(&self) -> u16 {
(self.subsec_nanos / 1_000_000) as u16
pub fn subsec_nanos(&self) -> u32 {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn now() -> Result<Self, SystemTimeError> {
let now = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)?;
let epoch = now.as_secs();
Ok(Self::new(epoch as i64, now.subsec_nanos()))
pub fn unix_secs_f64(&self) -> f64 {
self.secs as f64 + (self.subsec_nanos as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0)
pub fn as_secs(&self) -> i64 {
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
pub fn chrono_date_time(&self) -> chrono::LocalResult<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> {
Utc.timestamp_opt(self.secs, self.subsec_nanos)
#[cfg(feature = "timelib")]
pub fn timelib_date_time(&self) -> Result<time::OffsetDateTime, time::error::ComponentRange> {
+ time::Duration::nanoseconds(self.subsec_nanos().into()))
// Calculate the difference in milliseconds between two UnixTimestamps
pub fn diff_in_millis(&self, other: &UnixTime) -> Option<i64> {
let seconds_difference = self.secs.checked_sub(other.secs)?;
// Convert seconds difference to milliseconds
let milliseconds_difference = seconds_difference.checked_mul(1000)?;
// Calculate the difference in subsecond milliseconds directly
let subsecond_difference_nanos = self.subsec_nanos as i64 - other.subsec_nanos as i64;
// Combine the differences
Some(milliseconds_difference + (subsecond_difference_nanos / 1_000_000))
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
impl From<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>> for UnixTime {
fn from(value: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>) -> Self {
Self::new(value.timestamp(), value.timestamp_subsec_nanos())
#[cfg(feature = "timelib")]
impl From<time::OffsetDateTime> for UnixTime {
fn from(value: time::OffsetDateTime) -> Self {
Self::new(value.unix_timestamp(), value.nanosecond())
impl PartialOrd for UnixTime {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for UnixTime {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
if self == other {
return Ordering::Equal;
match self.secs.cmp(&other.secs) {
Ordering::Less => return Ordering::Less,
Ordering::Greater => return Ordering::Greater,
_ => (),
match self.subsec_millis().cmp(&other.subsec_millis()) {
Ordering::Less => {
return if self.secs < 0 {
} else {
Ordering::Greater => {
return if self.secs < 0 {
} else {
Ordering::Equal => (),
/// Difference between two UNIX timestamps. The [Duration] type can not contain negative durations,
/// so the sign information is supplied separately.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StampDiff {
pub positive_duration: bool,
pub duration_absolute: Duration,
impl Sub for UnixTime {
type Output = Option<StampDiff>;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
let difference = self.diff_in_millis(&rhs)?;
Some(if difference < 0 {
StampDiff {
positive_duration: false,
duration_absolute: Duration::from_millis(-difference as u64),
} else {
StampDiff {
positive_duration: true,
duration_absolute: Duration::from_millis(difference as u64),
fn get_new_stamp_after_addition(current_stamp: &UnixTime, duration: Duration) -> UnixTime {
let mut new_subsec_nanos = current_stamp.subsec_nanos() + duration.subsec_nanos();
let mut new_unix_seconds = current_stamp.secs;
let mut increment_seconds = |value: u32| {
if new_unix_seconds < 0 {
new_unix_seconds = new_unix_seconds
.expect("new unix seconds would exceed i64::MIN");
} else {
new_unix_seconds = new_unix_seconds
.expect("new unix seconds would exceed i64::MAX");
if new_subsec_nanos >= 1_000_000_000 {
new_subsec_nanos -= 1_000_000_000;
.expect("duration seconds exceeds u32::MAX"),
UnixTime::new(new_unix_seconds, new_subsec_nanos)
/// Please note that this operation will panic on the following conditions:
/// - Unix seconds after subtraction for stamps before the unix epoch exceeds [i64::MIN].
/// - Unix seconds after addition exceeds [i64::MAX].
