Final Version of the ACS Controller #367
@ -249,15 +249,18 @@ void AcsController::performPointingCtrl() {
double targetQuat[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}, refSatRate[3] = {0, 0, 0};
switch (submode) {
guidance.targetQuatPtg(&sensorValues, &mekfData, &susDataProcessed, now, targetQuat,
guidance.sunQuatPtg(&sensorValues, &outputValues, now, targetQuat, refSatRate);
guidance.sunQuatPtg(&sensorValues, &mekfData, &susDataProcessed, &gpsDataProcessed, now,
targetQuat, refSatRate);
guidance.targetQuatPtgThreeAxes(&sensorValues, &gpsDataProcessed, &mekfData, now, targetQuat,
guidance.quatNadirPtg(&sensorValues, &outputValues, now, targetQuat, refSatRate);
guidance.quatNadirPtgThreeAxes(&sensorValues, &gpsDataProcessed, &mekfData, now, targetQuat,
guidance.inertialQuatPtg(targetQuat, refSatRate);
@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ void Guidance::getTargetParamsSafe(double sunTargetSafe[3], double satRateSafe[3
// memcpy(sunTargetSafe, acsParameters.safeModeControllerParameters.sunTargetDir, 24);
void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
void Guidance::targetQuatPtgSingleAxis(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
// Calculation of target quaternion to groundstation or given latitude, longitude and altitude
@ -102,9 +103,7 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData
// Calculation of reference rotation rate
double velSatE[3] = {0, 0, 0};
velSatE[0] = outputValues->gpsVelocity[0]; // sensorValues->gps0Velocity[0];
velSatE[1] = outputValues->gpsVelocity[1]; // sensorValues->gps0Velocity[1];
velSatE[2] = outputValues->gpsVelocity[2]; // sensorValues->gps0Velocity[2];
std::memcpy(velSatE, gpsDataProcessed->gpsVelocity.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
double velSatB[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velSatBPart1[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velSatBPart2[3] = {0, 0, 0};
// Velocity: v_B = dcm_BI * dcmIE * v_E + dcm_BI * DotDcm_IE * v_E
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmBE, velSatE, velSatBPart1, 3, 3, 1);
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData
if (acsParameters.targetModeControllerParameters.avoidBlindStr) {
double sunDirB[3] = {0, 0, 0};
if (outputValues->sunDirModelValid) {
if (susDataProcessed->sunIjkModel.isValid()) {
double sunDirJ[3] = {0, 0, 0};
std::memcpy(sunDirJ, susDataProcessed->sunIjkModel.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmBJ, sunDirJ, sunDirB, 3, 3, 1);
@ -174,8 +173,10 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData
void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues,
timeval now, double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
void Guidance::targetQuatPtgThreeAxes(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed,
acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
// Calculation of target quaternion for target pointing
@ -217,8 +218,8 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(xAxis, -1, xAxis, 3);
// Transform velocity into inertial frame
double velocityE[3] = {outputValues->gpsVelocity[0], outputValues->gpsVelocity[1],
double velocityE[3];
std::memcpy(velocityE, gpsDataProcessed->gpsVelocity.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
double velocityJ[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart1[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart2[3] = {0, 0, 0};
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJE, velocityE, velPart1, 3, 3, 1);
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJEDot, posSatE, velPart2, 3, 3, 1);
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues
double timeElapsed =
now.tv_sec + now.tv_usec * pow(10, -6) -
(timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_sec +
timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec * pow(timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec, -6));
timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec * pow((double)timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec, -6));
if (timeElapsed < acsParameters.pointingModeControllerParameters.nadirTimeElapsedMax) {
double qDiff[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
VectorOperations<double>::subtract(quatInertialTarget, savedQuaternionNadir, qDiff, 4);
@ -287,38 +288,28 @@ void Guidance::targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues
// Transform in system relative to satellite frame
double quatBJ[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
quatBJ[0] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[0];
quatBJ[1] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[1];
quatBJ[2] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[2];
quatBJ[3] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[3];
std::memcpy(quatBJ, mekfData->quatMekf.value, 4 * sizeof(double));
QuaternionOperations::multiply(quatBJ, quatInertialTarget, targetQuat);
void Guidance::sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues,
timeval now, double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
void Guidance::sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
// Calculation of target quaternion to sun
double quatBJ[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
double dcmBJ[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
quatBJ[0] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[0];
quatBJ[1] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[1];
quatBJ[2] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[2];
quatBJ[3] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[3];
std::memcpy(quatBJ, mekfData->quatMekf.value, 4 * sizeof(double));
QuaternionOperations::toDcm(quatBJ, dcmBJ);
double sunDirJ[3] = {0, 0, 0}, sunDirB[3] = {0, 0, 0};
if (outputValues->sunDirModelValid) {
sunDirJ[0] = outputValues->sunDirModel[0];
sunDirJ[1] = outputValues->sunDirModel[1];
sunDirJ[2] = outputValues->sunDirModel[2];
if (susDataProcessed->sunIjkModel.isValid()) {
std::memcpy(sunDirJ, susDataProcessed->sunIjkModel.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmBJ, sunDirJ, sunDirB, 3, 3, 1);
else {
sunDirB[0] = outputValues->sunDirEst[0];
sunDirB[1] = outputValues->sunDirEst[1];
sunDirB[2] = outputValues->sunDirEst[2];
} else {
std::memcpy(sunDirB, susDataProcessed->susVecTot.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
@ -367,8 +358,8 @@ void Guidance::sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *ou
double longitudeRad = (sensorValues->gpsSet.longitude.value) * PI / 180;
MathOperations<double>::cartesianFromLatLongAlt(geodeticLatRad, longitudeRad,
sensorValues->gpsSet.altitude.value, posSatE);
double velocityE[3] = {outputValues->gpsVelocity[0], outputValues->gpsVelocity[1],
double velocityE[3];
std::memcpy(velocityE, gpsDataProcessed->gpsVelocity.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
double velocityJ[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart1[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart2[3] = {0, 0, 0};
