Add CCSDS handler modes #352

muellerr merged 6 commits from add_ccsds_handler_modes into develop 2023-01-26 17:04:09 +01:00
Showing only changes of commit ce12293dcc - Show all commits

@ -10,8 +10,20 @@ list yields a list of all related PRs for each release.
# [unreleased]
## Fixed
- The `OBSW_SYRLINKS_SIMULATED` flag is set to 0 for for both EM and FM.
## Changed
- Startracker temperature set and PCDU switcher set are diagnostic now
## Added
- The CCSDS handler can accept mode commands now. It accepts ON and OFF commands. Furthermore
it has a submode for low datarate (1) and high datarate (2) for the ON command.
# [v1.20.0] 2023-01-24
## Added