2023-09-14 12:18:21 +02:00

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# TMTC Commander EIVE
This application can be used to test the EIVE On-Board Software. Furthermore, it can
also be used to retrieve all sorts of telemetry data like housekeeping data.
It is recommended to use this application with a virtual environment.
The [virtual environment](#venv) chapter describes how to set one up. The [requirements](#reqs)
describes how to install all required packages.
The configuration file can currently be found at `tmtc_conf.json`. It caches settings
like the default communication interface or parameters like the TCP port when using the TCP
communication interface.
# Examples
Assuming you are running in a [virtual environment](#venv) and all [package requirements](#reqs)
were installed properly.
Run CLI mode
Run GUI mode
./tmtcc.py -g
# <a id="venv"></a> Set up virtual environment
## Linux
1. Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
2. Activate virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate
## Windows
1. Create virtual environment
py -m venv venv
2. Activate virtual environment
# <a id="reqs"></a> Install requirements
There are two ways to install the requirements. One is to install the primary dependency
`tmtccmd` interactively.
## Installing via PyPI
Assuming you are running in a virtual environment:
pip install -e .
## Install interactively
Clone the dependency first inside the `deps` folder
cd deps
Then you can install `tmtccmd` interactively
cd tmtccmd
pip install -e .
# Run Linter
Can be used to quickly check validity of script. Install `flake8` first
python3 -m pip install ruff
or on Windows
py -m pip install ruff
and then run it
ruff .
# Run Auto-Formatter
This repo is auto-formatted using `black`. Assuming `black` is installed, you can simply run
black .