/// - Seconds from duration to add exceeds [u32::MAX].
impl AddAssign<Duration> for UnixTime {
fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
*self = get_new_stamp_after_addition(self, duration);
/// Please note that this operation will panic for the following conditions:
/// - Unix seconds after subtraction for stamps before the unix epoch exceeds [i64::MIN].
/// - Unix seconds after addition exceeds [i64::MAX].
/// - Unix seconds exceeds [u32::MAX].
impl Add<Duration> for UnixTime {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output {
get_new_stamp_after_addition(&self, duration)
impl Add<Duration> for &UnixTime {
type Output = UnixTime;
fn add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output {
get_new_stamp_after_addition(self, duration)
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
mod tests {
use alloc::string::ToString;
use chrono::{Datelike, Timelike};
use std::{format, println};
use super::{cuc::CucError, *};
const UNIX_STAMP_CONST: UnixTime = UnixTime::new(5, 999_999_999);
const UNIX_STAMP_CONST_2: UnixTime = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis(5, 999);
fn test_days_conversion() {
assert_eq!(unix_to_ccsds_days(DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX.into()), 0);
assert_eq!(ccsds_to_unix_days(0), DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX.into());
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
fn test_get_current_time() {
let sec_floats = seconds_since_epoch();
assert!(sec_floats > 0.0);
fn test_ms_of_day() {
let ms = ms_of_day(0.0);
assert_eq!(ms, 0);
let ms = ms_of_day(5.0);
assert_eq!(ms, 5000);
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
fn test_ccsds_epoch() {
let now = SystemTime::now()
let unix_epoch = now.as_secs();
let ccsds_epoch = unix_epoch_to_ccsds_epoch(now.as_secs() as i64) as u64;
assert!(ccsds_epoch > unix_epoch);
assert_eq!((ccsds_epoch - unix_epoch) % SECONDS_PER_DAY as u64, 0);
let days_diff = (ccsds_epoch - unix_epoch) / SECONDS_PER_DAY as u64;
assert_eq!(days_diff, -DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX as u64);
fn basic_unix_stamp_test() {
let stamp = UnixTime::new_only_secs(-200);
assert_eq!(stamp.secs, -200);
assert_eq!(stamp.subsec_millis(), 0);
let stamp = UnixTime::new_only_secs(250);
assert_eq!(stamp.secs, 250);
assert_eq!(stamp.subsec_millis(), 0);
fn basic_float_unix_stamp_test() {
let stamp = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(500, 600).unwrap();
assert_eq!(stamp.secs, 500);
let subsec_millis = stamp.subsec_millis();
assert_eq!(subsec_millis, 600);
println!("{:?}", (500.6 - stamp.unix_secs_f64()).to_string());
assert!((500.6 - stamp.unix_secs_f64()).abs() < 0.0001);
fn test_ord_larger() {
let stamp0 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(5);
let stamp1 = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(5, 500).unwrap();
let stamp2 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(6);
assert!(stamp1 > stamp0);
assert!(stamp2 > stamp0);
assert!(stamp2 > stamp1);
fn test_ord_smaller() {
let stamp0 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(5);
let stamp1 = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(5, 500).unwrap();
let stamp2 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(6);
assert!(stamp0 < stamp1);
assert!(stamp0 < stamp2);
assert!(stamp1 < stamp2);
fn test_ord_larger_neg_numbers() {
let stamp0 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(-5);
let stamp1 = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(-5, 500).unwrap();
let stamp2 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(-6);
assert!(stamp0 > stamp1);
assert!(stamp0 > stamp2);
assert!(stamp1 > stamp2);
assert!(stamp1 >= stamp2);
assert!(stamp0 >= stamp1);
fn test_ord_smaller_neg_numbers() {
