53 KiB
53 KiB
1 | 0x0 | OK | System-wide code for ok. | RETURN_OK | HasReturnvaluesIF.h | HasReturnvaluesIF |
2 | 0x1 | Failed | Unspecified system-wide code for failed. | RETURN_FAILED | HasReturnvaluesIF.h | HasReturnvaluesIF |
3 | 0x62a0 | CCSDS_CommandNotImplemented | Received action message with unknown action id | 0xA0 | mission/tmtc/CCSDSHandler.h | CCSDS_HANDLER |
4 | 0x68a0 | SADPL_CommandNotSupported | 0xA0 | mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h | SA_DEPL_HANDLER | |
5 | 0x68a1 | SADPL_DeploymentAlreadyExecuting | 0xA1 | mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h | SA_DEPL_HANDLER | |
6 | 0x68a2 | SADPL_MainSwitchTimeoutFailure | 0xA2 | mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h | SA_DEPL_HANDLER | |
7 | 0x68a3 | SADPL_SwitchingDeplSa1Failed | 0xA3 | mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h | SA_DEPL_HANDLER | |
8 | 0x68a4 | SADPL_SwitchingDeplSa2Failed | 0xA4 | mission/devices/SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h | SA_DEPL_HANDLER | |
9 | 0x5aa0 | SUSS_ErrorUnlockMutex | 0xA0 | mission/devices/SusHandler.h | SUS_HANDLER | |
10 | 0x5aa1 | SUSS_ErrorLockMutex | 0xA1 | mission/devices/SusHandler.h | SUS_HANDLER | |
11 | 0x55b0 | RWHA_SpiWriteFailure | 0xB0 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER | |
12 | 0x55b1 | RWHA_SpiReadFailure | Used by the spi send function to tell a failing read call | 0xB1 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
13 | 0x55b2 | RWHA_MissingStartSign | Can be used by the HDLC decoding mechanism to inform about a missing start sign 0x7E | 0xB2 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
14 | 0x55b3 | RWHA_InvalidSubstitute | Can be used by the HDLC decoding mechanism to inform about an invalid substitution combination | 0xB3 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
15 | 0x55b4 | RWHA_MissingEndSign | HDLC decoding mechanism never receives the end sign 0x7E | 0xB4 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
16 | 0x55b5 | RWHA_NoReply | Reaction wheel only responds with empty frames. | 0xB5 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
17 | 0x55b6 | RWHA_NoStartMarker | Expected a start marker as first byte | 0xB6 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
18 | 0x55a1 | RWHA_InvalidRampTime | Action Message with invalid ramp time was received. | 0xA1 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
19 | 0x55a2 | RWHA_SetSpeedCommandInvalidLength | Received set speed command has invalid length. Should be 6. | 0xA2 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
20 | 0x55a3 | RWHA_ExecutionFailed | Command execution failed | 0xA3 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
21 | 0x55a4 | RWHA_CrcError | Reaction wheel reply has invalid crc | 0xA4 | mission/devices/RwHandler.h | RW_HANDLER |
22 | 0x54a0 | IMTQ_InvalidCommandCode | 0xA0 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
23 | 0x54a1 | IMTQ_ParameterMissing | 0xA1 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
24 | 0x54a2 | IMTQ_ParameterInvalid | 0xA2 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
25 | 0x54a3 | IMTQ_CcUnavailable | 0xA3 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
26 | 0x54a4 | IMTQ_InternalProcessingError | 0xA4 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
27 | 0x54a5 | IMTQ_RejectedWithoutReason | 0xA5 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
28 | 0x54a6 | IMTQ_CmdErrUnknown | 0xA6 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER | |
29 | 0x54a7 | IMTQ_UnexpectedSelfTestReply | The status reply to a self test command was received but no self test command has been sent. This should normally never happen. | 0xA7 | mission/devices/IMTQHandler.h | IMTQ_HANDLER |
30 | 0x52a1 | HEATER_CommandNotSupported | 0xA1 | mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h | HEATER_HANDLER | |
31 | 0x52a2 | HEATER_InitFailed | 0xA2 | mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h | HEATER_HANDLER | |
32 | 0x52a3 | HEATER_InvalidSwitchNr | 0xA3 | mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h | HEATER_HANDLER | |
33 | 0x52a4 | HEATER_MainSwitchSetTimeout | 0xA4 | mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h | HEATER_HANDLER | |
34 | 0x52a5 | HEATER_CommandAlreadyWaiting | 0xA5 | mission/devices/HeaterHandler.h | HEATER_HANDLER | |
35 | 0x5f00 | GOMS_PacketTooLong | 0 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
36 | 0x5f01 | GOMS_InvalidTableId | 1 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
37 | 0x5f02 | GOMS_InvalidAddress | 2 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
38 | 0x5f03 | GOMS_InvalidParamSize | 3 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
39 | 0x5f04 | GOMS_InvalidPayloadSize | 4 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
40 | 0x5f05 | GOMS_UnknownReplyId | 5 | mission/devices/GomspaceDeviceHandler.h | GOM_SPACE_HANDLER | |
41 | 0x53a0 | SYRLINKS_CrcFailure | 0xA0 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
42 | 0x53a1 | SYRLINKS_UartFraminOrParityErrorAck | 0xA1 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
43 | 0x53a2 | SYRLINKS_BadCharacterAck | 0xA2 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
44 | 0x53a3 | SYRLINKS_BadParameterValueAck | 0xA3 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
45 | 0x53a4 | SYRLINKS_BadEndOfFrameAck | 0xA4 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
46 | 0x53a5 | SYRLINKS_UnknownCommandIdAck | 0xA5 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
47 | 0x53a6 | SYRLINKS_BadCrcAck | 0xA6 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
48 | 0x53a7 | SYRLINKS_ReplyWrongSize | 0xA7 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
49 | 0x53a8 | SYRLINKS_MissingStartFrameCharacter | 0xA8 | mission/devices/SyrlinksHkHandler.h | SYRLINKS_HANDLER | |
50 | 0x65a0 | NVMB_KeyNotExists | Specified key does not exist in json file | 0xA0 | mission/memory/NVMParameterBase.h | NVM_PARAM_BASE |
51 | 0x4300 | HSPI_OpeningFileFailed | 0 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/spi/SpiComIF.h | HAL_SPI | |
52 | 0x4301 | HSPI_FullDuplexTransferFailed | 1 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/spi/SpiComIF.h | HAL_SPI | |
53 | 0x4302 | HSPI_HalfDuplexTransferFailed | 2 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/spi/SpiComIF.h | HAL_SPI | |
54 | 0x4401 | HURT_UartReadFailure | 1 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/uart/UartComIF.h | HAL_UART | |
55 | 0x4402 | HURT_UartReadSizeMissmatch | 2 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/uart/UartComIF.h | HAL_UART | |
56 | 0x4403 | HURT_UartRxBufferTooSmall | 3 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/uart/UartComIF.h | HAL_UART | |
57 | 0x4601 | HGIO_UnknownGpioId | 1 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
58 | 0x4602 | HGIO_DriveGpioFailure | 2 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
59 | 0x4603 | HGIO_GpioTypeFailure | 3 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
60 | 0x4604 | HGIO_GpioInvalidInstance | 4 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
61 | 0x4605 | HGIO_GpioDuplicateDetected | 5 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
62 | 0x4606 | HGIO_GpioInitFailed | 6 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h | HAL_GPIO | |
63 | 0x4200 | UXOS_ExecutionFinished | Execution of the current command has finished | 0 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL |
64 | 0x4201 | UXOS_CommandPending | Command is pending. This will also be returned if the user tries to load another command but a command is still pending | 1 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL |
