FreeRTOS Improvements #82

muellerr wants to merge 24 commits from KSat:mueller_FreeRTOS_improvements into master
18 changed files with 1083 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/BinSemaphUsingTask.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::BinarySemaphoreUsingTask() {
handle = TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle();
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "Could not retrieve task handle. Please ensure the"
"constructor was called inside a task." << std::endl;
BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::~BinarySemaphoreUsingTask() {
// Clear notification value on destruction.
xTaskNotifyAndQuery(handle, 0, eSetValueWithOverwrite, nullptr);
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs) {
TickType_t timeout = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT;
if(timeoutMs == SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT) {
timeout = SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT;
else if(timeoutMs > SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT){
timeout = pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeoutMs);
return acquireWithTickTimeout(timeout);
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::acquireWithTickTimeout(
TickType_t timeoutTicks) {
BaseType_t returncode = ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, timeoutTicks);
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT;
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::release() {
return release(this->handle);
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::release(
TaskHandle_t taskHandle) {
if(getSemaphoreCounter(taskHandle) == 1) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED;
BaseType_t returncode = xTaskNotifyGive(taskHandle);
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
// This should never happen.
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
TaskHandle_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::getTaskHandle() {
return handle;
uint8_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::getSemaphoreCounter() const {
return getSemaphoreCounter(this->handle);
uint8_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::getSemaphoreCounter(
TaskHandle_t taskHandle) {
uint32_t notificationValue;
xTaskNotifyAndQuery(taskHandle, 0, eNoAction, &notificationValue);
return notificationValue;
// Be careful with the stack size here. This is called from an ISR!
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::releaseFromISR(
TaskHandle_t taskHandle, BaseType_t * higherPriorityTaskWoken) {
if(getSemaphoreCounterFromISR(taskHandle, higherPriorityTaskWoken) == 1) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED;
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(taskHandle, higherPriorityTaskWoken);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
uint8_t BinarySemaphoreUsingTask::getSemaphoreCounterFromISR(
TaskHandle_t taskHandle, BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken) {
uint32_t notificationValue = 0;
xTaskNotifyAndQueryFromISR(taskHandle, 0, eNoAction, &notificationValue,
return notificationValue;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
* @brief Binary Semaphore implementation using the task notification value.
* The notification value should therefore not be used
* for other purposes.
* @details
* Additional information:
* and general semaphore documentation.
class BinarySemaphoreUsingTask: public SemaphoreIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF {
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::SEMAPHORE_IF;
//! @brief Default ctor
//! @brief Default dtor
virtual~ BinarySemaphoreUsingTask();
ReturnValue_t acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs =
SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT) override;
ReturnValue_t release() override;
uint8_t getSemaphoreCounter() const override;
static uint8_t getSemaphoreCounter(TaskHandle_t taskHandle);
static uint8_t getSemaphoreCounterFromISR(TaskHandle_t taskHandle,
BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken);
* Same as acquire() with timeout in FreeRTOS ticks.
* @param timeoutTicks
* @return - @c RETURN_OK on success
* - @c RETURN_FAILED on failure
ReturnValue_t acquireWithTickTimeout(TickType_t timeoutTicks =
* Get handle to the task related to the semaphore.
* @return
TaskHandle_t getTaskHandle();
* Wrapper function to give back semaphore from handle
* @param semaphore
* @return - @c RETURN_OK on success
* - @c RETURN_FAILED on failure
static ReturnValue_t release(TaskHandle_t taskToNotify);
* Wrapper function to give back semaphore from handle when called from an ISR
* @param semaphore
* @param higherPriorityTaskWoken This will be set to pdPASS if a task with
* a higher priority was unblocked. A context switch should be requested
* from an ISR if this is the case (see TaskManagement functions)
* @return - @c RETURN_OK on success
* - @c RETURN_FAILED on failure
static ReturnValue_t releaseFromISR(TaskHandle_t taskToNotify,
BaseType_t * higherPriorityTaskWoken);
TaskHandle_t handle;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/BinarySemaphore.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
BinarySemaphore::BinarySemaphore() {
handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "Semaphore: Binary semaph creation failure" << std::endl;
// Initiated semaphore must be given before it can be taken.
