115 lines
3.6 KiB
115 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "spiDefinitions.h"
#include "../dma.h"
#include "stm32h7xx_hal_spi.h"
#include <cstdint>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief This file provides MSP implementation for DMA, IRQ and Polling mode for the
* SPI peripheral. This configuration is required for the SPI communication to work.
namespace spi {
struct MspCfgBase {
virtual ~MspCfgBase() = default;
void (* cleanUpMacroWrapper) (void) = nullptr;
void (* setupMacroWrapper) (void) = nullptr;
GPIO_TypeDef* sckPort = nullptr;
uint32_t sckPin = 0;
uint8_t sckAlternateFunction = 0;
GPIO_TypeDef* mosiPort = nullptr;
uint32_t mosiPin = 0;
uint8_t mosiAlternateFunction = 0;
GPIO_TypeDef* misoPort = nullptr;
uint32_t misoPin = 0;
uint8_t misoAlternateFunction = 0;
struct MspPollingConfigStruct: public MspCfgBase {};
/* A valid instance of this struct must be passed to the MSP initialization function as a void*
argument */
struct MspIrqConfigStruct: public MspPollingConfigStruct {
SpiBus spiBus = SpiBus::SPI_1;
user_handler_t spiIrqHandler = nullptr;
user_args_t spiUserArgs = nullptr;
IRQn_Type spiIrqNumber = SPI1_IRQn;
// Priorities for NVIC
// Pre-Empt priority ranging from 0 to 15. If FreeRTOS calls are used, only 5-15 are allowed
IrqPriorities preEmptPriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
IrqPriorities subpriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
/* A valid instance of this struct must be passed to the MSP initialization function as a void*
argument */
struct MspDmaConfigStruct: public MspIrqConfigStruct {
void (* dmaClkEnableWrapper) (void) = nullptr;
dma::DMAIndexes txDmaIndex;
dma::DMAIndexes rxDmaIndex;
dma::DMAStreams txDmaStream;
dma::DMAStreams rxDmaStream;
IRQn_Type txDmaIrqNumber = DMA1_Stream0_IRQn;
IRQn_Type rxDmaIrqNumber = DMA1_Stream1_IRQn;
// Priorities for NVIC
IrqPriorities txPreEmptPriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
IrqPriorities rxPreEmptPriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
IrqPriorities txSubpriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
IrqPriorities rxSubpriority = IrqPriorities::LOWEST;
using msp_func_t = void (*) (SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void getMspInitFunction(msp_func_t* init_func, MspCfgBase **args);
void getMspDeinitFunction(msp_func_t* deinit_func, MspCfgBase **args);
void halMspInitDma(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void halMspDeinitDma(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void halMspInitInterrupt(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void halMspDeinitInterrupt(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void halMspInitPolling(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
void halMspDeinitPolling(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi, MspCfgBase* cfg);
* Assign MSP init functions. Important for SPI configuration
* @param init_func
* @param init_args
* @param deinit_func
* @param deinit_args
void setSpiDmaMspFunctions(MspDmaConfigStruct* cfg,
msp_func_t initFunc = &spi::halMspInitDma,
msp_func_t deinitFunc= &spi::halMspDeinitDma
void setSpiIrqMspFunctions(MspIrqConfigStruct* cfg,
msp_func_t initFunc = &spi::halMspInitInterrupt,
msp_func_t deinitFunc= &spi::halMspDeinitInterrupt
void setSpiPollingMspFunctions(MspPollingConfigStruct* cfg,
msp_func_t initFunc = &spi::halMspInitPolling,
msp_func_t deinitFunc= &spi::halMspDeinitPolling
void mspErrorHandler(const char* const function, const char *const message);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* FSFW_HAL_STM32H7_SPI_MSPINIT_H_ */