65 | 0x4202 | UXOS_BytesRead | Some bytes have been read from the executing process | 2 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL |
66 | 0x4203 | UXOS_CommandError | Command execution failed | 3 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL |
67 | 0x4204 | UXOS_NoCommandLoadedOrPending | 4 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL | |
68 | 0x4206 | UXOS_PcloseCallError | 6 | fsfw/hal/src/fsfw_hal/linux/CommandExecutor.h | LINUX_OSAL | |
69 | 0x3b00 | LPIF_PoolEntryNotFound | 0x00 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/localPoolDefinitions.h | LOCAL_POOL_OWNER_IF | |
70 | 0x3b01 | LPIF_PoolEntryTypeConflict | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/localPoolDefinitions.h | LOCAL_POOL_OWNER_IF | |
71 | 0x3d00 | HKM_QueueOrDestinationInvalid | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
72 | 0x3d01 | HKM_WrongHkPacketType | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
73 | 0x3d02 | HKM_ReportingStatusUnchanged | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
74 | 0x3d03 | HKM_PeriodicHelperInvalid | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
75 | 0x3d04 | HKM_PoolobjectNotFound | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
76 | 0x3d05 | HKM_DatasetNotFound | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalDataPoolManager.h | HOUSEKEEPING_MANAGER | |
77 | 0x3501 | CFDP_InvalidTlvType | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
78 | 0x3502 | CFDP_InvalidDirectiveFields | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
79 | 0x3503 | CFDP_InvalidPduDatafieldLen | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
80 | 0x3504 | CFDP_InvalidAckDirectiveFields | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
81 | 0x3505 | CFDP_MetadataCantParseOptions | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
82 | 0x3506 | CFDP_FinishedCantParseFsResponses | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
83 | 0x3508 | CFDP_FilestoreRequiresSecondFile | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
84 | 0x3509 | CFDP_FilestoreResponseCantParseFsMessage | 9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/cfdp/definitions.h | CFDP | |
85 | 0x3101 | CF_ObjectHasNoFunctions | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/CommandsActionsIF.h | COMMANDS_ACTIONS_IF | |
86 | 0x3102 | CF_AlreadyCommanding | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/CommandsActionsIF.h | COMMANDS_ACTIONS_IF | |
87 | 0x3201 | HF_IsBusy | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h | HAS_ACTIONS_IF | |
88 | 0x3202 | HF_InvalidParameters | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h | HAS_ACTIONS_IF | |
89 | 0x3203 | HF_ExecutionFinished | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h | HAS_ACTIONS_IF | |
90 | 0x3204 | HF_InvalidActionId | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h | HAS_ACTIONS_IF | |
91 | 0x2d01 | HPA_InvalidIdentifierId | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/HasParametersIF.h | HAS_PARAMETERS_IF | |
92 | 0x2d02 | HPA_InvalidDomainId | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/HasParametersIF.h | HAS_PARAMETERS_IF | |
93 | 0x2d03 | HPA_InvalidValue | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/HasParametersIF.h | HAS_PARAMETERS_IF | |
94 | 0x2d05 | HPA_ReadOnly | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/HasParametersIF.h | HAS_PARAMETERS_IF | |
95 | 0x2c01 | PAW_UnknownDatatype | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
96 | 0x2c02 | PAW_DatatypeMissmatch | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
97 | 0x2c03 | PAW_Readonly | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
98 | 0x2c04 | PAW_TooBig | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
99 | 0x2c05 | PAW_SourceNotSet | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
100 | 0x2c06 | PAW_OutOfBounds | 0x06 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
101 | 0x2c07 | PAW_NotSet | 0x07 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
102 | 0x2c08 | PAW_ColumnOrRowsZero | 0x08 | fsfw/src/fsfw/parameters/ParameterWrapper.h | PARAMETER_WRAPPER | |
103 | 0x1701 | HHI_ObjectNotHealthy | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h | HAS_HEALTH_IF | |
104 | 0x1702 | HHI_InvalidHealthState | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/health/HasHealthIF.h | HAS_HEALTH_IF | |
105 | 0x2701 | SM_DataTooLarge | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
106 | 0x2702 | SM_DataStorageFull | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
107 | 0x2703 | SM_IllegalStorageId | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
108 | 0x2704 | SM_DataDoesNotExist | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
109 | 0x2705 | SM_IllegalAddress | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
110 | 0x2706 | SM_PoolTooLarge | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h | STORAGE_MANAGER_IF | |
111 | 0x2301 | MT_TooDetailedRequest | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/matching/MatchTree.h | MATCH_TREE_CLASS | |
112 | 0x2302 | MT_TooGeneralRequest | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/matching/MatchTree.h | MATCH_TREE_CLASS | |
113 | 0x2303 | MT_NoMatch | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/matching/MatchTree.h | MATCH_TREE_CLASS | |
114 | 0x2304 | MT_Full | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/matching/MatchTree.h | MATCH_TREE_CLASS | |
115 | 0x2305 | MT_NewNodeCreated | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/matching/MatchTree.h | MATCH_TREE_CLASS | |
116 | 0x3e01 | DLEE_StreamTooShort | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/DleEncoder.h | DLE_ENCODER | |
117 | 0x3e02 | DLEE_DecodingError | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/DleEncoder.h | DLE_ENCODER | |
118 | 0x2e01 | ASC_TooLongForTargetType | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/AsciiConverter.h | ASCII_CONVERTER | |
119 | 0x2e02 | ASC_InvalidCharacters | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/AsciiConverter.h | ASCII_CONVERTER | |
120 | 0x2e03 | ASC_BufferTooSmall | 0x3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/globalfunctions/AsciiConverter.h | ASCII_CONVERTER | |
121 | 0x1c01 | TCD_PacketLost | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcDistributor.h | PACKET_DISTRIBUTION | |
122 | 0x1c02 | TCD_DestinationNotFound | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcDistributor.h | PACKET_DISTRIBUTION | |
123 | 0x1c03 | TCD_ServiceIdAlreadyExists | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcDistributor.h | PACKET_DISTRIBUTION | |
124 | 0x1b00 | TCC_IllegalApid | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
125 | 0x1b01 | TCC_IncompletePacket | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
126 | 0x1b02 | TCC_IncorrectChecksum | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
127 | 0x1b03 | TCC_IllegalPacketType | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
128 | 0x1b04 | TCC_IllegalPacketSubtype | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
129 | 0x1b05 | TCC_IncorrectPrimaryHeader | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
130 | 0x1b06 | TCC_IncorrectSecondaryHeader | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tcdistribution/TcPacketCheckPUS.h | TC_PACKET_CHECK | |
131 | 0x3901 | MQI_Empty | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h | MESSAGE_QUEUE_IF | |
132 | 0x3902 | MQI_Full | No space left for more messages | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h | MESSAGE_QUEUE_IF |
133 | 0x3903 | MQI_NoReplyPartner | Returned if a reply method was called without partner | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h | MESSAGE_QUEUE_IF |