BinarySemaphore::~BinarySemaphore() {
BinarySemaphore::BinarySemaphore(BinarySemaphore&& s) {
handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "Binary semaphore creation failure" << std::endl;
BinarySemaphore& BinarySemaphore::operator =(
BinarySemaphore&& s) {
if(&s != this) {
handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "Binary semaphore creation failure" << std::endl;
return *this;
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs) {
TickType_t timeout = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT;
if(timeoutMs == SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT) {
timeout = SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT;
else if(timeoutMs > SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT){
timeout = pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeoutMs);
return acquireWithTickTimeout(timeout);
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::acquireWithTickTimeout(TickType_t timeoutTicks) {
if(handle == nullptr) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_INVALID;
BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreTake(handle, timeoutTicks);
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT;
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::release() {
return release(handle);
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::release(SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore) {
if (semaphore == nullptr) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_INVALID;
BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreGive(semaphore);
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED;
uint8_t BinarySemaphore::getSemaphoreCounter() const {
return uxSemaphoreGetCount(handle);
SemaphoreHandle_t BinarySemaphore::getSemaphore() {
return handle;
// Be careful with the stack size here. This is called from an ISR!
ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::releaseFromISR(
SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore, BaseType_t * higherPriorityTaskWoken) {
if (semaphore == nullptr) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_INVALID;
BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(semaphore,
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/semphr.h>
* @brief OS Tool to achieve synchronization of between tasks or between
* task and ISR. The default semaphore implementation creates a
* binary semaphore, which can only be taken once.
* @details
* Documentation:
* Please note that if the semaphore implementation is only related to
* the synchronization of one task, the new task notifications can be used,
* also see the BinSemaphUsingTask and CountingSemaphUsingTask classes.
* These use the task notification value instead of a queue and are
* faster and more efficient.
* @author R. Mueller
* @ingroup osal
class BinarySemaphore: public SemaphoreIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF {
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::SEMAPHORE_IF;
//! @brief Default ctor
//! @brief Copy ctor, deleted explicitely.
BinarySemaphore(const BinarySemaphore&) = delete;
//! @brief Copy assignment, deleted explicitely.
BinarySemaphore& operator=(const BinarySemaphore&) = delete;
//! @brief Move ctor
BinarySemaphore (BinarySemaphore &&);
//! @brief Move assignment
BinarySemaphore & operator=(BinarySemaphore &&);
//! @brief Destructor
virtual ~BinarySemaphore();
uint8_t getSemaphoreCounter() const override;
* Take the binary semaphore.
* If the semaphore has already been taken, the task will be blocked
* for a maximum of #timeoutMs or until the semaphore is given back,
* for example by an ISR or another task.
* @param timeoutMs
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT on timeout
ReturnValue_t acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs =
SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT) override;
* Same as lockBinarySemaphore() with timeout in FreeRTOS ticks.
* @param timeoutTicks
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT on timeout
ReturnValue_t acquireWithTickTimeout(TickType_t timeoutTicks =
* Release the binary semaphore.
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if the semaphores is
* already available.
ReturnValue_t release() override;
* Get Handle to the semaphore.
* @return
SemaphoreHandle_t getSemaphore();
* Wrapper function to give back semaphore from handle
* @param semaphore
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if the semaphores is
* already available.
static ReturnValue_t release(SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore);
* Wrapper function to give back semaphore from handle when called from an ISR
* @param semaphore
* @param higherPriorityTaskWoken This will be set to pdPASS if a task with
* a higher priority was unblocked. A context switch from an ISR should
* then be requested (see TaskManagement functions)
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if the semaphores is
* already available.
static ReturnValue_t releaseFromISR(SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore,
BaseType_t * higherPriorityTaskWoken);
SemaphoreHandle_t handle;

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/CountingSemaphUsingTask.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::CountingSemaphoreUsingTask(const uint8_t maxCount,
uint8_t initCount): maxCount(maxCount) {
if(initCount > maxCount) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphoreUsingTask: Max count bigger than "
"intial cout. Setting initial count to max count." << std::endl;
initCount = maxCount;
handle = TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle();
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphoreUsingTask: Could not retrieve task "
"handle. Please ensure the constructor was called inside a "
"task." << std::endl;
uint32_t oldNotificationValue;
xTaskNotifyAndQuery(handle, 0, eSetValueWithOverwrite,
if(oldNotificationValue != 0) {
sif::warning << "CountinSemaphoreUsingTask: Semaphore initiated but "
"current notification value is not 0. Please ensure the "
"notification value is not used for other purposes!" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < initCount; i++) {
CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::~CountingSemaphoreUsingTask() {
// Clear notification value on destruction.
