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Vorago VA108xx Rust Support
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This crate collection provides support to write Rust applications for the VA108XX family
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of devices.
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## List of crates
This workspace contains the following released crates:
- The [`va108xx`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/va108xx) PAC
crate containing basic low-level register definition.
- The [`va108xx-hal`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/va108xx-hal)
HAL crate containing higher-level abstractions on top of the PAC register crate.
- The [`vorago-reb1`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/vorago-reb1)
BSP crate containing support for the REB1 development board.
It also contains the following helper crates:
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- The [`bootloader`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/bootloader)
crate contains a sample bootloader strongly based on the one provided by Vorago.
- The [`flashloader`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/flashloader)
crate contains a sample flashloader which is able to update the redundant images in the NVM which
is compatible to the provided bootloader as well.
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- The [`board-tests`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/board-tests)
contains an application which can be used to test the libraries on the board.
- The [`examples`](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/examples)
folder contains various example applications crates using the HAL and the PAC.
This folder also contains dedicated example applications using the
[`RTIC`](https://rtic.rs/2/book/en/) and [`embassy`](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy)
native Rust RTOSes.
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## Using the `.cargo/config.toml` file
Use the following command to have a starting `config.toml` file
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cp .cargo/def-config.toml .cargo/config.toml
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You then can adapt the `config.toml` to your needs. For example, you can configure runners
to conveniently flash with `cargo run`.
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## Using the sample VS Code files
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Use the following command to have a starting configuration for VS Code:
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cp -rT vscode .vscode
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You can then adapt the files in `.vscode` to your needs.
## Flashing, running and debugging the software
You can use CLI or VS Code for flashing, running and debugging. In any case, take
care of installing the pre-requisites first.
### Pre-Requisites
1. [SEGGER J-Link tools](https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/) installed
2. [gdb-multiarch](https://packages.debian.org/sid/gdb-multiarch) or similar
cross-architecture debugger installed. All commands here assume `gdb-multiarch`.
### Using CLI
You can build the blinky example application with the following command
cargo build --example blinky
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Start the GDB server first. The server needs to be started with a certain configuration and with
a JLink script to disable ROM protection.
For example, on Debian based system the following command can be used to do this (this command
is also run when running the `jlink-gdb.sh` script)
JLinkGDBServer -select USB -device Cortex-M0 -endian little -if JTAG-speed auto \
After this, you can flash and debug the application with the following command
gdb-mutliarch -q -x jlink/jlink.gdb target/thumbv6m-none-eabihf/debug/examples/blinky
Please note that you can automate all steps except starting the GDB server by using a cargo
runner configuration, for example with the following lines in your `.cargo/config.toml` file:
[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))']
runner = "gdb-multiarch -q -x jlink/jlink.gdb"
After that, you can simply use `cargo run --example blinky` to flash the blinky
### Using VS Code
Assuming a working debug connection to your VA108xx board, you can debug using VS Code with
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the [`Cortex-Debug` plugin](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=marus25.cortex-debug).
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Please make sure that [`objdump-multiarch` and `nm-multiarch`](https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=333146)
are installed as well.
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Some sample configuration files for VS code were provided and can be used by running
`cp -rT vscode .vscode` like specified above. After that, you can use `Run and Debug`
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to automatically rebuild and flash your application.
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If you would like to use a custom GDB application, you can specify the gdb binary in the following
configuration variables in your `settings.json`:
- `"cortex-debug.gdbPath"`
- `"cortex-debug.gdbPath.linux"`
- `"cortex-debug.gdbPath.windows"`
- `"cortex-debug.gdbPath.osx"`
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The provided VS Code configurations also provide an integrated RTT logger, which you can access
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via the terminal at `RTT Ch:0 console`. In order for the RTT block address detection to
work properly, `objdump-multiarch` and `nm-multiarch` need to be installed.