Custom OBSW update path #582
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ will consitute of a breaking change warranting a new major release:
# [unreleased]
## Fixed
- Bugfixes and improvements for SDC state machine. Internal state was not updated correctly due
to a regression, so commanding the SDC state machine externally lead to confusing results.
## Changed
- Allow specifying custom OBSW update filename. This allowed keeping a cleaner file structure
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ CoreController::CoreController(object_id_t objectId, bool enableHkSet)
// Set up state of SD card manager and own initial state.
// Stopwatch watch;
SdCardManager::SdStatePair sdStates;
auto sdCard = sdcMan->getPreferredSdCard();
@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::initSdCardBlocking() {
if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) {
sif::info << "Cold redundant SD card configuration, preferred SD card: "
<< static_cast<int>( << std::endl;
result = sdColdRedundantBlockingInit();
@ -404,23 +403,23 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
} else {
// Still update SD state file
if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::PASSIVE) {
sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_INFO;
sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END;
} else {
sdInfo.cycleCount = 0;
sdInfo.commandExecuted = false;
sdFsmState = SdStates::GET_INFO;
sdInfo.commandPending = false;
sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_START;
// This lambda checks the non-blocking operation and assigns the new state on success.
// It returns true for an operation success and false otherwise
auto nonBlockingOpChecking = [&](SdStates newStateOnSuccess, uint16_t maxCycleCount,
std::string opPrintout) {
// This lambda checks the non-blocking operation of the SD card manager and assigns the new
// state on success. It returns true for an operation success and false otherwise
auto nonBlockingSdcOpChecking = [&](SdStates newStateOnSuccess, uint16_t maxCycleCount,
std::string opPrintout) {
SdCardManager::OpStatus status = sdcMan->checkCurrentOp(operation);
if (status == SdCardManager::OpStatus::SUCCESS) {
sdFsmState = newStateOnSuccess;
sdInfo.commandExecuted = false;
sdInfo.commandPending = false;
sdInfo.cycleCount = 0;
return true;
} else if (sdInfo.cycleCount > 4) {
@ -431,26 +430,16 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
return false;
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::GET_INFO) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_START) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
// Create updated status file
result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile();
if (result != returnvalue::OK) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::sdStateMachine: Updating SD card state file failed"
<< std::endl;
sdFsmState = SdStates::SET_STATE_SELF;
sdInfo.commandExecuted = false;
sdInfo.cycleCount = 0;
} else {
nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::SET_STATE_SELF, 4, "Updating SDC file");
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SET_STATE_SELF) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
result = sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(sdInfo.currentState);
if ( != sd::SdCard::SLOT_0 and != sd::SdCard::SLOT_1) {
sif::warning << "Preferred SD card invalid. Setting to card 0.." << std::endl;
|||| = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
@ -478,12 +467,12 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
sdFsmState = SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER;
} else if (sdInfo.activeState == sd::SdState::OFF) {
sdCardSetup(, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.activeChar, false);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else if (sdInfo.activeState == sd::SdState::ON) {
sdFsmState = SdStates::MOUNT_SELF;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_SELF, 10, "Setting SDC state")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_SELF, 10, "Setting SDC state")) {
sdInfo.activeState = sd::SdState::ON;
currentStateSetter(, sd::SdState::ON);
@ -491,11 +480,11 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::MOUNT_SELF) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
result = sdCardSetup(, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.activeChar);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER, 5, "Mounting SD card")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER, 5, "Mounting SD card")) {
currMntPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix();
sdInfo.activeState = sd::SdState::MOUNTED;
@ -532,23 +521,23 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER) {
// Set state of other SD card to ON or OFF, depending on redundancy mode
if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::OFF, sdInfo.otherChar, false);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE, 10,
"Switching off other SD card")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE, 10,
"Switching off other SD card")) {
sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::OFF;
currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::OFF);