// If this is not desired, don't call the destructor
// (or implement a boolean which disables the reset)
xTaskNotifyAndQuery(handle, 0, eSetValueWithOverwrite, nullptr);
ReturnValue_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs) {
TickType_t timeout = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT;
if(timeoutMs == SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT) {
timeout = SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT;
else if(timeoutMs > SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT){
timeout = pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeoutMs);
return acquireWithTickTimeout(timeout);
ReturnValue_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::acquireWithTickTimeout(
TickType_t timeoutTicks) {
// Decrement notfication value without resetting it.
BaseType_t oldCount = ulTaskNotifyTake(pdFALSE, timeoutTicks);
if (getSemaphoreCounter() == oldCount - 1) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT;
ReturnValue_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::release() {
if(getSemaphoreCounter() == maxCount) {
return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED;
return release(handle);
ReturnValue_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::release(
TaskHandle_t taskToNotify) {
BaseType_t returncode = xTaskNotifyGive(taskToNotify);
if (returncode == pdPASS) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
// This should never happen.
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
uint8_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::getSemaphoreCounter() const {
uint32_t notificationValue = 0;
xTaskNotifyAndQuery(handle, 0, eNoAction, &notificationValue);
return notificationValue;
TaskHandle_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::getTaskHandle() {
return handle;
ReturnValue_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::releaseFromISR(
TaskHandle_t taskToNotify, BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken) {
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(taskToNotify, higherPriorityTaskWoken);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
uint8_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::getSemaphoreCounterFromISR(
TaskHandle_t task, BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken) {
uint32_t notificationValue;
xTaskNotifyAndQueryFromISR(task, 0, eNoAction, &notificationValue,
return notificationValue;
uint8_t CountingSemaphoreUsingTask::getMaxCount() const {
return maxCount;

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/CountingSemaphUsingTask.h>
#include <framework/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h>
extern "C" {
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
* @brief Couting Semaphore implementation which uses the notification value
* of the task. The notification value should therefore not be used
* for other purposes.
* @details
* Additional information:
* and general semaphore documentation.
class CountingSemaphoreUsingTask: public SemaphoreIF {
CountingSemaphoreUsingTask(const uint8_t maxCount, uint8_t initCount);
virtual ~CountingSemaphoreUsingTask();
* Acquire the counting semaphore.
* If no semaphores are available, the task will be blocked
* for a maximum of #timeoutMs or until one is given back,
* for example by an ISR or another task.
* @param timeoutMs
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT on timeout
ReturnValue_t acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT) override;
* Release a semaphore, increasing the number of available counting
* semaphores up to the #maxCount value.
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if #maxCount semaphores are
* already available.
ReturnValue_t release() override;
uint8_t getSemaphoreCounter() const override;
* Get the semaphore counter from an ISR.
* @param task
* @param higherPriorityTaskWoken This will be set to pdPASS if a task with
* a higher priority was unblocked. A context switch should be requested
* from an ISR if this is the case (see TaskManagement functions)
* @return
static uint8_t getSemaphoreCounterFromISR(TaskHandle_t task,
BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken);
* Acquire with a timeout value in ticks
* @param timeoutTicks
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT on timeout
ReturnValue_t acquireWithTickTimeout(
TickType_t timeoutTicks = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT);
* Get handle to the task related to the semaphore.
* @return
TaskHandle_t getTaskHandle();
* Release semaphore of task by supplying task handle
* @param taskToNotify
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if #maxCount semaphores are
* already available.
static ReturnValue_t release(TaskHandle_t taskToNotify);
* Release seamphore of a task from an ISR.
* @param taskToNotify
* @param higherPriorityTaskWoken This will be set to pdPASS if a task with
* a higher priority was unblocked. A context switch should be requested
* from an ISR if this is the case (see TaskManagement functions)
* @return -@c RETURN_OK on success
* -@c SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED if #maxCount semaphores are
* already available.
static ReturnValue_t releaseFromISR(TaskHandle_t taskToNotify,
BaseType_t* higherPriorityTaskWoken);
uint8_t getMaxCount() const;
TaskHandle_t handle;
const uint8_t maxCount;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/CountingSemaphore.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
#include <freertos/semphr.h>
// Make sure #define configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES 1 is set in
// free FreeRTOSConfig.h file.
