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Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [unreleased]
## [v0.11.1] 2025-03-10
## Fixed
- Fix `embedded_io` UART implementation to implement the documented contract properly.
The implementation will now block until at least one byte is available or can be written, unless
the send or receive buffer is empty.
## [v0.11.0] 2025-03-07
## Changed
- Bugfix for I2C `TimingCfg::reg`
- Simplified UART error handling. All APIs are now infallible because writing to a FIFO or
reading from a FIFO never fails. Users can either poll errors using `Rx::poll_errors` or
`Uart::poll_rx_errors` / `UartBase::poll_rx_errors`, or detect errors using the provided
interrupt handlers.
## [v0.10.0] 2025-02-17
## Added
- A lot of missing `defmt::Format` implementations.
## Changed
- Larger refactoring of GPIO library. The edge and level interrupt configurator functions do not
enable interrupts anymore. Instead, there are explicit `enbable_interrupt` and
`disable_interrupt` methods
- Renamed GPIO `DynGroup` to `Port`
- Rename generic GPIO interrupt handler into `on_interrupt_for_asynch_gpio`
into `on_interrupt_for_async_gpio_for_port` which expects a Port argument
## Fixed
- Bug in async GPIO interrupt handler where all enabled interrupts, even the ones which might
be unrelated to the pin, were disabled.
## [v0.9.0] 2025-02-13
## Fixed
- Important bugfix for UART driver which causes UART B drivers not to work.
## Removed
- Deleted some HAL re-exports in the PWM module
## Changed
- GPIO API: Interrupt, pulse and filter and `set_datamask` and `clear_datamask` APIs are now
methods which mutable modify the pin instead of consuming and returning it.
- Simplified PWM module implementation.
- All error types now implement `core::error::Error` by using the `thiserror::Error` derive.
- `InvalidPinTypeError` now wraps the pin mode.
- I2C `TimingCfg` constructor now returns explicit error instead of generic Error.
Removed the timing configuration error type from the generic I2C error enumeration.
- `PinsA` and `PinsB` constructor do not expect an optional `pac::Ioconfig` argument anymore.
- `IrqCfg` renamed to `InterruptConfig`, kept alias for old name.
- All library provided interrupt handlers now start with common prefix `on_interrupt_*`
- `RxWithIrq` renamed to `RxWithInterrupt`
- `Rx::into_rx_with_irq` does not expect any arguments any more.
- `filter_type` renamed to `configure_filter_type`.
- `level_irq` renamed to `configure_level_interrupt`.
- `edge_irq` renamed to `configure_edge_interrupt`.
- `PinsA` and `PinsB` constructor do not expect an optional IOCONFIG argument anymore.
- UART interrupt management is now handled by the main constructor instead of later stages to
statically ensure one interrupt vector for the UART peripheral. `Uart::new` expects an
optional `InterruptConfig` argument.
- `enable_interrupt` and `disable_interrupt` renamed to `enable_nvic_interrupt` and
`disable_nvic_interrupt` to distinguish them from peripheral interrupts more clearly.
- `port_mux` renamed to `port_function_select`
- Renamed `IrqUartErrors` to `UartErrors`.
## Added
- Add `downgrade` method for `Pin` and `upgrade` method for `DynPin` as explicit conversion
- Asynchronous GPIO support.
- Asynchronous UART TX support.
- Asynchronous UART RX support.
- Add new `get_tim_raw` unsafe method to retrieve TIM peripheral blocks.
- `Uart::with_with_interrupt` and `Uart::new_without_interrupt`
## [v0.8.0] 2024-09-30
## Changed
- Improves `CascardSource` handling and general API when chosing cascade sources.
- Replaced `utility::unmask_irq` by `enable_interrupt` and `disable_interrupt` API.
- Improve and fix SPI abstractions. Add new low level interface. The primary SPI constructor now
only expects a configuration structure and the transfer configuration needs to be applied in a
separate step.
- Removed complete `timer` module re-export in `pwm` module
- `CountDownTimer` renamed to `CountdownTimer`
## Fixes
- Fixes for SPI peripheral: Flush implementation was incorrect and should now flush properly.
## [v0.7.0] 2024-07-04
- Replace `uarta` and `uartb` `Uart` constructors by `new` constructor
- Replace SPI `spia`, `spib` and `spic` constructors by `new` constructor
- Replace I2C `i2ca`, `i2cb` constructors by `new` constructor. Update constructor
to fail on invalid fast I2C speed system clock values
- Renamed `gpio::pins` to `gpio::pin` and `gpio::dynpins` to `gpio::dynpin`
- Simplify UART clock divider calculations and remove `libm` dependency consequently
## [v0.6.0] 2024-06-16
- Updated `embedded-hal` to v1
- Added optional `defmt` v0.3 feature and support.
## v0.5.2 2024-06-16
## Fixed
- Replaced usage to `ptr::write_volatile` in UART module which is denied on more recent Rust
## v0.5.1
### Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `cortex-m-rtic` (dev-depencency) to 1.1.2
- `once_cell` to 1.12.0
- Other dependencies: Only revision has changed
## v0.5.0
### Added
- Reactored IRQ handling, so that `unmask` operations can be moved to HAL
- Added UART IRQ handler. Right now, can only perform reception, TX still needs to be done in
a blocking manner
- Added RTIC template and RTIC UART IRQ application
### Fixed
- Bugfix in UART code where RX and TX could not be enabled or disabled independently
## v0.4.3
- Various smaller fixes for READMEs, update of links in documentation
- Simplified CI for github, do not use `cross`
- New `blinky-pac` example
- Use HAL delay in `blinky` example
## v0.4.2
### Added
- `port_mux` function to set pin function select manually
### Changed
- Clear TX and RX FIFO in SPI transfer function
## v0.4.1
### Fixed
- Initial blockmode setting was not set in SPI constructor
## v0.4.0
### Changed
- Replaced `Hertz` by `impl Into<Hertz>` completely and removed
`+ Copy` where not necessary
## v0.3.1
- Updated all links to point to new repository
## v0.3.0
### Added
- TIM Cascade example
### Changed
- `CountDownTimer` new function now expects an `impl Into<Hertz>` instead of `Hertz`
- Primary repository now hosted on IRS external git:
- Relicensed as Apache-2.0
## v0.2.3
### Added
- Basic API for EDAC functionality
- PWM implementation and example
- API to perform peripheral resets
### Changed
- Improved Timer API. It is now possible to simply use `new` on `CountDownTimer`
## v0.2.2
### Added
- DelayUs and DelayMs trait implementations for timer
- SPI implementation for blocking API, supports blockmode as well
- Basic I2C implementation for blocking API
### Changed
- API which expects values in Hertz now uses `impl Into<Hertz>` as input parameter
## v0.2.1
### Added
- Adds the IRQ interface to configure interrupts on output and input pins
- Utility function to set up millisecond timer with `TIM0`
- Function to set clock divisor registers in `clock` module
### Changed
- Minor optimizations and tweaks for GPIO module
- Moved the `FilterClkSel` struct to the `clock` module, re-exporting in `gpio`
- Clearing output state at initialization of Output pins
## v0.2.0
### Changed
- New GPIO implementation which uses type-level programming. Implementation heavily based on the
- Changes to API, therefore minor version bump
### Added
- UART implementation
- UART example
- Some bugfixes for GPIO implementation
- Rust edition updated to 2021
## v0.1.0
### Added
- First version of the HAL which adds the GPIO implementation and timer implementation.
- Also adds some examples and helper files to set up new binary crates
- RTT example application
- Added basic test binary in form of an example
- README with basic instructions how to set up own binary crate