134 | 0x3904 | MQI_DestinationInvalid | Returned if the target destination is invalid. | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h | MESSAGE_QUEUE_IF |
135 | 0xf01 | CM_UnknownCommand | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/CommandMessageIF.h | COMMAND_MESSAGE | |
136 | 0x3801 | MUX_NotEnoughResources | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
137 | 0x3802 | MUX_InsufficientMemory | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
138 | 0x3803 | MUX_NoPrivilege | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
139 | 0x3804 | MUX_WrongAttributeSetting | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
140 | 0x3805 | MUX_MutexAlreadyLocked | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
141 | 0x3806 | MUX_MutexNotFound | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
142 | 0x3807 | MUX_MutexMaxLocks | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
143 | 0x3808 | MUX_CurrThreadAlreadyOwnsMutex | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
144 | 0x3809 | MUX_CurrThreadDoesNotOwnMutex | 9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
145 | 0x380a | MUX_MutexTimeout | 10 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
146 | 0x380b | MUX_MutexInvalidId | 11 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
147 | 0x380c | MUX_MutexDestroyedWhileWaiting | 12 | fsfw/src/fsfw/ipc/MutexIF.h | MUTEX_IF | |
148 | 0x2801 | TC_InvalidTargetState | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h | THERMAL_COMPONENT_IF | |
149 | 0x28f1 | TC_AboveOperationalLimit | 0xF1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h | THERMAL_COMPONENT_IF | |
150 | 0x28f2 | TC_BelowOperationalLimit | 0xF2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h | THERMAL_COMPONENT_IF | |
151 | 0x801 | DPS_InvalidParameterDefinition | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
152 | 0x802 | DPS_SetWasAlreadyRead | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
153 | 0x803 | DPS_CommitingWithoutReading | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
154 | 0x804 | DPS_DataSetUninitialised | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
155 | 0x805 | DPS_DataSetFull | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
156 | 0x806 | DPS_PoolVarNull | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/DataSetIF.h | DATA_SET_CLASS | |
157 | 0x3ca0 | PVA_InvalidReadWriteMode | 0xA0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h | POOL_VARIABLE_IF | |
158 | 0x3ca1 | PVA_InvalidPoolEntry | 0xA1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h | POOL_VARIABLE_IF | |
159 | 0xc02 | MS_InvalidEntry | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/modes/ModeStoreIF.h | MODE_STORE_IF | |
160 | 0xc03 | MS_TooManyElements | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/modes/ModeStoreIF.h | MODE_STORE_IF | |
161 | 0xc04 | MS_CantStoreEmpty | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/modes/ModeStoreIF.h | MODE_STORE_IF | |
162 | 0xd01 | SS_SequenceAlreadyExists | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
163 | 0xd02 | SS_TableAlreadyExists | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
164 | 0xd03 | SS_TableDoesNotExist | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
165 | 0xd04 | SS_TableOrSequenceLengthInvalid | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
166 | 0xd05 | SS_SequenceDoesNotExist | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
167 | 0xd06 | SS_TableContainsInvalidObjectId | 0x06 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
168 | 0xd07 | SS_FallbackSequenceDoesNotExist | 0x07 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
169 | 0xd08 | SS_NoTargetTable | 0x08 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
170 | 0xd09 | SS_SequenceOrTableTooLong | 0x09 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
171 | 0xd0b | SS_IsFallbackSequence | 0x0B | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
172 | 0xd0c | SS_AccessDenied | 0x0C | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
173 | 0xd0e | SS_TableInUse | 0x0E | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
174 | 0xda1 | SS_TargetTableNotReached | 0xA1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
175 | 0xda2 | SS_TableCheckFailed | 0xA2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/Subsystem.h | SUBSYSTEM | |
176 | 0xb01 | SB_ChildNotFound | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
177 | 0xb02 | SB_ChildInfoUpdated | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
178 | 0xb03 | SB_ChildDoesntHaveModes | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
179 | 0xb04 | SB_CouldNotInsertChild | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
180 | 0xb05 | SB_TableContainsInvalidObjectId | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
181 | 0xb00 | SB_ConnBroken | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/common/TcpTmTcServer.h | SUBSYSTEM_BASE | |
182 | 0x2901 | IEC_NoConfigurationTable | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
183 | 0x2902 | IEC_NoCpuTable | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
184 | 0x2903 | IEC_InvalidWorkspaceAddress | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
185 | 0x2904 | IEC_TooLittleWorkspace | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
186 | 0x2905 | IEC_WorkspaceAllocation | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
187 | 0x2906 | IEC_InterruptStackTooSmall | 0x06 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
188 | 0x2907 | IEC_ThreadExitted | 0x07 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
189 | 0x2908 | IEC_InconsistentMpInformation | 0x08 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
190 | 0x2909 | IEC_InvalidNode | 0x09 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
191 | 0x290a | IEC_NoMpci | 0x0a | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
192 | 0x290b | IEC_BadPacket | 0x0b | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
193 | 0x290c | IEC_OutOfPackets | 0x0c | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
194 | 0x290d | IEC_OutOfGlobalObjects | 0x0d | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
195 | 0x290e | IEC_OutOfProxies | 0x0e | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
196 | 0x290f | IEC_InvalidGlobalId | 0x0f | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
197 | 0x2910 | IEC_BadStackHook | 0x10 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
198 | 0x2911 | IEC_BadAttributes | 0x11 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
199 | 0x2912 | IEC_ImplementationKeyCreateInconsistency | 0x12 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
200 | 0x2913 | IEC_ImplementationBlockingOperationCancel | 0x13 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
201 | 0x2914 | IEC_MutexObtainFromBadState | 0x14 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
202 | 0x2915 | IEC_UnlimitedAndMaximumIs0 | 0x15 | fsfw/src/fsfw/osal/InternalErrorCodes.h | INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES | |
203 | 0x1401 | SE_BufferTooShort | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/serialize/SerializeIF.h | SERIALIZE_IF | |
204 | 0x1402 | SE_StreamTooShort | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/serialize/SerializeIF.h | SERIALIZE_IF | |
205 | 0x1403 | SE_TooManyElements | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/serialize/SerializeIF.h | SERIALIZE_IF | |
206 | 0x4a00 | SPPA_NoPacketFound | 0x00 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/SpacePacketParser.h | SPACE_PACKET_PARSER | |
207 | 0x4a01 | SPPA_SplitPacket | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/SpacePacketParser.h | SPACE_PACKET_PARSER | |
208 | 0x1d01 | PUS_ActivityStarted | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h | ACCEPTS_TELECOMMANDS_IF | |
