Some checks are pending
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
Fixes for UART RX with IRQ implementation
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1.1 KiB
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Documentation improvements
- Improved UART typing support: Validity of passed pins is now checked properly
- Added
device features. A device now has to be selected for HAL compilation to work properly - Adaptions for the UART IRQ feature which are now only implemented for the RX part of the UART.
- Small fixes and improvements for ADC drivers
- Fixes for the SPI implementation where the clock divider values were not calculated correctly
- Fixes for UART IRQ handler implementation
- Added basic DMA driver
- Added basic EDAC module
- Added bootloader and flashloader example application
- Added NVM module which exposes a simple API to write to the NVM memory used for the boot process
[v0.1.0] 2024-07-01
- Initial release with basic HAL drivers