CountingSemaphore::CountingSemaphore(const uint8_t maxCount, uint8_t initCount):
maxCount(maxCount), initCount(initCount) {
if(initCount > maxCount) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphoreUsingTask: Max count bigger than "
"intial cout. Setting initial count to max count." << std::endl;
initCount = maxCount;
handle = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(maxCount, initCount);
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphore: Creation failure" << std::endl;
CountingSemaphore::CountingSemaphore(CountingSemaphore&& other):
maxCount(other.maxCount), initCount(other.initCount) {
handle = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(other.maxCount, other.initCount);
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphore: Creation failure" << std::endl;
CountingSemaphore& CountingSemaphore::operator =(
CountingSemaphore&& other) {
handle = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(other.maxCount, other.initCount);
if(handle == nullptr) {
sif::error << "CountingSemaphore: Creation failure" << std::endl;
return * this;
uint8_t CountingSemaphore::getMaxCount() const {
return maxCount;

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/BinarySemaphore.h>
* @brief Counting semaphores, which can be acquire more than once.
* @details
* See:
* API of counting semaphores is almost identical to binary semaphores,
* so we just inherit from binary semaphore and provide the respective
* constructors.
class CountingSemaphore: public BinarySemaphore {
CountingSemaphore(const uint8_t maxCount, uint8_t initCount);
//! @brief Copy ctor, disabled
CountingSemaphore(const CountingSemaphore&) = delete;
//! @brief Copy assignment, disabled
CountingSemaphore& operator=(const CountingSemaphore&) = delete;
//! @brief Move ctor
CountingSemaphore (CountingSemaphore &&);
//! @brief Move assignment
CountingSemaphore & operator=(CountingSemaphore &&);
/* Same API as binary semaphore otherwise. acquire() can be called
* until there are not semaphores left and release() can be called
* until maxCount is reached. */
uint8_t getMaxCount() const;
const uint8_t maxCount;
uint8_t initCount = 0;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
#include "MessageQueue.h"
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/MessageQueue.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
// TODO I guess we should have a way of checking if we are in an ISR and then use the "fromISR" versions of all calls
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(size_t message_depth, size_t max_message_size) :
defaultDestination(0),lastPartner(0) {
handle = xQueueCreate(message_depth, max_message_size);
// TODO I guess we should have a way of checking if we are in an ISR and then
// use the "fromISR" versions of all calls
// As a first step towards this, introduces system context variable which needs
// to be switched manually
// Haven't found function to find system context.
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(size_t messageDepth, size_t maxMessageSize) {
handle = xQueueCreate(messageDepth, maxMessageSize);
if (handle == NULL) {
sif::error << "MessageQueue creation failed" << std::endl;
sif::error << "MessageQueue: Creation failed" << std::endl;
@ -18,6 +20,10 @@ MessageQueue::~MessageQueue() {
void MessageQueue::switchSystemContext(CallContext callContext) {
this->callContext = callContext;
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendMessage(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,
MessageQueueMessage* message, bool ignoreFault) {
return sendMessageFrom(sendTo, message, this->getId(), ignoreFault);
@ -27,6 +33,11 @@ ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendToDefault(MessageQueueMessage* message) {
return sendToDefaultFrom(message, this->getId());
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendToDefaultFrom(MessageQueueMessage* message,
MessageQueueId_t sentFrom, bool ignoreFault) {
return sendMessageFrom(defaultDestination,message,sentFrom,ignoreFault);
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::reply(MessageQueueMessage* message) {
if (this->lastPartner != 0) {
return sendMessageFrom(this->lastPartner, message, this->getId());
@ -35,6 +46,29 @@ ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::reply(MessageQueueMessage* message) {
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendMessageFrom(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,
MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom,
bool ignoreFault) {
return sendMessageFromMessageQueue(sendTo, message, sentFrom,
ignoreFault, callContext);
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::handleSendResult(BaseType_t result, bool ignoreFault) {
if (result != pdPASS) {
if (not ignoreFault) {
InternalErrorReporterIF* internalErrorReporter =
if (internalErrorReporter != nullptr) {
return MessageQueueIF::FULL;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::receiveMessage(MessageQueueMessage* message,
MessageQueueId_t* receivedFrom) {
ReturnValue_t status = this->receiveMessage(message);