209 | 0x1d02 | PUS_InvalidSubservice | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h | ACCEPTS_TELECOMMANDS_IF | |
210 | 0x1d03 | PUS_IllegalApplicationData | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h | ACCEPTS_TELECOMMANDS_IF | |
211 | 0x1d04 | PUS_SendTmFailed | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h | ACCEPTS_TELECOMMANDS_IF | |
212 | 0x1d05 | PUS_Timeout | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h | ACCEPTS_TELECOMMANDS_IF | |
213 | 0x1f01 | CSB_ExecutionComplete | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
214 | 0x1f02 | CSB_NoStepMessage | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
215 | 0x1f03 | CSB_ObjectBusy | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
216 | 0x1f04 | CSB_Busy | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
217 | 0x1f05 | CSB_InvalidTc | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
218 | 0x1f06 | CSB_InvalidObject | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
219 | 0x1f07 | CSB_InvalidReply | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h | COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE | |
220 | 0x2500 | FDI_YourFault | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/ConfirmsFailuresIF.h | HANDLES_FAILURES_IF | |
221 | 0x2501 | FDI_MyFault | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/ConfirmsFailuresIF.h | HANDLES_FAILURES_IF | |
222 | 0x2502 | FDI_ConfirmLater | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/fdir/ConfirmsFailuresIF.h | HANDLES_FAILURES_IF | |
223 | 0x4e1 | RMP_CommandNoDescriptorsAvailable | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
224 | 0x4e2 | RMP_CommandBufferFull | 0xE2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
225 | 0x4e3 | RMP_CommandChannelOutOfRange | 0xE3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
226 | 0x4e6 | RMP_CommandChannelDeactivated | 0xE6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
227 | 0x4e7 | RMP_CommandPortOutOfRange | 0xE7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
228 | 0x4e8 | RMP_CommandPortInUse | 0xE8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
229 | 0x4e9 | RMP_CommandNoChannel | 0xE9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
230 | 0x4ea | RMP_NoHwCrc | 0xEA | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
231 | 0x4d0 | RMP_ReplyNoReply | 0xD0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
232 | 0x4d1 | RMP_ReplyNotSent | 0xD1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
233 | 0x4d2 | RMP_ReplyNotYetSent | 0xD2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
234 | 0x4d3 | RMP_ReplyMissmatch | 0xD3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
235 | 0x4d4 | RMP_ReplyTimeout | 0xD4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
236 | 0x4c0 | RMP_ReplyInterfaceBusy | 0xC0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
237 | 0x4c1 | RMP_ReplyTransmissionError | 0xC1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
238 | 0x4c2 | RMP_ReplyInvalidData | 0xC2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
239 | 0x4c3 | RMP_ReplyNotSupported | 0xC3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
240 | 0x4f0 | RMP_LinkDown | 0xF0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
241 | 0x4f1 | RMP_SpwCredit | 0xF1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
242 | 0x4f2 | RMP_SpwEscape | 0xF2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
243 | 0x4f3 | RMP_SpwDisconnect | 0xF3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
244 | 0x4f4 | RMP_SpwParity | 0xF4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
245 | 0x4f5 | RMP_SpwWriteSync | 0xF5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
246 | 0x4f6 | RMP_SpwInvalidAddress | 0xF6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
247 | 0x4f7 | RMP_SpwEarlyEop | 0xF7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
248 | 0x4f8 | RMP_SpwDma | 0xF8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
249 | 0x4f9 | RMP_SpwLinkError | 0xF9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
250 | 0x400 | RMP_ReplyOk | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
251 | 0x401 | RMP_ReplyGeneralErrorCode | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
252 | 0x402 | RMP_ReplyUnusedPacketTypeOrCommandCode | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
253 | 0x403 | RMP_ReplyInvalidKey | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
254 | 0x404 | RMP_ReplyInvalidDataCrc | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
255 | 0x405 | RMP_ReplyEarlyEop | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
256 | 0x406 | RMP_ReplyTooMuchData | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
257 | 0x407 | RMP_ReplyEep | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
258 | 0x408 | RMP_ReplyReserved | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
259 | 0x409 | RMP_ReplyVerifyBufferOverrun | 9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
260 | 0x40a | RMP_ReplyCommandNotImplementedOrNotAuthorised | 10 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
261 | 0x40b | RMP_ReplyRmwDataLengthError | 11 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
262 | 0x40c | RMP_ReplyInvalidTargetLogicalAddress | 12 | fsfw/src/fsfw/rmap/RMAP.h | RMAP_CHANNEL | |
263 | 0x2b01 | CCS_BcIsSetVrCommand | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
264 | 0x2b02 | CCS_BcIsUnlockCommand | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
265 | 0x2bb0 | CCS_BcIllegalCommand | 0xB0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
266 | 0x2bb1 | CCS_BoardReadingNotFinished | 0xB1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
267 | 0x2bf0 | CCS_NsPositiveW | 0xF0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
268 | 0x2bf1 | CCS_NsNegativeW | 0xF1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
269 | 0x2bf2 | CCS_NsLockout | 0xF2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
270 | 0x2bf3 | CCS_FarmInLockout | 0xF3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
271 | 0x2bf4 | CCS_FarmInWait | 0xF4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
272 | 0x2be0 | CCS_WrongSymbol | 0xE0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
273 | 0x2be1 | CCS_DoubleStart | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
274 | 0x2be2 | CCS_StartSymbolMissed | 0xE2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
275 | 0x2be3 | CCS_EndWithoutStart | 0xE3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
276 | 0x2be4 | CCS_TooLarge | 0xE4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
277 | 0x2be5 | CCS_TooShort | 0xE5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
278 | 0x2be6 | CCS_WrongTfVersion | 0xE6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
279 | 0x2be7 | CCS_WrongSpacecraftId | 0xE7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
280 | 0x2be8 | CCS_NoValidFrameType | 0xE8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
281 | 0x2be9 | CCS_CrcFailed | 0xE9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
282 | 0x2bea | CCS_VcNotFound | 0xEA | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
283 | 0x2beb | CCS_ForwardingFailed | 0xEB | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
284 | 0x2bec | CCS_ContentTooLarge | 0xEC | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
285 | 0x2bed | CCS_ResidualData | 0xED | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
286 | 0x2bee | CCS_DataCorrupted | 0xEE | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
287 | 0x2bef | CCS_IllegalSegmentationFlag | 0xEF | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
288 | 0x2bd0 | CCS_IllegalFlagCombination | 0xD0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
