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* \file DataPool.h
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
* \brief This file contains the definition of the DataPool class and (temporarily)
* the "extern" definition of the global dataPool instance.
#ifndef DATAPOOL_H_
#define DATAPOOL_H_
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/globalfunctions/Type.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexIF.h>
#include <map>
* \defgroup data_pool Data Pool
* This is the group, where all classes associated with Data Pool Handling belong to.
* This includes classes to access Data Pool variables.
#define DP_FAILURE 1
* \brief This class represents the OBSW global data-pool.
* \details All variables are registered and space is allocated in an initialization
* function, which is passed to the constructor.
* Space for the variables is allocated on the heap (with a new call).
* The data is found by a data pool id, which uniquely represents a variable.
* Data pool variables should be used with a blackboard logic in mind,
* which means read data is valid (if flagged so), but not necessarily up-to-date.
* Variables are either single values or arrays.
* \ingroup data_pool
class DataPool : public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* \brief This is the actual data pool itself.
* \details It is represented by a map
* with the data pool id as index and a pointer to a single PoolEntry as value.
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*> data_pool;
* \brief The mutex is created in the constructor and makes access mutual exclusive.
* \details Locking and unlocking the pool is only done by the DataSet class.
MutexIF* mutex;
* \brief In the classes constructor, the passed initialization function is called.
* \details To enable filling the pool,
* a pointer to the map is passed, allowing direct access to the pool's content.
* On runtime, adding or removing variables is forbidden.
DataPool( void ( *initFunction )( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>* pool_map ) );
* \brief The destructor iterates through the data_pool map and calls all Entries destructors to clean up the heap.
* \brief This is the default call to access the pool.
* \details A pointer to the PoolEntry object is returned.
* The call checks data pool id, type and array size. Returns NULL in case of failure.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
* \param sizeOrPosition The array size (not byte size!) of the pool entry, or the position the user wants to read.
* If smaller than the entry size, everything's ok.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* getData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t sizeOrPosition );
* \brief An alternative call to get a data pool entry in case the type is not implicitly known
* (i.e. in Housekeeping Telemetry).
* \details It returns a basic interface and does NOT perform
* a size check. The caller has to assure he does not copy too much data.
* Returns NULL in case the entry is not found.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
PoolEntryIF* getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id );
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to acquire the mutex.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool();
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to free the mutex.
ReturnValue_t freeDataPoolLock();
* \brief The print call is a simple debug method.
* \details It prints the current content of the data pool.
* It iterates through the data_pool map and calls each entry's print() method.
void print();
* Extracts the data pool id from a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The data pool id as used within the OBSW.
static uint32_t PIDToDataPoolId( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Extracts an array index out of a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The index of the corresponding data pool entry.
static uint8_t PIDToArrayIndex( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Retransforms a data pool id and an array index to a SCOS 2000 PID.
static uint32_t poolIdAndPositionToPid( uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index );
* Method to return the type of a pool variable.
* @param parameter_id A parameterID (not pool id) of a DP member.
* @param type Returns the type or TYPE::UNKNOWN_TYPE
* @return RETURN_OK if parameter exists, RETURN_FAILED else.
ReturnValue_t getType( uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type );
* Method to check if a PID exists.
* Does not lock, as there's no possibility to alter the list that is checked during run-time.
* @param parameterId The PID (not pool id!) of a parameter.
* @return true if exists, false else.
bool exists(uint32_t parameterId);
//We assume someone globally instantiates a DataPool.
extern DataPool dataPool;
#endif /* DATAPOOL_H_ */