@ -45,7 +79,8 @@ ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::receiveMessage(MessageQueueMessage* message,
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::receiveMessage(MessageQueueMessage* message) {
BaseType_t result = xQueueReceive(handle,reinterpret_cast<void*>(message->getBuffer()), 0);
BaseType_t result = xQueueReceive(handle,reinterpret_cast<void*>(
message->getBuffer()), 0);
if (result == pdPASS){
this->lastPartner = message->getSender();
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
@ -70,45 +105,40 @@ MessageQueueId_t MessageQueue::getId() const {
void MessageQueue::setDefaultDestination(MessageQueueId_t defaultDestination) {
defaultDestinationSet = true;
this->defaultDestination = defaultDestination;
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendMessageFrom(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,
MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom,
bool ignoreFault) {
return sendMessageFromMessageQueue(sendTo,message,sentFrom,ignoreFault);
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendToDefaultFrom(MessageQueueMessage* message,
MessageQueueId_t sentFrom, bool ignoreFault) {
return sendMessageFrom(defaultDestination,message,sentFrom,ignoreFault);
MessageQueueId_t MessageQueue::getDefaultDestination() const {
return defaultDestination;
bool MessageQueue::isDefaultDestinationSet() const {
return 0;
return defaultDestinationSet;
// static core function to send messages.
ReturnValue_t MessageQueue::sendMessageFromMessageQueue(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,
MessageQueueMessage *message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom,
bool ignoreFault) {
bool ignoreFault, CallContext callContext) {
BaseType_t result = xQueueSendToBack(reinterpret_cast<void*>(sendTo),reinterpret_cast<const void*>(message->getBuffer()), 0);
if (result != pdPASS) {
if (!ignoreFault) {
InternalErrorReporterIF* internalErrorReporter = objectManager->get<InternalErrorReporterIF>(
if (internalErrorReporter != NULL) {
BaseType_t result;
if(callContext == CallContext::TASK) {
result = xQueueSendToBack(reinterpret_cast<QueueHandle_t>(sendTo),
static_cast<const void*>(message->getBuffer()), 0);
else {
/* If the call context is from an interrupt,
* request a context switch if a higher priority task
* was blocked by the interrupt. */
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
result = xQueueSendFromISR(reinterpret_cast<QueueHandle_t>(sendTo),
static_cast<const void*>(message->getBuffer()),
if(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE) {
return MessageQueueIF::FULL;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
return handleSendResult(result, ignoreFault);

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@ -4,50 +4,78 @@
#include <framework/internalError/InternalErrorReporterIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MessageQueueMessage.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/queue.h>
//TODO this class assumes that MessageQueueId_t is the same size as void* (the FreeRTOS handle type), compiler will catch this but it might be nice to have something checking or even an always working solution
// TODO: this class assumes that MessageQueueId_t is the same size as void*
// (the FreeRTOS handle type), compiler will catch this but it might be nice
// to have something checking or even an always working solution
* @brief This class manages sending and receiving of message queue messages.
* @details Message queues are used to pass asynchronous messages between processes.
* @brief This class manages sending and receiving of
* message queue messages.
* @details
* Message queues are used to pass asynchronous messages between processes.
* They work like post boxes, where all incoming messages are stored in FIFO
* order. This class creates a new receiving queue and provides methods to fetch
* received messages. Being a child of MessageQueueSender, this class also provides
* methods to send a message to a user-defined or a default destination. In addition
* it also provides a reply method to answer to the queue it received its last message
* from.
* The MessageQueue should be used as "post box" for a single owning object. So all
* message queue communication is "n-to-one".
* For creating the queue, as well as sending and receiving messages, the class makes
* use of the operating system calls provided.
* \ingroup message_queue
* received messages. Being a child of MessageQueueSender, this class also
* provides methods to send a message to a user-defined or a default destination.
* In addition it also provides a reply method to answer to the queue it
* received its last message from.
* The MessageQueue should be used as "post box" for a single owning object.
* So all message queue communication is "n-to-one".
* For creating the queue, as well as sending and receiving messages, the class
* makes use of the operating system calls provided.
* Please keep in mind that FreeRTOS offers different calls for message queue
* operations if called from an ISR.
* For now, the system context needs to be switched manually.