289 | 0x2bd1 | CCS_ShorterThanHeader | 0xD1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
290 | 0x2bd2 | CCS_TooShortBlockedPacket | 0xD2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
291 | 0x2bd3 | CCS_TooShortMapExtraction | 0xD3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h | CCSDS_HANDLER_IF | |
292 | 0x37a1 | SGP4_InvalidEccentricity | 0xA1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
293 | 0x37a2 | SGP4_InvalidMeanMotion | 0xA2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
294 | 0x37a3 | SGP4_InvalidPerturbationElements | 0xA3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
295 | 0x37a4 | SGP4_InvalidSemiLatusRectum | 0xA4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
296 | 0x37a5 | SGP4_InvalidEpochElements | 0xA5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
297 | 0x37a6 | SGP4_SatelliteHasDecayed | 0xA6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
298 | 0x37b1 | SGP4_TleTooOld | 0xB1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
299 | 0x37b2 | SGP4_TleNotInitialized | 0xB2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/coordinates/Sgp4Propagator.h | SGP4PROPAGATOR_CLASS | |
300 | 0x13e0 | MH_UnknownCmd | 0xE0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/MemoryHelper.h | MEMORY_HELPER | |
301 | 0x13e1 | MH_InvalidAddress | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/MemoryHelper.h | MEMORY_HELPER | |
302 | 0x13e2 | MH_InvalidSize | 0xE2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/MemoryHelper.h | MEMORY_HELPER | |
303 | 0x13e3 | MH_StateMismatch | 0xE3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/MemoryHelper.h | MEMORY_HELPER | |
304 | 0x4100 | FILS_GenericFileError | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
305 | 0x4101 | FILS_IsBusy | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
306 | 0x4102 | FILS_InvalidParameters | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
307 | 0x4105 | FILS_FileDoesNotExist | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
308 | 0x4106 | FILS_FileAlreadyExists | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
309 | 0x4107 | FILS_FileLocked | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
310 | 0x410a | FILS_DirectoryDoesNotExist | 10 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
311 | 0x410b | FILS_DirectoryAlreadyExists | 11 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
312 | 0x410c | FILS_DirectoryNotEmpty | 12 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
313 | 0x410f | FILS_SequencePacketMissingWrite | 15 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
314 | 0x4110 | FILS_SequencePacketMissingRead | 16 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasFileSystemIF.h | FILE_SYSTEM | |
315 | 0x601 | PP_DoItMyself | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
316 | 0x602 | PP_PointsToVariable | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
317 | 0x603 | PP_PointsToMemory | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
318 | 0x604 | PP_ActivityCompleted | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
319 | 0x605 | PP_PointsToVectorUint8 | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
320 | 0x606 | PP_PointsToVectorUint16 | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
321 | 0x607 | PP_PointsToVectorUint32 | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
322 | 0x608 | PP_PointsToVectorFloat | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
323 | 0x6a0 | PP_DumpNotSupported | 0xA0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
324 | 0x6e0 | PP_InvalidSize | 0xE0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
325 | 0x6e1 | PP_InvalidAddress | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
326 | 0x6e2 | PP_InvalidContent | 0xE2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
327 | 0x6e3 | PP_UnalignedAccess | 0xE3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
328 | 0x6e4 | PP_WriteProtected | 0xE4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/memory/HasMemoryIF.h | HAS_MEMORY_IF | |
329 | 0x201 | OM_InsertionFailed | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h | OBJECT_MANAGER_IF | |
330 | 0x202 | OM_NotFound | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h | OBJECT_MANAGER_IF | |
331 | 0x203 | OM_ChildInitFailed | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h | OBJECT_MANAGER_IF | |
332 | 0x204 | OM_InternalErrReporterUninit | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h | OBJECT_MANAGER_IF | |
333 | 0x501 | PS_SwitchOn | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h | POWER_SWITCH_IF | |
334 | 0x500 | PS_SwitchOff | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h | POWER_SWITCH_IF | |
335 | 0x502 | PS_SwitchTimeout | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h | POWER_SWITCH_IF | |
336 | 0x503 | PS_FuseOn | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h | POWER_SWITCH_IF | |
337 | 0x504 | PS_FuseOff | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h | POWER_SWITCH_IF | |
338 | 0x2f01 | POS_InPowerTransition | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitcher.h | POWER_SWITCHER | |
339 | 0x2f02 | POS_SwitchStateMismatch | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/power/PowerSwitcher.h | POWER_SWITCHER | |
340 | 0x1000 | TIM_UnsupportedTimeFormat | 0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
341 | 0x1001 | TIM_NotEnoughInformationForTargetFormat | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
342 | 0x1002 | TIM_LengthMismatch | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
343 | 0x1003 | TIM_InvalidTimeFormat | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
344 | 0x1004 | TIM_InvalidDayOfYear | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
345 | 0x1005 | TIM_TimeDoesNotFitFormat | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h | CCSDS_TIME_HELPER_CLASS | |
346 | 0x3601 | TSI_BadTimestamp | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/timemanager/TimeStamperIF.h | TIME_STAMPER_IF | |
347 | 0x2101 | TMF_Busy | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
348 | 0x2102 | TMF_LastPacketFound | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
349 | 0x2103 | TMF_StopFetch | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
350 | 0x2104 | TMF_Timeout | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
351 | 0x2105 | TMF_TmChannelFull | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
352 | 0x2106 | TMF_NotStored | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
353 | 0x2107 | TMF_AllDeleted | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
354 | 0x2108 | TMF_InvalidData | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
355 | 0x2109 | TMF_NotReady | 9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreFrontendIF.h | TM_STORE_FRONTEND_IF | |
356 | 0x2001 | TMB_Busy | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
357 | 0x2002 | TMB_Full | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
358 | 0x2003 | TMB_Empty | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
359 | 0x2004 | TMB_NullRequested | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
360 | 0x2005 | TMB_TooLarge | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
361 | 0x2006 | TMB_NotReady | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
362 | 0x2007 | TMB_DumpError | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
363 | 0x2008 | TMB_CrcError | 8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
364 | 0x2009 | TMB_Timeout | 9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
365 | 0x200a | TMB_IdlePacketFound | 10 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
366 | 0x200b | TMB_TelecommandFound | 11 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