} else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.otherChar, false);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER, 10,
"Switching on other SD card")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER, 10,
"Switching on other SD card")) {
sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON;
currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON);
@ -559,21 +548,25 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER) {
// Mount or unmount other SD card, depending on redundancy mode
if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.otherChar);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER, 10, "Unmounting other SD card")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER, 10, "Unmounting other SD card")) {
sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON;
currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON);
} else {
sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON;
currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON);
sdFsmState = SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER;
} else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) {
if (not sdInfo.commandExecuted) {
if (not sdInfo.commandPending) {
result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.otherChar);
sdInfo.commandExecuted = true;
sdInfo.commandPending = true;
} else {
if (nonBlockingOpChecking(SdStates::UPDATE_INFO, 4, "Mounting other SD card")) {
if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END, 4, "Mounting other SD card")) {
sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::MOUNTED;
currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::MOUNTED);
@ -582,14 +575,15 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE) {
sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_INFO;
} else if (sdFsmState == SdStates::UPDATE_INFO) {
sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END;
} else if (sdFsmState == SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END) {
// Update status file
result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile();
if (result != returnvalue::OK) {
sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Updating SD card state file failed" << std::endl;
sif::warning << "CoreController: Updating SD card state file failed" << std::endl;
sdInfo.commandExecuted = false;
sdInfo.commandPending = false;
sdFsmState = SdStates::IDLE;
sdInfo.cycleCount = 0;
@ -599,8 +593,16 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() {
actionHelper.finish(true, sdCommandingInfo.commander, sdCommandingInfo.actionId,
const char *modeStr = "UNKNOWN";
if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) {
} else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) {
modeStr = "HOT REDUNDANT";
sif::info << "SD card update into " << modeStr
<< " mode finished. Active SD: " << sdInfo.activeChar << std::endl;
if (not sdInfo.initFinished) {
sdInfo.initFinished = true;
sif::info << "SD card initialization finished" << std::endl;
@ -977,7 +979,7 @@ ReturnValue_t CoreController::gracefulShutdownTasks(xsc::Chip chip, xsc::Copy co
return result;
void CoreController::updateSdInfoOther() {
void CoreController::updateInternalSdInfo() {
if ( == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) {
sdInfo.activeChar = "0";
sdInfo.otherChar = "1";
@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ class CoreController : public ExtendedControllerBase {
enum class SdStates {
// Determine operations for other SD card, depending on redundancy configuration
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ class CoreController : public ExtendedControllerBase {
// Skip period because the shell command used to generate the info file sometimes is
// missing the last performed operation if executed too early
// SD initialization done
@ -159,13 +158,12 @@ class CoreController : public ExtendedControllerBase {
SdCfgMode cfgMode = SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT;
sd::SdCard active = sd::SdCard::NONE;
sd::SdCard other = sd::SdCard::NONE;
sd::SdState activeState = sd::SdState::OFF;
sd::SdState otherState = sd::SdState::OFF;
std::string activeChar = "0";
std::string otherChar = "1";
sd::SdState activeState = sd::SdState::OFF;
sd::SdState otherState = sd::SdState::OFF;
std::pair<bool, bool> mountSwitch = {true, true};
// Used to track whether a command was executed
bool commandExecuted = true;
bool commandPending = true;
bool initFinished = false;
SdCardManager::SdStatePair currentState;
uint16_t cycleCount = 0;
@ -232,7 +230,7 @@ class CoreController : public ExtendedControllerBase {
void initPrint();
ReturnValue_t sdStateMachine();
void updateSdInfoOther();
void updateInternalSdInfo();
ReturnValue_t sdCardSetup(sd::SdCard sdCard, sd::SdState targetState, std::string sdChar,
bool printOutput = true);
ReturnValue_t executeSwUpdate(SwUpdateSources sourceDir, const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
@ -309,32 +309,6 @@ void SdCardManager::resetState() {
currentOp = Operations::IDLE;
ReturnValue_t SdCardManager::updateSdStatePair() {
using namespace std;
std::error_code e;
if (not filesystem::exists(SD_STATE_FILE, e)) {
// Now the file should exist in any case. Still check whether it exists.