* @ingroup osal
* @ingroup message_queue
class MessageQueue : public MessageQueueIF {
friend class MessageQueueSenderIF;
* @brief The constructor initializes and configures the message queue.
* @details By making use of the according operating system call, a message queue is created
* @details
* By making use of the according operating system call, a message queue is created
* and initialized. The message depth - the maximum number of messages to be
* buffered - may be set with the help of a parameter, whereas the message size is
* automatically set to the maximum message queue message size. The operating system
* sets the message queue id, or i case of failure, it is set to zero.
* @param message_depth The number of messages to be buffered before passing an error to the
* @param message_depth
* The number of messages to be buffered before passing an error to the
* sender. Default is three.
* @param max_message_size With this parameter, the maximum message size can be adjusted.
* @param max_message_size
* With this parameter, the maximum message size can be adjusted.
* This should be left default.
MessageQueue( size_t message_depth = 3, size_t max_message_size = MessageQueueMessage::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE );
MessageQueue( size_t messageDepth = 3,
size_t maxMessageSize = MessageQueueMessage::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE );
/** Copying message queues forbidden */
MessageQueue(const MessageQueue&) = delete;
MessageQueue& operator=(const MessageQueue&) = delete;
* @brief The destructor deletes the formerly created message queue.
* @details This is accomplished by using the delete call provided by the operating system.
* @details This is accomplished by using the delete call provided
* by the operating system.
virtual ~MessageQueue();
* This function is used to switch the call context. This has to be called
* if a message is sent or received from an ISR!
* @param callContext
void switchSystemContext(CallContext callContext);
* @brief This operation sends a message to the given destination.
* @details It directly uses the sendMessage call of the MessageQueueSender parent, but passes its
@ -74,6 +102,30 @@ public:
ReturnValue_t reply( MessageQueueMessage* message );
* @brief With the sendMessage call, a queue message is sent to a receiving queue.
* @details This method takes the message provided, adds the sentFrom information and passes
* it on to the destination provided with an operating system call. The OS's return
* value is returned.
* @param sendTo This parameter specifies the message queue id to send the message to.
* @param message This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* @param sentFrom The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into the message.
* This variable is set to zero by default.
* @param ignoreFault If set to true, the internal software fault counter is not incremented if queue is full.
virtual ReturnValue_t sendMessageFrom( MessageQueueId_t sendTo, MessageQueueMessage* message,
MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE, bool ignoreFault = false );
* @brief The sendToDefault method sends a queue message to the default destination.
* @details In all other aspects, it works identical to the sendMessage method.
* @param message This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* @param sentFrom The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into the message.
* This variable is set to zero by default.
virtual ReturnValue_t sendToDefaultFrom( MessageQueueMessage* message,
MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE, bool ignoreFault = false );
* @brief This function reads available messages from the message queue and returns the sender.
* @details It works identically to the other receiveMessage call, but in addition returns the
@ -107,53 +159,50 @@ public:
* @brief This method returns the message queue id of this class's message queue.
MessageQueueId_t getId() const;
* \brief With the sendMessage call, a queue message is sent to a receiving queue.
* \details This method takes the message provided, adds the sentFrom information and passes
* it on to the destination provided with an operating system call. The OS's return
* value is returned.
* \param sendTo This parameter specifies the message queue id to send the message to.
* \param message This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* \param sentFrom The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into the message.
* This variable is set to zero by default.
* \param ignoreFault If set to true, the internal software fault counter is not incremented if queue is full.
virtual ReturnValue_t sendMessageFrom( MessageQueueId_t sendTo, MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE, bool ignoreFault = false );
* \brief The sendToDefault method sends a queue message to the default destination.
* \details In all other aspects, it works identical to the sendMessage method.
* \param message This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* \param sentFrom The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into the message.
* This variable is set to zero by default.
virtual ReturnValue_t sendToDefaultFrom( MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE, bool ignoreFault = false );
* \brief This method is a simple setter for the default destination.
* @brief This method is a simple setter for the default destination.
void setDefaultDestination(MessageQueueId_t defaultDestination);
* \brief This method is a simple getter for the default destination.
* @brief This method is a simple getter for the default destination.
MessageQueueId_t getDefaultDestination() const;
bool isDefaultDestinationSet() const;
* Implementation to be called from any send Call within MessageQueue and MessageQueueSenderIF
* \details This method takes the message provided, adds the sentFrom information and passes
* it on to the destination provided with an operating system call. The OS's return
* value is returned.