367 | 0x200c | TMB_NoPusATm | 12 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
368 | 0x200d | TMB_TooSmall | 13 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
369 | 0x200e | TMB_BlockNotFound | 14 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
370 | 0x200f | TMB_InvalidRequest | 15 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreBackendIF.h | TM_STORE_BACKEND_IF | |
371 | 0xe01 | HM_InvalidMode | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h | HAS_MODES_IF | |
372 | 0xe02 | HM_TransNotAllowed | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h | HAS_MODES_IF | |
373 | 0xe03 | HM_InTransition | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h | HAS_MODES_IF | |
374 | 0xe04 | HM_InvalidSubmode | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/modes/HasModesIF.h | HAS_MODES_IF | |
375 | 0x1501 | FM_KeyAlreadyExists | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FixedMap.h | FIXED_MAP | |
376 | 0x1502 | FM_MapFull | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FixedMap.h | FIXED_MAP | |
377 | 0x1503 | FM_KeyDoesNotExist | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FixedMap.h | FIXED_MAP | |
378 | 0x1101 | AL_Full | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/ArrayList.h | ARRAY_LIST | |
379 | 0x1601 | FMM_MapFull | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FixedOrderedMultimap.h | FIXED_MULTIMAP | |
380 | 0x1602 | FMM_KeyDoesNotExist | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FixedOrderedMultimap.h | FIXED_MULTIMAP | |
381 | 0x1801 | FF_Full | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FIFOBase.h | FIFO_CLASS | |
382 | 0x1802 | FF_Empty | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/container/FIFOBase.h | FIFO_CLASS | |
383 | 0x3a0 | DHB_InvalidChannel | 0xA0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
384 | 0x3b0 | DHB_AperiodicReply | 0xB0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
385 | 0x3b1 | DHB_IgnoreReplyData | 0xB1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
386 | 0x3b2 | DHB_IgnoreFullPacket | 0xB2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
387 | 0x3c0 | DHB_NothingToSend | 0xC0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
388 | 0x3c2 | DHB_CommandMapError | 0xC2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
389 | 0x3d0 | DHB_NoSwitch | 0xD0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
390 | 0x3e0 | DHB_ChildTimeout | 0xE0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
391 | 0x3e1 | DHB_SwitchFailed | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_BASE | |
392 | 0x1201 | AB_NeedSecondStep | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
393 | 0x1202 | AB_NeedToReconfigure | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
394 | 0x1203 | AB_ModeFallback | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
395 | 0x1204 | AB_ChildNotCommandable | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
396 | 0x1205 | AB_NeedToChangeHealth | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
397 | 0x12a1 | AB_NotEnoughChildrenInCorrectState | 0xa1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/AssemblyBase.h | ASSEMBLY_BASE | |
398 | 0x26a0 | DHI_NoCommandData | 0xA0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
399 | 0x26a1 | DHI_CommandNotSupported | 0xA1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
400 | 0x26a2 | DHI_CommandAlreadySent | 0xA2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
401 | 0x26a3 | DHI_CommandWasNotSent | 0xA3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
402 | 0x26a4 | DHI_CantSwitchAddress | 0xA4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
403 | 0x26a5 | DHI_WrongModeForCommand | 0xA5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
404 | 0x26a6 | DHI_Timeout | 0xA6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
405 | 0x26a7 | DHI_Busy | 0xA7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
406 | 0x26a8 | DHI_NoReplyExpected | 0xA8 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
407 | 0x26a9 | DHI_NonOpTemperature | 0xA9 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
408 | 0x26aa | DHI_CommandNotImplemented | 0xAA | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
409 | 0x26b0 | DHI_ChecksumError | 0xB0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
410 | 0x26b1 | DHI_LengthMissmatch | 0xB1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
411 | 0x26b2 | DHI_InvalidData | 0xB2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
412 | 0x26b3 | DHI_ProtocolError | 0xB3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
413 | 0x26c0 | DHI_DeviceDidNotExecute | 0xC0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
414 | 0x26c1 | DHI_DeviceReportedError | 0xC1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
415 | 0x26c2 | DHI_UnknownDeviceReply | 0xC2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
416 | 0x26c3 | DHI_DeviceReplyInvalid | 0xC3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
417 | 0x26d0 | DHI_InvalidCommandParameter | 0xD0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
418 | 0x26d1 | DHI_InvalidNumberOrLengthOfParameters | 0xD1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h | DEVICE_HANDLER_IF | |
419 | 0x3301 | DC_NoReplyReceived | 0x01 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
420 | 0x3302 | DC_ProtocolError | 0x02 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
421 | 0x3303 | DC_Nullpointer | 0x03 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
422 | 0x3304 | DC_InvalidCookieType | 0x04 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
423 | 0x3305 | DC_NotActive | 0x05 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
424 | 0x3306 | DC_TooMuchData | 0x06 | fsfw/src/fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h | DEVICE_COMMUNICATION_IF | |
425 | 0x2401 | EV_ListenerNotFound | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/events/EventManagerIF.h | EVENT_MANAGER_IF | |
426 | 0x1a01 | TRC_NotEnoughSensors | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/TriplexMonitor.h | TRIPLE_REDUNDACY_CHECK | |
427 | 0x1a02 | TRC_LowestValueOol | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/TriplexMonitor.h | TRIPLE_REDUNDACY_CHECK | |
428 | 0x1a03 | TRC_HighestValueOol | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/TriplexMonitor.h | TRIPLE_REDUNDACY_CHECK | |
429 | 0x1a04 | TRC_BothValuesOol | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/TriplexMonitor.h | TRIPLE_REDUNDACY_CHECK | |
430 | 0x1a05 | TRC_DuplexOol | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/TriplexMonitor.h | TRIPLE_REDUNDACY_CHECK | |
431 | 0x3001 | LIM_Unchecked | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
432 | 0x3002 | LIM_Invalid | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
433 | 0x3003 | LIM_Unselected | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
434 | 0x3004 | LIM_BelowLowLimit | 4 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
435 | 0x3005 | LIM_AboveHighLimit | 5 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
436 | 0x3006 | LIM_UnexpectedValue | 6 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
437 | 0x3007 | LIM_OutOfRange | 7 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
438 | 0x30a0 | LIM_FirstSample | 0xA0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
439 | 0x30e0 | LIM_InvalidSize | 0xE0 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
440 | 0x30e1 | LIM_WrongType | 0xE1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
441 | 0x30e2 | LIM_WrongPid | 0xE2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
442 | 0x30e3 | LIM_WrongLimitId | 0xE3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
443 | 0x30ee | LIM_MonitorNotFound | 0xEE | fsfw/src/fsfw/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h | LIMITS_IF | |