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJE, velocityE, velPart1, 3, 3, 1);
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJEDot, posSatE, velPart2, 3, 3, 1);
@ -410,9 +401,8 @@ void Guidance::sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *ou
refSatRate[2] = 0;
void Guidance::quatNadirPtgOldVersion(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
ACS::OutputValues *outputValues, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4],
void Guidance::quatNadirPtgSingleAxis(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]) { // old version of Nadir Pointing
// Calculation of target quaternion for Nadir pointing
@ -440,10 +430,7 @@ void Guidance::quatNadirPtgOldVersion(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
double dcmBJ[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
double dcmBE[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
double quatBJ[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
quatBJ[0] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[0];
quatBJ[1] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[1];
quatBJ[2] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[2];
quatBJ[3] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[3];
std::memcpy(quatBJ, mekfData->quatMekf.value, 4 * sizeof(double));
QuaternionOperations::toDcm(quatBJ, dcmBJ);
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmBJ, *dcmJE, *dcmBE, 3, 3, 3);
@ -478,8 +465,10 @@ void Guidance::quatNadirPtgOldVersion(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
refSatRate[2] = 0;
void Guidance::quatNadirPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues,
timeval now, double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]) {
void Guidance::quatNadirPtgThreeAxes(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed,
acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]) {
// Calculation of target quaternion for Nadir pointing
@ -512,9 +501,8 @@ void Guidance::quatNadirPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *
VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(xAxis, -1, xAxis, 3);
// z-Axis parallel to long side of picture resolution
double zAxis[3] = {0, 0, 0};
double velocityE[3] = {outputValues->gpsVelocity[0], outputValues->gpsVelocity[1],
double zAxis[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velocityE[3];
std::memcpy(velocityE, gpsDataProcessed->gpsVelocity.value, 3 * sizeof(double));
double velocityJ[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart1[3] = {0, 0, 0}, velPart2[3] = {0, 0, 0};
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJE, velocityE, velPart1, 3, 3, 1);
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*dcmJEDot, posSatE, velPart2, 3, 3, 1);
@ -539,7 +527,7 @@ void Guidance::quatNadirPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *
double timeElapsed =
now.tv_sec + now.tv_usec * pow(10, -6) -
(timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_sec +
timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec * pow(timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec, -6));
timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec * pow((double)timeSavedQuaternionNadir.tv_usec, -6));
if (timeElapsed < acsParameters.pointingModeControllerParameters.nadirTimeElapsedMax) {
double qDiff[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
VectorOperations<double>::subtract(quatInertialTarget, savedQuaternionNadir, qDiff, 4);
@ -575,10 +563,7 @@ void Guidance::quatNadirPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *
// Transform in system relative to satellite frame
double quatBJ[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
quatBJ[0] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[0];
quatBJ[1] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[1];
quatBJ[2] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[2];
quatBJ[3] = outputValues->quatMekfBJ[3];
std::memcpy(quatBJ, mekfData->quatMekf.value, 4 * sizeof(double));
QuaternionOperations::multiply(quatBJ, quatInertialTarget, targetQuat);
@ -608,7 +593,6 @@ void Guidance::comparePtg(double targetQuat[4], acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, dou
{quatRef[1], -quatRef[0], quatRef[3], -quatRef[2]},
{quatRef[0], -quatRef[1], quatRef[2], quatRef[3]}};
double quatErrorComplete[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(*quatErrorMtx, targetQuat, quatErrorComplete, 4, 4, 1);
if (quatErrorComplete[3] < 0) {
@ -619,8 +603,8 @@ void Guidance::comparePtg(double targetQuat[4], acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, dou
quatError[1] = quatErrorComplete[1];
quatError[2] = quatErrorComplete[2];
// target flag in matlab, importance, does look like it only gives
// feedback if pointing control is under 150 arcsec ??
// target flag in matlab, importance, does look like it only gives feedback if pointing control is
// under 150 arcsec ??
void Guidance::getDistributionMatrixRw(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, double *rwPseudoInv) {
@ -23,26 +23,31 @@ class Guidance {
// Function to get the target quaternion and refence rotation rate from gps position and position
// of the ground station
void targetQuatPtgOldVersion(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed, timeval now,
void targetQuatPtgThreeAxes(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed,
acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]);
void targetQuatPtgSingleAxis(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]);
void targetQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed, timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]);
// Function to get the target quaternion and refence rotation rate for sun pointing after ground
// station
void sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]);
void sunQuatPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
acsctrl::SusDataProcessed *susDataProcessed,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed, timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]);
// Function to get the target quaternion and refence rotation rate from gps position for Nadir
// pointing
void quatNadirPtgOldVersion(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues,
void quatNadirPtgThreeAxes(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues,
acsctrl::GpsDataProcessed *gpsDataProcessed,
acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData, timeval now, double targetQuat[4],
double refSatRate[3]);
void quatNadirPtgSingleAxis(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, acsctrl::MekfData *mekfData,
timeval now, double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]);
void quatNadirPtg(ACS::SensorValues *sensorValues, ACS::OutputValues *outputValues, timeval now,
double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]);
// Function to get the target quaternion and refence rotation rate from parameters for inertial
// pointing
void inertialQuatPtg(double targetQuat[4], double refSatRate[3]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user