add zynq-rt

This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2025-02-20 22:55:58 +01:00
parent 5044425a9a
commit 21d618172b
Signed by: muellerr
GPG Key ID: A649FB78196E3849
11 changed files with 463 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
rustflags = [
target = "armv7a-none-eabihf"
# Tier 3 target, so no pre-compiled artifacts included.
build-std = ["core", "alloc"]
target = "armv7a-none-eabihf"

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -2,6 +2,91 @@
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 4
name = "arbitrary-int"
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "825297538d77367557b912770ca3083f778a196054b3ee63b22673c4a3cae0a5"
name = "arm-targets"
version = "0.1.0"
name = "bitbybit"
version = "1.3.3"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "d317eeca82e7d88d606419a430590d83552bdceb899cb29904f63d694344b7fc"
dependencies = [
name = "cortex-r-a"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "cortex-r-a-rt"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro2"
version = "1.0.93"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "60946a68e5f9d28b0dc1c21bb8a97ee7d018a8b322fa57838ba31cc878e22d99"
dependencies = [
name = "quote"
version = "1.0.38"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "0e4dccaaaf89514f546c693ddc140f729f958c247918a13380cccc6078391acc"
dependencies = [
name = "semihosting"
version = "0.1.19"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "407ec8d274cd77556e9c2bef886df91eb3447b4059e603d6fb19f85e6452e275"
name = "syn"
version = "2.0.98"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "36147f1a48ae0ec2b5b3bc5b537d267457555a10dc06f3dbc8cb11ba3006d3b1"
dependencies = [
name = "unicode-ident"
version = "1.0.17"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "00e2473a93778eb0bad35909dff6a10d28e63f792f16ed15e404fca9d5eeedbe"
name = "zedboard-blinky-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
members = ["zynq-rt"]
name = "zedboard-blinky-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
cortex-r-a = { path = "../cortex-r-a/cortex-r-a" }
cortex-r-a-rt = { path = "../cortex-r-a/cortex-a-rt", features = ["vfp-dp"] }

View File

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
/* Zedboard: 512 MB DDR3. */
DDR(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 512M
CODE(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 512M

rust-toolchain.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
channel = "nightly"

View File

@ -2,11 +2,19 @@
use core::panic::PanicInfo;
use cortex_r_a::asm::nop;
use cortex_r_a_rt as _;
/// Entry point (not called like a normal main function)
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
loop {}
pub extern "C" fn kmain() -> ! {
pub fn main() -> ! {
loop {
/// Panic handler

zynq-rt/Cargo.lock generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 4
name = "zynq-rt"
version = "0.1.0"

zynq-rt/Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name = "zynq-rt"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2024"
cortex-a-rt = { path = "../../cortex-r-a/cortex-a-rt" }