444 | 0x3a01 | SPH_SemaphoreTimeout | 1 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h | SEMAPHORE_IF | |
445 | 0x3a02 | SPH_SemaphoreNotOwned | 2 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h | SEMAPHORE_IF | |
446 | 0x3a03 | SPH_SemaphoreInvalid | 3 | fsfw/src/fsfw/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h | SEMAPHORE_IF | |
447 | 0x7000 | SDMA_OpOngoing | 0 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
448 | 0x7001 | SDMA_AlreadyOn | 1 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
449 | 0x7002 | SDMA_AlreadyMounted | 2 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
450 | 0x7003 | SDMA_AlreadyOff | 3 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
451 | 0x700a | SDMA_StatusFileNexists | 10 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
452 | 0x700b | SDMA_StatusFileFormatInvalid | 11 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
453 | 0x700c | SDMA_MountError | 12 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
454 | 0x700d | SDMA_UnmountError | 13 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
455 | 0x700e | SDMA_SystemCallError | 14 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
456 | 0x700f | SDMA_PopenCallError | 15 | bsp_q7s/memory/SdCardManager.h | SD_CARD_MANAGER | |
457 | 0x7100 | SCBU_KeyNotFound | 0 | bsp_q7s/memory/scratchApi.h | SCRATCH_BUFFER | |
458 | 0x66a0 | FSHLP_SdNotMounted | SD card specified with path string not mounted | 0xA0 | bsp_q7s/memory/FilesystemHelper.h | FILE_SYSTEM_HELPER |
459 | 0x66a1 | FSHLP_FileNotExists | Specified file does not exist on filesystem | 0xA1 | bsp_q7s/memory/FilesystemHelper.h | FILE_SYSTEM_HELPER |
460 | 0x69a0 | MPSOCRTVIF_CrcFailure | Space Packet received from PLOC has invalid CRC | 0xA0 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
461 | 0x69a1 | MPSOCRTVIF_ReceivedAckFailure | Received ACK failure reply from PLOC | 0xA1 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
462 | 0x69a2 | MPSOCRTVIF_ReceivedExeFailure | Received execution failure reply from PLOC | 0xA2 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
463 | 0x69a3 | MPSOCRTVIF_InvalidApid | Received space packet with invalid APID from PLOC | 0xA3 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
464 | 0x69a4 | MPSOCRTVIF_InvalidLength | Received command with invalid length | 0xA4 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
465 | 0x69a5 | MPSOCRTVIF_FilenameTooLong | Filename of file in OBC filesystem is too long | 0xA5 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
466 | 0x69a6 | MPSOCRTVIF_MpsocHelperExecuting | MPSoC helper is currently executing a command | 0xA6 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
467 | 0x69a7 | MPSOCRTVIF_MpsocFilenameTooLong | Filename of MPSoC file is to long (max. 256 bytes) | 0xA7 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
468 | 0x69a8 | MPSOCRTVIF_InvalidParameter | Command has invalid parameter | 0xA8 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
469 | 0x69a9 | MPSOCRTVIF_NameTooLong | Received command has file string with invalid length | 0xA9 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/MPSoCReturnValuesIF.h | MPSOC_RETURN_VALUES_IF |
470 | 0x57e0 | DWLPWRON_InvalidMode | Received command has invalid JESD mode (valid modes are 0 - 5) | 0xE0 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/PlocMPSoCDefinitions.h | DWLPWRON_CMD |
471 | 0x57e1 | DWLPWRON_InvalidLaneRate | Received command has invalid lane rate (valid lane rate are 0 - 9) | 0xE1 | linux/devices/devicedefinitions/PlocMPSoCDefinitions.h | DWLPWRON_CMD |
472 | 0x60a0 | PLMEMDUMP_MramAddressTooHigh | The capacity of the MRAM amounts to 512 kB. Thus the maximum address must not be higher than 0x7d000. | 0xA0 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h | PLOC_MEMORY_DUMPER |
473 | 0x60a1 | PLMEMDUMP_MramInvalidAddressCombination | The specified end address is lower than the start address | 0xA1 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h | PLOC_MEMORY_DUMPER |
474 | 0x67a0 | PLMPHLP_FileClosedAccidentally | File accidentally close | 0xA0 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h | PLOC_MPSOC_HELPER |
475 | 0x5da0 | PLUD_UpdaterBusy | Updater is already performing an update | 0xA0 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocUpdater.h | PLOC_UPDATER |
476 | 0x5da1 | PLUD_NameTooLong | Received update command with invalid path string (too long). | 0xA1 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocUpdater.h | PLOC_UPDATER |
477 | 0x5da2 | PLUD_SdNotMounted | Received command to initiate update but SD card with update image not mounted. | 0xA2 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocUpdater.h | PLOC_UPDATER |
478 | 0x5da3 | PLUD_FileNotExists | Update file received with update command does not exist. | 0xA3 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocUpdater.h | PLOC_UPDATER |
479 | 0x59a0 | PLSV_CrcFailure | Space Packet received from PLOC supervisor has invalid CRC | 0xA0 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
480 | 0x59a1 | PLSV_ReceivedAckFailure | Received ACK failure reply from PLOC supervisor | 0xA1 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
481 | 0x59a2 | PLSV_ReceivedExeFailure | Received execution failure reply from PLOC supervisor | 0xA2 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
482 | 0x59a3 | PLSV_InvalidApid | Received space packet with invalid APID from PLOC supervisor | 0xA3 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
483 | 0x59a4 | PLSV_GetTimeFailure | Failed to read current system time | 0xA4 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
484 | 0x59a5 | PLSV_InvalidWatchdog | Received command with invalid watchdog parameter. Valid watchdogs are 0 for PS, 1 for PL and 2 for INT | 0xA5 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
485 | 0x59a6 | PLSV_InvalidWatchdogTimeout | Received watchdog timeout config command with invalid timeout. Valid timeouts must be in the range between 1000 and 360000 ms. | 0xA6 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
486 | 0x59a7 | PLSV_InvalidLatchupId | Received latchup config command with invalid latchup ID | 0xA7 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
487 | 0x59a8 | PLSV_SweepPeriodTooSmall | Received set adc sweep period command with invalid sweep period. Must be larger than 21. | 0xA8 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
488 | 0x59a9 | PLSV_InvalidTestParam | Receive auto EM test command with invalid test param. Valid params are 1 and 2. | 0xA9 | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
489 | 0x59aa | PLSV_MramPacketParsingFailure | Returned when scanning for MRAM dump packets failed. | 0xAA | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
490 | 0x59ab | PLSV_InvalidMramAddresses | Returned when the start and stop addresses of the MRAM dump or MRAM wipe commands are invalid (e.g. start address bigger than stop address) | 0xAB | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
491 | 0x59ac | PLSV_NoMramPacket | Expect reception of an MRAM dump packet but received space packet with other apid. | 0xAC | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
492 | 0x59ad | PLSV_PathDoesNotExist | Path to PLOC directory on SD card does not exist | 0xAD | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
493 | 0x59ae | PLSV_MramFileNotExists | MRAM dump file does not exists. The file should actually already have been created with the reception of the first dump packet. | 0xAE | linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h | PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HANDLER |