let stamp0 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(-5);
let stamp1 = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(-5, 500).unwrap();
let stamp2 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(-6);
assert!(stamp2 < stamp1);
assert!(stamp2 < stamp0);
assert!(stamp1 < stamp0);
assert!(stamp1 <= stamp0);
assert!(stamp2 <= stamp1);
fn test_eq() {
let stamp0 = UnixTime::new(5, 0);
let stamp1 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(5);
assert_eq!(stamp0, stamp1);
assert!(stamp0 <= stamp1);
assert!(stamp0 >= stamp1);
assert!(!(stamp0 < stamp1));
assert!(!(stamp0 > stamp1));
fn test_addition() {
let mut stamp0 = UnixTime::new_only_secs(1);
stamp0 += Duration::from_secs(5);
assert_eq!(stamp0.as_secs(), 6);
assert_eq!(stamp0.subsec_millis(), 0);
let stamp1 = stamp0 + Duration::from_millis(500);
assert_eq!(stamp1.secs, 6);
assert_eq!(stamp1.subsec_millis(), 500);
fn test_addition_on_ref() {
let stamp0 = &UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(20, 500).unwrap();
let stamp1 = stamp0 + Duration::from_millis(2500);
assert_eq!(stamp1.secs, 23);
assert_eq!(stamp1.subsec_millis(), 0);
fn test_as_dt() {
let stamp = UnixTime::new_only_secs(0);
let dt = stamp.chrono_date_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dt.year(), 1970);
assert_eq!(dt.month(), 1);
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(dt.hour(), 0);
assert_eq!(dt.minute(), 0);
assert_eq!(dt.second(), 0);
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
fn test_from_now() {
let stamp_now = UnixTime::now().unwrap();
let dt_now = stamp_now.chrono_date_time().unwrap();
assert!(dt_now.year() >= 2020);
fn test_stamp_diff_positive_0() {
let stamp_later = UnixTime::new(2, 0);
let StampDiff {
} = (stamp_later - UnixTime::new(1, 0)).expect("stamp diff error");
assert_eq!(duration_absolute, Duration::from_secs(1));
fn test_stamp_diff_positive_1() {
let stamp_later = UnixTime::new(3, 800 * 1_000_000);
let stamp_earlier = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(1, 900).unwrap();
let StampDiff {
} = (stamp_later - stamp_earlier).expect("stamp diff error");
assert_eq!(duration_absolute, Duration::from_millis(1900));
fn test_stamp_diff_negative() {
let stamp_later = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(3, 800).unwrap();
let stamp_earlier = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(1, 900).unwrap();
let StampDiff {
} = (stamp_earlier - stamp_later).expect("stamp diff error");
assert_eq!(duration_absolute, Duration::from_millis(1900));
fn test_addition_spillover() {
let mut stamp0 = UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked(1, 900).unwrap();
stamp0 += Duration::from_millis(100);
assert_eq!(stamp0.secs, 2);
assert_eq!(stamp0.subsec_millis(), 0);
stamp0 += Duration::from_millis(1100);
assert_eq!(stamp0.secs, 3);
assert_eq!(stamp0.subsec_millis(), 100);
fn test_cuc_error_printout() {
let cuc_error = CucError::InvalidCounterWidth(12);
let stamp_error = TimestampError::from(cuc_error);
assert_eq!(stamp_error.to_string(), format!("cuc error: {cuc_error}"));
#[cfg(feature = "timelib")]
fn test_unix_stamp_as_timelib_datetime() {
let stamp_epoch = UnixTime::EPOCH;
let timelib_dt = stamp_epoch.timelib_date_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(timelib_dt.year(), 1970);
assert_eq!(timelib_dt.month(), time::Month::January);
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(timelib_dt.hour(), 0);
assert_eq!(timelib_dt.minute(), 0);
assert_eq!(timelib_dt.second(), 0);
#[cfg(feature = "timelib")]
fn test_unix_stamp_from_timelib_datetime() {
let timelib_dt = time::OffsetDateTime::UNIX_EPOCH;
let unix_time = UnixTime::from(timelib_dt);
let timelib_converted_back = unix_time.timelib_date_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(timelib_dt, timelib_converted_back);