* \param sendTo This parameter specifies the message queue id to send the message to.
* \param message This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* \param sentFrom The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into the message.
* This variable is set to zero by default.
* \param ignoreFault If set to true, the internal software fault counter is not incremented if queue is full.
* @brief Implementation to be called from any send Call within
* MessageQueue and MessageQueueSenderIF.
* @details
* This method takes the message provided, adds the sentFrom information and
* passes it on to the destination provided with an operating system call.
* The OS's return value is returned.
* @param sendTo
* This parameter specifies the message queue id to send the message to.
* @param message
* This is a pointer to a previously created message, which is sent.
* @param sentFrom
* The sentFrom information can be set to inject the sender's queue id into
* the message. This variable is set to zero by default.
* @param ignoreFault
* If set to true, the internal software fault counter is not incremented
* if queue is full.
* @param context Specify whether call is made from task or from an ISR.
static ReturnValue_t sendMessageFromMessageQueue(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE,bool ignoreFault=false);
static ReturnValue_t sendMessageFromMessageQueue(MessageQueueId_t sendTo,
MessageQueueMessage* message, MessageQueueId_t sentFrom = NO_QUEUE,
bool ignoreFault=false, CallContext callContext = CallContext::TASK);
static ReturnValue_t handleSendResult(BaseType_t result, bool ignoreFault);
bool defaultDestinationSet = false;
QueueHandle_t handle;
MessageQueueId_t defaultDestination;
MessageQueueId_t lastPartner;
MessageQueueId_t defaultDestination = 0;
MessageQueueId_t lastPartner = 0;
//!< Stores the current system context
CallContext callContext = CallContext::TASK;
#endif /* MESSAGEQUEUE_H_ */

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
#include <framework/ipc/MutexIF.h>
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include "semphr.h"
extern "C" {
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/semphr.h>
class Mutex : public MutexIF {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#include <framework/ipc/MutexFactory.h>
#include "../FreeRTOS/Mutex.h"
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/Mutex.h>
//TODO: Different variant than the lazy loading in QueueFactory. What's better and why? -> one is on heap the other on bss/data
//TODO: Different variant than the lazy loading in QueueFactory.
//What's better and why? -> one is on heap the other on bss/data
//MutexFactory* MutexFactory::factoryInstance = new MutexFactory();
MutexFactory* MutexFactory::factoryInstance = NULL;
MutexFactory* MutexFactory::factoryInstance = nullptr;
MutexFactory::MutexFactory() {
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ MutexFactory::~MutexFactory() {
MutexFactory* MutexFactory::instance() {
if (factoryInstance == NULL){
if (factoryInstance == nullptr){
factoryInstance = new MutexFactory();
return MutexFactory::factoryInstance;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/BinarySemaphore.h>
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/CountingSemaphore.h>
#include <framework/tasks/SemaphoreFactory.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
SemaphoreFactory* SemaphoreFactory::factoryInstance = nullptr;
const uint32_t SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT = 0;
const uint32_t SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT = portMAX_DELAY;
SemaphoreFactory::SemaphoreFactory() {
SemaphoreFactory::~SemaphoreFactory() {
delete factoryInstance;
SemaphoreFactory* SemaphoreFactory::instance() {
if (factoryInstance == nullptr){
factoryInstance = new SemaphoreFactory();
return SemaphoreFactory::factoryInstance;
SemaphoreIF* SemaphoreFactory::createBinarySemaphore() {
return new BinarySemaphore();
SemaphoreIF* SemaphoreFactory::createCountingSemaphore(uint8_t count,
uint8_t initCount) {
return new CountingSemaphore(count, initCount);
void SemaphoreFactory::deleteMutex(SemaphoreIF* semaphore) {
delete semaphore;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
void TaskManagement::requestContextSwitchFromTask() {
void TaskManagement::requestContextSwitch(
CallContext callContext = CallContext::TASK) {
if(callContext == CallContext::ISR) {
// This function depends on the partmacro.h definition for the specific device
} else {
TaskHandle_t TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle() {
return xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE TaskManagement::getTaskStackHighWatermark() {
return uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
extern "C" {
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
#include <cstdint>
* Architecture dependant portmacro.h function call.
