• v1.8.0 0a11ca6051

    v1.8.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-09-24 10:19:23 +02:00 | 7359 commits to main since this release

    • GNSS and ACS board added and tested for Q7S
    • Device handlers moved to FSFW, several bugfixes, e.g. scaling error LIS3MDL and other minor ones in other device handlers
    • Updated commands to print switch states, voltages and currents of Gomspace PCDU. Requires eive/eive-tmtc#23
    • FSFW GPIO code refactored to support GPIOs by chip and label
  • v1.7.0 08bc44ce8b

    v1.7.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-09-02 09:30:25 +02:00 | 7485 commits to main since this release

    • Minor changes to match software to updated FPGA configuration
    • Set all devices to mode power down in doShutDown()
    • Bug when PREFSD was not set
    • Increased robustness of SW against invalid values for preferred SD card
    • Some fixes for Raspberry Pi build
    • Binary files can not be run like that on Linux, need to generate stripped executable instead. This is done now.
    • PCDU always running now
    • Added debug output for PCDU modules
    • Added ACS board to SPI PST
    • New busConf.h file which encapsulates Q7S specific properties like chip names, pin numbers and device names for peripherals
    • Defines cleaned up and properly prefixed
    • Possible bugfixes: spiRtdIc3 had other mode than others and spiRtdIc15 had other speed than others
    • Offers basic API to program chip writeprotection programatically
    • Used on reboot now
    • Added LICENSE and NOTICE file for making OBSW OpenSource
    • Fixes for supervisor identified during integration tests with TAS
    • Adjustments to run OBSW on Trenz TE0720
    • Memory dumps larger than 2*65535 bytes can not be handled by the linux uart driver
    • Added a memory dumper object to split large memory dumps in multiple smaller dumps
  • v1.6.1 681ad25847

    v1.6.1 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-08-11 10:47:57 +02:00 | 7550 commits to main since this release

    • Moved files which are not HW independent and only work on Q7S
    • TCP port updated
    • TCP/UDP scripts unified, same port number can be used now
    • Depends on eive/fsfw#11
  • v1.6.0 b3f2a05385

    v1.6.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-08-09 16:12:00 +02:00 | 7560 commits to main since this release

    • Updated README, better structure because it has become large
    • Added two utility scripts:
      • q7s-port-udp.sh to set up all required port forwarding for UDP at once
      • q7s-port-tcp.sh to set up all required port forwarding for TCP at once
      • q7s-cp.py to copy files conveniently to the Q7S as long as port
        forwarding is active
    • Added support for TMTC commanding with TCP
    • This allows running the TMTC commander on the local development machine directly (allows using GUI, more convenient development etc.)
    • Updated RTD handler: Raw measured RTD value is now stored as well
    • Added OBSW watchdog: #67
    • All CMake build scripts updated to be more robust
    • Updated generators folder. There is one central fsfwgen.py file now, which is used to run all other generators. Example usage to generate objects: ./fsfwgen.py objects
    • Added missing CLASS_ID declaration for GomspaceDeviceHandler
    • Bugfixes in generic fsfwgen submodule
    • Restarting OBSW via telecommand now possible
    • SD card initialization can be performed non-blocking now
    • Added PLOC updater code
    • PLOC Supervisor finished
    • tmtc submodule updated to v1.8.0
  • v1.5.0 29da8d9fd5

    v1.5.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-07-26 10:49:50 +02:00 | 7708 commits to main since this release

    Milestone for next OBSW release.

    FSFW Version: v1.5.0
    TMTC Version: v1.7.0 with tmtccmd v1.7.2

    • This is the first release after a git history change.
    • The OBSW will now create a version file automatically inside at mnt/sdX/conf/version.txt.
    • Future releases will include FSFW version and TMTC version as well.
  • v1.4.0 521601fc6a

    v1.4.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-07-23 18:33:01 +02:00 | 7717 commits to main since this release

    • Last release before history rewritten for e-mail change (force push in develop and master)
    • fsfw_hal is now part of fsfw so the submodule was removed
    • Scratch API finished and tested, can be used to read/write strings and numeric values now
    • File System API mostly finished and tested
    • JSON library added and tested, works well so far
    • New API written as a wrapper around the JSON library, which allows modelling the content of a JSON configuration file in the Software. For simplicity reason, it will write directly to the file system instead of sending messages for now
    • TE0720 define prefixed with BOARD_ which makes it more explicit
    • InitMission and ObjectFactory modularized
    • Basic instructions for xsc_scratch API in README
    • Added new version of Q7S datasheet and link to trac page where updated versions will be uploaded
    • PLOC Supervisor Handler
    • First Start Tracker Handler code
    • Some bugs found by @Jakob.Meier fixed. More general checks introduced
    • Exception handling for std::filesystem
  • v1.3.0 a9813aedbb

    v1.3.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-07-22 11:54:27 +02:00 | 7774 commits to main since this release

    Next release, because other major changes will follow soon and a lot has already changed

    1. .cproject file updates
    2. README updates and improvements
    3. File System API continued, but not finished yet
    4. Scratch buffer API continued, not finished yet
    5. Reaction wheel handler added
    6. GPS Handler continued
    7. Q7S SPI communication interface added, necessary for SPI multiplexing because reaction wheel requires slow SPI
  • v1.2.0 ddbfe7529d

    v1.2.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-06-21 18:01:22 +02:00 | 7909 commits to main since this release

    • IMTQ Handler
    • ADIS Gyro Handler
    • Rad Sensor Handler
    • FSFW Generators implemented properly and working now
    • Several other device handlers for smaller sensors
    • Updates across all submodules (FSFW, TMTC, FSFWGEN, FSFW_HAL)
    • PUS C telecommands now used
  • v1.1.0 c4b348c97f

    v1.1.0 Stable

    meierj released this 2021-04-25 12:45:06 +02:00 | 8139 commits to main since this release

    • Adds iMQT (MGT)
    • RTD device
    • Update to PUS C Telemetry
  • v1.0.0 fe3fa3f0ed

    v1.0.0 Stable

    muellerr released this 2021-04-10 22:50:49 +02:00 | 8567 commits to main since this release

    • Initial release
    • EIVE OBSW running on Raspberry Pi, Xiphos Q7S and Host systems