zynq-rt/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
use cortex_a_rt as _;
// Start-up code for Armv7-A
// We set up our stacks and `kmain` in system mode.
.set PSS_L2CC_BASE_ADDR, 0xF8F02000
.set PSS_SLCR_BASE_ADDR, 0xF8000000
.set RESERVED, 0x0fffff00
.set TblBase , MMUTable
.set LRemap, 0xFE00000F /* set the base address of the peripheral block as not shared */
.set EFUSEStatus, (0xF800D000 + 0x10) /*(XPS_EFUSE_BASEADDR + EFUSE_STATUS_OFFSET)*/
/* workaround for simulation not working when L1 D and I caches,MMU and L2 cache enabled - DT568997 */
.if SIM_MODE == 1
.set CRValMmuCac, 0b00000000000000 /* Disable IDC, and MMU */
.set CRValMmuCac, 0b01000000000101 /* Enable IDC, and MMU */
.set CRValHiVectorAddr, 0b10000000000000 /* Set the Vector address to high, 0xFFFF0000 */
.set L2CCAuxControl, 0x72360000 /* Enable all prefetching, Cache replacement policy, Parity enable,
Event monitor bus enable and Way Size (64 KB) */
.set L2CCControl, 0x01 /* Enable L2CC */
.set L2CCTAGLatency, 0x0111 /* latency for TAG RAM */
.set L2CCDataLatency, 0x0121 /* latency for DATA RAM */
.set SLCRlockKey, 0x767B /* SLCR lock key */
.set SLCRUnlockKey, 0xDF0D /* SLCR unlock key */
.set SLCRL2cRamConfig, 0x00020202 /* SLCR L2C ram configuration */
.section .text.startup
.align 0
.global _start
.type _start, %function
/* only allow cpu0 through */
/* Read MPIDR */
mrc p15,0,r1,c0,c0,5
/* Extract CPU ID bits. For single-core systems, this should always be 0 */
and r1, r1, #0x3
cmp r1, #0
beq check_efuse
b initialize
// Zynq specific code. It is recommended to restet CPU1 according to page 160 of the datasheet
ldr r0,=EFUSEStatus
ldr r1,[r0] /* Read eFuse setting */
ands r1,r1,#0x80 /* Check whether device is having single core */
beq initialize
/* single core device, reset cpu1 */
ldr r0,=SLCRUnlockReg /* Load SLCR base address base + unlock register */
ldr r1,=SLCRUnlockKey /* set unlock key */
str r1, [r0] /* Unlock SLCR */
ldr r1,[r0] /* Read CPU Software Reset Control register */
orr r1,r1,#0x22
str r1,[r0] /* Reset CPU1 */
ldr r0,=SLCRlockReg /* Load SLCR base address base + lock register */
ldr r1,=SLCRlockKey /* set lock key */
str r1, [r0] /* lock SLCR */
mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0 /* Get the revision */
and r5, r0, #0x00f00000
and r6, r0, #0x0000000f
orr r6, r6, r5, lsr #20-4
/* set VBAR to the _vector_table address in linker script */
ldr r0, =vector_base
mcr p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0
/*invalidate scu TODO: Put this behind cfg */
#if USE_AMP!=1
ldr r7, =0xf8f0000c
ldr r6, =0xffff
str r6, [r7]
/* Invalidate caches and TLBs */
mov r0,#0 /* r0 = 0 */
mcr p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0 /* invalidate TLBs */
mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0 /* invalidate icache */
mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 6 /* Invalidate branch predictor array */
bl invalidate_dcache /* invalidate dcache */
/* Disable MMU, if enabled */
mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* read CP15 register 1 */
bic r0, r0, #0x1 /* clear bit 0 */
mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* write value back */
/* Mark the entire DDR memory as shareable */
ldr r3, =0x3ff /* 1024 entries to cover 1G DDR */
ldr r0, =TblBase /* MMU Table address in memory */
ldr r2, =0x15de6 /* S=b1 TEX=b101 AP=b11, Domain=b1111, C=b0, B=b1 */
str r2, [r0] /* write the entry to MMU table */
add r0, r0, #0x4 /* next entry in the table */
add r2, r2, #0x100000 /* next section */
subs r3, r3, #1
bge shareable_loop /* loop till 1G is covered */
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the irq stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x12 /* IRQ mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=IRQ_stack /* IRQ stack pointer */
bic r2, r2, #(0x1 << 9) /* Set EE bit to little-endian */
msr spsr_fsxc,r2
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the supervisor stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x13 /* supervisor mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=SPV_stack /* Supervisor stack pointer */
bic r2, r2, #(0x1 << 9) /* Set EE bit to little-endian */
msr spsr_fsxc,r2
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the Abort stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x17 /* Abort mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=Abort_stack /* Abort stack pointer */
bic r2, r2, #(0x1 << 9) /* Set EE bit to little-endian */
msr spsr_fsxc,r2
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the FIQ stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x11 /* FIQ mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=FIQ_stack /* FIQ stack pointer */
bic r2, r2, #(0x1 << 9) /* Set EE bit to little-endian */
msr spsr_fsxc,r2
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the Undefine stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x1b /* Undefine mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=Undef_stack /* Undefine stack pointer */
bic r2, r2, #(0x1 << 9) /* Set EE bit to little-endian */
msr spsr_fsxc,r2
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the system stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x1F /* SYS mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=SYS_stack /* SYS stack pointer */
/*set scu enable bit in scu*/
ldr r7, =0xf8f00000
ldr r0, [r7]
orr r0, r0, #0x1
str r0, [r7]
/* enable MMU and cache */
ldr r0,=TblBase /* Load MMU translation table base */
orr r0, r0, #0x5B /* Outer-cacheable, WB */