* Should be implemented in bsp.
extern "C" void requestContextSwitchFromISR();
* Used by functions to tell if they are being called from
* within an ISR or from a regular task. This is required because FreeRTOS
* has different functions for handling semaphores and messages from within
* an ISR and task.
enum class CallContext {
TASK = 0x00,//!< task_context
ISR = 0xFF //!< isr_context
class TaskManagement {
* @brief In this function, a function dependant on the portmacro.h header
* function calls to request a context switch can be specified.
* This can be used if sending to the queue from an ISR caused a task
* to unblock and a context switch is required.
static void requestContextSwitch(CallContext callContext);
* If task preemption in FreeRTOS is disabled, a context switch
* can be requested manually by calling this function.
static void requestContextSwitchFromTask(void);
* @return The current task handle
static TaskHandle_t getCurrentTaskHandle();
* Get returns the minimum amount of remaining stack space in words
* that was a available to the task since the task started executing.
* Please note that the actual value in bytes depends
* on the stack depth type.
* E.g. on a 32 bit machine, a value of 200 means 800 bytes.
* @return Smallest value of stack remaining since the task was started in
* words.
static configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE getTaskStackHighWatermark();

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ enum {
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ enum {
FW_CLASS_ID_COUNT //is actually count + 1 !

tasks/SemaphoreFactory.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include <framework/tasks/SemaphoreIF.h>
* Creates Semaphore.
* This class is a "singleton" interface, i.e. it provides an
* interface, but also is the base class for a singleton.
class SemaphoreFactory {
virtual ~SemaphoreFactory();
* Returns the single instance of SemaphoreFactory.
* The implementation of #instance is found in its subclasses.
* Thus, we choose link-time variability of the instance.
static SemaphoreFactory* instance();
* Create a binary semaphore.
* Creator function for a binary semaphore which may only be acquired once
* @param argument Can be used to pass implementation specific information.
* @return Pointer to newly created semaphore class instance.
SemaphoreIF* createBinarySemaphore(uint32_t arguments = 0);
* Create a counting semaphore.
* Creator functons for a counting semaphore which may be acquired multiple
* times.
* @param count Semaphore can be taken count times.
* @param initCount Initial count value.
* @param argument Can be used to pass implementation specific information.
* @return
SemaphoreIF* createCountingSemaphore(const uint8_t maxCount,
uint8_t initCount, uint32_t arguments = 0);
void deleteSemaphore(SemaphoreIF* semaphore);
* External instantiation is not allowed.
static SemaphoreFactory* factoryInstance;

tasks/SemaphoreIF.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/FwClassIds.h>
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <cstdint>
* @brief Generic interface for semaphores, which can be used to achieve
* task synchronization. This is a generic interface which can be
* used for both binary semaphores and counting semaphores.
* @details
* A semaphore is a synchronization primitive.
* See:
* A semaphore can be used to achieve task synchonization and track the
* availability of resources by using either the binary or the counting
* semaphore types.
* If mutual exlcusion of a resource is desired, a mutex should be used,
* which is a special form of a semaphore and has an own interface.
class SemaphoreIF {
virtual~ SemaphoreIF() {};
//! Needs to be defined in implementation. No blocking time
static const uint32_t NO_TIMEOUT;
//! Needs to be defined in implementation. Blocks indefinitely.
static const uint32_t MAX_TIMEOUT;
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::SEMAPHORE_IF;
//! Semaphore timeout
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(1);
//! The current semaphore can not be given, because it is not owned
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(2);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SEMAPHORE_INVALID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(3);
* Generic call to acquire a semaphore.
* If there are no more semaphores to be taken (for a counting semaphore,
* a semaphore may be taken more than once), the taks will block
* for a maximum of timeoutMs while trying to acquire the semaphore.
* This can be used to achieve task synchrnization.
* @param timeoutMs
* @return - c RETURN_OK for successfull acquisition
virtual ReturnValue_t acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs) = 0;
* Corrensponding call to release a semaphore.
* @return -@c RETURN_OK for successfull release
virtual ReturnValue_t release() = 0;
* If the semaphore is a counting semaphore then the semaphores current
* count value is returned. If the semaphore is a binary semaphore then 1
* is returned if the semaphore is available, and 0 is returned if the
* semaphore is not available.
virtual uint8_t getSemaphoreCounter() const = 0;