494 | 0x6401 | JSONBASE_JsonFileNotExists | Specified json file does not exist | 1 | linux/devices/startracker/ArcsecJsonParamBase.h | ARCSEC_JSON_BASE |
495 | 0x6402 | JSONBASE_SetNotExists | Requested set does not exist in json file | 2 | linux/devices/startracker/ArcsecJsonParamBase.h | ARCSEC_JSON_BASE |
496 | 0x6403 | JSONBASE_ParamNotExists | Requested parameter does not exist in json file | 3 | linux/devices/startracker/ArcsecJsonParamBase.h | ARCSEC_JSON_BASE |
497 | 0x56a0 | STRH_TemperatureReqFailed | Status in temperature reply signals error | 0xA0 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
498 | 0x56a1 | STRH_PingFailed | Ping command failed | 0xA1 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
499 | 0x56a2 | STRH_VersionReqFailed | Status in version reply signals error | 0xA2 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
500 | 0x56a3 | STRH_InterfaceReqFailed | Status in interface reply signals error | 0xA3 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
501 | 0x56a4 | STRH_PowerReqFailed | Status in power reply signals error | 0xA4 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
502 | 0x56a5 | STRH_SetParamFailed | Status of reply to parameter set command signals error | 0xA5 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
503 | 0x56a6 | STRH_ActionFailed | Status of reply to action command signals error | 0xA6 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
504 | 0x56a7 | STRH_FilePathTooLong | Received invalid path string. Exceeds allowed length | 0xA7 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
505 | 0x56a8 | STRH_FilenameTooLong | Name of file received with command is too long | 0xA8 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
506 | 0x56a9 | STRH_InvalidProgram | Received version reply with invalid program ID | 0xA9 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
507 | 0x56aa | STRH_ReplyError | Status field reply signals error | 0xAA | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
508 | 0x56ab | STRH_CommandTooShort | Received command which is too short (some data is missing for proper execution) | 0xAB | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
509 | 0x56ac | STRH_InvalidLength | Received command with invalid length (too few or too many parameters) | 0xAC | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
510 | 0x56ad | STRH_RegionMismatch | Region mismatch between send and received data | 0xAD | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
511 | 0x56ae | STRH_AddressMismatch | Address mismatch between send and received data | 0xAE | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
512 | 0x56af | STRH_LengthMismatch | Length field mismatch between send and received data | 0xAF | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
513 | 0x56b0 | STRH_FileNotExists | Specified file does not exist | 0xB0 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
514 | 0x56b1 | STRH_InvalidType | Download blob pixel command has invalid type field | 0xB1 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
515 | 0x56b2 | STRH_InvalidId | Received FPGA action command with invalid ID | 0xB2 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
516 | 0x56b3 | STRH_ReplyTooShort | Received reply is too short | 0xB3 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
517 | 0x56b4 | STRH_CrcFailure | Received reply with invalid CRC | 0xB4 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
518 | 0x56b5 | STRH_StrHelperExecuting | Star tracker handler currently executing a command and using the communication interface | 0xB5 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
519 | 0x56b6 | STRH_StartrackerAlreadyBooted | Star tracker is already in firmware mode | 0xB6 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
520 | 0x56b7 | STRH_StartrackerRunningFirmware | Star tracker is in firmware mode but must be in bootloader mode to execute this command | 0xB7 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
521 | 0x56b8 | STRH_StartrackerRunningBootloader | Star tracker is in bootloader mode but must be in firmware mode to execute this command | 0xB8 | linux/devices/startracker/StarTrackerHandler.h | STR_HANDLER |
522 | 0x5ea0 | STRHLP_SdNotMounted | SD card specified in path string not mounted | 0xA0 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
523 | 0x5ea1 | STRHLP_FileNotExists | Specified file does not exist on filesystem | 0xA1 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
524 | 0x5ea2 | STRHLP_PathNotExists | Specified path does not exist | 0xA2 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
525 | 0x5ea3 | STRHLP_FileCreationFailed | Failed to create download image or read flash file | 0xA3 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
526 | 0x5ea4 | STRHLP_RegionMismatch | Region in flash write/read reply does not match expected region | 0xA4 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
527 | 0x5ea5 | STRHLP_AddressMismatch | Address in flash write/read reply does not match expected address | 0xA5 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
528 | 0x5ea6 | STRHLP_LengthMismatch | Length in flash write/read reply does not match expected length | 0xA6 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
529 | 0x5ea7 | STRHLP_StatusError | Status field in reply signals error | 0xA7 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
530 | 0x5ea8 | STRHLP_InvalidTypeId | Reply has invalid type ID (should be of action reply type) | 0xA8 | linux/devices/startracker/StrHelper.h | STR_HELPER |
531 | 0x5ba0 | IPCI_PapbBusy | 0xA0 | linux/obc/PapbVcInterface.h | CCSDS_IP_CORE_BRIDGE | |
532 | 0x5ca0 | PTME_UnknownVcId | 0xA0 | linux/obc/Ptme.h | PTME | |
533 | 0x63a0 | RS_RateNotSupported | The commanded rate is not supported by the current FPGA design | 0xA0 | linux/obc/PtmeConfig.h | RATE_SETTER |
534 | 0x63a1 | RS_BadBitRate | Bad bitrate has been commanded (e.g. 0) | 0xA1 | linux/obc/PtmeConfig.h | RATE_SETTER |
535 | 0x63a2 | RS_ClkInversionFailed | Failed to invert clock and thus change the time the data is updated with respect to the tx clock | 0xA2 | linux/obc/PtmeConfig.h | RATE_SETTER |
536 | 0x63a3 | RS_TxManipulatorConfigFailed | Failed to change configuration bit of tx clock manipulator | 0xA3 | linux/obc/PtmeConfig.h | RATE_SETTER |
537 | 0x61a0 | PDEC_AbandonedCltu | 0xA0 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
538 | 0x61a1 | PDEC_FrameDirty | 0xA1 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
539 | 0x61a2 | PDEC_FrameIllegalMultipleReasons | 0xA2 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
540 | 0x61a3 | PDEC_AdDiscardedLockout | 0xA3 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
541 | 0x61a4 | PDEC_AdDiscardedWait | 0xA4 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
542 | 0x61a5 | PDEC_AdDiscardedNsVs | 0xA5 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
543 | 0x61b0 | PDEC_CommandNotImplemented | Received action message with unknown action id | 0xB0 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER |
544 | 0x61a6 | PDEC_NoReport | 0xA6 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
545 | 0x61a7 | PDEC_ErrorVersionNumber | 0xA7 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
546 | 0x61a8 | PDEC_IllegalCombination | 0xA8 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
547 | 0x61a9 | PDEC_InvalidScId | 0xA9 | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
548 | 0x61aa | PDEC_InvalidVcIdMsb | 0xAA | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
549 | 0x61ab | PDEC_InvalidVcIdLsb | 0xAB | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
550 | 0x61ac | PDEC_NsNotZero | 0xAC | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER | |
551 | 0x61ae | PDEC_InvalidBcCc | 0xAE | linux/obc/PdecHandler.h | PDEC_HANDLER |