mcr 15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0 /* TTB0 */
mvn r0,#0 /* Load MMU domains -- all ones=manager */
mcr p15,0,r0,c3,c0,0
/* Enable mmu, icahce and dcache */
ldr r0,=CRValMmuCac
mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0 /* Enable cache and MMU */
dsb /* dsb allow the MMU to start up */
isb /* isb flush prefetch buffer */
/* Write to ACTLR */
mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 /* Read ACTLR*/
orr r0, r0, #(0x01 << 6) /* set SMP bit */
orr r0, r0, #(0x01 ) /* Cache/TLB maintenance broadcast */
mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 /* Write ACTLR*/
/* Invalidate L2 Cache and enable L2 Cache*/
/* For AMP, assume running on CPU1. Don't initialize L2 Cache (up to Linux) */
#if USE_AMP!=1
ldr r0,=L2CCCrtl /* Load L2CC base address base + control register */
mov r1, #0 /* force the disable bit */
str r1, [r0] /* disable the L2 Caches */
ldr r0,=L2CCAuxCrtl /* Load L2CC base address base + Aux control register */
ldr r1,[r0] /* read the register */
ldr r2,=L2CCAuxControl /* set the default bits */
orr r1,r1,r2
str r1, [r0] /* store the Aux Control Register */
ldr r0,=L2CCTAGLatReg /* Load L2CC base address base + TAG Latency address */
ldr r1,=L2CCTAGLatency /* set the latencies for the TAG*/
str r1, [r0] /* store the TAG Latency register Register */
ldr r0,=L2CCDataLatReg /* Load L2CC base address base + Data Latency address */
ldr r1,=L2CCDataLatency /* set the latencies for the Data*/
str r1, [r0] /* store the Data Latency register Register */
ldr r0,=L2CCWay /* Load L2CC base address base + way register*/
ldr r2, =0xFFFF
str r2, [r0] /* force invalidate */
ldr r0,=L2CCSync /* need to poll 0x730, PSS_L2CC_CACHE_SYNC_OFFSET */
/* Load L2CC base address base + sync register*/
/* poll for completion */
ldr r1, [r0]
cmp r1, #0
bne Sync
ldr r0,=L2CCIntRaw /* clear pending interrupts */
ldr r1,[r0]
ldr r0,=L2CCIntClear
str r1,[r0]
ldr r0,=SLCRUnlockReg /* Load SLCR base address base + unlock register */
ldr r1,=SLCRUnlockKey /* set unlock key */
str r1, [r0] /* Unlock SLCR */
ldr r0,=SLCRL2cRamReg /* Load SLCR base address base + l2c Ram Control register */
ldr r1,=SLCRL2cRamConfig /* set the configuration value */
str r1, [r0] /* store the L2c Ram Control Register */
ldr r0,=SLCRlockReg /* Load SLCR base address base + lock register */
ldr r1,=SLCRlockKey /* set lock key */
str r1, [r0] /* lock SLCR */
ldr r0,=L2CCCrtl /* Load L2CC base address base + control register */
ldr r1,[r0] /* read the register */
mov r2, #L2CCControl /* set the enable bit */
orr r1,r1,r2
str r1, [r0] /* enable the L2 Caches */
mov r0, r0
mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 2 /* read cp access control register (CACR) into r1 */
orr r1, r1, #(0xf << 20) /* enable full access for p10 & p11 */
mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 2 /* write back into CACR */
/* enable vfp */
fmrx r1, FPEXC /* read the exception register */
orr r1,r1, #FPEXC_EN /* set VFP enable bit, leave the others in orig state */
fmxr FPEXC, r1 /* write back the exception register */
mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0 /* flow prediction enable */
orr r0, r0, #(0x01 << 11) /* #0x8000 */
mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0
mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,1 /* read Auxiliary Control Register */
orr r0, r0, #(0x1 << 2) /* enable Dside prefetch */
orr r0, r0, #(0x1 << 1) /* enable L2 Prefetch hint */
mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,1 /* write Auxiliary Control Register */
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
bic r0, r0, #0x100 /* enable asynchronous abort exception */
msr cpsr_xsf, r0
// TODO: Add back zero bss and data init.
// Jump to application
bl kmain
// In case the application returns, loop forever
b .
.size _start, . - _start
mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 1 /* read CLIDR */
ands r3, r0, #0x7000000
mov r3, r3, lsr #23 /* cache level value (naturally aligned) */
beq finished
mov r10, #0 /* start with level 0 */
add r2, r10, r10, lsr #1 /* work out 3xcachelevel */
mov r1, r0, lsr r2 /* bottom 3 bits are the Cache type for this level */
and r1, r1, #7 /* get those 3 bits alone */
cmp r1, #2
blt skip /* no cache or only instruction cache at this level */
mcr p15, 2, r10, c0, c0, 0 /* write the Cache Size selection register */
isb /* isb to sync the change to the CacheSizeID reg */
mrc p15, 1, r1, c0, c0, 0 /* reads current Cache Size ID register */
and r2, r1, #7 /* extract the line length field */
add r2, r2, #4 /* add 4 for the line length offset (log2 16 bytes) */
ldr r4, =0x3ff
ands r4, r4, r1, lsr #3 /* r4 is the max number on the way size (right aligned) */
clz r5, r4 /* r5 is the bit position of the way size increment */
ldr r7, =0x7fff
ands r7, r7, r1, lsr #13 /* r7 is the max number of the index size (right aligned) */
mov r9, r4 /* r9 working copy of the max way size (right aligned) */
orr r11, r10, r9, lsl r5 /* factor in the way number and cache number into r11 */
orr r11, r11, r7, lsl r2 /* factor in the index number */
mcr p15, 0, r11, c7, c6, 2 /* invalidate by set/way */
subs r9, r9, #1 /* decrement the way number */
bge loop3
subs r7, r7, #1 /* decrement the index */
bge loop2
add r10, r10, #2 /* increment the cache number */
cmp r3, r10
bgt loop1
mov r10, #0 /* switch back to cache level 0 */
mcr p15, 2, r10, c0, c0, 0 /* select current cache level in cssr */
bx lr
mod mmu;

zynq-rt/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@