fstream sdStatus(SD_STATE_FILE);
if (not sdStatus.good()) {
string line;
uint8_t idx = 0;
sd::SdCard currentSd = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
// Process status file line by line
while (std::getline(sdStatus, line)) {
processSdStatusLine(line, idx, currentSd);
if (sdStates.first != sd::SdState::MOUNTED && sdStates.second != sd::SdState::MOUNTED) {
sdCardActive = false;
return returnvalue::OK;
void SdCardManager::processSdStatusLine(std::string& line, uint8_t& idx, sd::SdCard& currentSd) {
using namespace std;
istringstream iss(line);
@ -407,6 +381,7 @@ ReturnValue_t SdCardManager::setPreferredSdCard(sd::SdCard sdCard) {
ReturnValue_t SdCardManager::updateSdCardStateFile() {
using namespace std;
if (cmdExecutor.getCurrentState() == CommandExecutor::States::PENDING) {
return CommandExecutor::COMMAND_PENDING;
@ -414,10 +389,31 @@ ReturnValue_t SdCardManager::updateSdCardStateFile() {
std::string updateCmd = "q7hw sd info all > " + std::string(SD_STATE_FILE);
cmdExecutor.load(updateCmd, true, printCmdOutput);
ReturnValue_t result = cmdExecutor.execute();
if (blocking and result != returnvalue::OK) {
if (result != returnvalue::OK) {
utility::handleSystemError(cmdExecutor.getLastError(), "SdCardManager::mountSdCard");
return result;
std::error_code e;
if (not filesystem::exists(SD_STATE_FILE, e)) {
// Now the file should exist in any case. Still check whether it exists.
fstream sdStatus(SD_STATE_FILE);
if (not sdStatus.good()) {
string line;
uint8_t idx = 0;
sd::SdCard currentSd = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0;
// Process status file line by line
while (std::getline(sdStatus, line)) {
processSdStatusLine(line, idx, currentSd);
if (sdStates.first != sd::SdState::MOUNTED && sdStates.second != sd::SdState::MOUNTED) {
sdCardActive = false;
return returnvalue::OK;
const char* SdCardManager::getCurrentMountPrefix() const {
@ -117,16 +117,6 @@ class SdCardManager : public SystemObject, public SdCardMountedIF {
ReturnValue_t switchOffSdCard(sd::SdCard sdCard, bool doUnmountSdCard = true,
SdStatePair* statusPair = nullptr);
* Update the state file or creates one if it does not exist. You need to call this
* function before calling #sdCardActive
* @return
* - returnvalue::OK if the state file was updated successfully
* - CommandExecutor::COMMAND_PENDING: Non-blocking command is pending
* - returnvalue::FAILED: blocking command failed
ReturnValue_t updateSdCardStateFile();
* Get the state of the SD cards. If the state file does not exist, this function will
* take care of updating it. If it does not, the function will use the state file to get
@ -234,7 +224,15 @@ class SdCardManager : public SystemObject, public SdCardMountedIF {
ReturnValue_t updateSdStatePair();
* Update the state file or creates one if it does not exist. You need to call this
* function before calling #sdCardActive
* @return
* - returnvalue::OK if the state file was updated successfully
* - CommandExecutor::COMMAND_PENDING: Non-blocking command is pending
* - returnvalue::FAILED: blocking command failed
ReturnValue_t updateSdCardStateFile();
ReturnValue_t setSdCardState(sd::SdCard sdCard, bool on);
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 92ce64cd39fb5d74af1358a436113322d9711dfb
Subproject commit 43b530cdb7dfe6774962bf4b8a880e1c9a6e6580
Reference in New Issue
Block a user